1 online resource (162 p.)
Series Statement:
Applied economics quarterly. Supplement / Beihefte der Konjunkturpolitik, issue 56
Hauptbeschreibung Unternehmen konkurrieren um Kunden, während Regionen und Staaten um Unternehmen, um deren Arbeitsplätze und Steuerzahlungen konkurrieren. Bei der Standortwahl müssen die Unternehmen weder absatz- noch input-orientiert sein. Vielmehr können sie auch - als ""footloose industries"" - allein Lohnkostenvorteile nutzen. Für Hochlohn-Standorte wie Deutschland kommt es somit umso mehr darauf an, den Unternehmen attraktive Standorteigenschaften zu bieten. International und einschlägig ausgewiesene Wissenschaftler der Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute CEPII (Paris), In
Editorial; Contents; Lionel Fontagné and Thierry Mayer: Determinants of Location Choices by Multinational Firms: A Review of the Current State of Knowledge; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Theory Background; 2.1 Market Access and Spatial Competition; 2.2 Agglomeration; 2.3 Production Costs; 2.4 Public Policy Measures; 2.5 Synthetic Framework; 3. Market Access and Spatial Competition: The Evidence; 3.1 The Two Faces of Market Access; 3.2 Japanese FDI in Europe; 3.3 Foreign Entries in Chinese Provinces; 3.4 German Firms Locating Abroad; 4. Production Costs and Location: The Evidence
4.1 Employment Substitution between Parent and Foreign Affiliates4.2 Is Regulation Deterring Inward FDI?; 4.3 Social Dumping; 4.4 Environmental Dumping; 4.5 Gains to Cultural Proximity; 5. Public Policies and Location: The Evidence; 5.1 Corporate Taxes and Other Forms of Investment-promotion Policies; 5.2 FDI and Institutions; 6. Conclusion; References; Hans-Peter Klös and Rolf Kroker: Developing a Political Agenda for Sustainable Economic Growth in Germany; Abstract; 1. The Problem and the Design of the Paper; 2. Determinants of Economic Growth (Growth Drivers)
3. Scenarios of Economic Growth in Germany up to 20244. From Stress to Reform; 5. The Political Economics of Reforms; 5.1 Reform Automatism: How Likely is Persisting Stagnation?; 5.2 Delaying Aspects: Are J-curve Effects Inevitable?; 5.3 Distributional Aspects: Does a Rising Tide Lift All Boats?; 6. Conclusion; References; Kilian Bizer: Developing a Political Agenda for Sustainable Economic Growth in Germany - Comment; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Varieties of Growth Paths; 3. The Agenda 2010; 4. Conclusion; Bibliography; Tobias Seidel: Welfare Effects of Capital Mobility with Rigid Wages
Abstract1. Introduction; 2. The Development of Capital Mobility; 3. Labour Market Institutions and Outcome; 4. The Model; 5. Integration with Flexible Wages; 6. Integration with Rigid Wages; 7. A Distorting Tax on Capital; 8. Conclusions and Policy Implications; Appendix; References; Carsten Eckel: Welfare Effects of Capital Mobility with Rigid Wages - Comment; References; Peter Egger, Tilmann Rave and Ursula Triebswetter: Environmental Standards and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence for Germany; Abstract; 1. Introduction
2. Specification of Environmental Variables and Measurement of Regulatory Stringency3. Theoretical Motivation of the Empirical Framework; 4. Data, Empirical Specification, and Econometric Results; 5. Conclusions; References; Michael Pfaffermayr: Environmental Standards and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence for Germany - Comment; References; Henning Klodt: International Investment and Domestic Employment; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Theories of International Investment; 3. Stylized Facts of International Investment; 4. Summary and Conclusions; References; Appendix
Sascha O. Becker: International Investment and Domestic Employment - Comment
Additional Edition:
ISBN 3-428-11961-4
(Deutschlandweit zugänglich)
(URL des Erstveröffentlichers)