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  • 1
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource
    Edition: Reprint of the 1. ed., Roma, 1975
    ISBN: 9783642111136 , 9783642111143
    Series Statement: CIME summer schools 70
    Note: Beitr. teilw. engl., teilw. franz.
    Language: English
    Subjects: Mathematics
    Keywords: Differentialoperator ; Mannigfaltigkeit ; Konferenzschrift
    Author information: Vesentini, Edoardo 1928-2020
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
    Format: Online-Ressource (310p, digital)
    ISBN: 9783642111143
    Series Statement: C.I.M.E. Summer Schools 70
    Content: Lectures: M.F. Atiyah: Classical groups and classical differential operators on manifolds -- R. Bott: Some aspects of invariant theory in differential geometry -- E.M. Stein: Singular integral operators and nilpotent groups -- Seminars: P. Malliavin: Diffusion et géométrie différentielle globale -- S. Helgason: Solvability of invariant differential operators on homonogeneous manifolds.
    Content: Lectures: M.F. Atiyah: Classical groups and classical differential operators on manifolds.- R. Bott: Some aspects of invariant theory in differential geometry.- E.M. Stein: Singular integral operators and nilpotent groups.- Seminars: P. Malliavin: Diffusion et géométrie différentielle globale.- S. Helgason: Solvability of invariant differential operators on homonogeneous manifolds.
    Note: Description based upon print version of record , Differential Operators on Manifolds; Copyright Page; Contents; Classical Groups and Classical Differentjal Operators on Manifolds; Lecture I; Lecture II; Lecture III; Lecture IV; Lecture V; Lecture VI; Lecture VII; Lecture VIII; References; Some Aspects of Invariant Theory in Differential Geometry; 1. Introduction; 2. Some basic theorems in differential geometry; 3. The full linear group; 4. The Group Diff M; 5. The Jet-spaces Image; 6. The natural thickenings of M; 7. The "first main theorem" of invariant theory and some of its applications; 8. Characteristic classes of Foliations , BibliographySingular Integral Operators and Nilpotent Groups; 1. The Hilbert transform and the Cauchy integral; 2. Homogeneous distributions in Image; 3. LP Theory; 4. Sobolev and Lipschitz spaces; 5. Pseudo-differential operators; 6. Parametricies and estimates for elliptic operators; 7. Entr'acte; 8. Cauchy-Szego integral and Heisenberg group; 9. Homogeneous groups; 10. The Image-complex on the Heisenberg group; 11. The Lewy equation; 12. Application to hypoelliptic operators Literature; Literature; Diffusions et Geometrie Differentielle Globale , Chapitre 0. Premiers éléments de la Théorie des diffusionsChapitre I. Equations de comparaisons et diffusions; Chapitre II. Annulations de cohomologie et propriétés ergodiques de la diffusion horizontale; Chapitre III. Formules de Poisson; Appendice; References; Solvability of Invariant Differential Operators on Homogeneous Manipolds; 1 . Introduction and summary; 2. Solvability results. Indications of proofs; Bibliography;
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783642111136
    Additional Edition: Buchausg. u.d.T. Differential Operators on Manifolds Berlin : Springer, 2010 ISBN 9783642111136
    Language: English
    Keywords: Differentialoperator ; Mannigfaltigkeit ; Konferenzschrift ; Konferenzschrift
    URL: Volltext  (lizenzpflichtig)
    URL: Volltext  (lizenzpflichtig)
    URL: Cover
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 3
    Format: 310 Seiten , 24 cm
    Edition: Repr.
    ISBN: 9783642111136
    Series Statement: CIME summer schools 70
    Note: Repr. of the 1. ed., 1975 , Text engl.
    Language: English
    Keywords: Differentialoperator ; Mannigfaltigkeit ; Kongress ; Varenna 〈1975〉 ; Kongress ; Konferenzschrift
    Author information: Vesentini, Edoardo
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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