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    München & New York : Stroefer & Kirchner | Paris : Imp. Lemercier & Cie
    Format: [1], 8, VIII, [8] Bl. , überw. Ill. , 2°
    Content: Poccis Stiefmütterchenphantasien, mit denen er verschiedene Menschentypen in unterschiedlichen Situationen dargestellt hat, ist für das Thema "Hexen" und "Stiefmütter" auch ergiebig: Seine "Blocksberg"-Darstellung, frei nach Goethe, verbindet die beiden Abspaltungen, wohl ungewollt. Die vermutlich beabsichtigte Ironie ist nicht zu bemerken. (GS) 〈dt.〉
    Note: In Fraktur
    Language: German
    Keywords: Bilderbuch
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  • 2
  • 3
    Format: 142 Seiten, XIV Tafeln
    Series Statement: Acta Horti Bergiani Band 2, No 1
    In: 1
    Additional Edition: Elektronische Reproduktion BHL, Biodiversity Heritage Library, 2009
    Language: Swedish
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    Author information: Wittrock, Veit 1839-1914
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  • 4
    Wien : k.k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei
    Format: [3], [25] Bl. , 25 Ill. (Chromolithogr.) , 4"
    Language: German
    Keywords: Blume ; Gartenbau
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  • 5
    Format: 1 online resource (412 pages) : , illustrations
    ISBN: 0-12-813952-8 , 0-12-813951-X
    Content: "[P]rovides in one place a description of the most common grasses, legumes, and nonleguminous forbs of the eastern United States. It covers many of the most important grassland, turf, and noncrop plants and their seeds. Included are both crops and weeds, since the two are inextricably connected in the field. Unlike many publications that include plant identification, we emphasize Vegetative Identification. Most plants flower for a relative short period; so the person in the field is frequently faced with identifying a plant without a flower. We also include Floral Identification--because it can be definitive and can sometimes greatly simplify the identification process. The photographs and other illustrations are intended to help with these determinations. Besides identification of important species, we describe other key characteristics such as adaptation, favorable and unfavorable soil types, seasonal growth patterns, and toxicity. For plants harvested for hay or silage or by grazing, we discuss cutting and grazing management, quality factors, and potential yields. Because of its organization and content, this book should be a valuable reference for farmers and farm advisors, teachers and students of agronomy, or for anyone interested in the dynamic relationship between plants and agriculture"--Page xiii.
    Note: Front Cover -- Common Grasses, Legumes and Forbs of the Eastern United States -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Acknowledgments and Contributors -- About the Book -- Legumes -- Alfalfa-Medicago sativa L. subsp. sativa -- Clover, Alsike-Trifolium hybridum L. -- Clover, Arrowleaf-Trifolium vesiculosum Savi -- Clover, Crimson-Trifolium incarnatum L. -- *Clover, Large Hop-Trifolium campestre Schreb. -- Clover, Small Hop-Trifolium dubium Sibth. -- Clover, Rabbitfoot-Trifolium arvense L. -- Clover, Red-Trifolium pratense L. -- Clover, Subterranean-Trifolium subterraneum L. -- Clover, Yellow Sweet-Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. -- Clover, White Sweet-Melilotus alba Medik. -- Clovers, White (Small, Intermediate, and Large (Ladino) Types)-Trifolium repens L. -- Kudzu-Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi var. lobata.=Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr. var. lobata (Willd.) Maesen & S.M. Almeida -- Lespedeza, Kobecommon-Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl. "Kobe," Also Called Lespedeza striata (Thunb.) Hook & Arn. -- Lespedeza, Korean-Kummerowia stipulacea, (Maxim.) Makino, Also Called Lespedeza stipulacea Maxim. -- Lespedeza, Sericea-Lespedeza cuneata Dum. Cours. G. Don -- Lespedeza, Shrub-Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. (Including Lespedeza thunbergii (DC.) Nakai) -- Medic, Black-Medicago lupulina L. -- Trefoil, Birdsfoot-Lotus corniculatus L. -- Vetch, Big Flower-Vicia grandiflora Scop. -- Vetch, Common-Vicia sativa subsp. sativa L. -- Vetch, Crown-Coronilla varia L.=Securigera varia (L.) Lassen -- Vetch, Hairy-Vicia villosa Roth subsp. villosa -- Grasses and Sedges -- Bahiagrass-Paspalum notatum Flüggé -- Barley-Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare -- Barnyardgrass-Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. -- Bentgrass, Colonial-Agrostis capillaris L. (Formerly Known as Agrostis tenuis Sibth.). , Bentgrass, Creeping-Agrostis stolonifera L. var. palustris (Huds.) Farw. Previously Known as Agrostis stolonifera L. -- Bermudagrass-Cynodon dactylon (L.) (Pers.) var. dactylon -- Bluegrass, Annual-Poa annua L. -- Bluegrass, Kentucky-Poa pratensis L. -- Bluegrass, Roughstalk-Poa trivialis L. -- Bluestem, Big-Andropogon gerardii (L.) Vitman -- Bluestem, Caucasian-Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz) S.T. Blake -- Bluestem, Little-Schizachyrium scoparium (Nutt.) Engelm. -- Bromegrass, Downy-Bromus tectorum L. -- Bromegrass, Smooth-Bromus inermis Leyss. subsp. inermis -- Broomsedge-Andropogon vinginicus L. Leyss. -- Buffalograss-Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. -- Canarygrass, Reed-Phalaris arundinacea L. -- Centipedegrass-Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack -- Cheat-Bromus secalinus L. -- Crabgrass, Large-Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. -- Crabgrass, Smooth-Digitaria ischaemum (Schreb.) Muhl. -- Crabgrass, Southe... -- Dallisgrass-Paspalum dilatatum Poir. -- Deertongue Grass-Dichanthelium clandestinum (L.) Gould (Previously Known as Panicum clandestinum L.) -- Fescue, Red-Festuca rubra L. subsp. rubra -- Fescue, Tall-Festuca arundinacea Schreb. -- Foxtail, Giant-Setaria faberi R.A.W. Herrm. -- Foxtail, Green-Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.: Commonly Referred to as Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. -- Foxtail, Yellow-Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. subsp. pumila (Formerly Known as Setaria glauca) -- Gamagrass, Eastern-Tripsacum dactyloides L. -- Goosegrass-Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. -- Indiangrass-Schizachyrium scoparium L. -- Johnsongrass-Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. -- Lacegrass-Eragrostis capillaris (L.) Nees -- Lovegrass-Eragrostis curvula L. -- Millet, Foxtail-Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. -- Millet, Japanese-Echinochloa frumentacea Link -- Millet, Pearl-Pennisetum americanum (L.) Nash -- Nimblewill-Muhlenbergia schreberi J.F. Gmel. , Nutsedge, Yellow-Cyperus esculentus L. -- Nutsedge, Purple-Cyperus rotundus L. -- Oat, Cereal-Avena sativa L. -- Oat Wild-Avena fatua L. -- Orchardgrass-Dactylis glomerata L. -- Panicum, Fall-Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. -- Quackgrass-Elymus repens (L.) Gould -- Redtop-Agrostis gigantea Roth (Commonly Referred to as Agrostis alba) -- Rescuegrass or Prairie Grass-Bromus unioloides (Willd.) H.B.K. (syn. Bromus catharticus Vahl & Bromus willdenowii Kunth) -- Rye, Grain-Secale cereale L. -- Ryegrass, Annual-Lolium multiflorum Lam. -- Ryegrass, Perennial-Lolium perenne L. -- Side Oats Grama-Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. -- Signalgrass, Broadleaf-Urochloa platyphylla (Munro ex C. Wright) R.D. Webster (Also Known as Brachiaria platyphylla (Munro ... -- Smutgrass-Sporobolus indicus (L.) R. Br. var. capensis Engl. also called Sporobolus poiretii L. -- Sorghum/Sudangrass-Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench/Sorghum bicolor var. sudanense -- St. Augustinegrass-Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze -- Switchgrass-Panicum virgatum L. -- Teff-Eragrostis tef (Zuccagni) Trotter -- Timothy-Phleum pratense L. -- Velvetgrass-Holcus lanatus L. -- Vernalgrass, Sweet-Anthoxanthum odoratum L. -- Wheat-Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum -- Witchgrass-Panicum capillare L. -- Zoysiagrass-Zoysia japonica Steud. -- Nonleguminous Forbs -- Basil, Wild-Clinopodium vulgare L./Satureja vulgaris L. -- Bedstraw, Catchweed-Galium aparine L. -- Beggarticks, Devils-Bidens frondosa L. -- Bergamot, Wild-Monarda fistulosa L. -- Bindweed, Field-Convolvulus arvensis L. -- Bindweed, Hedge-Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br. -- Bittercress, Hairy-Cardamine hirsuta L. -- Blueweed or Viper's Bugloss-Echium vulgare L. -- Buckwheat, Wild-Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á Löve -- Bur Cucumber-Sicyos angulatus L. -- Burdock, Common-Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. -- Buttercup, Bulbous-Ranunculus bulbosus L. , Buttercup, Corn-Ranunculus arvensis L. -- Buttercup, Tall Field-Ranunculus acris L. -- Butterflyweed-Asclepias tuberosa L. -- Campion, White-Silene latifolia Poir. subsp. alba (Mill.) Greuter & Burdet -- Carpetweed-Mollugo verticillata L. -- Carrot, Wild-Daucus carota L. subsp. carota -- Chickweed, Common-Stellaria media (L.) Vill. -- Chickweed, Mouse-Ear-Cersatium fontanum Baumg. subsp. vulgare (Hartm.) Greute... -- Chicory-Cichorium intybus L. -- Cinquefoil, Sulfur-Potentilla recta L. "Warrenii" -- Cinquefoil, Sulfur-Potentilla recta L. "Warrenii" -- Cocklebur, Common-Xanthium strumarium L. -- Cudweed, Purple-Gamochaeta purpurea (L.) Cabrera -- Daisy, Ox-Eye-Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. -- Dandelion-Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg aggr. -- Dayflower, Climbing-Commelina diffusa Burm. f. -- Dayflower, Common or Asiatic-Commelina diffusa L. -- Deadnettle, Purple or Red-Lamium purpureum L. -- Dock, Curly-Rumex crispus L. -- Dodder-Cuscuta L. spp. -- Filaree, Redstem-Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Hér ex Ait. -- Fleabane, Annual-Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. -- Galinsoga, Hairy-Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pavon, Previously Known as Galinsoga ciliata (Raf.) Blake) -- Garlic, Wild-Allium vineale L. -- Geranium, Carolina-Geranium carolinianum L. -- Goldenrod, Canada or Common-Solidago canadensis L. -- Gromwell, Corn or Field-Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I.M. Johnston -- Groundsel, Common-Senecio vulgaris L. -- Hawksbeard, Smooth or Redstem-Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr. -- Hawkweed, Field-Hieracium L. spp. -- Healall-Prunella vulgaris L. -- Henbit-Lamium amplexicaule L. -- Horsenettle, Carolina-Solanum carolinense L. -- Horseweed-Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist -- Jewelweed-Impatiens capensis Meerb. -- Jimsonweed-Datura stramonium L. -- Joepyeweed-Eupatorium fistulosum L., Previously Known as Eupatorium purpureum (L.) E.E. Lament. , Knapweed, Spotted-Centaurea stoebe subsp. micranthos (Gugler) Hayek -- Knotweed, Prostrate-Polygonum aviculare L. -- Knotweed, Erect-Polygonum erectum L. or Polygonum achorecum L. -- Lamb's-quarters, Common-Chenopodium album L. -- Lettuce, Prickly Lettuce-Lactuca serriola L. -- Mallow, Common-Malva neglecta Wallr. -- Mallow, Venice-Hibiscus trionum L. -- Milkweed, Common-Asclepias syriaca L. -- Morningglory, Tall-Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth -- Motherwort-Leonurus cardiaca L. -- Mullein, Common-Verbascum thapsus L. -- Mullein, Moth-Verbascum blattaria L. -- Mustard, Hedge-Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. -- Mustard, Pinnatetansy-Descurainia brachycarpa L. -- Mustard, Wild-Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J. Koch -- Mustard, Yellow Rocket-Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. -- Nightshade, Bittersweet-Solanum dulcamara L. -- Nightshade, Eastern Black-Solanum ptychanthum Duanl -- Nightshade, Silverleaf-S... -- Nightshade, Eastern Black-Solanum ptychanthum Duanl -- Nightshade, Silverleaf-Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. -- Onion, Wild-Allium L. spp. -- Pansy-Viola tricolor L. -- Pennycress, Field-Thlaspi arvense L. -- Pepperweed, Field-Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Br. -- Pepperweed, Virginia-Lepidium virginicum L. -- Pigweed, Redroot-Amaranthus retroflexus L. -- Pineappleweed-Matricaria discoidea DC. -- Mayweed Chamomile-Anthemis cotula L. -- Pink, Deptford-Dianthus armeria L. -- Plantain, Blackseed-Plantago rugelii Decne. -- Plantain, Buckhorn-Plantago lanceolata L. -- Plantain, Bracted-Plantago aristata Michx -- Pokeweed-Phytolacca americana L. -- Prickly, Sida-Sida spinosa L. -- Primrose, Evening-Oenothera biennis L. -- Purslane, Common-Portulaca oleracea L. -- Ragweed, Common-Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. -- Ragweed, Giant-Ambrosia trifida L. -- Scarlet Pimpernel-Anagallis arvensis L. -- Shepherd's-Purse-Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. , Smartweed, Pennsylvania-Persicaria pensylvanica (L.) M. Gómez. , Text in English.
    Language: English
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  • 6
    Format: 1 online resource (412 pages)
    ISBN: 9780323984997
    Series Statement: Phytoplasma Diseases in Asian Countries Series
    Note: Front Cover -- Phytoplasma Diseases of Major Crops, Trees, and Weeds -- Phytoplasma Diseases of Major Crops, Trees, and Weeds -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- List of contributors -- Authors biography -- Foreword -- Vol II -- 1 - Updates on phytoplasma diseases associated with cereals in Asia -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Status of phytoplasmas associated with cereals in Asia -- 3. Phytoplasma diseases of cereals -- 3.1 Maize (Zea mays L.) -- 3.2 Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) -- 3.3 Rice (Oryza sativa L.) -- 3.4 Sorghum -- 3.5 Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) -- 4. Conclusion -- References -- 2 - Update on phytoplasma diseases associated with vegetable crops in Asian countries -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Symptomatology -- 3. Detection and genetic diversity -- 4. Geographical distribution of phytoplasmas in different vegetable crops -- 4.1 Solanaceous crops -- 4.2 Crucifers -- 4.3 Cucurbitaceous -- 4.4 Leguminous -- 4.5 Other crops -- 5. Epidemiology -- 6. Phytoplasma-virus mixed infection -- 7. Management -- 8. Conclusion -- References -- 3 - Updates on phytoplasma diseases associated with fruit crops in Asia -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Status of phytoplasmas associated with fruit crops in Asia -- 3. Temperate fruits -- 3.1 Pome fruits -- 3.1.1 Apple (Malus x domestica Borkh) -- 3.1.2 Pear (Pyrus spp. L.) -- 3.2 Stone fruits -- 3.2.1 Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) -- 3.2.2 Peach (Prunus persica) -- 3.2.3 Plum (Prunus sp.) -- 3.2.4 Greengage (Prunus domestica sub sp. italica var. claudiana) -- 3.2.5 Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) -- 4. Subtropical fruits -- 4.1 Citrus (Citrus species) -- 4.2 Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) -- 4.3 Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) -- 4.4 Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) -- 4.5 Guava (Psidium guajava L.) -- 4.6 Jujube (Ziziphus sp.) -- 4.7 Lychee (Lychee chinensis sonn.) -- 4.8 Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.). , 4.9 Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) -- 5. Tropical fruits -- 5.1 Banana (Musa sp.) -- 5.2 Figs (Ficus carica) -- 5.3 Longan (Dimocarpus longan L.) -- 5.4 Mango (Mangifera indica L.) -- 5.5 Papaya (Carica papaya L.) -- 5.6 Persimmon (Diospiros kaki thunb.) -- 5.7 Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) -- 5.8 Sapota (Manilkara zapota) -- 5.9 White mulberry (Morus alba L.) -- 5.10 Watermelon (Citrullus sp.) -- 6. Nuts -- 6.1 Almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) -- 6.2 Cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale L) -- 6.3 Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) -- 7. Diversity and distribution of phytoplasma diseases -- 8. Conclusion and perspectives -- References -- Further reading -- 4 - Update on phytoplasma diseases associated with oil seed crops in Asia -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Phytoplasma detected in oil crops -- 2.1 Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) -- 2.2 Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) -- 2.2.1 Geographic distribution -- 2.2.2 Detection and genetic diversity -- 2.2.3 Sesame phyllody transmission -- 2.2.4 Full genome sequence -- 2.2.5 Management -- 2.3 Soybean (Glycine max L.) -- 2.4 Brassicaceae species -- 2.5 Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) -- 2.6 Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) -- 3. Conclusion -- Acknowledgments -- References -- 5 - Update on phytoplasma diseases associated with legumes in Asia -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Phytoplasma diseases in legumes -- 2.1 Black mung (urd) bean -- 2.2 Chickpea -- 2.3 Cowpea -- 2.4 Faba bean -- 2.5 Lentil -- 2.6 Mung bean -- 2.7 Pigeon pea -- 2.8 Soybean -- 2.9 Guar or cluster bean -- 2.9.1 Pisum sativum -- 3. Epidemiology -- 4. Management -- 5. Conclusion and future perspectives -- References -- 6 - Up-to-date information of phytoplasma diseases associated with palm species in Asian countries -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Phytoplasma diseases associated with palm species in Asia -- 2.1 Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). , 2.1.1 Yellowing and necrosis of Malaysian oil palms -- 2.1.2 Stunting disease -- 2.1.3 Spear rot disease -- 2.2 Coconut -- 2.2.1 Coconut yellow decline disease -- 2.2.2 Coconut lethal wilt disease -- 2.2.3 Root wilt disease of coconut -- 2.2.4 Weligama coconut leaf wilt disease -- 2.2.5 Kalimantan and Natuna wilt and yellowing of coconut palms -- 2.2.6 Tatipaka disease -- 2.3 Arecanut -- 2.3.1 Yellow leaf disease -- 2.4 Date palms -- 2.4.1 Al-Wijam disease of date palm -- 2.4.2 Yellow streak disease of dates -- 2.5 Phytoplasma-associated diseases with other palms -- 2.5.1 Yellow decline disease of Royal palm -- 2.5.2 Foxtail palm yellow decline -- 3. Conclusion -- References -- 7 - An update on phytoplasma diseases associated with ornamentals in Asia -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Phytoplasma diseases on ornamentals in Asian countries -- 2.1 Aegean wallflower (Erysimum linifolium L. -- sin. Cheiranthus linifolium L.) -- 2.2 Brachyscome spp. -- 2.3 Chinese aster (Callistephus chinensis L.) -- 2.4 Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) -- 2.5 Chrysanthemum spp. -- 2.6 Cock's comb (Celosia argentea L., sin. C. cristata L.) -- 2.7 Desert rose (Adenium obesum L.) -- 2.8 Four o'clock flower (Mirabilis jalapa L.) -- 2.9 French hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla Thunb.) -- 2.10 Golden trumpet (Allamanda cathartica L.) -- 2.11 Ice plant (Carpobrotus edulis L.) -- 2.12 Jasmine (Jasminum sambac L.) -- 2.13 Liliac (Syringa vulgaris L.) and lily (Lilium longiflorum thunb.) -- 2.14 Marigold (Tagetes erecta L. and T. patula L.) -- 2.15 Pansy (Viola tricolor L.) -- 2.16 Periwinkle [Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don.] -- 2.17 Petunias (Petunia hybrid L.) -- 2.18 Phlox (Phlox drummondii Hook.) -- 2.19 Pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) -- 2.20 Purple coneflowers [Echinacea purpurea L. (Moench)] -- 2.21 Rose (Rosa spp. L.) -- 2.22 Rose balsam (Impatiens balsamina L.). , 2.23 Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis L.) -- 2.24 Gladiolus species -- 2.25 Tenweeks stock (Matthiola incana R. Br.) -- 2.26 Zinnia (Zinnia elegans L.) -- 3. Phytoplasma associated with ornamental species of minor importance, wild and endemic ornamental species in Asia -- 4. Mixed phytoplasma infections -- 5. Hosts interaction -- 6. Transmission -- 7. Management -- 8. Conclusions and perspectives -- References -- 8 - Updates on phytoplasma diseases associated with sugarcane in Asia -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Disease symptoms and distribution -- 3. Phytoplasmas associated with SCGS/SCWL disease -- 4. Detection of the SCGS/SCWL phytoplasma -- 5. Genetic diversity of SCGS/SCWL phytoplasma -- 6. Whole-genome sequence of SCGS phytoplasma -- 7. Transmission and epidemiology of SCGS/SCWL disease -- 8. Disease management -- 9. Conclusion -- References -- 9 - Update on phytoplasma diseases associated with medicinal plants and spices in Asian Countries -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Geographical distribution -- 3. Phytoplasmas detected in medicinal plants -- 3.1 Aerva javanica -- 3.2 Achyranthes aspera -- 3.3 Andrographis paniculata -- 3.4 Artemisia sieberi -- 3.5 Butea monosperma -- 3.6 Cannabis sativa -- 3.7 Catharanthus roseus -- 3.8 Cymbopogon citratus -- 3.9 Datura species -- 3.10 Echinacea purpurea -- 3.11 Medicago sativa -- 3.12 Morinda citrifolia -- 3.13 Ocimum canum -- 3.14 Peganum harmala -- 3.15 Phyllanthus niruri -- 3.16 Portulaca grandiflora -- 3.17 Portulaca oleracea -- 3.18 Salvia miltiorrhiza -- 3.19 Tamarix chinensis -- 3.20 Taverniera cuneifolia -- 3.21 Thymbra spicata -- 3.22 Tylophora asthmatica -- 3.23 Withania somnifera -- 4. Phytoplasma diseases of spice crops -- 4.1 Allium cepa (onion) -- 4.2 Allium sativum L. (garlic) -- 4.3 Capsicum annuum (chilli) -- 4.4 Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese cinnamon) -- 4.5 Coriandrum sativum (coriander). , 4.6 Elettaria cardamomum (small cardamom) -- 4.7 Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) -- 4.8 Garcinia gummi-gutta (garcinia) -- 4.9 Petroselinum crispum (parsley) -- 4.10 Piper nigrum (black pepper) -- 5. Transmission -- 6. Diversity -- 7. Management -- 8. Conclusions and perspectives -- References -- 10 - Updates on phytoplasma diseases associated with citrus crops in Asia -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Phytoplasma and phytoplasma-like diseases of citrus in Asia -- 3. Witches' broom disease of lime -- 3.1 Symptoms associated with WBDL -- 3.2 Histological and physiological changes in WBDL infected crops -- 3.3 Natural reservoirs of WBDL phytoplasma -- 4. Insect vector of WBDL phytoplasma -- 4.1 Genetic diversity of phytoplasmas associated with WBDL -- 4.2 WBDL management -- 5. Conclusion and perspectives -- References -- 11 - Update on phytoplasma diseases associated with urban trees, desert trees, and bamboos in Asia -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Status of phytoplasmas associated with trees and bamboos in Asia -- 2.1 Acacia spp. -- 2.2 Bald cypress -- 2.3 Bamboo spp. -- 2.4 Castanea spp. -- 2.5 Chinaberry tree -- 2.6 Chinese scholar tree -- 2.7 Chinese tallow tree -- 2.8 Elm -- 2.9 Eucalyptus -- 2.10 False acacia -- 2.11 Japanese juniper -- 2.12 Mulberry (Morus spp.) -- 2.13 Neem -- 2.14 Norfolk Island pine -- 2.15 Paulownia spp. -- 2.16 Pinus spp. -- 2.17 Purple woodnettle -- 2.18 Salix spp. -- 2.19 Sunshine tree -- 2.20 Tamarind -- 2.21 Tamarix spp. -- 2.22 Toon tree -- 3. Diversity and distribution -- 4. Conclusion and perspectives -- References -- 12 - Updates on phytoplasma diseases associated with sandalwood in Asia -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Sandal spike disease, a major catastrophic disease of sandalwood -- 3. Geographical distribution of SSD -- 4. Detection of SSD phytoplasma -- 5. Genome sequence of SSD phytoplasma -- 6. SSD transmission and insect vectors. , 7. Alternate host studies.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Tiwari, A. K. Phytoplasma Diseases of Major Crops, Trees, and Weeds San Diego : Elsevier Science & Technology,c2023 ISBN 9780323918978
    Language: English
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  • 7
    Hollfeld/Ofr. : C. Bange Verlag
    Format: 71 Seiten , 16 cm
    Edition: 1
    ISBN: 3804403123
    Series Statement: Königs Erläuterungen und Materialien Bd. 199
    Note: Nebent.: Theodor Storm, Viola tricolor, Beim Vetter Christian. - Literaturverz. u. Bibliogr. Th. Storm S. 68 - 71
    Language: German
    Keywords: Storm, Theodor 〈1817-1888〉. Viola tricolor ; Deutschunterricht ; Lehrmittel ; Storm, Theodor 〈1817-1888〉. Beim Vetter Christian ; Deutschunterricht ; Lehrmittel ; Interpretation ; Literatur ; Lehrmittel ; Lehrmittel
    Author information: Eversberg, Gerd
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  • 8
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin : Technische Universität Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource ([3] S., [25] Bl.) , 25 Ill. (Chromolithogr.)
    Note: Nebentitel: Viola tricolor, mittelst künstlicher Befruchtung gezogen durch den Hofgärtner F. Lesemann in der Villa Braunschweig in Hitzing bei Wien
    Additional Edition: Elektronische Reproduktion von Wien : k.k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, [1859]
    Language: German
    Keywords: Stiefmütterchen
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  • 9
    Wien : k.k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei
    Format: [3] S., [25] Bl. , 25 Ill. (Chromolithogr.) , 4"
    Note: Nebentitel: Viola tricolor, mittelst künstlicher Befruchtung gezogen durch den Hofgärtner F. Lesemann in der Villa Braunschweig in Hitzing bei Wien
    Additional Edition: Elektronische Reproduktion Berlin : Technische Universität Berlin, Universitätsbibliothek, 2014 urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-goobi-1337639
    Language: German
    Keywords: Stiefmütterchen
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  • 10
    Series Statement: Viola-Studier / af Veit Brecher Wittrock 1
    Language: Latin
    Author information: Wittrock, Veit 1839-1914
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