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    Online Resource
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    Oxford :Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann,
    Format: 1 online resource (485 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 1-281-00335-2 , 9786611003357 , 0-08-047269-9
    Content: Environmental Hydraulics is a new text for students and professionals studying advanced topics in river and estuarine systems. The book contains the full range of subjects on open channel flows, including mixing and dispersion, Saint-Venant equations method of characteristics and interactions between flowing water and its surrondings (air entrainment, sediment transport).
    Note: Cover; Environmental Hydraulics of Open Channel Flows; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; About the author; Dedication; Glossary; List of symbols; Reminder; Dimensionless numbers; Notes; Part 1 Introduction to Open Channel Flows; 1. Introduction; Summary; 1.1 Presentation; 1.1.1 Discussion: hydraulic engineering through history; 1.2 Fluid properties; 1.3 Fluid statics; 1.4 Open channel flows; 1.5 Exercises; 2. Fundamentals of open channel flows; Summary; 2.1 Presentation; Basic definitions; 2.2 Fundamental principles , Discussion: the Bernoulli equation; Applications to open channel flow situations; 2.3 Open channel hydraulics of short, frictionless transitions; Application to horizontal channels; Application to non-horizontal channels; Froude number; Discussion; 2.4 The hydraulic jump; 2.5 Open channel flow in long channels; 2.5.1 Presentation; 2.5.2 Uniform equilibrium flows; 2.5.3 GVF calculations; Integration of the GVF equation; 2.6 Summary; 2.7 Exercises; Part 2 Turbulent Mixing and Dispersion in Rivers and Estuaries: An Introduction; 3. Introduction to mixing and dispersion in natural waterways , 3.1 Introduction; Discussion; 3.2 Laminar and turbulent flows; Shear stress; 3.3 Basic definitions; 3.4 Structure of the section; 3.5 Appendix A - Application: buoyancy force exerted on a submerged air bubble; Spherical bubble; Bubble rise velocity in still water; Bubble rise velocity in a non-hydrostatic pressure gradient; 3.6 Appendix B - Freshwater properties; 3.7 Exercises; 3.8 Exercise solutions; 4. Turbulent shear flows; 4.1 Presentation; Summary; DISCUSSION; The Couette flow; 4.2 Jets and wakes; Discussion; 4.3 Boundary layer flows; Velocity distribution; Applications , Turbulent boundary layer development along a smooth flat plate; 4.4 Fully developed open channel flows; 4.5 Mixing in turbulent shear flows; 4.5.1 Presentation; 4.5.2 Discussion: effects of contaminants on shear flows; 4.6 Exercises; 4.7 Exercise solutions; 5. Diffusion: basic theory; 5.1 Basic equations; Summary; 5.2 Applications; 5.2.1 Initial mass slug; DISCUSSION; 5.2.2 Initial step function C[sub(m)](x, 0); 5.2.3 Sudden increase in mass concentration at the origin; DISCUSSION; 5.2.4 Effects of solid boundaries; 5.3 Appendix A - Mathematical aids; Differential operators; Error function , Notation; Constants; Mathematical bibliography; 5.4 Exercises; 5.5 Exercise solutions; 6. Advective diffusion; Summary; 6.1 Basic equations; 6.2 Basic applications; 6.2.1 Advective diffusion of a sharp front; 6.2.2 Initial mass slug introduced at t = 0 and x = 0; 6.2.3 Transverse mixing of two streams with different concentrations; 6.2.4 Sudden mass contamination in a river; 6.3 Two- and three-dimensional applications; 6.4 Exercises; 6.5 Exercise solutions; 7. Turbulent dispersion and mixing: 1. Vertical and transverse mixing; Summary; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Flow resistance in open channel flows; 7.3 Vertical and transverse (lateral) mixing in turbulent river flows , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-7506-6165-8
    Language: English
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