1 online resource (400 p.)
Series Statement:
Comparative studies in continental and Anglo-American legal history = Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur kontinentaleuropäischen und anglo-amerikanischen Rechtsgeschichte ; Band 22
〈b〉Hauptbeschreibung〈/b〉 Der Autor zielt auf eine dynamische Vergleichung der Probleme auf dem Gebiet des Rechts der unerlaubten Handlung, die sich in der Geschichte auf der einen Seite auf dem Kontinent Westeuropas, auf der anderen Seite im Bereich des common law dargeboten haben. Das allgemeine Konzept der unerlaubten Handlung als solche ist, soweit es den Kontinent anbelangt, eine Schöpfung des mittelalterlichen, namentlich des kanonischen Rechts. Auf der anderen Seite des Kanals geht die unerlaubte Handlung, die man als negligence anzudeuten pflegt, hauptsächlich auf das 19. Jahrhundert zu
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Inhaltsverzeichnis; Eltjo J. H. Schrage: Negligence. A comparative and historical introduction to a legal concept; I. Introduction; 1. Crime and tort; compensation and punishment; a) At Common law; b) At Civil law; II. Actionable types of conduct; 1. Positive Acts; a) At Common law; b) At Civil law; 2. Omissions; a) At Common law; b) At Civil law; 3. Strict liabily - presumed fault; a) At Common law; b) At Civil law; III. Kinds of damage; a) At Common law; b) At Civil law; c) Death; IV. Types of causation - directness required?; a) At Common law; b) At Civil law; V. Conclusion
J. H. Baker: Trespass, Case, and the Common Law of Negligence 1500-17001. Negligence in performing an undertaking; 2. Negligence in looking after another's property; 3. Negligent custody or control of hazards; 4. Negligence in carrying on one's own activities; Jan Hallebeek: Negligence in Medieval Roman Law; I. Introduction; II. Divergent degrees of liability for careless acting; III. The lack of a general legal remedy for unintentional harm; 1. Justinianic law; 2. Medieval interpretation: the specific delicts are not replaced by a general doctrine
3. Medieval interpretation : the emergence of a general but subsidiary remedy for damagesIV. Forms of liability for unintentional damages; 1. Contractual liability for unintentional harm; a) commodatum; b) depositum; c) pignus; d) emptio/venditio; e) locatio/conductio; f) mandatum; g) societas; 2. Quasi-contractual liability for unintentional harm; a) negotiorum gestio; b) tutela; c) precarium; d) dos; 3. Delictual liability for unintentional harm; a) Damnum iniuria datum; b) pauperies; V. Conclusions; Harry Dondorp: Crime and Punishment. Negligentia for the canonists and moral theologians
I. IntroductionII. Private poena or compensation of damages; Actio legis Aquiliae; III. Private penalty or the compensation of incorporeal damages; Actio iniuriarum; IV. Private penalty or the compensation of incorporeal damage; A compromise: Covarruvias; V. Culpa lata or culpa levissima; Canonists and moral theologians; Robert Feenstra: Grotius' doctrine of liability for negligence: its origin and its influence in Civil Law countries until modern codifications; I. Analysis of the Grotian texts and their sources; II. Influence of Grotius' doctrine in the Netherlands
III. Influence of Grotius' doctrine in GermanyIV. Influence of Grotius' doctrine in France; V. Epilogue; Peter Birks: Negligence in the Eighteenth Century Common Law; Substantive Uncertainty; The Forms of Action; The Language of Blameworthiness; I. The Word 'Negligence'; The Bridge to Careless Misfeasance; II. The Principal Actions; 1. The Principle of Liability in Trespass vi et armis; 2. Principles of Liability in Trespass on the Case; 3. Standards; 4. The Limits of Liability; 5. The Boundaries of Actions; 6. Defining the Factual Boundary of Trespass vi et armis
7. Trespass on the Case: Subsidiarity at the End of the Century
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ISBN 3-428-10516-8