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    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (1 v)
    ISBN: 9781784713942
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Allaire, Yvan and Mihaela E. Firsirotu (1984), 'Theories of Organizational Culture', Organization Studies, 5 (3), 193-226. -- Alvesson, Mats (1993), Cultural Perspectives on Organizations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Anthony, Peter (1994), Managing Organizational Culture, Buckinghamshire: Open University Press. -- Barley, Stephen R. and Gideon Kunda (1992), 'Design and Devotion: Surges of Rational and Normative Ideologies of Control in Managerial Discourse', Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, 363-99. -- Barley, Stephen R., Gordon W. Meyer and Debra C. Gash (1988), 'Cultures of Culture: Academics, Practitioners and the Pragmatics of Normative Control', Administrative Science Quarterly, 33, 24-60. -- Barney, Jay B. (1986), 'Organizational Culture: Can it be a Source of Competitive Advantage?', Academy of Management Review, 11 (3), 656-65. -- , Becker, Howard S., Blanche Geer, Everett C. Hughes and Anselm Strauss (1961), Boys in White: Student Culture in Medical School, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Berger, Peter and Thomas Luckmann (1966), The Social Construction of Reality, NY: Anchor Books. -- Blau, Peter M. (1955), The Dynamics of Bureaucracy: A Study of Interpersonal Relations in Two Government Agencies, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Bolman, Lee G. and Terrence E. Deal (1991), Reframing Organizations, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. -- Bormann, Ernest G. (1983), 'Symbolic Convergence: Organizational Communication and Culture', in Linda Putnam and Michael Pacanowsky (eds), Communication and Organizations: An Interpretive Approach, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 99-122. -- Brower, Ralph S., Mitchel Y. Abolafia and Jered B. Carr (2000), 'On Improving Qualitative Methods in Public Administration Research', Administration and Society, 32, 363-97. -- Brown, Andrew (1995), Organisational Culture, London: Pitman. -- , Burrell, Gibson and Gareth Morgan (1979), Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis, Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. -- Calás, Marta B. and Linda Smircich (1991), 'Voicing Seduction to Silence Leadership', Organization Studies, 12 (4), 567-601. -- Calás, Marta B. and Linda Smircich (1993), 'Dangerous Liaisons? Feminine-in-Management meets Globalisation', Business Horizons, March-April: 73-83. -- Cameron, Kim S. and Robert E. Quinn (1988), 'Organizational Paradox and Transformation', in Robert E. Quinn and Kim S. Cameron (eds), Paradox and Transformation: Toward a Theory of Change in Organization and Management, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1-18. -- Clegg, Stewart, Martin Kornberger and Tyrone Pitsis (2005), Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, London: SAGE. -- Clifford, James and George E. Marcus (1986), Writing Culture, Berkeley: University of California Press , Cohen, Anthony P. (1985), The Symbolic Construction of Community, Chichester/London: Ellis Horwood/Tavistock. -- Crozier, Michel (1964), The Bureaucratic Phenomenon, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Czarniawska-Joerges, Barbara (1992), Exploring Complex Organizations: A Cultural Perspective, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Dalton, Melville (1959), Men who Manage: Fusions of Feeling and Theory in Administration, New York: Wiley. -- Davis, Stanley M. (1984), Managing Corporate Culture, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger. -- Delbridge, Rick (1998), Life on the Line in Contemporary Manufacturing: The Workplace Experience of Lean Production and the 'Japanese' Model, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Fine, Gary Alan (1996), Kitchens: The Culture of Restaurant Work, Berkeley: University of California Press. -- Frost, Peter J., Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig C. Lundberg and Joanne Martin (eds) (1985), Organizational Culture, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- , Frost, Peter J., Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig C. Lundberg and Joanne Martin (eds) (1991), Reframing Organizational Culture, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Gabriel, Yiannis (1991), 'Organizations and their Discontents:A Psychoanalytic Contribution to the Study of Organizational Culture', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 27 (3), 318-36. -- Gagliardi, Pasquale (1986), 'The Creation and Change of Organizational Culture: A Conceptual Framework', Organization Studies, 7 (2), 117-34. -- Geertz, Clifford (1973), The Interpretation of Cultures, NY: Basic Books. -- Geertz, Clifford (1988), Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. -- Giddens, Anthony (1974), New Rules of Sociological Method, London: Hutchinson. -- Goffman, Erving (1983 [1959]), De Dramaturgie van het Dagelijks Leven [The presentation of self in everyday life], Utrecht: Bijleveld. -- , Golden-Biddle, Karen, and Karen Locke (1993) 'Appealing Work: An Investigation of How Ethnographic texts convince', Organization Science, 4, 595-616. -- Golden-Biddle, Karen, and Karen Locke (1997), Composing Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE. -- Gomez, Marie-Léandre, Isabelle Bouty and Carole Drucker-Godard (2003), 'Developing Knowing in Practice: Behind the Scenes of Haute Cuisine', in Davide Nicolini, Silvia Gherardi and Dvora Yanow (eds), Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-based Approach, Armonk, NY: M E Sharpe, 100-25. -- Goodman, Nelson (1978), Ways of World-Making, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett , Gouldner, Alvin W. (1954), Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy, Glencoe, IL: Free Press. -- Gouldner, Alvin W. (1955), Wildcat Strike: A Study of an Unofficial Strike, London: Routledge/Kegan Paul. -- Gowler, Dan and Karen Legge (1983), 'The Meaning of Management, the Management of Meaning: A View from Social Anthropology', in M.J. Earl (ed.), Perspectives on Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 99-233. -- Graham, Laurie (1995), 'Inside a Japanese Transplant: A Critical Perspective', Work and Occupations, 20 (2), 147-73. -- Grant, David, Tom Keenoy and Cliff Oswick (eds) (1998), Discourse + Organization, London: SAGE. -- Grant, David, Cynthia Hardy, Cliff Oswick and Linda Putnam (eds) (2004), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Discourse, London: SAGE. -- Gregory, Karen L. (1983), 'Native-view Paradigms: Multiple Cultures and Culture Conflicts in Organizations', Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 359-76. -- , Greiner, Larry E. (1972), 'Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow', Harvard Business Review, 50 (4), July-August, 37-46. -- Grey, Chris (2005), Studying Organizations, London: SAGE. -- Handel, Michael (ed.) (2004), The Sociology of Organizations: Classic, Contemporary, and Critical readings, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. -- Handy, Charles B. (1985), Understanding Organizations, Harmondsworth: Penguin. -- Hannerz, Ulf (1992), Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning, New York: Columbia University Press. -- Haraway, Donna (1988), 'Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of the Partial Perspective', Feminist Studies, 14, 575-99. -- Harding, Sandra (1993), 'Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What is "Strong Objectivity "?', in Linda Alcoff and Elizabeth Potter (eds), Feminist Epistemologies, New York: Routledge, 49-82. -- , Hatch, Mary Jo (1996), 'The Role of the Researcher: An Analysis of Narrative Position in Organization Theory', Journal of Management Inquiry, 5, 359-74. -- Hatch, Mary Jo (1997), Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Hatch, Mary Jo and Ann Cunliffe (2007), Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives, 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Homans, George C. (1950), The Human Group, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World.Hofstede, Geert H., Bram Neuijen, Denise Daval Ohayiv and Geert Sanders (1990), 'Measuring Organizational Cultures', Administrative Science Quarterly, 35, 286-316 , Hummel, Ralph P. (1991), 'Stories Managers tell: Why They are Valid as Science', Public Administration Review, 51 (1), 31-41. -- Jackall, Robert (1989), Moral Mazes: The world of Corporate Managers, New York, NY: Oxford University Press. -- Jones, Michael Owen (1988), 'In Search of Meaning: Using Qualitative Methods in Research and Application', in Michael Owen Jones, Michael Dane Moore, and Richard Christopher Snyder (eds), Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE, 31-48. -- Jones, Michael Owen (1996), Studying Organizational Symbolism: What, How, Why?, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. -- Jones, Michael Owen, Michael Dane Moore and Richard Christopher Snyder (eds) (1988), Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Kanter, Rosabeth Moss (1980), The tale of 'O': On Being Different in an Organization, New York, NY: Harper & Row. -- , Kaufman, Herbert (1960), The Forest Ranger: A Study in Administrative Behavior, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press. -- Kertzer, David I. (1988), Ritual, Politics and Power, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. -- Kilmann, Ralph H., Mary J. Saxton, Roy Serpa and Associates (1985), Gaining Control of the Corporate Culture, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. -- Koot, Willem (1996), 'The Rhetoric of Synergy and the Practice of Increasing Ethnic Rivalry in Organizations', in Willem Koot, Ida Sabelis and Sierk Ybema (eds), Contradictions in Context: Puzzling over Paradoxes in Contemporary Organizations, Amsterdam: VU University Press, 63-85. -- Koot, Willem, Ida Sabelis and Sierk Ybema (eds) (1996), Contradictions in Context: Puzzling over Paradoxes in Contemporary Organizations, Amsterdam: VU University Press. -- Kuhn, Thomas S. (1970), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- , Kunda, Gideon (1992), Engineering Culture: Control and Commitment in a High-tech Corporation, Philadelphia: Temple University Press. -- Linstead, Stephen, Robert Grafton-Small and Paul Jeffcutt (eds) (1996), Understanding Management, London: SAGE. -- Louis, Meryl Reis (1985), 'Organizations as Culture-bearing Milieux', in Peter J. Frost et al. (eds) Organizational Culture, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 73-93. -- Lucas, Rob (1987), 'Political-cultural Analysis of Organizations', Academy of Management Review, 12, 144-56. -- Lundberg, Craig C. (1985), 'On the Feasibility of Cultural Intervention', in Peter J. Frost et al., Organizational Culture, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 169-85. -- Manning, Peter K. (1977), Police Work: The Social Organization of Policing, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- , Martin, Joanne (1990), 'Breaking up the Mono-method Monopolies in Organizational Analysis', in John Hassard and D. Pym (eds), The Theory and Philosophy of Organizations: Critical Issues and New Perspectives, London: Routledge, 30-43 , Martin, Joanne (1992), Cultures in Organizations: Three Perspectives, New York: Oxford University Press. -- Martin, Joanne (2002), Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. -- Martin, Joanne and Debra Meyerson (1988), 'Organizational Culture and the Denial, Channelling and Acknowledgment of Ambiguity', in Louis Pondy, R. Boland, and H. Thomas (eds), Managing Ambiguity and Change, New York: Wiley, 93-125. -- Martin, Joanne and Peter Frost (1996), 'The Organizational Culture War Games: A Struggle for Intellectual Dominance', in Stewart R. Clegg, Cynthia Hardy, and Walter Nord (eds), Handbook of Organization Studies, London: SAGE, 599-621. -- Martin, Joanne and Melanie E. Powers (1983), 'Truth or Corporate Propaganda: The Value of a Good War Story', in Louis R. Pondy et al. (eds), Organizational Symbolism, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. -- , Martin, Joanne and Caren Siehl (1983), 'Organizational Culture and Counterculture: An Uneasy Symbiosis', Organizational Dynamics, 12, 52-64. -- McAuley, John, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson (2007), Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives, London: PrenticeHall. -- McGregor, Douglas (1960), The Human Side of Enterprise, New York: McGraw-Hill. -- Miettinen, Reijo, Dalvir Samra-Fredericks and Dvora Yanow (eds) (2009), 'Return to Practice', Special Issue, Organization Studies, 30 (12), 1309-493. -- Morey, Nancy C. and Fred Luthans (1985), 'Refining the Concept of Culture and the Use of Scenes and Themes in organizational studies', Academy of Management Review, 10, 219-29. -- Morrill, Calvin (1995), The Executive Way: Conflict Management in Corporations, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Morgan, Gareth (1986), Images of Organization, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE. -- , Nahavandi, Afsaneh and Ali R. Malekzadeh (1988), 'Acculturation in Mergers and Acquisitions', Academy of Management Review, 13 (1), 79-90. -- Nicolini, Davide, Silvia Gherardi and Dvora Yanow (eds) (2003), Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-based Approach, Armonk, NY: M E Sharpe. -- Ogbonna, Emmanuel and Barry Wilkinson (1988), 'Corporate Strategy and Corporate Culture: The View from the Checkout', Personnel Review, 19 (4), 9-15. -- Olson, Margrethe H. (1982), 'New Information Technology and Organizational Culture', MIS Quarterly, 6, 71-92. -- Ouchi, William G. (1981), Theory Z: How American Business can Meet the Japanese Challenge, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. -- Parker, Martin (2000), Organizational Culture and Identity, London: SAGE. -- Pascale, Richard Tanner and Anthony G. Athos (1981), The Art of Japanese Management, New York: Simon & Schuster , Peters, Thomas J. and Robert H. Waterman (1982), In Search of Excellence, NY: Harper and Row. -- Pfeffer, Jeffrey (1981), Power in Organizations, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger. -- Phillips, Margaret E. (1994), 'Industry Mindsets: Exploring the Cultures of Two Macro-Organizational Settings', Organization Science, 5 (3), 384-402. -- Pondy, Louis R., Peter J. Frost, Gareth Morgan and Thomas C. Dandridge (eds) (1983), Organizational Symbolism, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. -- Quinn, Robert E. and Michael R. McGrath (1985), 'The Transformation of Organizational Cultures: A Competing Values Perspective', in Peter J. Frost et al., Organizational Culture, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 31-53. -- Rafaeli, Anat and Michael G. Pratt (eds) (2006), Artifacts and Organizations: Beyond Mere Symbolism, Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. -- Riley, Patricia (1983), 'A Structurationist Account of Political Cultures', Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 414-37. -- , Rorty, Richard (1979), Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. -- Roethlisberger, Fritz J. and William J. Dickson (1939) Management and the Worker, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. -- Roy, Donald (1954), 'Efficiency and "the Fix " Informal Intergroup Relations in a Piecework Machine Shop', American Journal of Sociology, 57 (5), 427-42. -- Rosen, Michael (1986), 'Some Notes from the Field: On Ethnography and Organizational Science', Dragon, 6, 57-67. -- Sackmann, Sonja A. (1992), 'Culture and Subcultures: An Analysis of Organizational Knowledge', Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, 140-61. -- Sackmann, Sonja A. (ed.) (1997a), Cultural Complexity in Organizations: Inherent Contrasts and Contradictions, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Sackmann, Sonja A. (1997b), 'Introduction', in Sonja A. Sackmann (ed.), Cultural Complexity in Organizations: Inherent Contrasts and Contradictions, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE, 1-13. -- , Sanders, Geert and Bram Neuijen (1989), Bedrijfscultuur, Diagnose en Beïnvloeding, Assen: Van Gorcum. -- Sathe, Vijay (ed.) (1985), Culture and Related Corporate Realities, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin. -- Schein, Edgar H. (1978), Career Dynamics, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. -- Schein, Edgar H. ((1985), (1992)) Organizational Culture and Leadership, 1st and 2nd eds. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. -- Schneider, Benjamin (ed.) 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Turner (1971), 'The Industrial Subculture', 'The Attribution of Meaning', 'Communication and Ritual', and 'Communication and Language', in Exploring the Industrial Subculture, New York, NY: Macmillan, 1-46, 146-62 -- Andrew M. Pettigrew (1979), 'On Studying Organizational Cultures', Administrative Science Quarterly, 24 (4), December, 570-81 -- Linda Smircich (1983), 'Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis', Administrative Science Quarterly, 28 (3), September, 339-58 -- Edgar H. Schein (1984), 'Coming to a New Awareness of Organizational Culture', Sloan Management Review, 25 (2), Winter, 3-16 , William G. Ouchi and Alfred M. Jaeger (1978), 'Type Z Organization: Stability in the Midst of Mobility', Academy of Management Review, 3 (2), April, 305-14 -- Terrence E. Deal and Allan A. Kennedy (1982), 'Strong Cultures: The New "Old Rule " for Business Success', in Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life, Chapter 1, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 3-19, 210-211 -- John Van Maanen and Stephen R. Barley (1985), 'Cultural Organization: Fragments of a Theory', in Peter J. Frost, Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig C. Lundberg and Joanne Martin (eds), Organizational Culture, Chapter 2, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 31-53, references -- Debra Meyerson and Joanne Martin (1987), 'Cultural Change: An Integration of Three Different Views', Journal of Management Studies, 24 (6), November, 623-47 -- Ed. Young (1989), 'On the Naming of the Rose: Interests and Multiple Meanings as Elements of Organizational Culture', Organization Studies, 10 (2), 187-206 -- , Hugh Willmott (1993), 'Strength is Ignorance; Slavery is Freedom: Managing Culture in Modern Organizations', Journal of Management Studies, 30 (4), 515-52 -- John M. Jermier, John W. Slocum, Jr., Louis W. Fry, Jeannie Gaines (1991), 'Organizational Subcultures in a Soft Bureaucracy: Resistance Behind the Myth and Facade of an Official Culture', Organization Science, 2 (2), May, 170-94 -- David L. Collinson (1992), 'Conclusion', in Managing the Shopfloor: Subjectivity, Masculinity and Workplace Culture, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 211-31, references -- Edgar H. Schein (1983), 'The Role of the Founder in Creating Organizational Culture', Organizational Dynamics, 12 (1), Summer, 13-28 -- Mary Jo Hatch (1993), 'The Dynamics of Organizational Culture', Academy of Management Review, 18 (4), October, 657-93 -- , Paul Bate (1994), 'Towards an Integrated Strategy for Cultural Change', in Strategies for Cultural Change, Chapter 7, Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, 135-65, references -- Mats Alvesson (2002), 'Cultural Change and Conclusions', in Understanding Organizational Culture, Chapter 8, London, UK: age, 170-95, references -- Jeffrey Pfeffer (1981), 'Management as Symbolic Action: The Creation and Maintenance of Organizational Paradigms', in Larry L. Cummings and Barry M. Staw (eds), Research in Organizational Behavior, 3, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Inc, 1-52 -- Linda Smircich and Gareth Morgan (1982), 'Leadership: The Management of Meaning', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 18 (3), Special Issue, 257-73 -- Virginia Hill Ingersoll and Guy B. Adams (1986), 'Beyond Organizational Boundaries: Exploring the Managerial Myth', Administration and Society, 18 (3), November, 360-81 -- , Barbara Gray, Michel G. 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Alutto (1969), 'The Role of Ceremonials in Organizational Behavior', Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 23 (1), October, 40-51 -- Burton R. Clark (1972), 'The Organizational Saga in Higher Education', Administrative Science Quarterly, 17 (2), June, 178-84 -- Ian I. Mitroff and Ralph H. Kilmann (1975), 'Stories Managers Tell: A New Tool for Organizational Problem Solving', Management Review, 64 (7), July, 18-28 -- John W. Meyer and Brian Rowan (1977), 'Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony', American Journal of Sociology, 83 (2), September, 340-63 -- , Thomas C. Dandridge, Ian Mitroff and William F. Joyce (1980), 'Organizational Symbolism: A Topic to Expand Organizational Analysis', Academy of Management Review, 5 (1), January, 77-82 -- Meryl Reis Louis (1980), 'Surprise and Sense Making: What Newcomers Experience in Entering Unfamiliar Organizational Settings', Administrative Science Quarterly, 25 (2), June, 226-51 -- Barry A. Turner (1986), 'Sociological Aspects of Organizational Symbolism', Organization Studies, 7 (2), 101-15 -- Pasquale Gagliardi (1990), 'Artifacts as Pathways and Remains of Organizational Life', in Symbols and Artifacts: Views of the Corporate Landscape, Berlin, Germany and New York, NY: Walter de Gruyter, 3-38 -- Mats Alvesson and Per Olof Berg (1992), 'Symbolic Management', in Corporate Culture and Organizational Symbolism: An Overview, Berlin, Germany and New York, NY: Walter de Gruyter, 155-73, references -- , Martha S. Feldman and James G. March (1981), 'Information in Organizations as Signal and Symbol', Administrative Science Quarterly, 26 (2), June, 171-86 -- Alan L. Wilkins (1984) 'The Creation of Company Cultures: The Role of Stories and Human Resource Systems', Human Resource Management, 23 (1), Spring, 41-60 -- David M. Boje (1991), 'The Storytelling Organization: A Study of Story Performance in an Office-Supply Firm', Administrative Science Quarterly, 36 (1), March, 106-26 , Yiannis Gabriel (1995), 'The Unmanaged Organization: Stories, Fantasies and Subjectivity', Organization Studies, 16 (3), 477-501 -- Harrison M. Trice and Janice M. Beyer (1984), 'Studying Organizational Cultures Through Rites and Ceremonials', Academy of Management Review, 9 (4), October, 653-69 -- Michael Rosen (1985), 'Breakfast at Spiro's: Dramaturgy and Dominance', Journal of Management, 11 (2), 31-48 -- Per Olof Berg and Kristian Kreiner (1990), 'Corporate Architecture: Turning Physical Settings into Symbolic Resources', in Pasquale Gagliardi (ed.), Symbols and Artifacts: Views of the Corporate Landscape, Berlin, Germany and New York, NY: Walter de Gruyter, 41-62, 64-67 , This authoritative research review presents classical, contemporary and critical texts that have influenced the development of the field of organizational culture and symbolism. This indispensable collection includes seminal papers relating to meaning-making in organizations and the subjective dimensions of organizational life as well as those which chart the field's historical roots
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    Format: 1 online resource (xvii, 270 pages) : , digital, PDF file(s).
    ISBN: 9781316162514 (ebook)
    Content: An important goal of environmental research is to inform policy and decision making. However, environmental experts working at the interface between science, policy and society face complex challenges, including how to identify sources of disagreement over environmental issues, communicate uncertainties and limitations of knowledge, and tackle controversial topics such as genetic modification and the use of biofuels. This book discusses the problems environmental experts encounter in the interaction between knowledge, society, and policy on both a practical and conceptual level. Key findings from social science research are illustrated with a range of case studies, from fisheries to fracking. The book offers guidance on how to tackle these challenges, equipping readers with tools to better understand the diversity of environmental knowledge and its role in complex environmental issues. Written by leading natural and social scientists, this text provides an essential resource for students, scientists and professionals working at the science-policy interface.
    Note: Title from publisher's bibliographic system (viewed on 22 Feb 2019). , Introduction : the plight of the environmental scientist / Willem Halffman, Esther Turnhout & Willemijn Tuinstra -- What is science? (and why does this matter?) / Willem Halffman -- Frames : beyond facts versus values / Willem Halffman -- Case A framing climate-change / Mike Hulme -- Science, politics and the public in knowledge controversies / Esther Turnhout & Thomas Gieryn -- Case B what does 'climategate' tell us about public knowledge controversies? / Silke Beck -- Case C whose deficit anyway? : institutional misunderstanding of fracking sceptical publics / Laurence Williams & Phil Macnaghten -- The limits to knowledge / Willemijn Tuinstra, Ad Ragas & Willem Halffman -- Case D angry bulbs / Ad Ragas & Marga Jacobs -- Usable knowledge : science, policy and society / Willemijn Tuinstra, Willem Halffman & Esther Turnhout -- Case E expertise for European fisheries policy / Willem Halffman & Martin Pastoors -- Interdisciplinarity and the challenge of knowledge integration / Esther Turnhout -- Case F knowledge integration in the millennium ecosystem assessment / Clark Miller -- Case G integrated assessment for long-range transboundary air pollution / Willemijn Tuinstra -- Lay expertise / Esther Turnhout & Katja Neves -- Case H lay expertise and botanical science : a case of dynamic interdependencies in biodiversity conservation / Katja Neves -- Case I the Loweswater Care Project / Claire Waterton -- Environmental experts at the science-policy-society interface / Esther Turnhout -- Case J group think and whistle blowers in CO2 capture and storage / Heleen de Coninck -- Environmental knowledge in democracy / Esther Turnhout, Willem Halffman & Willemijn Tuinstra -- Conclusion : science, reason and the environment / Willem Halffman, Willemijn Tuinstra & Esther Turnhout.
    Additional Edition: Print version: ISBN 9781107098749
    Language: English
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    Format: 1 online resource (848 p.)
    Edition: 1st, New ed.
    ISBN: 9783035103205
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    Language: English
    URL: Volltext  (lizenzpflichtig)
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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham :Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd.,
    Format: 1 online resource (1 v.) ; , cm.
    ISBN: 9781784713942 (e-book)
    Series Statement: Elgar research reviews in business
    Content: This authoritative research review presents classical, contemporary and critical texts that have influenced the development of the field of organizational culture and symbolism. This indispensable collection includes seminal papers relating to meaning-making in organizations and the subjective dimensions of organizational life as well as those which chart the field's historical roots.
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Allaire, Yvan and Mihaela E. Firsirotu (1984), 'Theories of Organizational Culture', Organization Studies, 5 (3), 193-226. -- Alvesson, Mats (1993), Cultural Perspectives on Organizations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Anthony, Peter (1994), Managing Organizational Culture, Buckinghamshire: Open University Press. -- Barley, Stephen R. and Gideon Kunda (1992), 'Design and Devotion: Surges of Rational and Normative Ideologies of Control in Managerial Discourse', Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, 363-99. -- Barley, Stephen R., Gordon W. Meyer and Debra C. Gash (1988), 'Cultures of Culture: Academics, Practitioners and the Pragmatics of Normative Control', Administrative Science Quarterly, 33, 24-60. -- Barney, Jay B. (1986), 'Organizational Culture: Can it be a Source of Competitive Advantage?', Academy of Management Review, 11 (3), 656-65. -- Becker, Howard S., Blanche Geer, Everett C. Hughes and Anselm Strauss (1961), Boys in White: Student Culture in Medical School, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Berger, Peter and Thomas Luckmann (1966), The Social Construction of Reality, NY: Anchor Books. -- Blau, Peter M. (1955), The Dynamics of Bureaucracy: A Study of Interpersonal Relations in Two Government Agencies, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Bolman, Lee G. and Terrence E. Deal (1991), Reframing Organizations, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. -- Bormann, Ernest G. (1983), 'Symbolic Convergence: Organizational Communication and Culture', in Linda Putnam and Michael Pacanowsky (eds), Communication and Organizations: An Interpretive Approach, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 99-122. -- Brower, Ralph S., Mitchel Y. Abolafia and Jered B. Carr (2000), 'On Improving Qualitative Methods in Public Administration Research', Administration and Society, 32, 363-97. -- Brown, Andrew (1995), Organisational Culture, London: Pitman. -- Burrell, Gibson and Gareth Morgan (1979), Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis, Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. -- Calás, Marta B. and Linda Smircich (1991), 'Voicing Seduction to Silence Leadership', Organization Studies, 12 (4), 567-601. -- Calás, Marta B. and Linda Smircich (1993), 'Dangerous Liaisons? Feminine-in-Management meets Globalisation', Business Horizons, March-April: 73-83. -- Cameron, Kim S. and Robert E. Quinn (1988), 'Organizational Paradox and Transformation', in Robert E. Quinn and Kim S. Cameron (eds), Paradox and Transformation: Toward a Theory of Change in Organization and Management, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1-18. -- Clegg, Stewart, Martin Kornberger and Tyrone Pitsis (2005), Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, London: SAGE. -- Clifford, James and George E. Marcus (1986), Writing Culture, Berkeley: University of California Press. , Cohen, Anthony P. (1985), The Symbolic Construction of Community, Chichester/London: Ellis Horwood/Tavistock. -- Crozier, Michel (1964), The Bureaucratic Phenomenon, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Czarniawska-Joerges, Barbara (1992), Exploring Complex Organizations: A Cultural Perspective, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Dalton, Melville (1959), Men who Manage: Fusions of Feeling and Theory in Administration, New York: Wiley. -- Davis, Stanley M. (1984), Managing Corporate Culture, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger. -- Delbridge, Rick (1998), Life on the Line in Contemporary Manufacturing: The Workplace Experience of Lean Production and the 'Japanese' Model, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Fine, Gary Alan (1996), Kitchens: The Culture of Restaurant Work, Berkeley: University of California Press. -- Frost, Peter J., Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig C. Lundberg and Joanne Martin (eds) (1985), Organizational Culture, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Frost, Peter J., Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, Craig C. Lundberg and Joanne Martin (eds) (1991), Reframing Organizational Culture, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Gabriel, Yiannis (1991), 'Organizations and their Discontents:A Psychoanalytic Contribution to the Study of Organizational Culture', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 27 (3), 318-36. -- Gagliardi, Pasquale (1986), 'The Creation and Change of Organizational Culture: A Conceptual Framework', Organization Studies, 7 (2), 117-34. -- Geertz, Clifford (1973), The Interpretation of Cultures, NY: Basic Books. -- Geertz, Clifford (1988), Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. -- Giddens, Anthony (1974), New Rules of Sociological Method, London: Hutchinson. -- Goffman, Erving (1983 [1959]), De Dramaturgie van het Dagelijks Leven [The presentation of self in everyday life], Utrecht: Bijleveld. -- Golden-Biddle, Karen, and Karen Locke (1993) 'Appealing Work: An Investigation of How Ethnographic texts convince', Organization Science, 4, 595-616. -- Golden-Biddle, Karen, and Karen Locke (1997), Composing Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE. -- Gomez, Marie-Léandre, Isabelle Bouty and Carole Drucker-Godard (2003), 'Developing Knowing in Practice: Behind the Scenes of Haute Cuisine', in Davide Nicolini, Silvia Gherardi and Dvora Yanow (eds), Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-based Approach, Armonk, NY: M E Sharpe, 100-25. -- Goodman, Nelson (1978), Ways of World-Making, Indianapolis, IN: Hackett. , Gouldner, Alvin W. (1954), Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy, Glencoe, IL: Free Press. -- Gouldner, Alvin W. (1955), Wildcat Strike: A Study of an Unofficial Strike, London: Routledge/Kegan Paul. -- Gowler, Dan and Karen Legge (1983), 'The Meaning of Management, the Management of Meaning: A View from Social Anthropology', in M.J. Earl (ed.), Perspectives on Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 99-233. -- Graham, Laurie (1995), 'Inside a Japanese Transplant: A Critical Perspective', Work and Occupations, 20 (2), 147-73. -- Grant, David, Tom Keenoy and Cliff Oswick (eds) (1998), Discourse + Organization, London: SAGE. -- Grant, David, Cynthia Hardy, Cliff Oswick and Linda Putnam (eds) (2004), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Discourse, London: SAGE. -- Gregory, Karen L. (1983), 'Native-view Paradigms: Multiple Cultures and Culture Conflicts in Organizations', Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 359-76. -- Greiner, Larry E. (1972), 'Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow', Harvard Business Review, 50 (4), July-August, 37-46. -- Grey, Chris (2005), Studying Organizations, London: SAGE. -- Handel, Michael (ed.) (2004), The Sociology of Organizations: Classic, Contemporary, and Critical readings, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. -- Handy, Charles B. (1985), Understanding Organizations, Harmondsworth: Penguin. -- Hannerz, Ulf (1992), Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning, New York: Columbia University Press. -- Haraway, Donna (1988), 'Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of the Partial Perspective', Feminist Studies, 14, 575-99. -- Harding, Sandra (1993), 'Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What is "Strong Objectivity "?', in Linda Alcoff and Elizabeth Potter (eds), Feminist Epistemologies, New York: Routledge, 49-82. -- Hatch, Mary Jo (1996), 'The Role of the Researcher: An Analysis of Narrative Position in Organization Theory', Journal of Management Inquiry, 5, 359-74. -- Hatch, Mary Jo (1997), Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Hatch, Mary Jo and Ann Cunliffe (2007), Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives, 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- Homans, George C. (1950), The Human Group, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World. , Hummel, Ralph P. (1991), 'Stories Managers tell: Why They are Valid as Science', Public Administration Review, 51 (1), 31-41. -- Jackall, Robert (1989), Moral Mazes: The world of Corporate Managers, New York, NY: Oxford University Press. -- Jones, Michael Owen (1988), 'In Search of Meaning: Using Qualitative Methods in Research and Application', in Michael Owen Jones, Michael Dane Moore, and Richard Christopher Snyder (eds), Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension, Newbury Park, CA: SAGE, 31-48. -- Jones, Michael Owen (1996), Studying Organizational Symbolism: What, How, Why?, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. -- Jones, Michael Owen, Michael Dane Moore and Richard Christopher Snyder (eds) (1988), Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. -- Kanter, Rosabeth Moss (1980), The tale of 'O': On Being Different in an Organization, New York, NY: Harper & Row. -- Kaufman, Herbert (1960), The Forest Ranger: A Study in Administrative Behavior, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press. -- Kertzer, David I. (1988), Ritual, Politics and Power, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. -- Kilmann, Ralph H., Mary J. Saxton, Roy Serpa and Associates (1985), Gaining Control of the Corporate Culture, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. -- Koot, Willem (1996), 'The Rhetoric of Synergy and the Practice of Increasing Ethnic Rivalry in Organizations', in Willem Koot, Ida Sabelis and Sierk Ybema (eds), Contradictions in Context: Puzzling over Paradoxes in Contemporary Organizations, Amsterdam: VU University Press, 63-85. -- Koot, Willem, Ida Sabelis and Sierk Ybema (eds) (1996), Contradictions in Context: Puzzling over Paradoxes in Contemporary Organizations, Amsterdam: VU University Press. -- Kuhn, Thomas S. (1970), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. -- Kunda, Gideon (1992), Engineering Culture: Control and Commitment in a High-tech Corporation, Philadelphia: Temple University Press. -- Linstead, Stephen, Robert Grafton-Small and Paul Jeffcutt (eds) (1996), Understanding Management, London: SAGE. -- Louis, Meryl Reis (1985), 'Organizations as Culture-bearing Milieux', in Peter J. Frost et al. (eds) Organizational Culture, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 73-93. -- Lucas, Rob (1987), 'Political-cultural Analysis of Organizations', Academy of Management Review, 12, 144-56. -- Lundberg, Craig C. (1985), 'On the Feasibility of Cultural Intervention', in Peter J. Frost et al., Organizational Culture, Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE, 169-85. -- Manning, Peter K. (1977), Police Work: The Social Organization of Policing, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Martin, Joanne (1990), 'Breaking up the Mono-method Monopolies in Organizational Analysis', in John Hassard and D. Pym (eds), The Theory and Philosophy of Organizations: Critical Issues and New Perspectives, London: Routledge, 30-43. , Martin, Joanne (1992), Cultures in Organizations: Three Perspectives, New York: Oxford University Press. -- Martin, Joanne (2002), Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. -- Martin, Joanne and Debra Meyerson (1988), 'Organizational Culture and the Denial, Channelling and Acknowledgment of Ambiguity', in Louis Pondy, R. Boland, and H. Thomas (eds), Managing Ambiguity and Change, New York: Wiley, 93-125. -- Martin, Joanne and Peter Frost (1996), 'The Organizational Culture War Games: A Struggle for Intellectual Dominance', in Stewart R. Clegg, Cynthia Hardy, and Walter Nord (eds), Handbook of Organization Studies, London: SAGE, 599-621. -- Martin, Joanne and Melanie E. Powers (1983), 'Truth or Corporate Propaganda: The Value of a Good War Story', in Louis R. Pondy et al. 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  • 5
    Online Resource
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    Abingdon, Oxon ; : Routledge,
    Format: 1 online resource (xx, 218 pages)
    ISBN: 0429026528 , 9780429026522 , 9780429649073 , 042964907X , 9780429651717 , 0429651716 , 9780429646430 , 0429646437
    Series Statement: Routledge studies in health and medical anthropology
    Content: Haemophilia in Aotearoa New Zealand provides a richly detailed analysis of the experience of the bleeding disorder of haemophilia based on longterm ethnographic research. The chapters consider experiences of diagnosis; how parents, children, and adults care and integrate medical routines into family life; the creation of a gendered haemophilia; the use and ethical dilemmas of new technologies for treatment, testing and reproduction; and how individuals and the haemophilia community experienced the infected blood tragedy and its aftermath, which included extended and ultimately successful political struggles with the neoliberalising state. The authors reveal a complex interplay of cultural values and present a close-up view of the effects of health system reforms on lives and communities. While the book focuses on the local biology of haemophilia in Aotearoa New Zealand, the analysis allows for comparison with haemophilia elsewhere and with other chronic and genetic conditions.
    Note: Cover; Half Title; Series Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; List of figures and table; List of boxes; Abbreviations; Acknowledgments; Foreword by Jan-Willem André de la Porte; Foreword by Dr Elizabeth Berry; 1. A bleeding nuisance in Aotearoa New Zealand; The human experience of haemophilia: an introduction; Biogenetic haemophilias; The historical context of haemophilia in Aotearoa New Zealand; Living with haemophilia; Treatment for haemophilia; The view from now; The 'Bleeding nuisance' studies; Beginning the research; Research design; Research methods 1994-5 , Update studiesReflections on research; Transformations in society and in health services; Health sector changes; Dividing care: haemophilia and the RHA system; A national health system, and more fragmentation; Organisation of the book; 2. 'Pretty normal really'; Different haemophilias: an introduction; Research narratives; Learning haemophilia; Medical condition or abuse; Mild haemophilia; Caring for a child with haemophilia; He's a boy first: not living haemophilia; Having treatments; Blood-borne infections; Inhibitors; Parents as liaison officers; Adults working and living with haemophilia , Haemophilia and getting olderConclusion: local biology and different haemophilias; 3. Blood and sacrifice: Sex, gender, and haemophilia; Rugby: a key symbol; Striving to have 'a normal life'; Women in the haemophilia community: carriers and carers; Caring: 'I haven't been to medical school for seven years'; Carriers with haemophilia; Conclusion: gendered changes and different haemophilias; 4. New networks and technologies of care: Different haemophilias; The difference that time makes; Technologies for treatment; A history: from snake venom and peanuts to clotting factor concentrates , Recombinant clotting factorOn demand and prophylaxis at home and elsewhere; Supply: health services as technology; Networks of collaborative care; Gene therapy; Technologies for testing; Testing for carriers; Testing the yet-to-be-born; Conclusion; 5. The shadow on our lives: Hepatitis C in the haemophilia community; Justin and hepatitis C: an introduction; HIV; Learning together about hepatitis C; Symptoms and their cause: an insidious effect; To tell or not to tell?; To treat or not to treat?; Treatment options and decisions for hepatitis C; Hepatitis C and social suffering , ACC as a branch of the StateLocal biologies: haemophilia, HIV, and hepatitis C in international contexts; Conclusion; 6. Joint action: Asserting rights, inclusion, and equity through voluntary association; From rights to equity; Emergence of the Haemophilia Society; Viral politics; Working with government: lobbying and partnership 1983-90; Watchdog tactics in extraordinary times: contestation and lobbying 1990-2003; Suddenly we were on the outside of the tent; Will to Justice: demanding rights to fair compensation; From Society to Foundation; An active citizen approach
    Additional Edition: Print version: Park, Julie, 1947- Haemophilia in aotearoa New Zealand. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019 ISBN 9780367134440
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books
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    Format: 275 S. , zahlr. Ill. , 28 x 29 cm
    ISBN: 9780892369782 , 9780892369799
    Note: Literaturverz. S. 262 - 268. - Includes index , Drawing in Rembrandt's workshop / Holm BeversThe history of the attribution of drawings by Rembrandt and his pupils / Peter Schatborn and William W. Robinson -- Jan Lievens -- Govert Flinck -- Ferdinand Bol -- Gerbrand van den Eeckhout -- Jan Victors -- Carel Fabritius -- Samuel van Hoogstraten -- Abraham Furnerius -- Nicolaes Maes -- Constantijn Daniel van Renesse -- Willem Drost -- Rembrandt pupil -- Pieter de With -- Arent de Gelder -- Johannes Raven -- Checklist of the exhibition.
    Language: English
    Subjects: Art History
    Keywords: Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn 1606-1669 ; Künstlerschule ; Zeichnung ; Ausstellungskatalog
    Author information: Bevers, Holm 1953-
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  • 7
    Online Resource
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    Malden, MA :Wiley-Blackwell,
    Format: 1 online resource
    ISBN: 9781118322666 , 1118322665 , 9781118322673 , 9781118322642 , 1118322649 , 1118322673
    Content: "Broad in scope, this interdisciplinary collection of original scholarship on historical film features essays that explore the many facets of this expanding field and provide a platform for promising avenues of research. Offers a unique collection of cutting edge research that questions the intention behind and influence of historical film. Essays range in scope from inclusive broad-ranging subjects such as political contexts, to focused assessments of individual films and auteurs. Prefaced with an introductory survey of the field by its two distinguished editors Features interdisciplinary contributions from scholars in the fields of History, Film Studies, Anthropology, and Cultural and Literary Studies"--
    Content: "Broad in scope, this interdisciplinary collection of original scholarship on historical film features essays that explore the many facets of this expanding field and provide a platform for promising avenues of research"--
    Note: pt. 1 History and the Medium of Film -- 1. Politics and the Historical Film: Hotel Rwanda and the Form of Engagement / Alison Landsberg -- 2. History as Palimpsest: Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon (1975) / Maria Pramaggiore -- 3. Flagging up History: The Past as a DVD Bonus Feature / Debra Ramsay -- 4. The History Film as a Mode of Historical Thought / Robert A. Rosenstone -- pt. 2 Filmmakers as Historians -- 5. Julia's Resistant History: Women's Historical Films in Hollywood and the Legacy of Citizen Kane / J.E. Smyth -- 6. Mark Donskoi's Gorky Trilogy and the Stalinist Biopic / Denise J. Youngblood -- 7. The Subjects of History: Italian Filmmakers as Historians / Marcia Landy -- 8. Andrzej Wajda as Historian / Piotr Witek -- pt. 3 Telling Lives: The Biopic -- 9. Oliver Stone's Nixon: The Rise and Fall of a Political Gangster / Willem Hesling -- 10. Authorial Histories: The Historical Film and the Literary Biopic / Hila Shachar. , 11. The Biopic in Hindi Cinema / Rachel Dwyer -- 12. The Lives and Times of the Biopic / Dennis Bingham -- pt. 4 Cinema and the Nation -- 13. Gang Wars: Warner Brothers' The Roaring Twenties Stars, News, and the New Deal / Paula Rabinowitz -- 14. State Terrorism on Film: Argentine Cinema during the First Years of Democracy (1983-1990) / Mario Ranalletti -- 15. Fossil Frontiers: American Petroleum History on Film / Georgiana Banita -- 16. Sounding the Depths of History: Opera and National Identity in Italian Film / Roger Hillman -- pt. 5 Wars and Revolutions -- 17. Generational Memory and Affect in Letters from Iwo Jima / Robert Burgoyne -- 18. Post-Heroic Revolution: Depicting the 1989 Events in the Romanian Historical Film of the Twenty-First Century / Constantin Parvulescu -- 19. In Country: Narrating the Iraq War in Contemporary US Cinema / Guy Westwell -- pt. 6 Premodern Times. , 20. Heart and Clock: Time and History in The Immortal Heart and Other Films about the Middle Ages / Bettina Bildhauer -- 21. The Anti-Samurai Film / Thomas Keirstead -- pt. 7 Slavery and the Postcolonial World -- 22. The Politics of Cine-Memory: Signifying Slavery in the History Film / David C. Wall -- 23. The African Past on Screen: Moving beyond Dualism / Vivian Bickford-Smith -- 24. Colonial Legacies in Contemporary French Cinema: Jews and Muslims on Screen / Catherine Portuges -- 25."What's Love Got to Do with It?": Sympathy, Antipathy, and the Unsettling of Colonial American History in Film / Louis Kirk McAuley.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Rosenstone, Robert A. Companion to the historical film. Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 ISBN 9781444337242
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Criticism, interpretation, etc. ; Electronic books. ; Criticism, interpretation, etc. ; Electronic books. ; Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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    Format: xvii, 209 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme, Pläne, Karten , 30 cm
    ISBN: 9781407353678
    Series Statement: BAR 2931
    Note: Dissertation University of Leiden 2014
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9781407356099
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe Haarlem, Willem van, 1954 - Temple deposits in early dynastic Egypt 2014
    Language: English
    Keywords: Ägypten ; Vor- und Frühgeschichte ; Tell Ibrahim Awad ; Tempel ; Depotfund ; Votivgabe ; Hochschulschrift
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    Format: III, 64 S. 8"
    Uniform Title: [Wilhelm Tell, Ausz. holländ.]
    Language: Undetermined
    Keywords: Literatur ; Deutsch
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    Language: Undetermined
    Keywords: Literatur ; Deutsch
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