1 Blu-ray-Disc (220 Min.)
Uniform Title:
Rick and Morty - Season 2
"Rick and Morty" is an American adult animated science-fiction sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network's nighttime programming block Adult Swim. It is distributed internationally by Warner Bros. Domestic Television. The series follows the misadventures of cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his good-hearted but fretful grandson Morty Smith, who split their time between domestic life and interdimensional adventures that take place across an infinite number of realities, often travelling to other planets and dimensions through portals and on Rick's flying saucer. The general concept of Rick and Morty relies on two conflicting scenarios: domestic family drama, and an alcoholic grandfather dragging his grandson into hijinks. []
Episode 01: Geteilte Zeit ist doppelte Zeit [A Rickle in Time]
Episode 02: Fünf Tage bis Mortynacht [Mortynight Run]
Episode 03: Ein alter Schwarm [Auto Erotic Assimilation]
Episode 04: Freunde und andere Parasiten [Total Rickall]
Episode 05: Recall im Weltall [Get Schwifty]
Episode 06: Die Götter müssen verRickt sein [The Ricks Must Be Crazy]
Episode 07: Jugendwahn [Big Trouble in Little Sanchez]
Episode 08: Wer A sagt, muss auch Penis sagen [Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate]
Episode 09: Anarchie für Anfänger [Look Who's Purging Now]
Episode 10: Die Vogelmenschhochzeit [The Wedding Squanchers]
dt. ; engl. ; franz. ; span. ; portug. / UT: franz. ; span. ; portug. ; niederländ. ; dt. für Hörgesch. ; engl. für Hörgesch.