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    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (1 v)
    ISBN: 9781784713942
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Allaire, Yvan and Mihaela E. Firsirotu (1984), 'Theories of Organizational Culture', Organization Studies, 5 (3), 193-226. -- Alvesson, Mats (1993), Cultural Perspectives on Organizations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Anthony, Peter (1994), Managing Organizational Culture, Buckinghamshire: Open University Press. -- Barley, Stephen R. and Gideon Kunda (1992), 'Design and Devotion: Surges of Rational and Normative Ideologies of Control in Managerial Discourse', Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, 363-99. -- Barley, Stephen R., Gordon W. Meyer and Debra C. Gash (1988), 'Cultures of Culture: Academics, Practitioners and the Pragmatics of Normative Control', Administrative Science Quarterly, 33, 24-60. -- Barney, Jay B. (1986), 'Organizational Culture: Can it be a Source of Competitive Advantage?', Academy of Management Review, 11 (3), 656-65. -- , Becker, Howard S., Blanche Geer, Everett C. Hughes and Anselm Strauss (1961), Boys in White: Student Culture in Medical School, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Berger, Peter and Thomas Luckmann (1966), The Social Construction of Reality, NY: Anchor Books. -- Blau, Peter M. (1955), The Dynamics of Bureaucracy: A Study of Interpersonal Relations in Two Government Agencies, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Bolman, Lee G. and Terrence E. Deal (1991), Reframing Organizations, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. -- Bormann, Ernest G. (1983), 'Symbolic Convergence: Organizational Communication and Culture', in Linda Putnam and Michael Pacanowsky (eds), Communication and Organizations: An Interpretive Approach, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 99-122. -- Brower, Ralph S., Mitchel Y. Abolafia and Jered B. Carr (2000), 'On Improving Qualitative Methods in Public Administration Research', Administration and Society, 32, 363-97. -- Brown, Andrew (1995), Organisational Culture, London: Pitman. -- , Burrell, Gibson and Gareth Morgan (1979), Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis, Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. -- Calás, Marta B. and Linda Smircich (1991), 'Voicing Seduction to Silence Leadership', Organization Studies, 12 (4), 567-601. -- Calás, Marta B. and Linda Smircich (1993), 'Dangerous Liaisons? Feminine-in-Management meets Globalisation', Business Horizons, March-April: 73-83. -- Cameron, Kim S. and Robert E. Quinn (1988), 'Organizational Paradox and Transformation', in Robert E. Quinn and Kim S. Cameron (eds), Paradox and Transformation: Toward a Theory of Change in Organization and Management, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1-18. -- Clegg, Stewart, Martin Kornberger and Tyrone Pitsis (2005), Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, London: SAGE. -- Clifford, James and George E. Marcus (1986), Writing Culture, Berkeley: University of California Press , Cohen, Anthony P. (1985), The Symbolic Construction of Community, Chichester/London: Ellis Horwood/Tavistock. -- Crozier, Michel (1964), The Bureaucratic Phenomenon, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Czarniawska-Joerges, Barbara (1992), Exploring Complex Organizations: A Cultural Perspective, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Dalton, Melville (1959), Men who Manage: Fusions of Feeling and Theory in Administration, New York: Wiley. -- Davis, Stanley M. (1984), Managing Corporate Culture, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger. -- Delbridge, Rick (1998), Life on the Line in Contemporary Manufacturing: The Workplace Experience of Lean Production and the 'Japanese' Model, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Fine, Gary Alan (1996), Kitchens: The Culture of Restaurant Work, Berkeley: University of California Press. -- Frost, Peter J., Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig C. Lundberg and Joanne Martin (eds) (1985), Organizational Culture, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- , Frost, Peter J., Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig C. Lundberg and Joanne Martin (eds) (1991), Reframing Organizational Culture, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Gabriel, Yiannis (1991), 'Organizations and their Discontents:A Psychoanalytic Contribution to the Study of Organizational Culture', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 27 (3), 318-36. -- Gagliardi, Pasquale (1986), 'The Creation and Change of Organizational Culture: A Conceptual Framework', Organization Studies, 7 (2), 117-34. -- Geertz, Clifford (1973), The Interpretation of Cultures, NY: Basic Books. -- Geertz, Clifford (1988), Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. -- Giddens, Anthony (1974), New Rules of Sociological Method, London: Hutchinson. -- Goffman, Erving (1983 [1959]), De Dramaturgie van het Dagelijks Leven [The presentation of self in everyday life], Utrecht: Bijleveld. -- , Golden-Biddle, Karen, and Karen Locke (1993) 'Appealing Work: An Investigation of How Ethnographic texts convince', Organization Science, 4, 595-616. -- Golden-Biddle, Karen, and Karen Locke (1997), Composing Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE. -- Gomez, Marie-Léandre, Isabelle Bouty and Carole Drucker-Godard (2003), 'Developing Knowing in Practice: Behind the Scenes of Haute Cuisine', in Davide Nicolini, Silvia Gherardi and Dvora Yanow (eds), Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-based Approach, Armonk, NY: M E Sharpe, 100-25. -- Goodman, Nelson (1978), Ways of World-Making, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett , Gouldner, Alvin W. (1954), Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy, Glencoe, IL: Free Press. -- Gouldner, Alvin W. (1955), Wildcat Strike: A Study of an Unofficial Strike, London: Routledge/Kegan Paul. -- Gowler, Dan and Karen Legge (1983), 'The Meaning of Management, the Management of Meaning: A View from Social Anthropology', in M.J. Earl (ed.), Perspectives on Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 99-233. -- Graham, Laurie (1995), 'Inside a Japanese Transplant: A Critical Perspective', Work and Occupations, 20 (2), 147-73. -- Grant, David, Tom Keenoy and Cliff Oswick (eds) (1998), Discourse + Organization, London: SAGE. -- Grant, David, Cynthia Hardy, Cliff Oswick and Linda Putnam (eds) (2004), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Discourse, London: SAGE. -- Gregory, Karen L. (1983), 'Native-view Paradigms: Multiple Cultures and Culture Conflicts in Organizations', Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 359-76. -- , Greiner, Larry E. (1972), 'Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow', Harvard Business Review, 50 (4), July-August, 37-46. -- Grey, Chris (2005), Studying Organizations, London: SAGE. -- Handel, Michael (ed.) (2004), The Sociology of Organizations: Classic, Contemporary, and Critical readings, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. -- Handy, Charles B. (1985), Understanding Organizations, Harmondsworth: Penguin. -- Hannerz, Ulf (1992), Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning, New York: Columbia University Press. -- Haraway, Donna (1988), 'Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of the Partial Perspective', Feminist Studies, 14, 575-99. -- Harding, Sandra (1993), 'Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What is "Strong Objectivity "?', in Linda Alcoff and Elizabeth Potter (eds), Feminist Epistemologies, New York: Routledge, 49-82. -- , Hatch, Mary Jo (1996), 'The Role of the Researcher: An Analysis of Narrative Position in Organization Theory', Journal of Management Inquiry, 5, 359-74. -- Hatch, Mary Jo (1997), Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Hatch, Mary Jo and Ann Cunliffe (2007), Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives, 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Homans, George C. (1950), The Human Group, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World.Hofstede, Geert H., Bram Neuijen, Denise Daval Ohayiv and Geert Sanders (1990), 'Measuring Organizational Cultures', Administrative Science Quarterly, 35, 286-316 , Hummel, Ralph P. (1991), 'Stories Managers tell: Why They are Valid as Science', Public Administration Review, 51 (1), 31-41. -- Jackall, Robert (1989), Moral Mazes: The world of Corporate Managers, New York, NY: Oxford University Press. -- Jones, Michael Owen (1988), 'In Search of Meaning: Using Qualitative Methods in Research and Application', in Michael Owen Jones, Michael Dane Moore, and Richard Christopher Snyder (eds), Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE, 31-48. -- Jones, Michael Owen (1996), Studying Organizational Symbolism: What, How, Why?, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. -- Jones, Michael Owen, Michael Dane Moore and Richard Christopher Snyder (eds) (1988), Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Kanter, Rosabeth Moss (1980), The tale of 'O': On Being Different in an Organization, New York, NY: Harper & Row. -- , Kaufman, Herbert (1960), The Forest Ranger: A Study in Administrative Behavior, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press. -- Kertzer, David I. (1988), Ritual, Politics and Power, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. -- Kilmann, Ralph H., Mary J. Saxton, Roy Serpa and Associates (1985), Gaining Control of the Corporate Culture, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. -- Koot, Willem (1996), 'The Rhetoric of Synergy and the Practice of Increasing Ethnic Rivalry in Organizations', in Willem Koot, Ida Sabelis and Sierk Ybema (eds), Contradictions in Context: Puzzling over Paradoxes in Contemporary Organizations, Amsterdam: VU University Press, 63-85. -- Koot, Willem, Ida Sabelis and Sierk Ybema (eds) (1996), Contradictions in Context: Puzzling over Paradoxes in Contemporary Organizations, Amsterdam: VU University Press. -- Kuhn, Thomas S. (1970), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- , Kunda, Gideon (1992), Engineering Culture: Control and Commitment in a High-tech Corporation, Philadelphia: Temple University Press. -- Linstead, Stephen, Robert Grafton-Small and Paul Jeffcutt (eds) (1996), Understanding Management, London: SAGE. -- Louis, Meryl Reis (1985), 'Organizations as Culture-bearing Milieux', in Peter J. Frost et al. (eds) Organizational Culture, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 73-93. -- Lucas, Rob (1987), 'Political-cultural Analysis of Organizations', Academy of Management Review, 12, 144-56. -- Lundberg, Craig C. (1985), 'On the Feasibility of Cultural Intervention', in Peter J. Frost et al., Organizational Culture, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 169-85. -- Manning, Peter K. (1977), Police Work: The Social Organization of Policing, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- , Martin, Joanne (1990), 'Breaking up the Mono-method Monopolies in Organizational Analysis', in John Hassard and D. Pym (eds), The Theory and Philosophy of Organizations: Critical Issues and New Perspectives, London: Routledge, 30-43 , Martin, Joanne (1992), Cultures in Organizations: Three Perspectives, New York: Oxford University Press. -- Martin, Joanne (2002), Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. -- Martin, Joanne and Debra Meyerson (1988), 'Organizational Culture and the Denial, Channelling and Acknowledgment of Ambiguity', in Louis Pondy, R. Boland, and H. Thomas (eds), Managing Ambiguity and Change, New York: Wiley, 93-125. -- Martin, Joanne and Peter Frost (1996), 'The Organizational Culture War Games: A Struggle for Intellectual Dominance', in Stewart R. Clegg, Cynthia Hardy, and Walter Nord (eds), Handbook of Organization Studies, London: SAGE, 599-621. -- Martin, Joanne and Melanie E. Powers (1983), 'Truth or Corporate Propaganda: The Value of a Good War Story', in Louis R. Pondy et al. (eds), Organizational Symbolism, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. -- , Martin, Joanne and Caren Siehl (1983), 'Organizational Culture and Counterculture: An Uneasy Symbiosis', Organizational Dynamics, 12, 52-64. -- McAuley, John, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson (2007), Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives, London: PrenticeHall. -- McGregor, Douglas (1960), The Human Side of Enterprise, New York: McGraw-Hill. -- Miettinen, Reijo, Dalvir Samra-Fredericks and Dvora Yanow (eds) (2009), 'Return to Practice', Special Issue, Organization Studies, 30 (12), 1309-493. -- Morey, Nancy C. and Fred Luthans (1985), 'Refining the Concept of Culture and the Use of Scenes and Themes in organizational studies', Academy of Management Review, 10, 219-29. -- Morrill, Calvin (1995), The Executive Way: Conflict Management in Corporations, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Morgan, Gareth (1986), Images of Organization, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE. -- , Nahavandi, Afsaneh and Ali R. Malekzadeh (1988), 'Acculturation in Mergers and Acquisitions', Academy of Management Review, 13 (1), 79-90. -- Nicolini, Davide, Silvia Gherardi and Dvora Yanow (eds) (2003), Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-based Approach, Armonk, NY: M E Sharpe. -- Ogbonna, Emmanuel and Barry Wilkinson (1988), 'Corporate Strategy and Corporate Culture: The View from the Checkout', Personnel Review, 19 (4), 9-15. -- Olson, Margrethe H. (1982), 'New Information Technology and Organizational Culture', MIS Quarterly, 6, 71-92. -- Ouchi, William G. (1981), Theory Z: How American Business can Meet the Japanese Challenge, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. -- Parker, Martin (2000), Organizational Culture and Identity, London: SAGE. -- Pascale, Richard Tanner and Anthony G. Athos (1981), The Art of Japanese Management, New York: Simon & Schuster , Peters, Thomas J. and Robert H. Waterman (1982), In Search of Excellence, NY: Harper and Row. -- Pfeffer, Jeffrey (1981), Power in Organizations, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger. -- Phillips, Margaret E. (1994), 'Industry Mindsets: Exploring the Cultures of Two Macro-Organizational Settings', Organization Science, 5 (3), 384-402. -- Pondy, Louis R., Peter J. Frost, Gareth Morgan and Thomas C. Dandridge (eds) (1983), Organizational Symbolism, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. -- Quinn, Robert E. and Michael R. McGrath (1985), 'The Transformation of Organizational Cultures: A Competing Values Perspective', in Peter J. Frost et al., Organizational Culture, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 31-53. -- Rafaeli, Anat and Michael G. Pratt (eds) (2006), Artifacts and Organizations: Beyond Mere Symbolism, Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. -- Riley, Patricia (1983), 'A Structurationist Account of Political Cultures', Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 414-37. -- , Rorty, Richard (1979), Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. -- Roethlisberger, Fritz J. and William J. Dickson (1939) Management and the Worker, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. -- Roy, Donald (1954), 'Efficiency and "the Fix " Informal Intergroup Relations in a Piecework Machine Shop', American Journal of Sociology, 57 (5), 427-42. -- Rosen, Michael (1986), 'Some Notes from the Field: On Ethnography and Organizational Science', Dragon, 6, 57-67. -- Sackmann, Sonja A. (1992), 'Culture and Subcultures: An Analysis of Organizational Knowledge', Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, 140-61. -- Sackmann, Sonja A. (ed.) (1997a), Cultural Complexity in Organizations: Inherent Contrasts and Contradictions, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Sackmann, Sonja A. (1997b), 'Introduction', in Sonja A. Sackmann (ed.), Cultural Complexity in Organizations: Inherent Contrasts and Contradictions, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE, 1-13. -- , Sanders, Geert and Bram Neuijen (1989), Bedrijfscultuur, Diagnose en Beïnvloeding, Assen: Van Gorcum. -- Sathe, Vijay (ed.) (1985), Culture and Related Corporate Realities, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin. -- Schein, Edgar H. (1978), Career Dynamics, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. -- Schein, Edgar H. ((1985), (1992)) Organizational Culture and Leadership, 1st and 2nd eds. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. -- Schneider, Benjamin (ed.) 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Turner (1971), 'The Industrial Subculture', 'The Attribution of Meaning', 'Communication and Ritual', and 'Communication and Language', in Exploring the Industrial Subculture, New York, NY: Macmillan, 1-46, 146-62 -- Andrew M. Pettigrew (1979), 'On Studying Organizational Cultures', Administrative Science Quarterly, 24 (4), December, 570-81 -- Linda Smircich (1983), 'Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis', Administrative Science Quarterly, 28 (3), September, 339-58 -- Edgar H. Schein (1984), 'Coming to a New Awareness of Organizational Culture', Sloan Management Review, 25 (2), Winter, 3-16 , William G. Ouchi and Alfred M. Jaeger (1978), 'Type Z Organization: Stability in the Midst of Mobility', Academy of Management Review, 3 (2), April, 305-14 -- Terrence E. Deal and Allan A. Kennedy (1982), 'Strong Cultures: The New "Old Rule " for Business Success', in Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life, Chapter 1, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 3-19, 210-211 -- John Van Maanen and Stephen R. Barley (1985), 'Cultural Organization: Fragments of a Theory', in Peter J. Frost, Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig C. Lundberg and Joanne Martin (eds), Organizational Culture, Chapter 2, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 31-53, references -- Debra Meyerson and Joanne Martin (1987), 'Cultural Change: An Integration of Three Different Views', Journal of Management Studies, 24 (6), November, 623-47 -- Ed. Young (1989), 'On the Naming of the Rose: Interests and Multiple Meanings as Elements of Organizational Culture', Organization Studies, 10 (2), 187-206 -- , Hugh Willmott (1993), 'Strength is Ignorance; Slavery is Freedom: Managing Culture in Modern Organizations', Journal of Management Studies, 30 (4), 515-52 -- John M. Jermier, John W. Slocum, Jr., Louis W. Fry, Jeannie Gaines (1991), 'Organizational Subcultures in a Soft Bureaucracy: Resistance Behind the Myth and Facade of an Official Culture', Organization Science, 2 (2), May, 170-94 -- David L. Collinson (1992), 'Conclusion', in Managing the Shopfloor: Subjectivity, Masculinity and Workplace Culture, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 211-31, references -- Edgar H. Schein (1983), 'The Role of the Founder in Creating Organizational Culture', Organizational Dynamics, 12 (1), Summer, 13-28 -- Mary Jo Hatch (1993), 'The Dynamics of Organizational Culture', Academy of Management Review, 18 (4), October, 657-93 -- , Paul Bate (1994), 'Towards an Integrated Strategy for Cultural Change', in Strategies for Cultural Change, Chapter 7, Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, 135-65, references -- Mats Alvesson (2002), 'Cultural Change and Conclusions', in Understanding Organizational Culture, Chapter 8, London, UK: age, 170-95, references -- Jeffrey Pfeffer (1981), 'Management as Symbolic Action: The Creation and Maintenance of Organizational Paradigms', in Larry L. Cummings and Barry M. Staw (eds), Research in Organizational Behavior, 3, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Inc, 1-52 -- Linda Smircich and Gareth Morgan (1982), 'Leadership: The Management of Meaning', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 18 (3), Special Issue, 257-73 -- Virginia Hill Ingersoll and Guy B. Adams (1986), 'Beyond Organizational Boundaries: Exploring the Managerial Myth', Administration and Society, 18 (3), November, 360-81 -- , Barbara Gray, Michel G. Bougon and Anne Donnellon (1985), 'Organizations as Constructions and Destructions of Meaning', Journal of Management, 11 (2), 83-98 -- Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges (1992), 'Budgets as Texts: On Collective Writing in the Public Sector', Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 2 (4), 221-39 -- Linda Smircich (1995), 'Writing Organizational Tales: Reflections on Three Books on Organizational Culture', Organization Science, 6 (2), March-April, 232-7 -- Geert Hofstede (1983), 'The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories', Journal of International Business Studies, 14 (2), Special Issue, Fall, 75-89 , John Van Maanen and Stephen R. Barley (1984), 'Occupational Communities: Culture and Control in Organizations', in Barry M. Staw and Larry L. Cummings (eds), Research in Organizational Behavior, 6, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 287-365 -- Arnon E. 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Alutto (1969), 'The Role of Ceremonials in Organizational Behavior', Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 23 (1), October, 40-51 -- Burton R. Clark (1972), 'The Organizational Saga in Higher Education', Administrative Science Quarterly, 17 (2), June, 178-84 -- Ian I. Mitroff and Ralph H. Kilmann (1975), 'Stories Managers Tell: A New Tool for Organizational Problem Solving', Management Review, 64 (7), July, 18-28 -- John W. Meyer and Brian Rowan (1977), 'Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony', American Journal of Sociology, 83 (2), September, 340-63 -- , Thomas C. Dandridge, Ian Mitroff and William F. Joyce (1980), 'Organizational Symbolism: A Topic to Expand Organizational Analysis', Academy of Management Review, 5 (1), January, 77-82 -- Meryl Reis Louis (1980), 'Surprise and Sense Making: What Newcomers Experience in Entering Unfamiliar Organizational Settings', Administrative Science Quarterly, 25 (2), June, 226-51 -- Barry A. Turner (1986), 'Sociological Aspects of Organizational Symbolism', Organization Studies, 7 (2), 101-15 -- Pasquale Gagliardi (1990), 'Artifacts as Pathways and Remains of Organizational Life', in Symbols and Artifacts: Views of the Corporate Landscape, Berlin, Germany and New York, NY: Walter de Gruyter, 3-38 -- Mats Alvesson and Per Olof Berg (1992), 'Symbolic Management', in Corporate Culture and Organizational Symbolism: An Overview, Berlin, Germany and New York, NY: Walter de Gruyter, 155-73, references -- , Martha S. Feldman and James G. March (1981), 'Information in Organizations as Signal and Symbol', Administrative Science Quarterly, 26 (2), June, 171-86 -- Alan L. Wilkins (1984) 'The Creation of Company Cultures: The Role of Stories and Human Resource Systems', Human Resource Management, 23 (1), Spring, 41-60 -- David M. Boje (1991), 'The Storytelling Organization: A Study of Story Performance in an Office-Supply Firm', Administrative Science Quarterly, 36 (1), March, 106-26 , Yiannis Gabriel (1995), 'The Unmanaged Organization: Stories, Fantasies and Subjectivity', Organization Studies, 16 (3), 477-501 -- Harrison M. Trice and Janice M. Beyer (1984), 'Studying Organizational Cultures Through Rites and Ceremonials', Academy of Management Review, 9 (4), October, 653-69 -- Michael Rosen (1985), 'Breakfast at Spiro's: Dramaturgy and Dominance', Journal of Management, 11 (2), 31-48 -- Per Olof Berg and Kristian Kreiner (1990), 'Corporate Architecture: Turning Physical Settings into Symbolic Resources', in Pasquale Gagliardi (ed.), Symbols and Artifacts: Views of the Corporate Landscape, Berlin, Germany and New York, NY: Walter de Gruyter, 41-62, 64-67 , This authoritative research review presents classical, contemporary and critical texts that have influenced the development of the field of organizational culture and symbolism. This indispensable collection includes seminal papers relating to meaning-making in organizations and the subjective dimensions of organizational life as well as those which chart the field's historical roots
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    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (1 v)
    ISBN: 9781784713225
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Roy Bahl and Richard M. Bird (2008), 'Tax Policy in Developing Countries: Looking Back--and Forward', National Tax Journal, 61 (2), 279-302 -- Saeid Mahdavi (2008), 'The Level and Composition of Tax Revenue in Developing Countries: Evidence from Unbalanced Panel Data', International Review of Economics and Finance, 17 (4), October, 607-17 -- Roger H. Gordon and Wei Li (2009), 'Tax Structures in Developing Countries: Many Puzzles and a Possible Explanation', Journal of Public Economics, 93 (7-8), August, 855-66 -- Michael Keen and Ben Lockwood (2010), 'The Value Added Tax: Its Causes and Consequences', Journal of Development Economics, 92 (2), July, 138-51 -- , Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Violeta Vulovic and Yongzheng Liu (2011), 'Direct Versus Indirect Taxation: Trends, Theory and Economic Significance', in Emilio Albi and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (eds), The Elgar Guide to Tax Systems, Chapter 2, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 37-83 -- Klara Sabirianova Peter, Steve Buttrick and Denvil Duncan (2010), 'Global Reform of Personal Income Taxation, 1981-2005: Evidence From 189 Countries', National Tax Journal, 63 (3), September, 447-78 -- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Robert McNab (2000), 'The Tax Reform Experiment in Transitional Countries', National Tax Journal, 53 (2), June, 273-98 -- Vito Tanzi and Howell H. Zee (2000), 'Tax Policy for Emerging Markets: Developing Countries', National Tax Journal, 53 (2), June, 299-322 -- , Richard M. Bird, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Benno Torgler (2008), 'Tax Effort in Developing Countries and High Income Countries: The Impact of Corruption, Voice and Accountability', Economic Analysis and Policy, 38 (1), March, 55-71 -- Emmanuelle Auriol and Michael Warlters (2005), 'Taxation Base in Developing Countries', Journal of Public Economics, 89 (4), April, 625-46 -- Thomas Piketty and Nancy Qian (2009), 'Income Inequality and Progressive Income Taxation in China and India, 1986-2015', American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1 (2), April, 53-63 -- Jean-Yves Duclos, Paul Makdissi and Abdelkrim Araar (2014), 'Pro-Poor Indirect Tax Reforms, With an Application to Mexico', International Tax and Public Finance, 21 (1), February, 87-118 -- Dillon Alleyne (2007), 'The Evolution of Jamaica's Tax Burden', Public Finance Review, 35 (1), January, 150-71 -- , Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Violeta Vulovic (2012), 'The Impact of Tax and Expenditure Policies on Income Distribution: Evidence from a Large Panel of Countries', Hacienda Pública Española/Review of Public Economics, 200 (4), 95-130 -- Richard M. Bird and Eric M. Zolt (2005), 'Redistribution via Taxation: The Limited Role of the Personal Income Tax in Developing Countries', UCLA Law Review, 52 (6), August, 1627-95 -- Norman Gemmell and Oliver Morrissey (2005), 'Distribution and Poverty Impacts of Tax Structure Reform in Developing Countries: How Little We Know', Development Policy Review, 23 (2), March, 131-44 -- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (2008), 'The Impact of Budgets on the Poor: Tax and Expenditure Benefit Incidence Analysis', in Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Quentin Wodon (eds), Public Finance for Poverty Reduction, Chapter 5, Washington, DC: The World Bank, 113-62 -- , Ehtisham Ahmad and Nicholas Stern (1984), 'The Theory of Reform and Indian Indirect Taxes', Journal of Public Economics, 25 (3), December, 259-98 -- David M. Newbery (1997), 'Optimal Tax Rates and Tax Design During Systemic Reform', Journal of Public Economics, 63 (2), January, 177-206 -- M. Shahe Emran and Joseph E. Stiglitz (2005), 'On Selective Indirect Tax Reform in Developing Countries', Journal of Public Economics, 89 (4), April, 599-623 , Michael Keen (2008), 'VAT, Tariffs, and Withholding: Border Taxes and Informality in Developing Countries', Journal of Public Economics, 92 (10-11), October, 1892-906 -- Emmanuelle Auriol and Michael Warlters (2012), 'The Marginal Cost of Public Funds and Tax Reform in Africa', Journal of Development Economics, 97 (1), January, 58-72 -- Young Lee and Roger H. Gordon (2005), 'Tax Structure and Economic Growth', Journal of Public Economics, 89 (5-6), June, 1027-43 -- Jens Matthias Arnold, Bert Brys, Christopher Heady, Åsa Johansson, Cyrille Schwellnus and Laura Vartia (2011), 'Tax Policy for Economic Recovery and Growth', Economic Journal, 121 (550), February, F59-F80 -- S. M. Ali Abbas and Alexander Klemm (2013), 'A Partial Race to the Bottom: Corporate Tax Developments in Emerging and Developing Economies', International Tax and Public Finance, 20 (4), August, 596-617 -- , Céline Azémar and Andrew Delios (2008), 'Tax Competition and FDI: The Special Case of Developing Countries', Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 22 (1), March, 85-108 -- Timothy Goodspeed, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Li Zhang (2011), 'Public Policies and FDI Location: Differences between Developing and Developed Countries', FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis, 67 (2), 171-91 -- Howell H. Zee, Janet G. Stotsky, and Eduardo Ley (2002), 'Tax Incentives for Business Investment: A Primer for Policy Makers in Developing Countries', World Development, 30 (9), September, 1497-1516 -- Alexander Klemm (2010), 'Causes, Benefits, and Risks of Business Tax Incentives', International Tax and Public Finance, 17 (3), June, 315-36 -- , James Alm, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Friedrich Schneider (2004), '"Sizing" the Problem of the Hard-to-Tax', in James Alm, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Sally Wallace (eds), Taxing the Hard-to-Tax: Lessons from Theory and Practice, Chapter 2, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 11-76 -- James Alm, Roy Bahl and Matthew N. Murray (1991), 'Tax Base Erosion in Developing Countries', Economic Development and Cultural Change, 39 (4), July, 849-72 -- Benjamin A. Olken and Monica Singhal (2011), 'Informal Taxation', American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 3 (4), October, 1-28 -- Arindam Das-Gupta, Shanto Ghosh and Dilip Mookherjee (2004), 'Tax Administration Reform and Tax-Payer Compliance in India', International Tax and Public Finance, 11 (5), September, 575-600 -- Henrik J. Kleven and Mazhar Waseem (2013), 'Using Notches to Uncover Optimization Frictions and Structural Elasticities: Theory and Evidence From Pakistan', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 128 (2), May, 669-723 -- , Roy Bahl and Richard M. Bird (2008), 'Subnational Taxes in Developing Countries: The Way Forward', Public Budgeting and Finance, 28 (4), Winter, 1-25 -- James Alm and Yongzheng Liu (2014), 'China's Tax-For-Fee Reform and Village Inequality', Oxford Development Studies, 42 (1), 38-64 -- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (2007), 'Revenue Assignments in the Practice of Fiscal Decentralization', in Núria Bosch and José M. Durán (eds), Fiscal Federalism and Political Decentralization, Chapter 2, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 27-55 -- Richard Goode (1993), 'Tax Advice to Developing Countries: An Historical Survey', World Development, 21 (1), January, 37-53 -- Knud J. Munk (2008), 'Tax-Tariff Reform with Costs of Tax Administration', International Tax and Public Finance, 15 (6), December, 647-67 , Lawrence Kenny and Stanley L. Winer (2006), 'Tax Systems in the World: An Empirical Investigation into the Importance of Tax Bases, Administrative Costs, Scale and Political Regime', International Tax and Public Finance, 13 (2-3), May, 181-215 -- Charles L. Vehorn (2011), 'Fiscal Adjustment in Developing Countries Through Tax Administration Reform', Journal of Developing Areas, 45 (1), Fall, 323-38 -- Richard M. Bird (2004), 'Administrative Dimensions of Tax Reform', Asia-Pacific Tax Bulletin, 10 (3), March, 134-50 -- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Andrey Timofeev (2010), 'Choosing Between Centralized and Decentralized Models of Tax Administration', International Journal of Public Administration, 33 (12-13), 601-19 -- Odd-Helge Fjeldstad and Mick Moore (2008), 'Tax Reform and State-Building in a Globalised World', in Deborah A. Bräutigam, Odd-Helge Fjeldstad and Mick Moore (eds), Taxation and State-Building in Developing Countries: Capacity and Consent, Chapter 10, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 235-60 -- John Toye (2000), 'Fiscal Crisis and Fiscal Reform in Developing Countries', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24 (1), January, 21-44 -- Micael Castanheira, Gaëtan Nicodème and Paola Profeta (2012), 'On the Political Economics of Tax Reforms: Survey and Empirical Assessment', International Tax and Public Finance, 19 (4), August, 598-624 -- Walter Hettich and Stanley L. Winer (1988), 'Economic and Political Foundations of Tax Structure', American Economic Review, 78 (4), September, 701-12 -- Antonis Adam (2009), 'Fiscal Reliance on Tariff Revenues: In Search of a Political Economy Explanation?', Review of Development Economics, 13 (4), November, 610-25 -- Malcolm Gillis (1985), 'Micro and Macroeconomics of Tax Reform: Indonesia', Journal of Development Economics, 19 (3), December, 221-54 , In recent decades countries around the world have seen a wide diversity of tax reforms, both in major systematic changes, and through more specific areas of tax, such as value-added and income tax. The results of these reforms, however, have been unequal, and many issues remain unresolved. With advances in globalization, technology and regional integration, the issue of adapting tax systems in developing countries to new economic environments is becoming ever more pressing. This Research Review surveys the best research from the past three decades on tax reform in developing countries to highlight the state of knowledge of tax reform, analyse useful policy options and present new and critical approaches to this critical issue
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    Keywords: Electronic books
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    Hoboken, NJ :Wiley,
    Format: 1 online resource (2 volumes (1333 pages)) : , illustrations
    Edition: Fourth edition.
    ISBN: 9781119568087 , 9781119568056 , 1119568056 , 1119568080
    Content: "In the preface to the 1st Edition of the Handbook of Sport Psychology (published by Macmillan), Singer, Murphey, and Tennant (1993) contemplated on issues relating to its structure, topical coverage, authorship, and geographic representation. They found it particularly challenging to distinguish among sport psychology, motor behavior, motor learning, motor control, and motor development while considering the contents and issues to be included in the seminal edition. Their expressed desire was also to provide coverage of research on applied issues, mainly mental interventions, which they claimed must be scientifically/evidenced based. The overall focus was aimed at providing the state of the art research in the relatively new but growing domain, while also acknowledging and highlighting conceptual and methodological issues and limitations to be addressed to facilitate further advancement. The 1st Edition of the Handbook of Sport Psyhcology consisted of 44 chapters embedded within 11 sections"--
    Note: Volume 1. Social Perspectives, Cognition, and Applications -- Part 1. Motivation. Theory of planned behavior / Mark Conner ; Putting individual motivations into the societal context: The influence of social stereotypes in the physical activity domain / Aina Chalabaev & Philippe Sarrazin ; Self-determination theory in sport and exercise / Martyn Standage ; Efficacy beliefs in physical activity settings: Contemporary debate and unanswered questions / Ben Jackson, Mark R. Beauchamp, & James A. Dimmock -- Part 2. Individual Differences. Genetics and motor performance / Sigal Ben-Zaken ; Mental toughness: Taking stock and considering new horizons / Daniel Gucciardi ; Perfectionism in sport, dance, and exercise: An extended review and reanalysis / Andrew P. Hill, Sarah H. Mallinson-Howard, Daniel J. Madigan, & Gareth E. Jowett ; Self-compassion in sport and exercise / Amber Mosewich ; High-risk sports / Tim Woodman, Lew Hardy, & Matthew Barlow ; Self-presentation in sport and exercise / James A. Dimmock, Timothy C. Howle & Ben Jackson ; Theory and research in passion for sport and exercise / Robert Vallerand & Jeremie Verner-Filion -- Part 3. Emotions. Affect responses to exercise / Panteleimon Ekkekakis, Mark E. Hartman, & Matthew A. Ladwig ; Emotions and sport performance / Christopher M. Janelle, Bradley J. Fawver, & Garrett F. Beatty ; Self-conscious emotions in sport and exercise / Catherine M. Sabiston, Eva Pila, & Jenna D. Gilchrist -- Part 4. The self and the Team. Psychology of group dynamics: Key considerations and recent developments / Mark R. Beauchamp, Desmond McEwan, Colin M. Wierts ; Leadership in Sport / Calum A. Arthur & Nicolas Bastardoz ; Koehler effect and social comparison: Performance in teams with real and virtual partners / Deborah L. Feltz & Christopher Hill ; Moral behavior in sport: Reviewing recent research and envisioning a possible future / Ian D. Boardley ; Peers and the sport experience / Alan L. Smith & Sarah Ullrich-French ; Positive youth development through sport / Nicholas L. Holt, Colin J. Deal, & Kurtis Pankow ; Social support in sport / Paul Freeman -- Part 5. Cognition and Expertise. Expertise in sport: The state of the art / David W. Eccles ; The cognitive and affective neuroscience of superior athletic performance / Bradley D. Hatfield, Kyle Jaquess, Li-Chuan Lo, Hyuk Oh ; Mental representation in action: a cognitive architecture approach / Thomas Schack ; Cognition, emotion and action in sport: An ecological dynamics perspective / Duarte Araujo, Keith Davids, & Ian Renshaw ; New perspectives on deliberate practice and the development of sport expertise / Joseph Baker, Bradley W. Young, Rafael A.B. Tedesqui, & Lindsay McCardle ; Early sport specialization and sampling / Jean Cote, Veronica Allan, Jennifer Turnnidge, & Karl Erickson ; Attentional theories of choking under pressure revisited / Rob Gray ; Team mental models: Theory, empirical evidence, and applied implications / Edson Filho & Gershon Tenenbaum ; Creativity: The emergence of a new dimension of sport expertise / Veronique Richard & Mark A. Runco -- Part 6. Interventions and Performance Enhancement. Optimizing attentional focus / Gabriele Wulf & Rebecca Lewthwaite ; Using brain technologies in practice / Maurizio Bertollo, Michael Doppelmyr, & Claudio Robazza ; Eating disorders in sport: From etiology to prevention / Trent A. Petrie ; Sport injuries and psychological sequelae / Diane Wiese-Bjornstal, Kristin N. Wood, & Joseph R. Kronzer ; Mindfulness in sport contexts / Frank L. Gardner & Zella E. Moore ; Ethical issues impacting the profession of sport psychology / Jack C. Watson II, Brandonn S. Harris, & Patrick Baillie. , Volume 2. Exercise, Methodologies, & Special Topics -- Part 7. Exercise as a Medicine. Physical activity promotion / Barbara E. Ainsworth, & Cheryle Der Ananian ; Chronic exercise and cognitive function: A historical view / Jennifer L. Etnier, Chang Yu Kai, & Feng-Tzu Chen ; Brain changes in response to exercise / Karen Zentgraf & Fabian Helm ; The unique contribution of physical activity to successful cognitive aging / Caterina Pesce & Claudia Voelcker-Rehage ; Exercise and multiple sclerosis: Benefits, participation rates, determinants and opportunities / Robert W. Motl, Katie L. Cederberg, Brian M. Sandroff ; The effects of exercise on anxiety and depression / Shawn M. Arent, Alan J. Walker, & Michelle A. Arent ; Physical activity and recovery from breast cancer / Meghan H. McDonough & Nichole Culos-Reed -- Part 8. Exercise engagement and effort. Progression of motivation models in exercise science: Where we have been and where we are heading? / Amanda L. Rebar and Ryan E. Rhodes ; Music-related interventions in the exercise domain: A theory-based approach / Costas I. Karageorghis ; Perceived exertion: Dynamic psychobiological model of exercise-induced fatigue / Natalia Balague, Robert Hristovski, & Sergi Garcia-Retortillo ; The automatic basis of exercise behavior: Do you like exercising? / Ralf Brand & Franziska Antoniewicz ; Habit in Exercise behavior / Amanda L. Rebar, Benjamin Gardner, & Bas Verplanken -- Part 9. Measurement & Methodologies ; Qualitative research / Brett Smith & Andrew C. Sparks ; Doing SEM bayesian-style: New opportunities for sport and exercise psychology / Cameron N. McIntosh ; Modern factor analytic techniques: Bifactor models, exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and bifactor-ESEM / Alexandre J.S. Morin, Nicholas D. Myers, & Seungmin Lee ; Multilevel designs and modeling in sport and exercise psychology: Riding the current wave and looking beyond at the horizon / Patrick Gaudreau, Benjamin Schellenberg, & Alexandre Gareau ; Case study approaches in sport and exercise psychology / Stewart T. Cotterill -- Part 10. Special Topics. Performance psychology: A guiding framework for sport psychology / Markus Raab ; Gender and culture / Diane L. Gill ; Disability and sport psychology / Jeffrey Martin, Michelle Guerrero, & Erin Snapp ; Performance and appearance enhancing drug use in sports: A psychological perspective / Lambos Lazuras & Vassilis Barkoukis ; Psychological aspects in sport concussions / Semyon M. Slobounov & Alexa Walter ; Body language in sport / Philip Furley & Geoffrey Schweizer ; Athlete Burnout / Robert Eklund & J.D. DeFreese
    Additional Edition: Print version: Handbook of sport psychology Hoboken, NJ, USA : Wiley, 2020 ISBN 9781119568070
    Language: English
    Subjects: Psychology , Sports Science
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Aufsatzsammlung
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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (1 v)
    ISBN: 9781784712747
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Akerlof, G.A., W.T. Dickens and G.L. Perry (1996), 'The Macroeconomics of Low Inflation', Brookings Papers on Economics Activity, 1, 1-76. -- Arrow, K.J. and G. Debreu (1954), 'Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy', Econometrica, 22, 265-90. -- Blanchflower, D. and A. Oswald (1994), The Wage Curve, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Card, D. (1995), 'The Wage Curve: A Review', Journal of Economic Literature, XXXIII, 785-99. -- Carlaw, Kenneth and Richard G. Lipsey (2010), 'Darwinian versus Newtonian Views of the Economy: the Schumpeterian versus New Classical Theories', paper presented at the 13th International Schumpeter Society Conference Aalborg, Denmark, June 21-24, 2010 -- Carlaw, Kenneth and Richard G. Lipsey (2011) 'Sustained Endogenous Growth Driven by Structured and Evolving General Purpose Technologies', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, in press. -- , Crawford, A. and A. Harrison (1998), 'Testing for downward rigidity in nominal wage rates', in Price Stability, Inflation Targets, and Monetary Policy, Ottawa: Bank of Canada, 179-218. -- Dosi, Giovanni, Christopher Freeman, Richard Nelson, Gerald Silverberg and Luc Soete (eds) (1988), Technical Change and Economic Theory, London: Pinter. -- Dupasquier, C. and N. Ricketts (1998), 'Non-linearities in the output-inflation relationship', in Price Stability, Inflation Targets, and Monetary Policy, Ottawa: Bank of Canada, 179-218. -- Fisher, I. (1973), 'I discovered the Phillips Curve: a statistical relation between unemployment and price changes', Journal of Political Economy, 81 (2 part II), 496-502. -- Fortin, P. (1991), 'The Phillips Curve, macroeconomic policy, and the welfare of Canadians', Canadian Journal of Economics, 24, 774-803. -- , Freeman, Christopher and Francisco Louçã (2001), As Time Goes By: From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Fuhrer, J., J. Sneddon Little, Y.K. Kodrzycki and G.P. Olivei (eds) (2009), Understanding Inflation and the Implications for Monetary Policy: A Phillips Curve Retrospective, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Gordon, R.J. (2011), 'The history of the Phillips Curve: consensus and bifurcation', Economica, 78, 10-50. -- Granger, C.W.J.. and Y. Jeon (2011), 'The evolution of the Phillips Curve: a modern time series viewpoint', Economica, 78, 51-66. -- Hicks, J.R. (1937), 'Mr. Keynes and the classics; a suggested interpretation', Econometrica, 5, 147-59. -- Hicks, J.R. (1950), A Contribution to the Theory of the Trade Cycle, Oxford: Clarendon Press. -- Hornstein, A. (2008), 'Introduction to the New Keynesian Phillips Curve', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 94, 301-9. -- , Howitt, P. and P. McAfee (1992), 'Animal spirits', American Economic Review, 82, 493-507 , Kaldor, Nicholas (1959), 'Economic growth and the problem of inflation - Part II', Economica, 26, 287-98. -- Keynes, J.M. (1936), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, London: Macmillan. -- King, R.G. (1986), 'The new IS-LM model: language, logic and limits', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 86, 45-103. -- King, R.G. (2008), 'The Phillips Curve and U.S. macroeconomic policy: snapshots, 1958-1996', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 94, 311-59. -- Laidler, D.E.W.. and M. Parkin (1975), 'Inflation: a survey', Economic Journal, 85, 741-809. -- Leeson, Robert (1994), 'Some misunderstandings concerning the contributions made by A.W.H. Phillips and R.G. Lipsey to the inflation-unemployment literature', History of Economics Review, 22, 70-82. -- Leeson, Robert (ed.) (2000), A.W.H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- , Leijonhuvfud, A. (1973), 'Effective demand failures', Swedish Economic Journal, 74, 27-48. -- Lipsey, Richard G. (2007), 'Reflections on the general theory of second best at its golden jubilee', International Tax Public Finance, 14, 349-64. -- Lipsey, Richard G. (2010), 'Evolutionary economics and the disappearing NAIRU and Phillips Curve', in 'Schumpeter for our Century', Special Issue of Homo Oeconomicus, 27 (1/2), 145-76. -- Lipsey, Richard G., Kenneth Carlaw and Clifford Bekar (2005), Economic Transformations: General Purpose Technologies and Long Term Economic Growth', Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Mankiw, N.G. (2007), Macroeconomics, sixth edition, New York: Worth. -- Mankiw, N.G. and D. Romer (eds) (1991), New Keynesian Economics, Volume 1: Imperfect Competition and Sticky Prices, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Mankiw, N.G. and D. Romer (eds) (1991), New Keynesian Economics, Volume 2: Coordination Failures and Real Rigidities, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- , Mankiw, N.G. and W. Scarth (2011), Macroeconomics, fourth Canadian edition, New York: Worth. -- McCallum, B.T. (1980), 'Rational expectations and macroeconomic stabilization policy: an overview', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 12, 716-46. -- Meiselman, D. (1968), 'Comment: is there a meaningful trade-off between inflation and unemployment?', Journal of Political Economy, 76, 743-9. -- Mussa, M. (1981), 'Sticky prices and disequilibrium adjustment in a rational model of the inflationary process', American Economic Review, 71, 1020-27. -- Nason, J.M. and G.W. Smith (2008), 'The new-Keynesian Phillips Curve: lessons from single-equation econometric estimation', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 94, 361-95 , Nelson, R. and S. Winter (1982), An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. -- Newlyn, Walter, (2000), 'The origins of the machine in a personal context', Chapter 8 in Robert Leeson (ed.), A.W.H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 31-8. -- Paish, F.W. (1966), Studies in an Inflationary Economy: The United Kingdom, 1948-1961, London: Macmillan. -- Phillips, A.W.H.. (1957), 'Stabilisation policy and the time-forms of lagged responses', Economic Journal, 67, 265-77. -- Ramsey, Frank P. (1928), 'A mathematical theory of saving', Economic Journal, 38, 543-59. -- Ravenna, F. and C. Walsh (2008), 'Vacancies, unemployment, and the Phillips Curve', European Economic Review, 52, 1494-521. -- Rosen, H. and R.E. Quandt (1978), 'Estimating a disequilibrium aggregate labor market', Review of Economics and Statistics, 60, 371-9. -- , Rosenberg, Nathan (1982), Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Rosenberg, Nathan (1994), Exploring The Black Box: Technology, Economics And History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Rosenberg, Nathan (2010), Studies on Science and the Innovation Process, New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing Company. -- Sargent, T.J. (1982), 'The ends of four big inflations', in R.E. Hall (ed.), Inflation, Chicago: Chicago University Press. -- Schorfheide, F. (2008), 'DSGE model-based estimation of the new-Keynesian Phillips Curve, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 94, 397-433. -- Schmitt-Grohé, S. and M. Uribe (2008), 'Policy implications of the new-Keynesian Phillips Curve', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly Review, 94, 435-65. -- Schumpeter, Joseph (1934), The Theory of Economic Development, English Translation, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (first published in German 1912). -- , Turnovsky, S.J. (2011), 'Stabilization theory and policy: 50 years after the Phillips Curve', Economica, 78, 67-88. -- Vandercamp, J. (1972), 'Inflation: a simple Friedman theory with a Phillips twist', Journal of Monetary Economics, 1(1), 117-22. -- Wulwick, Nancy J. (1987), 'The Phillips Curve: Which? Whose? To do What? How?', Southern Economics Journal, 53, 834-57. -- Irving Fisher (1926), 'A Statistical Relation Between Unemployment and Price Changes', International Labour Review, XIII (6), June, 785-92Thomas M. Humphrey (1985), 'The Early History of the Phillips Curve', Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Review, 71 (2), September/October, 17-24 , A.W. Phillips (1958), 'The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom, 1861-1957', Economica, 25 (100), November, 283-99 -- Richard G. Lipsey (2010), 'The Phillips Curve', in Mark Blaug and Peter Lloyd (eds), Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics, Chapter 50, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 377-92 -- K.G.J.C. Knowles and C.B. Winsten (1959), 'Can the Level of Unemployment Explain Changes in Wages?', Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Statistics, 21 (2), May, 113-20 -- Guy Routh (1959), 'The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates: A Comment', Economica, 26 (104), November, 299-315 -- Richard G. Lipsey (1960), 'The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom, 1862-1957: A Further Analysis', Economica, 27 (105), February, 1-31 -- , James M. Holmes and David J. Smyth (1970), 'The Relation Between Unemployment and Excess Demand for Labour: An Examination of the Theory of the Phillips Curve', Economica, 37 (147), August, 311-15 -- Richard G. Lipsey (1974), 'The Micro Theory of the Phillips Curve Reconsidered: A Reply to Holmes and Smyth', Economica, 41 (161), February, 62-70 -- Nancy J. Wulwick (1996), 'Two Econometric Replications: The Historic Phillips and Lipsey-Phillips Curves', History of Political Economy, 28 (3), 391-439 -- L.A. Dicks-Mireaux and J.C.R. Dow (1959), 'The Determinants of Wage Inflation: United Kingdom, 1946-56' and 'Discussion on Paper', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (General), 122 (2), 145-84 -- L.R. Klein and R.J. Ball (1959), 'Some Econometrics of the Determination of Absolute Prices and Wages', Economic Journal, 69 (275), September, 465-82 -- , John H. Pencavel (1971), 'A Note on the Comparative Predictive Performance of Wage Inflation Models of the British Economy', Economic Journal, 81 (321), March, 113-19 -- S.G.B. Henry, M.C. Sawyer and P. Smith (1976), 'Models of Inflation in the United Kingdom: An Evaluation', National Institute Economic Review, 77, 60-71 -- D.I. MacKay and R.A. Hart (1974), 'Wage Inflation and the Phillips Relationship', Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, XLII (2), June, 136-61 -- Paul A. Samuelson and Robert M. Solow (1960), 'Analytical Aspects of Anti-inflation Policy', American Economic Review, 50 (2), May, 177-94 -- G.L. Perry (1964), 'The Determinants of Wage Rate Changes and the Inflation-Unemployment Trade-off for the United States', Review of Economic Studies, 31 (4), October, 287-308 -- William G. Bowen and R. Albert Berry (1963), 'Unemployment Conditions and Movements of the Money Wage Level', Review of Economics and Statistics, 45 (2), May, 163-72 -- , Otto Eckstein and Thomas A. 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The gaps that seem to have remained may be remedied by the editors in the form of a companion volume discussing open economies and global interdependence. The production quality and editing of the book are also excellent ...'--Biswajit Chatterjee, Indian Society of Labour Economics. This authoritative three-volume collection provides a comprehensive anthology of many of the most important and influential articles written since the publication of Phillips' 1958 study - the most-cited macroeconomic paper published in the 20th century. Along with an original introduction by the editors, the papers evaluate the original contribution and place it in its historical context. The works also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the New Classical critique and the expectations augmented Phillips Curve that resulted from it, and critique the part played by the 'New Keynesian Phillips Curve' in the New neo-Classical Synthesis that has emerged in macroeconomics. This indispensable volume will be of immense value to students, scholars and practitioners interested in the field of economics, and the Phillips Curve in particular
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
    Keywords: Makroökonomie ; Neuklassizismus ; Electronic books
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    Cheltenham :Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd.,
    Format: 1 online resource (1 v.) ; , cm.
    ISBN: 9781784713942 (e-book)
    Series Statement: Elgar research reviews in business
    Content: This authoritative research review presents classical, contemporary and critical texts that have influenced the development of the field of organizational culture and symbolism. This indispensable collection includes seminal papers relating to meaning-making in organizations and the subjective dimensions of organizational life as well as those which chart the field's historical roots.
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Allaire, Yvan and Mihaela E. Firsirotu (1984), 'Theories of Organizational Culture', Organization Studies, 5 (3), 193-226. -- Alvesson, Mats (1993), Cultural Perspectives on Organizations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Anthony, Peter (1994), Managing Organizational Culture, Buckinghamshire: Open University Press. -- Barley, Stephen R. and Gideon Kunda (1992), 'Design and Devotion: Surges of Rational and Normative Ideologies of Control in Managerial Discourse', Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, 363-99. -- Barley, Stephen R., Gordon W. Meyer and Debra C. Gash (1988), 'Cultures of Culture: Academics, Practitioners and the Pragmatics of Normative Control', Administrative Science Quarterly, 33, 24-60. -- Barney, Jay B. (1986), 'Organizational Culture: Can it be a Source of Competitive Advantage?', Academy of Management Review, 11 (3), 656-65. -- Becker, Howard S., Blanche Geer, Everett C. Hughes and Anselm Strauss (1961), Boys in White: Student Culture in Medical School, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Berger, Peter and Thomas Luckmann (1966), The Social Construction of Reality, NY: Anchor Books. -- Blau, Peter M. (1955), The Dynamics of Bureaucracy: A Study of Interpersonal Relations in Two Government Agencies, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Bolman, Lee G. and Terrence E. Deal (1991), Reframing Organizations, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. -- Bormann, Ernest G. (1983), 'Symbolic Convergence: Organizational Communication and Culture', in Linda Putnam and Michael Pacanowsky (eds), Communication and Organizations: An Interpretive Approach, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 99-122. -- Brower, Ralph S., Mitchel Y. Abolafia and Jered B. Carr (2000), 'On Improving Qualitative Methods in Public Administration Research', Administration and Society, 32, 363-97. -- Brown, Andrew (1995), Organisational Culture, London: Pitman. -- Burrell, Gibson and Gareth Morgan (1979), Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis, Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. -- Calás, Marta B. and Linda Smircich (1991), 'Voicing Seduction to Silence Leadership', Organization Studies, 12 (4), 567-601. -- Calás, Marta B. and Linda Smircich (1993), 'Dangerous Liaisons? Feminine-in-Management meets Globalisation', Business Horizons, March-April: 73-83. -- Cameron, Kim S. and Robert E. Quinn (1988), 'Organizational Paradox and Transformation', in Robert E. Quinn and Kim S. Cameron (eds), Paradox and Transformation: Toward a Theory of Change in Organization and Management, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1-18. -- Clegg, Stewart, Martin Kornberger and Tyrone Pitsis (2005), Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, London: SAGE. -- Clifford, James and George E. Marcus (1986), Writing Culture, Berkeley: University of California Press. , Cohen, Anthony P. (1985), The Symbolic Construction of Community, Chichester/London: Ellis Horwood/Tavistock. -- Crozier, Michel (1964), The Bureaucratic Phenomenon, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Czarniawska-Joerges, Barbara (1992), Exploring Complex Organizations: A Cultural Perspective, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Dalton, Melville (1959), Men who Manage: Fusions of Feeling and Theory in Administration, New York: Wiley. -- Davis, Stanley M. (1984), Managing Corporate Culture, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger. -- Delbridge, Rick (1998), Life on the Line in Contemporary Manufacturing: The Workplace Experience of Lean Production and the 'Japanese' Model, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Fine, Gary Alan (1996), Kitchens: The Culture of Restaurant Work, Berkeley: University of California Press. -- Frost, Peter J., Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig C. Lundberg and Joanne Martin (eds) (1985), Organizational Culture, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Frost, Peter J., Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig C. Lundberg and Joanne Martin (eds) (1991), Reframing Organizational Culture, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Gabriel, Yiannis (1991), 'Organizations and their Discontents:A Psychoanalytic Contribution to the Study of Organizational Culture', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 27 (3), 318-36. -- Gagliardi, Pasquale (1986), 'The Creation and Change of Organizational Culture: A Conceptual Framework', Organization Studies, 7 (2), 117-34. -- Geertz, Clifford (1973), The Interpretation of Cultures, NY: Basic Books. -- Geertz, Clifford (1988), Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. -- Giddens, Anthony (1974), New Rules of Sociological Method, London: Hutchinson. -- Goffman, Erving (1983 [1959]), De Dramaturgie van het Dagelijks Leven [The presentation of self in everyday life], Utrecht: Bijleveld. -- Golden-Biddle, Karen, and Karen Locke (1993) 'Appealing Work: An Investigation of How Ethnographic texts convince', Organization Science, 4, 595-616. -- Golden-Biddle, Karen, and Karen Locke (1997), Composing Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE. -- Gomez, Marie-Léandre, Isabelle Bouty and Carole Drucker-Godard (2003), 'Developing Knowing in Practice: Behind the Scenes of Haute Cuisine', in Davide Nicolini, Silvia Gherardi and Dvora Yanow (eds), Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-based Approach, Armonk, NY: M E Sharpe, 100-25. -- Goodman, Nelson (1978), Ways of World-Making, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett. , Gouldner, Alvin W. (1954), Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy, Glencoe, IL: Free Press. -- Gouldner, Alvin W. (1955), Wildcat Strike: A Study of an Unofficial Strike, London: Routledge/Kegan Paul. -- Gowler, Dan and Karen Legge (1983), 'The Meaning of Management, the Management of Meaning: A View from Social Anthropology', in M.J. Earl (ed.), Perspectives on Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 99-233. -- Graham, Laurie (1995), 'Inside a Japanese Transplant: A Critical Perspective', Work and Occupations, 20 (2), 147-73. -- Grant, David, Tom Keenoy and Cliff Oswick (eds) (1998), Discourse + Organization, London: SAGE. -- Grant, David, Cynthia Hardy, Cliff Oswick and Linda Putnam (eds) (2004), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Discourse, London: SAGE. -- Gregory, Karen L. (1983), 'Native-view Paradigms: Multiple Cultures and Culture Conflicts in Organizations', Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 359-76. -- Greiner, Larry E. (1972), 'Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow', Harvard Business Review, 50 (4), July-August, 37-46. -- Grey, Chris (2005), Studying Organizations, London: SAGE. -- Handel, Michael (ed.) (2004), The Sociology of Organizations: Classic, Contemporary, and Critical readings, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. -- Handy, Charles B. (1985), Understanding Organizations, Harmondsworth: Penguin. -- Hannerz, Ulf (1992), Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning, New York: Columbia University Press. -- Haraway, Donna (1988), 'Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of the Partial Perspective', Feminist Studies, 14, 575-99. -- Harding, Sandra (1993), 'Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What is "Strong Objectivity "?', in Linda Alcoff and Elizabeth Potter (eds), Feminist Epistemologies, New York: Routledge, 49-82. -- Hatch, Mary Jo (1996), 'The Role of the Researcher: An Analysis of Narrative Position in Organization Theory', Journal of Management Inquiry, 5, 359-74. -- Hatch, Mary Jo (1997), Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Hatch, Mary Jo and Ann Cunliffe (2007), Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives, 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Homans, George C. 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Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Kanter, Rosabeth Moss (1980), The tale of 'O': On Being Different in an Organization, New York, NY: Harper & Row. -- Kaufman, Herbert (1960), The Forest Ranger: A Study in Administrative Behavior, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press. -- Kertzer, David I. (1988), Ritual, Politics and Power, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. -- Kilmann, Ralph H., Mary J. Saxton, Roy Serpa and Associates (1985), Gaining Control of the Corporate Culture, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. -- Koot, Willem (1996), 'The Rhetoric of Synergy and the Practice of Increasing Ethnic Rivalry in Organizations', in Willem Koot, Ida Sabelis and Sierk Ybema (eds), Contradictions in Context: Puzzling over Paradoxes in Contemporary Organizations, Amsterdam: VU University Press, 63-85. -- Koot, Willem, Ida Sabelis and Sierk Ybema (eds) (1996), Contradictions in Context: Puzzling over Paradoxes in Contemporary Organizations, Amsterdam: VU University Press. -- Kuhn, Thomas S. (1970), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Kunda, Gideon (1992), Engineering Culture: Control and Commitment in a High-tech Corporation, Philadelphia: Temple University Press. -- Linstead, Stephen, Robert Grafton-Small and Paul Jeffcutt (eds) (1996), Understanding Management, London: SAGE. -- Louis, Meryl Reis (1985), 'Organizations as Culture-bearing Milieux', in Peter J. Frost et al. (eds) Organizational Culture, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 73-93. -- Lucas, Rob (1987), 'Political-cultural Analysis of Organizations', Academy of Management Review, 12, 144-56. -- Lundberg, Craig C. (1985), 'On the Feasibility of Cultural Intervention', in Peter J. Frost et al., Organizational Culture, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 169-85. -- Manning, Peter K. (1977), Police Work: The Social Organization of Policing, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Martin, Joanne (1990), 'Breaking up the Mono-method Monopolies in Organizational Analysis', in John Hassard and D. 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    ISBN: 9781784710347 (e-book)
    Series Statement: Elgar research reviews in economics
    Content: This authoritative and in-depth collection presents seminal papers from leading academics in the field of organisation and bureaucracy. It encompasses sections on organisational boundaries, neo-Schumpeterian theories, hierarchy and international organisation, organisational culture and behaviour, power politics and authority, as well as organisational institutions and practices. Professor Jackson has chosen works which have shaped the views of how the economics of organisation and bureaucracy are viewed today and has included papers from conflicting ends of the spectrum to illustrate the fluid and evolving nature of the subject. This indispensable volume, with an original introduction by the editor, will be of immense value to students, scholars and practitioners interested in this topical and relevant field.
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    Content: Extensively revised and updated this edition reflects the progressand developments in the field. With 127 chapters and over 400contributors this book is a truly comprehensive exposition of thespecialty of psychiatry. Written by well-known and highly regarded experts from aroundthe world, it takes a patient-centered approach making it anindispensable resource for all those involved in the care ofpatients with psychiatric disorders. For this new edition, the section on the NeuroscientificFoundations of Psychiatry has been completely revised, with a newauthor team recruited by Section Editors Jonathan Polan and EricKandel. The final section, Special Populations and ClinicalSettings, features important new chapters on today's mosturgent topics, including the homeless, restraint and geriatricpsychiatry. Key features include: Coverage of the entire field of psychiatry, from psychoanalysisto pharmacology and brain imaging, including family relations, cultural influence and change, epidemiology, genetics andbehavioral medicineClinical vignettes describing current clinical practice in anattractive designNumerous figures and tables that facilitate learning andcomprehension appear throughout the textClear comparisons of the DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 criteria for easyunderstanding in a global contextDiagnostic and treatment decision trees to help both the noviceand experienced reader The chapter on Cognitive Behavioral Therapies by EdwardFriedman, Michael Thase and Jesse Wright is freely available. Please click on Read Excerpt 2 above to read this superb expositionof these important therapies.
    Note: Section I: Approaches to the Patient. Listening to the Patient / Paul C Mohl -- Physician-Patient Relationship / Amy M Ursano, Stephen M Sonnenberg, Robert J Ursano -- The Psychiatric Interview: Settings and Techniques / Edward K Silberman, Kenneth Certa, Abigail Kay -- The Cultural Context of Clinical Assessment / Laurence J Kirmayer, Cecile Rousseau, G Eric Jarvis, Jaswant Guzder -- Professional Ethics and Boundaries / Richard S Epstein, Ahmed Okasha -- Legal Issues in Psychiatric Practice / David M Benedek, Thomas A Grieger -- Section II: A Developmental Perspective on Normal Domains of Mental and Behavioral Functions. A Psychiatric Perspective on Human Development / David A Mrazek -- Infant Development: The First 3 Years of Life / Charles H Zeanah, Brian Stafford, Neil W Boris, Michael Scheeringa -- Preschool Development / Robert B Clyman -- School-Age Development / Theodore Shapiro, Dima Amso -- Adolescent Development / Kenneth E Towbin, John E Showalter -- Adult Development / William R Beardslee, George Vaillant -- Late Life / David Bienenfeld -- Foundations. A Brief History of Psychiatry / Michael H Stone -- Are there Biological Commonalities among Different Psychiatric Disorders? / Christopher Pittenger, Amit Etkin -- Genetic Epidemiology and Molecular Genetics of Psychiatric Disorders / Kathleen R Merikangas, Maria Karayiorgou -- Modeling Psychiatric Disorders in Experimental Animals / Trevor W Robbins, Holly M Moore -- The Scientific Basis of Psychotherapy / Steven Roose, Arnold M Cooper, Peter Fonagy -- The Neurobiology of Schizophrenia / William V Bobo, Judith L Rapoport, Anissa Abi-Dargham, Hossein Fatemi, Herbert Y Meltzer -- Neurobiology of Anxiety Disorders / Michael J Meaney, Joseph E LeDoux, Michael L Liebowitz -- Neurobiologic Foundations of Mood Disorders / Ronald Duman, H Jonathan Polan, Alan Schatzberg -- Pathophysiology of Addiction / George F Koob, Denise Kandel, Nora D Volkow -- Neuroscience of Autism / David G Amaral, John L R Rubenstein, Sally J Rogers -- Neurodegeneration and Dementia / John Hardy, Scott A Small -- Psychiatric Epidemiology / Philip S Wang, Mauricio Tohen, Evelyn J Bromet, Jules Angst, Ronald C Kessler -- Cognitive Psychology / Geraldine Downey, Jamil Zaki, Kathy R Berenson -- Social Psychology / Howard Tennen, Paulette M Gillig -- Psychoanalytic Theories / Patrick J Haggard, Andrew C Furman, Steven T Levy, Jonathan E Dunn, Robert M Galatzer-Levy, Sybil A Ginsburg, Lawrence B Inderbitzen, Mark E James, Arnold D Richards, Ralph E Roughton, Beth Seelig, Henry F Smith -- Section V: Manifestations and Assessments of Psychiatric Illness. Psychopathology Across the Life Span / Andrew E Skodol, Donna S Bender -- Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Planning: A Multimodal Approach / Francine Cournos, David A Lowenthal, Deborah L Cabaniss -- The Initial Psychiatric Evaluation of Children and Adolescents / Christina G Weston, William M Klykylo -- Neuropsychological Assessment and Neurophysiological Evaluation / Larry J Seidman, Gerard E Bruder, Anthony J Giuliano -- Brain Imaging in Psychiatry / Douglas S Lehrer, Darin D Dougherty, Scott L Rauch -- Consciousness, Orientation, and Memory / Keith H Claypoole, Richard D Sanders -- Alterations of Speech, Thought, Perception, and Self-Experience / Ralph E Hoffman, Thomas H McGlashan, Douglas S Lehrer -- Emotions / Robert Kohn, Martin B Keller -- Physical Signs and Symptoms / Philip R Muskin, Elsa G E Mirasol -- Behavior and Adaptive Functioning / Susan C Vaughan, John M Oldham -- Culture and Psychiatric Diagnosis / Juan E Mezzich, Roberto Lewis-Ferǹndez, Maria Angeles Ruiperez -- Section VI: Disorders. Psychiatric Classification / Michael B First -- Diagnostic Classification in Infancy and Early Childhood / Stanley I Greenspan, Serena Wieder -- Childhood Disorders: Intellectual Disability / Kerim M Munir, Sandra L Friedman, Maija L Wilska, Ludwik S Szymanski -- Childhood Disorders: Learning and Motor Skills Disorders / Larry B Silver -- Childhood Disorders: Communication Disorders / William M Klykylo -- Childhood Disorders: The Pervasive Developmental Disorders / James McPartland, Ami Klin, Alexander Westphal, Fred R Volkmar -- Childhood Disorders: Attention-Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders / Jeffrey H Newcorn, Iliyan Ivanov, Vanshdeep Sharma, Kurt Schulz, Jeffrey M Halperin -- Childhood Disorders: Feeding and Related Disorders of Infancy or Early Childhood / Rachel J Bryant-Waugh, Emma H C Piepenstock -- Childhood Disorders: Tic Disorders / Matt W Specht, Courtney Pierce Keeton, John T Walkup -- Childhood Disorders: Elimination Disorders and Childhood Anxiety Disorders / Christopher P Lucas, David Shaffer -- Stereotyped Movement Disorder and Reactive Attachment Disorder / Morgan Feilbelman, Charles H Zeanah -- Dementia, Delirium, and Other Cognitive Disorders / Robert L Frierson -- Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition / David P Moore -- General Approaches to Substance and Polydrug Use Disorders / Thomas R Kosten -- Substance Abuse: Alcohol Use Disorders / Thomas F Babor, Carlos A Hernandez-Avila, Jane A Ungemack -- Substance Abuse: Amphetamine Use Disorders / Kevin A Sevarino -- Substance Abuse: Caffeine Use Disorders / Roland R Griffiths, Chad J Reissig -- Substance Abuse: Cannabis-Related Disorders / Benjamin R Nordstrom, Frances R Levin -- Substance Abuse: Cocaine Use Disorders / Jennifer R Baker, Charles Y Jin, Elinore F McCance-Katz -- Substance Abuse: Phencyclidine Use Disorders / Daniel C Javitt -- Substance Abuse: Hallucinogen- and MDMA-Related Disorders / Rif S El-Mallakh, John H Halpern, Henry D Abraham -- Substance Abuse: Inhalant-Related Disorders / Charles W Sharp, Neil Rosenberg, Fred Beauvais -- Substance Abuse: Nicotine Dependence / Douglas Ziedonis, Marc L Steinberg, Susan J Fiester, Cezar Cimpeanu -- Substance Abuse: Opioid Use Disorders / George E Woody, Paul J Fudala -- Substance Abuse: Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorders / Donald R Wesson, David E Smith, Walter Ling, Sanjay Sabnani -- Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses / Jayendra K Patel, Debra A Pinals, Alan Breier -- Mood Disorders: Depression / Heinz Grunze, Cornelius Schule, David Casey, Thomas C Baghai -- Mood Disorders: Bipolar (Manic-Depressive) Disorders / Mark S Bauer -- Mood Disorders: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder / Teri Pearlstein -- Anxiety Disorders: Panic Disorder With and Without Agoraphobia / Gordon J G Asmundson, Steven Taylor -- Anxiety Disorders: Social and Specific Phobias / Randi E McCabe, Martin M Antony -- Anxiety Disorders: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder / Michele T Pato, Ayman Fanous, Jane L Eisen, Katharine A Phillips -- Anxiety Disorders: Traumatic Stress Disorders / Amanda M Flood, Jonathan R T Davidson, Jean C Beckham -- Anxiety Disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder / Amy E Lawrence, Timothy A Brown -- Somatoform Disorders / Sean H Yutzy, Brooke S Parish -- Factitious Disorders / Anne M Fleming, Stuart J Eisendrath -- Dissociative Disorders / Jose R Maldonado, David Spiegel -- Sexual Disorders / Stephen B Levine -- Eating Disorders / B Timothy Walsh -- Sleep and Sleep-Wake Disorders / Milton Erman, Sonia Ancoli-Israel -- Impulse-Control Disorders / Daphne Simeon, Heather Berlin -- Adjustment Disorders / James J Strain, Kim Klipstein, Jeffrey H Newcorn -- Personality Disorders / Thomas A Widiger, Stephanie N Mullins-Sweatt -- Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition / James L Levenson -- Medication-Induced Movement Disorders / Thomas W Meeks, Dilip V Jeste -- Relational Problem Related to a Mental Disorder or General Medical Condition / Martha C Tompson, David J Miklowitz, John F Clarkin. , Treatments. Organization and Economics of Mental Health Treatment / Michael F Hogan, Ann K Morrison -- Individual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy / Jerald Kay, Rena L Kay -- Interpersonal Psychotherapy / John C Markowitz -- Brief Psychotherapies / Mantosh J Dewan, Brett N Steenbarger, Roger P Greenberg -- Group Psychotherapy / Walter N Stone -- Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies / Edward S Friedman, Michael E Thase, Jesse H Wright -- Family Therapy / James L Griffith, Lois Slovik -- Couples Therapy / Eva Ritvo, Ira D Glick, Ellen Berman -- Hypnosis / Jose R Maldonado, David Spiegel -- Behavioral Medicine / Lisa Maria E Frantsve, William H Sledge, Robert D Kerns, Paul Desan -- Psychosocial Rehabilitation / Alan S Bellack -- Psychiatric Rehabilitation for Achieving Successful Community Living for Adults with Psychiatric Disabilities / Phyllis Solomon, Sara W Cullen -- Advocacy, Self-Help, and Consumer- Operated Services / Harriet P Lefley -- General Principles of Pharmacologic Therapy / Zahinoor Ismail, Bruce G Pollock -- Psychopharmacology: Ethnic and Cultural Perspectives / Keh-Ming Lin, Chia-Hui Chen, Shu-Han Yu, Margaret T Lin, Michael W Smith -- Antidepressants / Robert J Boland, Martin B Keller -- Antipsychotic Drugs / Seiya Miyamoto, David B Merrill, Jeffrey A Lieberman, W Wolfgang Fleischacker, Stephen R Marder -- Mood Stabilizers / David J Muzina, David E Kemp, Joseph R Calabrese -- Anxiolytic Drugs / Deidre M Edwards, Kathryn L Hale, Rachel E Maddux, Mark Hyman Rapaport -- Pharmacologic Treatment of Insomnia / David N Neubauer -- Stimulants / Natalya Paykina, Laurence L Greenhill, Kelly N Fahl, J Craig Nelson -- Cognitive Enhancers and Treatments for Alzheimer's Disease / Roy Yaari, Pierre N Tariot, Lon S Schneider -- Complementary and Alternative Treatments in Psychiatry / Richard P Brown, Patricia L Gerbarg, Philip R Muskin -- Brain Stimulation in Psychiatry / Stefan Rowny, Sarah H Lisanby -- Pharmacologic Management of Treatment-Resistant Unipolar Depression / Patrick J McGrath, Jeffrey M Miller -- Pharmacological Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders / Wilfrid Noel Raby, Frances R Levin, Edward V Nunes -- Pharmacologic Issues During Pregnancy / Kimberly A Yonkers, Margaret Spinelli -- Combined Treatment with Medications and Psychotherapy / Bret R Rutherford, Deborah L Cabaniss, Steven P Roose -- Patient Compliance / Stephanie A Riolo, Christina G Weston -- Section IX: Special Populations and Clinical Settings. Managing Psychological Consequences in Disaster Populations / Derrick A Hamaoka, David M Benedek, Robert J Ursano -- Management of the Suicidal Patient / Glenn A Melvin, Kelly Posner, Barbara H Stanley, Maria A Oquendo -- Restraints and Seclusion / Wanda K Mohr, Kevin Ann Huckshorn, Kim J Masters -- Psychosomatic Medicine / James L Levenson -- Psychiatric Conditions in Women during Reproductive Transitions / Helen G Kim, Nancy Raymond, Susan G Kornstein -- Death and Bereavement / M Katherine Shear -- Serving People Who Have Mental Illness and Homelessness / Hunter L McQuistion, Alan D Felix, Judith Samuels -- Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation / Robert P Cabaj -- Management of the Patient in Geriatric Psychiatry / David A Casey -- Management of Victims of Torture / Marianne C Kastrup, James M Jaranson -- Psychiatric Management of Victims of Physical and Sexual Abuse and Rape / Donna E Stewart, Simone N Vigod -- Correctional Psychiatry / Erik J Roskes -- Treatment of Violent Behavior / Fabian M Saleh, John P Fedoroff, Adekunle G Ahmed, Debra A Pinals -- Appendix. Research Methodology and Statistics / Daniel S Weiss.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Psychiatry. Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, [2008] ISBN 9780470065716
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0470065710
    Language: English
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    ISBN: 9781784712747 (e-book)
    Series Statement: Elgar research reviews in economics
    Content: '... the volume constitutes an important collection, which portrays the evolution of the Phillips Curve and the potency of policy debates in a single canvas in an elegant and comprehensive manner. The gaps that seem to have remained may be remedied by the editors in the form of a companion volume discussing open economies and global interdependence. The production quality and editing of the book are also excellent ...'--Biswajit Chatterjee, Indian Society of Labour Economics. This authoritative three-volume collection provides a comprehensive anthology of many of the most important and influential articles written since the publication of Phillips' 1958 study - the most-cited macroeconomic paper published in the 20th century. Along with an original introduction by the editors, the papers evaluate the original contribution and place it in its historical context. The works also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the New Classical critique and the expectations augmented Phillips Curve that resulted from it, and critique the part played by the 'New Keynesian Phillips Curve' in the New neo-Classical Synthesis that has emerged in macroeconomics. This indispensable volume will be of immense value to students, scholars and practitioners interested in the field of economics, and the Phillips Curve in particular.
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Akerlof, G.A., W.T. Dickens and G.L. Perry (1996), 'The Macroeconomics of Low Inflation', Brookings Papers on Economics Activity, 1, 1-76. -- Arrow, K.J. and G. Debreu (1954), 'Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy', Econometrica, 22, 265-90. -- Blanchflower, D. and A. Oswald (1994), The Wage Curve, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Card, D. (1995), 'The Wage Curve: A Review', Journal of Economic Literature, XXXIII, 785-99. -- Carlaw, Kenneth and Richard G. Lipsey (2010), 'Darwinian versus Newtonian Views of the Economy: the Schumpeterian versus New Classical Theories', paper presented at the 13th International Schumpeter Society Conference Aalborg, Denmark, June 21-24, 2010 -- Carlaw, Kenneth and Richard G. Lipsey (2011) 'Sustained Endogenous Growth Driven by Structured and Evolving General Purpose Technologies', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, in press. -- Crawford, A. and A. Harrison (1998), 'Testing for downward rigidity in nominal wage rates', in Price Stability, Inflation Targets, and Monetary Policy, Ottawa: Bank of Canada, 179-218. -- Dosi, Giovanni, Christopher Freeman, Richard Nelson, Gerald Silverberg and Luc Soete (eds) (1988), Technical Change and Economic Theory, London: Pinter. -- Dupasquier, C. and N. Ricketts (1998), 'Non-linearities in the output-inflation relationship', in Price Stability, Inflation Targets, and Monetary Policy, Ottawa: Bank of Canada, 179-218. -- Fisher, I. (1973), 'I discovered the Phillips Curve: a statistical relation between unemployment and price changes', Journal of Political Economy, 81 (2 part II), 496-502. -- Fortin, P. (1991), 'The Phillips Curve, macroeconomic policy, and the welfare of Canadians', Canadian Journal of Economics, 24, 774-803. -- Freeman, Christopher and Francisco Louçã (2001), As Time Goes By: From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Fuhrer, J., J. Sneddon Little, Y.K. Kodrzycki and G.P. Olivei (eds) (2009), Understanding Inflation and the Implications for Monetary Policy: A Phillips Curve Retrospective, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Gordon, R.J. (2011), 'The history of the Phillips Curve: consensus and bifurcation', Economica, 78, 10-50. -- Granger, C.W.J.. and Y. Jeon (2011), 'The evolution of the Phillips Curve: a modern time series viewpoint', Economica, 78, 51-66. -- Hicks, J.R. (1937), 'Mr. Keynes and the classics; a suggested interpretation', Econometrica, 5, 147-59. -- Hicks, J.R. (1950), A Contribution to the Theory of the Trade Cycle, Oxford: Clarendon Press. -- Hornstein, A. 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Lipsey to the inflation-unemployment literature', History of Economics Review, 22, 70-82. -- Leeson, Robert (ed.) (2000), A.W.H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Leijonhuvfud, A. (1973), 'Effective demand failures', Swedish Economic Journal, 74, 27-48. -- Lipsey, Richard G. (2007), 'Reflections on the general theory of second best at its golden jubilee', International Tax Public Finance, 14, 349-64. -- Lipsey, Richard G. (2010), 'Evolutionary economics and the disappearing NAIRU and Phillips Curve', in 'Schumpeter for our Century', Special Issue of Homo Oeconomicus, 27 (1/2), 145-76. -- Lipsey, Richard G., Kenneth Carlaw and Clifford Bekar (2005), Economic Transformations: General Purpose Technologies and Long Term Economic Growth', Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Mankiw, N.G. (2007), Macroeconomics, sixth edition, New York: Worth. -- Mankiw, N.G. and D. Romer (eds) (1991), New Keynesian Economics, Volume 1: Imperfect Competition and Sticky Prices, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Mankiw, N.G. and D. Romer (eds) (1991), New Keynesian Economics, Volume 2: Coordination Failures and Real Rigidities, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Mankiw, N.G. and W. Scarth (2011), Macroeconomics, fourth Canadian edition, New York: Worth. -- McCallum, B.T. (1980), 'Rational expectations and macroeconomic stabilization policy: an overview', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 12, 716-46. -- Meiselman, D. (1968), 'Comment: is there a meaningful trade-off between inflation and unemployment?', Journal of Political Economy, 76, 743-9. -- Mussa, M. (1981), 'Sticky prices and disequilibrium adjustment in a rational model of the inflationary process', American Economic Review, 71, 1020-27. -- Nason, J.M. and G.W. 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