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    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (1 v)
    ISBN: 9781784713829
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Andersen, Ronald M. (1968), Behavioral Model of Families' Use of Health Services, Chicago: Center for Health Administration Studies, University of Chicago. -- Andersen, R.M. (1995), 'Revisiting the Behavioral-Model and Access to Medical-Care - Does It Matter?', Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 36, 1-10. -- Anderson, G.F., P.S. Hussey, B.K. Frogner and H.R. Waters (2005), 'Health Spending in the United States and the Rest of the Industrialized World', Health Affairs, 24, 903-14. -- Beckfield, J. and N. Krieger (2009), 'Epi + demos + cracy: Linking Political Systems and Priorities to the Magnitude of Health Inequities - Evidence, Gaps, and a Research Agenda', Epidemiologic Reviews, 31, 152-77. -- Béland, D. (2005), 'Ideas and Social Policy: An Institutionalist Perspective', Social Policy & Administration, 39 (1), 1-18. -- , Bevan, G., J.-K. Helderman and D. Wilsford (2010), 'Changing Choices in Health Care: Implications for Equity, Efficiency and Cost' (editorial), Journal of Health Economics, Policy and Law, 5 (special issue 3), 251-67. -- Burau, V. and R.H. Blank (2006), 'Comparing Health Policy: An Assessment of Typologies of Health Systems', Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 8 (1), 63-76. -- Busse, Reinhard and Annette Riesberg (2004), Health Care Systems in Transition - Germany, Vol. 6, No. 9, Copenhagen: European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. -- Cockerham, William C. (2006), Medical Sociology, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. -- Conley, D. and K. Springer (2001), 'Welfare State and Infant Mortality', American Journal of Sociology, 107 (3), 768-807. -- , Döhler, Marian, (1991), 'Policy Networks, Opportunity Structures and Neo-Conservative Reform Strategies in Health Policy', in Bernd Marin and Renate Mayntz (eds), Policy Networks. Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Considerations, Frankfurt/New York: Campus, pp. 235-96. -- Döhler, Marian and Philip Manow (1995), 'Staatliche Reformpolitik und die Rolle der Verbände im Gesundheitssektor', in Renate Mayntz (ed.), Gesellschaftliche Selbstregelung und Politische Steuerung, Frankfurt a. M.: Campus, pp. 140-68. -- Doorslaer, E. van and C. Masseria (2004), 'Income-Related Inequality in the Use of Medical Care in 21 Countries', OECD Health Working Paper, 14. -- Doorslaer, E. van, C. Masseria and X. Koolman (2006), 'Inequalities in Access to Medical Care by Income in Developed Countries', Canadian Medical Association Journal, 174 (2), 177-83. -- , Dubois, Carl-Ardy and Martin McKee (2004), 'Health and Health Care in the Candidate Countries to the European Union: Common Challenges, Different Circumstances, Diverse Policies', in Martin McKee, Laura MacLehose and Ellen Nolte (eds), Health Policy and European Union Enlargement, Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 43-63. -- Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2005), 'Can Path Dependence Explain Institutional Change? Two Approaches Applied to Welfare State Reform', MPIfG Discussion Paper 05. -- Eikemo, T.A., C. Bambra, K. Judge and K. Ringdal (2008), 'Welfare State Regimes and Differences in Self-perceived Health in Europe: A Multilevel Analysis', Social Science & Medicine, 66 (11), 2281-95. -- Enthoven, A.C. (1985), 'Reflections on the Management of the NHS. London', Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, Occasional Papers 5. -- Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1985), Politics Against Markets: The Social Democratic Road to Power, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press , Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1990), The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Cambridge: Polity Press. -- Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1996), 'Welfare States without Work: The Impasse of Labour Shedding and Familialism in Continental European Social Policy', in Welfare States in Transition. National Adaptations in Global Economies, London: SAGE Publications, pp. 66-87. -- Freeman, Richard (2000), The Politics of Health in Europe, Manchester: Manchester University Press. -- Frenk, J. and A. Donabedian (1987), 'State Intervention in Medical Care: Types, Trends and Variables', Health Policy and Planning, 2 (1), 17-31. -- Gauld, Robin (2009), The New Health Policy, Maidenhead: Open University Press. -- Gelissen, John (2002), Worlds of Welfare, Worlds of Consent? Public Opinion on the Welfare State, Leiden: Brill. -- , Gevers, J., J. Gelissen, W. Arts and R. Muffels (2000), 'Public Health Care in the Balance: Exploring Popular Support for Health Care Systems in the European Union', International Journal of Social Welfare, 9 (4), 301-21. -- Grielen, S.J., W.G.W. Boerma and P.P. Groenewegen (2000), 'Science in Practice: Can Health Care Reform Projects in Central and Eastern Europe be Evaluated Systematically?', Health Policy, 53 (2), 73-89. -- Hacker, J.S. and T. Skocpol (1997), 'The New Politics of U.S. Health Policy', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 22 (2), 315-38. -- Hall, P.A. (1993), 'Policy Paradigms, Social Learning, and the State. The Case of Economic Policymaking in Britain', Comparative Politics, 25 (3), 275-96. -- Hall, P.A. and R.C.R. Taylor (1996), 'Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms', Political Studies, 44 (5), 936-57. -- , Ham, Christopher (2004), Health Policy in Britain: The Politics of Organisation of the National Health Service, 5th Edition, London: Palgrave. -- Hassenteufel, P. and B. Palier (2007), 'Towards Neo-Bismarckian Health Care States? Comparing Health Insurance Reforms in Bismarckian Welfare Systems', Social Policy & Administration, 41 (6), 574-96. -- Immergut, Ellen M. (1992), Health Politics. Interests and Institutions in Western Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Immergut, E.M. (1998), 'The Theoretical Core of the New Institutionalism', Politics & Society, 26 (1), 5-34. -- Klein, Rudolf (2001), The New Politics of the NHS, London: Prentice Hall. -- Klein, Rudolf and Theodore R. Marmor (2006), 'Reflections on Policy Analysis. Putting it Together Again', in Michael W.J.M. Moran, Martin Rein and Robert E. Goodin (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 892-912. -- , Kohl, J. (1993), 'Der Wohlfahrtsstaat in vergleichender Perspektive. Anmerkungen zu Esping-Andersen's The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism', Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 39 (2), 65-82. -- Kohl, Jürgen and Claus Wendt (2004), 'Satisfaction with Health Care Systems. A Comparison of EU Countries', in Wolfgang Glatzer, Susanne von Below and Matthias Stoffregen (eds), Challenges for Quality of Life in the Contemporary World, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 311-31 , Korpi, Walter (1983), The Democratic Class Struggle, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. -- Leibfried, Stephan and Steffen Mau (eds) (2008), Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction, Three Volumes, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. -- Lepsius, M. Rainer (1990), Interessen, Ideen und Institutionen, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. -- Lieberman, R.C. (2002), 'Ideas, Institutions, and Political Order: Explaining Political Change', American Political Science Review, 96 (4), 697-712. -- Marmor, T.R. (2002), 'Book Review: Comparative Politics', American Political Science Review, 96 (1), 224-7. -- Marmor, Theodore R. (2007), 'Fads in Medical Care Policy and Politics: The Rhetoric and Reality of Managerialism', in Fads, Fallacies and Foolishness in Medical Care Management and Policy, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 1-25. -- , Marmor, T.R. and D. Thomas (1972), 'Doctors, Politics and Pay Disputes: "Pressure Group Politics " Revisited', British Journal of Political Science, 2 (4), 421-42. -- Marmor, T.R. and J. Oberlander (2009), 'Health Reform: The Fateful Moment', The New York Review of Books, 56 (13), 1-8. -- Marmor, Theodore R. and Kieke G.H. Okma (1998), 'Cautionary Lessons From the West: What (not) to Learn from other Countries' Experience in the Financing and Delivery of Health Care', in Peter Flora, Philip R. de Jong, Julian Le Grand and Jun-Young Kim (eds), The State of Social Welfare, 1997. International Studies on Social Insurance and Retirement, Employment, Family Policy and Health Care, Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 327-50. -- , Marmor, Theodore R., Kieke G.H. Okma and Stephen R. Latham (2006), 'Values, Institutions and Health Politics. Comparative Perspectives', Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (special issue 46), in Claus Wendt and Christof Wolf (eds), Soziologie der Gesundheit, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, pp. 383-405. -- Moran, Michael (1999), Governing the Health Care State. A Comparative Study of the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany, Manchester: Manchester University Press. -- Morone, J.A. and J.M. Goggin (1995), 'Health Policies in Europe: Welfare States in a Market Era', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 20 (3), 557-70. -- Mossialos, E. (1997), 'Citizens' Views on Health Care Systems in the 15 Member States of the European Union', Health Economics, 6 (2), 109-16. -- OECD (2009), OECD Health Data 2009: Comparing Health Statistics Across OECD Countries, Paris: OECD. -- , Okma, Kieke G.H. and Luca Crivelli (eds) (2010), Six Countries, Six Reform Models: The Healthcare Reform: Experience of Israel, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and Taiwan, London: World Scientific Publishing. -- Parsons, Talcott (1951), The Social System, New York: Free Press. -- Pierson, P. (1996), 'The New Politics of the Welfare State', World Politics, 48 (2), 143-79. -- Reibling, N. and C. Wendt (2008), 'Access Regulation and Utilization of Healthcare Services', MZES Working Paper 113/2008, University of Mannheim.Pierson, Paul (2001), 'Coping with Permanent Austerity: Welfare State Restructuring in Affluent Democracies', in The New Politics of the Welfare State, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 410-56 , Reibling, N. and C. Wendt (2009), 'Gesundheitszustand und Nutzung von Gesundheitsleistungen', Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 55 (4), 329-46. -- Reibling, N. and C. Wendt (2010), 'Bildungsniveau und Zugang zu Gesundheitsleistungen. Zugangsregulierung und Inanspruchnahme fachärztlicher Leistungen in Europa', Das Gesundheitswesen, 72 (8/09), 447-54. -- Rothgang, H., M. Cacace, S. Grimmeisen and C. Wendt (2005), 'The Changing Role of the State in Healthcare Systems', European Review, 13 (Suppl. 1), 187-212. -- Rothgang, Heinz, Mirella Cacace, Lorraine Frisina, Simone Grimmeisen, Achim Schmid and Claus Wendt (2010), The State and Healthcare. Comparing OECD Countries, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. -- Stock, S.A., M. Redaelli and K.W. Lauterbach (2007), 'Disease Management and Health Care Reforms in Germany - Does More Competition Lead to Less Solidarity?', Health Policy, 80 (1), 86-96. -- , Terris, M. (1978), 'The Three World Systems of Medical Care: Trends and Prospects', American Journal of Public Health, 68 (11), 1125-31. -- Tuohy, Carolyn Hughes (1999), Accidental Logics. The Dynamics of Change in the Health Care System in the United States, Britain, and Canada, New York: Oxford University Press. -- Tuohy, Carolyn Hughes (2009), 'Health Care Reform, Health Care Policy: Canada in Comparative Perspective', in Theodore R. Marmor, Richard Freeman and Kieke G.H. Okma (eds), Comparative Studies and the Politics of Modern Medical Care, New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 61-87. -- Weber, Max (1949), The Methodology of the Social Sciences, New York: Free Press. -- Wendt, Claus (2006), 'Der Gesundheitssystemvergleich. Konzepte und Perspektiven', Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (special issue 46), in Claus Wendt and Christof Wolf (eds), Soziologie der Gesundheit, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, pp. 270-97. -- , Wendt, Claus (2009a), Krankenversicherung oder Gesundheitsversorgung? Gesundheitssysteme im Vergleich, 2nd Edition, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag. -- Wendt, C. (2009b), 'Mapping European Healthcare Systems. A Comparative Analysis of Financing Service Provision, and Access to Healthcare', Journal of European Social Policy, 19 (5), 432-45. -- Wendt, C. and J. Kohl (2010), 'Translating Monetary Inputs into Health Care Provision: A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Different Modes of Public Policy', Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 12 (1-2), 11-31. -- Wendt, C. and R. Minhas (2010), 'The Power of Ideas - Can Obama's Healthcare Reforms Change the U.S. Health System?', International Journal of Clinical Practice, 46 (4), 423-25. -- Wendt, C., J. Kohl, M. Mischke and M. Pfeifer (2009), 'How Do Europeans Perceive Their Healthcare System? Patterns of Satisfaction and Preference for State Involvement in the Field of Healthcare', European Sociological Review, 26 (2), 177-92. -- , Wendt, Claus, Monika Mischke, Michaela Pfeifer (2011), Welfare States and Public Opinion: Perceptions of Healthcare Systems, Family Policy and Benefits for the Unemployed and Poor in Europe, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. -- White, J. (2007), 'Markets and Medical Care: The United States, 1993-2005', The Milbank Quarterly, 85 (3), 395-448. -- David Mechanic (1975), 'The Comparative Study of Health Care Delivery Systems', Annual Review of Sociology, 1, 43-65 -- T.R. Marmor, M.L. Barer and R.G. Evans (1994), 'The Determinants of a Population's Health: What Can be Done to Improve a Democratic Nation's Health Status?', in Why Are Some People Healthy and Others Not?: The Determinants of Health of Populations, Chapter 8, New York, NY: Walter de Gruyter, Inc., 217-30 , Michael J. Graetz and Jerry L. Mashaw (1994), 'Ethics, Institutional Complexity and Health Care Reform: The Struggle for Normative Balance', Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy, 10, 93-104 -- Rudolf Klein (1997), 'Learning from Others: Shall the Last be the First?', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 22 (5), October, 1267-78 -- Ted Marmor, Richard Freeman and Kieke Okma (2005), 'Comparative Perspectives and Policy Learning in the World of Health Care', Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 7 (4), December, 331-48 -- OECD (1987), 'The Health Systems of OECD Countries', in OECD (ed.), Financing and Delivering Health Care: A Comparative Analysis of OECD Countries, Chapter 3, Paris: OECD, 24-31, reset -- Michael Moran (2000), 'Understanding the Welfare State: The Case of Health Care', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 2 (2), June, 135-60 -- , Viola Burau and Robert H. Blank (2006), 'Comparing Health Policy: An Assessment of Typologies of Health Systems', Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 8 (1), March, 63-76 -- Claus Wendt, Lorraine Frisina and Heinz Rothgang (2009), 'Healthcare System Types: A Conceptual Framework for Comparison', Social Policy and Administration, 43 (1), February, 70-90 -- Alain C. Enthoven (1993), 'The History and Principles of Managed Competition', Health Affairs Supplement, 12 (1), 24-48 -- Theodore R. Marmor (2000), 'The Ideological Context of Medicare's Politics: The Presumptions of Medicare's Founders versus the Rise of Procompetitive Ideas in Medical Care', in The Politics of Medicare, 2nd Edition, Chapter 9, New York, NY: Aldine De Gruyter, 151-69 -- , Susan Giaimo and Philip Manow (1997), 'Institutions and Ideas into Politics: Health Care Reform in Britain and Germany', in Christa Altenstetter and James Warner Björkman (eds), Health Policy Reform, National Variations and Globalization, Chapter 9, Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan Press, 175-202 -- Thomas R. Oliver and Pamela Paul-Shaheen (1997), 'Translating Ideas into Actions: Entrepreneurial Leadership in State Health Care Reforms', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 22 (3), June, 721-88 -- Vandna Bhatia and William D. Coleman (2003), 'Ideas and Discourse: Reform and Resistance in the Canadian and German Health Systems', Canadian Journal of Political Science, 36 (4), September, 715-39 -- , Jean de Kervasdoué and Victor G. Rodwin (1984), 'Health Policy and the Expanding Role of the State: 1945-1980', in Jean De Kervasdoué, John R. Kimberly and Victor G. Rodwin (eds), The End of an Illusion: The Future of Health Policy in Western Industrialized Nations, Chapter 1, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 3-32, reset -- Rudolf Klein (1979), 'Ideology, Class and the National Health Service', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 4 (3), Fall, 464-90 -- Ellen M. Immergut (1990), 'Institutions, Veto Points, and Policy Results: A Comparative Analysis of Health Care', Journal of Public Policy, 10 (4), October-December, 391-416 -- Joseph White (2003), 'Three Meanings of Capacity; Or, Why the Federal Government is Most Likely to Lead on Insurance Access Issues', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 28 (2-3), April-June, 217-44 -- , Carolyn Hughes Tuohy (2003), 'Agency, Contract, and Governance: Shifting Shapes of Accountability in the Health Care Arena', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 28 (2-3), April-June, 195-215 -- David Wilsford (1994), 'Path Dependency, or Why History Makes it Difficult but not Impossible to Reform Health Care Systems in a Big Way', Journal of Public Policy, 14 (3), July-December, 251-83 -- Jacob S. Hacker (1998), 'The Historical Logic of National Health Insurance: Structure and Sequence in the Development of British, Canadian, and U.S. Medical Policy', Studies in American Political Development, 12, Spring, 57-130 , Sven Steinmo and Jon Watts (1995), 'It's the Institutions, Stupid! Why Comprehensive National Health Insurance Always Fails in America', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 20 (2), Summer, 329-72 -- Rudolf Klein (1998), 'Why Britain is Reorganizing its National Health Service - Yet Again', Health Affairs, 17 (4), July-August, 111-25 -- Richard Freeman (1999), 'Institutions, States and Cultures: Health Policy and Politics in Europe', in Jochen Clasen (ed.), Comparative Social Policy: Concepts, Theories and Methods, Chapter 5, Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 80-94 -- Susan Giaimo and Philip Manow (1999), 'Adapting the Welfare State: The Case of Health Care Reform in Britain, Germany, and the United States', Comparative Political Studies, 32 (8), December, 967-1000 -- Richard Freeman and Michael Moran (2000), 'Reforming Health Care in Europe', West European Politics, 23 (2), 35-58 -- , Richard B. Saltman (1997), 'The Context for Health Reform in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, and the United States', Health Policy Supplement, 41, S9-S26 -- Claus Wendt, Simone Grimmeisen and Heinz Rothgang (2005), 'Convergence or Divergence of OECD Health Care Systems?', in Bea Cantillon and Ive Marx (eds), International Cooperation in Social Security: How to Cope with Globalization?, Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia Publications, 15-45 -- Robin Gauld, Naoki Ikegami, Michael D. Barr, Tung-Liang Chiang, Derek Gould and Soonman Kwon (2006), 'Advanced Asia's Health Systems in Comparison', Health Policy, 79, 325-36 -- Núria Homedes and Antonio Ugalde (2005), 'Why Neoliberal Health Reforms have Failed in Latin America', Health Policy, 71, 83-96 -- Robert G. Evans (1997), 'Going for the Gold: The Redistributive Agenda Behind Market-based Health Care Reform', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 22 (2), April, 427-65 -- , Alan Jacobs (1998), 'Seeing Difference: Market Health Reform in Europe', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 23 (1), February, 1-33 -- Donald W. Light (1997), 'From Managed Competition to Managed Cooperation: Theory and Lessons from the British Experience', Milbank Quarterly, 75 (3), 297-341 -- Sarah Thomson and Elias Mossialos (2006), 'Choice of Public or Private Health Insurance: Learning from the Experience of Germany and the Netherlands', Journal of European Social Policy, 16 (4), 315-27 -- Brian Abel-Smith (1992), 'Cost Containment and New Priorities in the European Community', Milbank Quarterly, 70 (3), 393-416 -- Joseph P. Newhouse (1993), 'An Iconoclastic View of Health Cost Containment', Health Affairs Supplement, 12 (1), 152-71 -- Jacob S. Hacker (2004), 'Privatizing Risk without Privatizing the Welfare State: The Hidden Politics of Social Policy Retrenchment in the United States', American Political Science Review, 98 (2), May, 243-60 -- , Theodore Marmor, Jonathan Oberlander and Joseph White (2009), 'The Obama Administration's Options for Health Care Cost Control: Hope Versus Reality', Annals of Internal Medicine, 150 (7), April, 485-9 -- Naoki Ikegami and John Creighton Campbell (2004), 'Japan's Health Care System: Containing Costs and Attempting Reform', Health Affairs, 23 (3), May-June, 26-36 -- Ronald Dworkin (2000), 'Justice and the High Cost of Health', in Sovereign Virtue: The Theory and Practice of Equality, Chapter 8, Cambridge, MA and London, UK: Harvard University Press, 307-19, 491-3 , A. Weale (1995), 'The Ethics of Rationing', British Medical Bulletin, 51 (4), 831-41 -- Lawrence Jacobs, Theodore Marmor and Jonathan Oberlander (1999), 'The Oregon Health Plan and the Political Paradox of Rationing: What Advocates and Critics have Claimed and What Oregon Did', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 24 (1), February, 161-80 -- Chris Ham (1997), 'Priority Setting in Health Care: Learning from International Experience', Health Policy, 42, 49-66 -- David Chinitz, Alex Preker and Jürgen Wasem (1998), 'Balancing Competition and Solidarity in Health Care Financing', in Richard B. Saltman, Josep Figueras and Constantino Sakellarides (eds), Critical Challenges for Health Care Reform in Europe, Chapter 2, Buckingham, UK and Philadelphia, MA: Open University Press, 55-77 -- , Hans Maarse and Aggie Paulus (2003), 'Has Solidarity Survived? A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Social Health Insurance Reform in Four European Countries', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 28 (4), August, 585-614 -- Mark Schlesinger (1997), 'Paradigms Lost: The Persisting Search for Community in U.S. Health Policy', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 22 (4), August, 937-92 -- Richard B. Saltman (1997), 'Equity and Distributive Justice in European Health Care Reform', International Journal of Health Services, 27 (3), 443-53 -- Eddy van Doorslaer, Xander Koolman and Frank Puffer (2002), 'Equity in the Use of Physician Visits in OECD Countries: Has Equal Treatment for Equal Need Been Achieved?', in OECD (ed.), Measuring Up: Improving Health System Performance in OECD Countries, Chapter 11, Paris, France: OECD, 225-48 -- , David Mechanic (2001), 'The Managed Care Backlash: Perceptions and Rhetoric in Health Care Policy and the Potential for Health Care Reform', Milbank Quarterly, 79 (1), 35-54 -- Jonathan Oberlander (2003), 'The Politics of Health Reform: Why do Bad Things Happen to Good Plans?', Health Affairs, W3, 391-404 -- Gwyn Bevan and Ray Robinson (2005), 'The Interplay Between Economic and Political Logics: Path Dependency in Health Care in England', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 30 (1-2), February-April, 53-78 -- Robin Gauld (2008), 'The Unintended Consequences of New Zealand's Primary Health Care Reforms', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 33 (1), February, 93-115 -- Uwe E. Reinhardt (1996), 'Spending More Through "Cost Control " Our Obsessive Quest to Gut the Hospital', Health Affairs, 15 (2), Summer, 145-54 , Healthcare is one of modern society's most crucial arenas - costly, important and controversial. This comprehensive research review brings together more than fifty scholarly articles on both healthcare systems in general and health reform in particular. The editors have carefully selected papers by leading academics which will enhance our understanding of the central feature of social and political life. The articles are distinguished by their clear prose and wide disciplinary range. This book is an essential reference resource for students, and practitioners interested in this topical field
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    Author information: Wendt, Claus 1968-
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