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    Online Resource
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    Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer Berlin Heidelberg :
    Format: XXI, 406 p. , online resource.
    ISBN: 9783642503191
    Series Statement: Electric Energy Systems and Engineering Series,
    Content: Numerical methods for solving boundary value problems have developed rapidly. Knowledge of these methods is important both for engineers and scientists. There are many books published that deal with various approximate methods such as the finite element method, the boundary element method and so on. However, there is no textbook that includes all of these methods. This book is intended to fill this gap. The book is designed to be suitable for graduate students in engineering science, for senior undergraduate students as well as for scientists and engineers who are interested in electromagnetic fields. Objective Numerical calculation is the combination of mathematical methods and field theory. A great number of mathematical concepts, principles and techniques are discussed and many computational techniques are considered in dealing with practical problems. The purpose of this book is to provide students with a solid background in numerical analysis of the field problems. The book emphasizes the basic theories and universal principles of different numerical methods and describes why and how different methods work. Readers will then understand any methods which have not been introduced and will be able to develop their own new methods. Organization Many of the most important numerical methods are covered in this book. All of these are discussed and compared with each other so that the reader has a clear picture of their particular advantage, disadvantage and the relation between each of them. The book is divided into four parts and twelve chapters.
    Note: 1 Universal Concepts for Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Problems -- 1 Fundamental Concepts of Electromagnetic Field Theory -- 2 General Outline of Numerical Methods -- 2 Domain Methods -- 3 Finite Difference Method (FDM) -- 4 Fundamentals of Finite Element Method (FFM) -- 5 Variational Finite Element Method -- 6 Elements and Shape Functions -- 3 Boundary Methods -- 7 Charge Simulation Method (CSM) -- 8 Surface Charge Simulation Method (SSM) -- 9 Boundary Element Method (BEM) -- 10 Moment Methods -- 4 Optimization Methods of Electromagnetic Field Problems -- 11 Methods of Applied Optimization -- 12 Optimizing Electromagnetic Devices.
    In: Springer eBooks
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783642503214
    Language: English
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