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1st ed.
This volume contains the scientific papers presented at the 6th International Conference "Contemporary Challenges in Administrative Law from an Interdisciplinary Perspective" that was held on 19 May 2023 online on Zoom. The conference is organized every year by the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences. More information about the conference can be found on the official website: www.alpaconference.ro. The scientific studies included in this volume are grouped into three chapters: I. Specific Interdisciplinary Interactions in the 21st Century Public Law; II. On the Vital Public Interest in Efficient, Effective and Fair Administration at All Levels of Government and III. Regulatory Practice and Judicial Procedures in Public Law. This volume is aimed at practitioners, researchers, students and PhD candidates in juridical and administrative sciences, who are interested in recent developments and prospects for development in the field of administrative law and public administration at international and national level.
Intro -- SPECIFIC INTERDISCIPLINARY -- INTERACTIONS IN THE 21ST CENTURY -- PUBLIC LAW -- Administrative Science or Sciences? Research Must Remain -- Interdisciplinary -- 24. Payre Jean-Paul, "Fiches techniques de Science Administrative", in Alain Laurent, Science administrative, http://alain.laurent-faucon.over-blog.com/article-1 4641080.html. -- Challenges of Legal Regulation Regarding Cryptocurrencies -- Government Rocade - A Genuine Constitutional Solution or -- an Illusory, Discretionary One? -- Problems of Administration of Disputes Arising in Connection with the Public Service: Jurisdiction and the Possibility of Mediation -- Complementarity between Civil Status Acts and Mitrical Acts -- Student Marius Vasile BÂRDAN -- Abstract -- The present study aims to analyse the link that can be established between civil status acts and those that are performed in the church. By presenting concrete examples, the article highlights both similarities and differences. The article also highl... -- Keywords: civil status documents, legal institutions, certificate, religious framework. -- JEL Classification: K23, N30, Z12 -- 1. Introductory considerations -- Reading the History of the Romanian State and Law, we learn that, from the very beginning, in Romania, there was a close link between the State and the Church, the Church Pravila being the work of canon law according to which the State was directed.... -- 2. Some clarifications -- In the Civil Code , in Chapter III, Section 3, the provisions from Article 98 to Article 103 regulate Civil Status Acts (civil status, proof of civil status, cancellation, completion, amendment or rectification of civil status acts, entry of entries.
But what are civil status documents? In one sense, as negotium iuris, they are legal acts , the source of civil status (e.g. marriage). In another sense, as instrumentum probationis, civil status acts are scriptural evidence of unique and personal e... -- Reading Article 102 of the NCC, which refers to the competence or lack of competence of the civil registrar, it can be seen that this is an application of the adage error communis facit ius. The common and invincible error in which those of good faith... -- 3. Comparative analysis from the perspective of actual formalities -- The acts required in the exercise of the sanctifying power are the acts concerning the administration of the holy sacraments and the hierurgy . The Mithraic Acts include the protocol of baptisms and the protocol of weddings. -- The baptismal protocol is the act in which the records are made on the basis of the birth certificate issued by the civil authority and following the administration of the holy sacrament of baptism. -- The protocol has the following heading: 1. current no., 2. year, month, day of birth and baptism, 3. sex, 4. legitimate or illegitimate, 5. infant's baptismal name, 6. parents' name, surname, religion, status, age and occupation, 7. parents' residen... -- The Baptismal Certificate or Baptismal Extract is the document proving the baptism. It is drawn up in duplicate. One copy remains in the register of certificates and one is handed to the applicant. -- The certificate reads as follows: -- Archdiocese..., Parish..., Town..., County..., Certificate of Baptism. -- We, the parish priest of the parish of..., in the town of..., County..., hereby certify that on the day of..., year..., we have celebrated the Holy Sacrament of Baptism of the infant..., son (daughter) of the faithful.... and of the faithful... of t.
The protocol (register) of the married couple is the act in which the entries are made on the basis of the marriage certificate and after the administration of the sacrament of holy matrimony. -- It has the following heading: -- 1. current no..., year, month, day of marriage, 3-6 surname and first name, religion, state, character, age, place of birth and residence of the bridegroom, bride, bride and the officiant, 7. first, second or third marriage, 8. when the betrothal wa... -- The Certificate of Cununie shall be drawn up in duplicate, one copy of which shall be given to the applicant and one copy of which shall remain in the register. -- The Act reads as follows: -- Diocese..., Parish..., of the town..., county... Certificate of Marriage. -- We, the parish priest of the church in the town of..., county..., hereby certify that on the day of..., year..., we have celebrated the Holy Wedding of the faithful..., with the faithful......., having proved that they have entered into a civil marr... -- The protocol of the dead is concluded on the basis of the burial certificate issued by the City Hall on the basis of the Death Certificate, and after the burial. -- The protocol has the following dates: -- Volume..., page..., 1. Current number..., 2. Year, month, day of death, burial, 3. Name, surname and profession of the deceased, 4. Country, place of birth of the deceased: town, commune, village, county where the deceased lived, street and house nu... -- The necessary documents concerning the dissolution of the religious marriage (divorce) are: -- - a reasoned request from those concerned, addressed to the parish priest, registered with the parish -- - civil divorce certificate -- - the parish priest's report showing the causes of the divorce, the fact that reconciliation was attempted and concrete proposals.
Today religious marriages are only allowed after they have been made at the civil status, and if they have to be undone, they are only undone in court, not having in this case a civil divorce certificate, but only the divorce decree, which does not ... -- I believe that if the Protocol of Good Dismissal existed in practice, life in Romanian families would be better. -- The protocol of good will is concluded by the parish priest on the occasion of the announcement of the decision of two young people that they want to get engaged and married religiously . On the basis of this document, the marriage is publicised by ... -- The Act reads as follows: (1) -- Diocese, Protocol of Good Will, taken in the Parish of..., in the year of our Lord..., on the day..., of the month..., Present before us the undersigned..., of..., of religion.... and of..., of religion... and declaring themselves willing to perform... -- a) Are they not somehow forced into marriage by their parents or by others who replace their parents? -- b) Do they not want to take this step for some particular interest, such as wealth or the special beauty of some party? -- c) Whether they meet the religious, moral, physical and social conditions required for the conclusion of a marriage? -- d) Whether or not there are impediments to marriage imposed by the holy canons and if so, to what extent can they be removed? -- To these questions each of the persons named declared that they are unsolicited by anyone, without any greed for wealth or beauty, only alone, of their own free will and out of the urge of the pure love they feel for one another they wish to conclude.
Noting that there is no impediment and after having been given the necessary guidance concerning the marriage, all this, for the sake of better stability, has been recorded here in the protocol and subscribed to by us. The above date..., the parish ... -- Secular marriage and religious marriage should be closely linked in the case of Christian persons, because the family as a cell of society exists in the symbiosis of church and state, although in practice this is not always the case. Today there ca... -- If the above formalities were coordinated, this would have a positive impact on helping to strengthen social cohesion and a sense of belonging to a community. The Church has the social role of bringing people together and promoting shared values, he... -- 4. Conclusions -- In concluding the public debate, we accept that there is complementarity between the Civil Status Acts and the Mitrical Acts. For a good existence of the church-state symbiosis I consider that their link should be indissoluble or at least better fun... -- Bibliography -- 1. Corhan, Adriana, Family Law, 2nd revised and completed edition, Lumina Lex, Bucharest, 2008. -- 2. Doe, N. (1999), The Principles of Canon Law: A Focus of Legal Unity in Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, „Ecclesiastical Law Journal", 5(25), p. 221-240. -- 3. Floca, Ioan N., Orthodox Canon Law, vol. II, EIBMBOR, Bucharest, 1990. -- 4. Popa Tache, Cristina Elena, Towards a law of the soul and bioenergies of the living, Ed. L' Harmattan, Collection: Logiques Juridiques, Paris, 2022, preface by Jean-Luc Martin-Lagardette. -- 5. Săraru, Cătălin-Silviu, Drept administrativ. Probleme fundamentale ale dreptului public, C.H. Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016. -- 6. Săraru, Cătălin-Silviu, Tratat de contencios administrativ, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2022.
7. The Civil Code, Hamangiu Publishing House, ed. 11, Bucharest 2022.
Additional Edition:
Print version: Seia, Cristina Aragão Modern Visions of Public Law Bucharest : Adjuris - International Academic Publishers,c2023