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  • 1
    Cheltenham :Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd.,
    Umfang: 1 online resource (1 v.) ; , cm.
    ISBN: 9781784710378 (e-book)
    Serie: Elgar research reviews in economics
    Inhalt: This book is a convenient and comprehensive collection of seminal papers on the costs of economic growth. The papers are grouped in 6 sections covering: the origins of the debate, the limits to growth, measurement, international and global dimensions, developing countries, and looking ahead. The original introduction, written by the editor, draws out the main themes that run through this extensive and thought provoking literature. This timely collection is is intended for academics, students, researchers and anyone interested in this controversial topic.
    Anmerkung: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Ayres, R. U. and A. V. Kneese (1969), 'Production, Consumption and Externalities', The American Economic Review, LIX, June, 282-97. -- Commoner, B. (1972), The Closing Circle, London: Jonathan Cape. -- Daly, H. E., J. B. Cobb and C. W. Cobb (1989), For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future, Boston: Beacon Press. -- Ehrlich, P. R. and J. P. Holdren (1971), 'Impact of Population Growth', Science, 171 (3977), 1212-17. -- Galbraith, J. K. (1958), The Affluent Society, Boston: Houghton Mifflin. -- Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1971), The Entropy Law and the Economic Process, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. -- Hirsch, F. (1976), Social Limits to Growth, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. -- Jones, C. I. (2009), 'The Costs of Economic Growth', unpublished paper, available at: http://www.stanford.edu/~chadj/cost090.pdf. -- Keynes, J. M. (1935), The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money, New York: Harcourt-Brace. -- Kuznets, S. (1955), 'Economic Growth and Income Inequality', The American Economic Review, XLV (1), 28. -- Meadows, D. H. (1972), The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind, New York: Universe Books. -- Mishan, E. J. (1977), The Economic Growth Debate: An Assessment, London: G. Allen & Unwin. -- Nordhaus, W. D. and J. Tobin (1972), 'Is Growth Obsolete?', National Bureau of Economic Research, available at: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c7620.pdf. -- Pigou, A. C. (1920), The Economics of Welfare, London: Macmillan. -- Spence, M. (2011), The Next Convergence, New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux. -- Stern, N. (2006), The Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change, London: HM Treasury. -- Tol, R. (2009), 'The Economic Effects of Climate Change', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23 (2), 29-51. -- United Nations (2011), World Population Prospects. The 2010 Revision. Highlights and Advance Tables, available at: http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Documentation/pdf/WPP2010_Highlights.pdf -- Victor, P.A. (1972), Pollution: Economy and Environment, London: Allen and Unwin. -- Victor, P.A., J.E. Hanna, A. Kubursi (1998), 'How strong is weak sustainability?' in S. Faucheux, M. O'Connor and J. van der Straaten (eds), Sustainable Development: Concepts, Rationalities and Strategies, Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 195-210. , John Stuart Mill ([1848] 1868), 'Of the Stationary State', Principles of Political Economy, Book IV, Volume II, Chapter VI, London, UK: J.W. Parker, 334-40 -- John Maynard Keynes ([1931] 1951), 'Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren (1930)', Essays in Persuasion, Part IV, Chapter 2, London, UK: Rupert Hart-Davis, 358-73, references -- K. William Kapp (1950), 'The Nature and Significance of Social Costs', in The Social Costs of Private Enterprise, Chapter 2, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 13-25 -- Leopold Kohr (1978), 'Size and Living Standards', in The Overdeveloped Nations: The Diseconomies of Scale, Chapter III, New York, NY: Schoken Books, 25-46, reset -- Kenneth E. Boulding (1966), 'The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth', in Henry Jarrett (ed.), Environmental Quality in a Growing Economy: Essays from the Sixth RFF Forum, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 3-14, reset -- E.J. Mishan (1967), 'Foreword', in The Costs of Economic Growth, London, UK: Staples Press, xvi-xxi -- E.J. Mishan (1967), 'Growthmania', in The Costs of Economic Growth, Chapter 1, London, UK: Staples Press, 3-8 -- Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1975), 'Energy and Economic Myths', Southern Economic Journal, 41 (3), January, 347-81 -- Simon Kuznets (1973), 'Modern Economic Growth: Findings and Reflections', American Economic Review, 63 (3), June, 247-58 -- Luís Francisco Carvalho and João Rodrigues (2006), 'On Markets and Morality: Revisiting Fred Hirsch', Review of Social Economy, LXIV (3), September, 331-48 -- Gideon Rosenbluth (1976), 'Economists and the Growth Controversy', Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques, 2 (2), Spring, 225-39 -- Donella H. Meadows (2007), 'The History and Conclusions of The Limits to Growth', System Dynamics Review, 23 (2/3), Summer/Fall, 191-7 -- Wilfred Beckerman (1992), 'Economic Growth and the Environment: Whose Growth? Whose Environment?', World Development, 20 (4), 481-96 -- Paul Ekins (1993), '"Limits to Growth" and "Sustainable Development": Grappling with Ecological Realities', Ecological Economics, 8 (3), December, 269-88 -- Giovanni Dosi and Marco Grazzi (2009), 'Energy, Development and the Environment: An Appraisal Three Decades After the "Limits to Growth" Debate', in Andreas Pyka, Uwe Cantner, Alfred Greiner and Thomas Kuhn (eds), Recent Advances in Neo-Schumpeterian Economics: Essays in Honour of Horst Hanusch, Chapter 2, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 34-52 -- Graham M. Turner (2008), 'A Comparison of The Limits to Growth with 30 Years of Reality', Global Environmental Change, 18 (3), August, 397-411 -- Christian Leipert (1986), 'Social Costs of Economic Growth', Journal of Economic Issues, XX (1), March, 109-31 -- Peter Bartelmus (2009), 'The Cost of Natural Capital Consumption: Accounting for a Sustainable World Economy', Ecological Economics, 68 (6), April, 1850-57 -- Manfred Max-Neef (1995), 'Economic Growth and Quality of Life: A Threshold Hypothesis', Ecological Economics, 15 (2), November, 115-18 , Clive Hamilton (1999), 'The Genuine Progress Indicator Methodological Developments and Results from Australia', Ecological Economics, 30 (1), July, 13-28 -- Mathis Wackernagel, Niels B. Schulz, Diana Deumling, Alejandro Callejas Linares, Martin Jenkins, Valerie Kapos, Chad Monfreda, Jonathan Loh, Norman Myers, Richard Norgaard and Jørgen Randers (2002), 'Tracking the Ecological Overshoot of the Human Economy', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99 (14), July, 9266-71 -- William E. Rees (1992), 'Ecological Footprints and Appropriated Carrying Capacity: What Urban Economics Leaves Out', Environment and Urbanization, 4 (2), October, 121-30 -- Helmut Haberl, Karl-Heinz Erb and Fridolin Krausmann (2007), 'Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP)', Internet Encyclopaedia of Ecological Economics, March, 1-15 304 -- Gene M. Grossman and Alan B. Krueger (1995), 'Economic Growth and the Environment', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110 (2), May, 353-77 -- Soumyananda Dinda (2004), 'Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: A Survey', Ecological Economics, 49 (4), August, 431-55 -- Richard T. Carson (2009), 'The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Seeking Empirical Regularity and Theoretical Structure', Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 4 (1), Winter, 3-23 -- Aurélien Boutaud, Natacha Gondran and Christian Brodhag (2006), '(Local) Environmental Quality Versus (Global) Ecological Carrying Capacity: What Might Alternative Aggregated Indicators Bring to the Debates About Environmental Kuznets Curves and Sustainable Development?', International Journal of Sustainable Development, 9 (3), 297-310 -- Marian R. Chertow (2000), 'The IPAT Equation and Its Variants: Changing Views of Technology and Environmental Impact', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 4 (4), 13-29 -- Fridolin Krausmann, Simone Gingrich, Nina Eisenmenger, Karl-Heinz Erb, Helmut Haberl and Marina Fischer-Kowalski (2009), 'Growth in Global Materials Use, GDP and Population During the 20th Century', Ecological Economics, 68 (10), August, 2696-705 -- Johan Rockström, Will Steffen, Kevin Noone, Åsa Persson, F. Stuart III Chapin, Eric Lambin, Timothy M. Lenton, Marten Scheffer, Carl Folke, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Björn Nykvist, Cynthia A. de Wit, Terry Hughes, Sander van der Leeuw, Henning Rodhe, Sverker Sörlin, Peter K. Snyder, Robert Costanza, Uno Svedin, Malin Falkenmark, Louise Karlberg, Robert W. Corell, Victoria J. Fabry, James Hansen, Brian Walker, Diana Liverman, Katherine Richardson, Paul Crutzen and Jonathan Foley (2009), 'Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity', Ecology and Society, 14 (2), 32-64 -- John Asafu-Adjaye (2003), 'Biodiversity Loss and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Analysis', Contemporary Economic Policy, 21 (2), April, 173-85 -- Philip Lawn and Matthew Clarke (2010), 'The End of Economic Growth? A Contracting Threshold Hypothesis', Ecological Economics, 69 (11), September, 2213-23 -- Brian R. Copeland and M. Scott Taylor (2004), 'Trade, Growth, and the Environment', Journal of Economic Literature, XLII, March, 7-71 -- Anna Kukla-Gryz (2009), 'Economic Growth, International Trade and Air Pollution: A Decomposition Analysis', Ecological Economics, 68 (5), March, 1329-39 -- Clive L. Spash (2007), 'The Economics of Climate Change Impacts à la Stern: Novel and Nuanced or Rhetorically Restricted?', Ecological Economics, 63 (4), September, 706-13 -- Frank Ackerman, Elizabeth A. Stanton, Chris Hope and Stephane Alberth (2009), 'Did the Stern Review Underestimate US and Global Climate Damages?', Energy Policy, 37 (7), July, 2717-21 -- Martin L. Weitzman (2009), 'On Modeling and Interpreting the Economics of Catastrophic Climate Change', Review of Economics and Statistics, XCI (1), February, 1-19 -- Charles R. Boehmer (2010), 'Economic Growth and Violent International Conflict: 1875-1999', Defence and Peace Economics, 21 (3), June, 249-68 , Bédia F. Aka (2008), 'Effects of Trade and Growth on Air Pollution in the Aggregated Sub-Saharan Africa', International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies, 5 (1), 5-14 -- Joysri Acharyya (2009), 'FDI, Growth and the Environment: Evidence from India on CO2 Emission During the Last Two Decades', Journal of Economic Development, 34 (1), June, 43-58 -- Zongguo Wen and Jining Chen (2008), 'A Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Economic Growth in China', Ecological Economics, 65 (2), April, 356-66 -- Sheng Zhao, Changwen Wu, Huasheng Hong and Luoping Zhang (2009), 'Linking the Concept of Ecological Footprint and Valuation of Ecosystem Services - A Case Study of Economic Growth and Natural Carrying Capacity', International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 16 (2), April, 137-42 -- Arthur P.J. Mol (2011), 'China's Ascent and Africa's Environment', Global Environmental Change, 21 (3), August, 785-94 -- Matthew A. Cole, Robert J.R. Elliott and Jing Zhang (2011), 'Growth, Foreign Direct Investment, and the Environment: Evidence from Chinese Cities', Journal of Regional Science, 51 (1), 121-38 -- Herman E. Daly (2001), 'Beyond Growth: Avoiding Uneconomic Growth', in Mohan Munasinghe, Osvaldo Sunkel and Carlos de Miguel (eds), The Sustainability of Long-Term Growth: Socioeconomic and Ecological Perspectives, Chapter 7, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 153-61 -- Roefie Hueting (2010), 'Why Environmental Sustainability Can Most Probably Not be Attained with Growing Production', Journal of Cleaner Production, 18 (6), April, 525-30 -- Sardar M.N. Islam, Mohan Munasinghe and Matthew Clarke (2003), 'Making Long-Term Economic Growth More Sustainable: Evaluating the Costs and Benefits', Ecological Economics, 47 (2-3), December, 149-66 -- A. Antoci, S. Borghesi and P. Russu (2005), 'Environmental Defensive Expenditures, Expectations and Growth', Population and Environment, 27 (2), November, 227-44 -- Stefano Bartolini (2007), 'Why are People So Unhappy? Why do they Strive so Hard for Money? Competing Explanations of the Broken Promises of Economic Growth', in Luigino Bruni and Pier Luigi Porta (eds), Handbook on the Economics of Happiness, Chapter 17, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 337-64 -- Tim Jackson (2008), 'Where is the "Wellbeing Dividend"? Nature, Structure and Consumption Inequalities', Local Environment, 13 (8), December, 703-23 -- Siak Smulders (1995), 'Entropy, Environment, and Endogenous Economic Growth', International Tax and Public Finance, 2 (2), August, 319-40 -- Roelof Boumans, Robert Costanza, Joshua Farley, Matthew A. Wilson, Rosimeiry Portela, Jan Rotmans, Ferdinando Villa and Monica Grasso (2002), 'Modeling the Dynamics of the Integrated Earth System and the Value of Global Ecosystem Services Using the GUMBO Model', Ecological Economics, 41 (3), June, 529-60 -- Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh and Peter Nijkamp (1994), 'Dynamic Macro Modelling and Materials Balance', Economic Modelling, 11 (3), July, 283-307 -- Graham M. Turner and Timothy Baynes (2010), 'Soft-Coupling of National Biophysical and Economic Models for Improved Understanding of Feedbacks', Environmental Policy and Governance, 20 (4), July/August, 270-82 -- Robert U. Ayres (2008), 'Sustainability Economics: Where do we Stand?', Ecological Economics, 67 (2), September, 281-310 -- Peter A. Victor (2010), 'Ecological Economics and Economic Growth', Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1185, January, 237-45 -- Juliet B. Schor (2005), 'Sustainable Consumption and Worktime Reduction', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 9 (1-2), 37-50 , Petter Naess and Karl Georg Høyer (2009), 'The Emperor's Green Clothes: Growth, Decoupling, and Capitalism', Capitalism Nature Socialism, 20 (3), September, 74-95 -- Myron J. Gordon (2005), 'Growth, Uncertainty and the Third World in the Rise and Fall of Capitalism', Journal of Asian Economics, 16 (2), April, 153-77 -- Joan Martínez-Alier, Unai Pascual, Franck-Dominique Vivien and Edwin Zaccai (2010), 'Sustainable De-Growth: Mapping the Context, Criticisms and Future Prospects of an Emergent Paradigm', Ecological Economics, 69 (9), July, 1741-7
    Sprache: Englisch
    Schlagwort(e): Electronic books. ; Electronic books
    URL: FULL  ((Currently Only Available on Campus))
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  • 2
    Umfang: 503 S.
    ISBN: 9061910498
    Anmerkung: COURSE OF THE CONGRESS, SPEECHES, GENERAL REPORTS, LECTURES, DISCUSSIONS THEMES I TO IV, TECHNICAL VISITS, INDIVIDUAL PAPERS WHICH COULD NOT BE PRINTED IN VOLUMES 1 AND 2 = DÉROULEMENT DU CONGRÈS, DISCOURS, RAPPORTS GÉNÉRAUX, CONFÉRENCES, DISCUSSIONS THÈMES I À IV, VISITES TECHNIQUES, COMMUNICATIONS INDIVIDUELLES N'AYANT PU ÊTRE PUBLIÈES DANS LES TOMES 1 ET 2 = KONGRESSVERLAUF, ANSPRACHEN, GENERALBERICHTE, KURZREFERATE, DISKUSSIONEN THEMEN I BIS IV, TECHNISCHE BESICHTIGUNGEN, INDIVIDUELLE BERICHTE DIE IN DEN BÄNDEN 1 UND 2 NICHT GEDRUCKT WERDEN KONNTEN. - Rheological behaviour of rock masses = Comportement rhéologique des roches et des massifs rocheux = Rheologisches Verhalten von Gesteinen und Fels / M. Langer. - Rheological properties of rocks at high temperatures = Propriétés rhéologiques des roches à haute température = Rheologische Gesteinseigenschaften bei hohen Temperaturen / J. Handin, N. Carter. - The fracture à la rupture des roches = Le comportement à la rupture des roches = Das Bruchverhalten der Gesteine / R. Houpert. - Flow and fracture of rocks under general triaxial compression = Ecoulement et rupture des roches sous une étreinte triaxiale généralisée = Fliessen und Brechen von Fels unter allgemeinem dreiachsigen Druck / K. Mogi. - Discussion on 'An inference of crustal rheology from stress observations ... R. L. Blackwood (Vol. 1, p. 37)' / L. G. Alexander. - Utilisation du "Modele radoucissant" dans l'interpretation d'essais sur tubes epais de roche = The strain softening model used for interpreting tests on thick hollow rock cylinders / P. Berest, J. Bergues, Nguyen Minh Duc. - Sur le comportement différé des roches apres rupture = On the time-dependent strain softening behavior of rocks / P. Berest, J. Bergues, Nguyen Minh Duc. - Further investigations into the residual stress field of a basalt column / H. Bock. - Discussion sur la determination de l'etat de contrainte dans un massif rocheux / F. H. Cornet, F. J. Bonnechère, F. Buyle-Bodin. - Geomechanical model studies of the stress-strain state of the Inguri Arch Dam Rock Abutments / E. Gaziev. - Design of a tunnel in swelling rock / M. Gysel. - Discussion of Paper on "Time-dependent deformation of jointed rock near failure" / P. K. Kaiser, N. R. Morgenstern. - Rheological charcateristics of preconsolidated clay / R. Petrovic. - Additions to "Measurement of changes in rock fabrics", Theme 1, Vol. 1, pp. 265-271 / H. J. Pincus. - Clay/Rock Interaction / R. Pusch. - The crack closure curvature of some Finnish rocks / P. Sarkka. - Verwendung der Methode von Finite Elementen für die Schätzung der Zeitfestigkeit der Berggesteinen um Untertagebaue / J. A. Veksler, S. K. Tutanow. - Berechnung thermomechnischer Vorgänge bei der Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle im Salzgestein / M. Wallner. - A study of the mechanism of support / L. Baoshen. - Use of tests and monitoring in the design and construction of rock structures = Utilisation des essais et des auscultations dans la conception et l'exécution d'ouvrages en rocher = Verwendung von Versuchen und Kontrollmessungen für den Entwurf und die Herstellung von Felsbauten / J. A. Franklin. - Use of tests and monitoring in the design and construction of rock structures = Utilisation des essais et des auscultations dans la conception et l'exécution d'ouvrages en rocher = Verwendung von Versuchen und Kontrollmessungen für den Entwurf und die Herstellung von Felsbauten / B. Kujundžić. - On the choice of rock mechanics tests = Sur le choix des essais de méchanique des roches = Zur Wahl von felsmechanischen Versuchen / G. Lombardi. - Interpretation of the results of a rock mechanical test program for a powerhouse cavern by means of numerical analyses = Interprétation des résultats d'un programme d'essais de méchanique des roches pour une centrale souterraine à l'aide d'analyses numériques = Interpretation der Ergebnisse eines felsmechanischen Versuchsprogramms für ein untertägiges Krafthaus mit Hilfe numerischer Berechnungen / W. Wittke, B. Plischke, K. H. Hosang. - Influence of block size on the shear strength of joints / N. Barton. - Prise en compte de l'etat de contrainte en place / B. Come. - Development of frictional restraint in pile rock sockets / P. Davies. - Discussion relating to theme II paper by Chalmers, Daw and Scott. - Contribution theme II / B. Gilg. - Acoustic emission to detect the geostress / M. Hayashi. - Bestimmung von elastischen Gesteinskennwerten mittels refraktionsseismischer Messungen / H. Hönig. - Determination of shear modulus by means of in situ torsion tests / J. Hudek. - Tunnel design - conclusions from long-term model tests / P. K. Kaiser. - Construction of a computer-controlled direct shear testing machine for investigations on rock discontinuities / O. Natau, W. Leichnitz, K. Balthasar. - In situ stress measurement by overcoring cast-in-place epoxy inclusions / R. M. Nolting, R. E. Goodman. - The horizontal pressures in the preconsolidated marly clay in case of smaller displacements in soil / R. Petrovic. - Diskussionsbemerkung zu einigen Beiträgen zu den Themen II und III / R. Poisel. - Anmerkungen zu den Diskussionsbeiträgen von N. Barton und O. Natau über den Maßstabseinfluß auf den Reibungswiderstand bei Schervorgängen an vorgegebenen Gleitflächen / H. J. Schneider. - Eine Versuchsapparatur für felshydraulische Felduntersuchungen / H. J. Schneider. - Non-destructive test method for rock bolts / H. F. Thurner. - Modelierung der plötzlichen Hinauswerfung der Kohle und des Gases bei den Laboratorischen Bedingungen / J. A. Veksler, A. T. Schakirov. - Entwurf von Felshohlraumbauten im Hinblick auf moderne Bauverfahren = Design of underground structures with respect to modern construction methods = Projet d'ouvrages souterrains en liaison avec les méthodes modernes de construction / D. Prader. - Some practical aspects of conceptual models in tunnelling = Quelques aspects pratiques des modèles de tunnel = Einige praktische Gesichtspunkte von Modellkonzepten im Tunnelbau / A. M. Muir Wood. - Time-dependent deformations in underground works = Les déformations différées dans les ouvrages souterrains = Zeitabhängige Verformungen in den unterirdischen Werken / M. Panet. - Design of underground structures with respect to modern construction methods from a contractor's viewpoint = Projet d'ouvrages souterrains en liaison avec les méthodes modernes de construction du point de vue de l'entrepreneur = Entwurf von Felshohlraumbauten im Hinblick auf moderne Bauverfahren vom Standpunkt des Unternehmers / S. Brännfors, G. Nord. - Movements recorded at completion of cavern excavation / T. H. Douglas, W. Wilson. - Erste Erfahrungen mit einer neuen Norm über Erschütterungen im Bauwesen / W. Harsch. - Continuation of the Swedish shotcrete investigation - fibre reinforced shotcrete interacting with rock bolts / J. Holmgren. - Beitrag zur Ringschlusszeit am Beispiel des Arlbergtunnels / M. John. - Diskussionsbeantwortung zu M. John: Beitrag zur Ringschlusszeit am Beispiel des Arlbergtunnels / L. Mueller-Salsburg. - Desing of permanent lining for long term time effect / K. Y. Lo. - Influence of in situ stress on rock stability / B. Lukajic. - Utilisation des classifications géotechniques en projet et construction de cavités souterraines / V. Maury. - Design of storage for radioactive waste with respect to virgin stresses and thermal loadings / O. Stephansson. - The "Rib-in-Roc" pre-reinforcement system for large underground openings / B. Stillborg. - Stability of large-span cavern in jointed rock mass / Z. Weishen. - Les discontinuites des roches : une methode pour leur evaluation in-situ et leur effet sur la vitesse de foration des tunnels = Discontinuities in rock : a method for in-situ assessment and their effect on boring rate of tunnel boring machine = Die Klüfte im Fels : eine Methode für ihre In-Situ Quantisierung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Bohrleistungen bei Tunnel-Boring-Maschinen / D. Fourmaintraux. - Interdépendance des ind
    In: Proceedings / Fourth International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Vol. 3
    Sprache: Unbestimmte Sprache
    Bibliothek Standort Signatur Band/Heft/Jahr Verfügbarkeit
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  • 3
    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
    Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (1 v)
    ISBN: 9781784713829
    Anmerkung: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Andersen, Ronald M. (1968), Behavioral Model of Families' Use of Health Services, Chicago: Center for Health Administration Studies, University of Chicago. -- Andersen, R.M. (1995), 'Revisiting the Behavioral-Model and Access to Medical-Care - Does It Matter?', Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 36, 1-10. -- Anderson, G.F., P.S. Hussey, B.K. Frogner and H.R. Waters (2005), 'Health Spending in the United States and the Rest of the Industrialized World', Health Affairs, 24, 903-14. -- Beckfield, J. and N. Krieger (2009), 'Epi + demos + cracy: Linking Political Systems and Priorities to the Magnitude of Health Inequities - Evidence, Gaps, and a Research Agenda', Epidemiologic Reviews, 31, 152-77. -- Béland, D. (2005), 'Ideas and Social Policy: An Institutionalist Perspective', Social Policy & Administration, 39 (1), 1-18. -- , Bevan, G., J.-K. Helderman and D. Wilsford (2010), 'Changing Choices in Health Care: Implications for Equity, Efficiency and Cost' (editorial), Journal of Health Economics, Policy and Law, 5 (special issue 3), 251-67. -- Burau, V. and R.H. Blank (2006), 'Comparing Health Policy: An Assessment of Typologies of Health Systems', Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 8 (1), 63-76. -- Busse, Reinhard and Annette Riesberg (2004), Health Care Systems in Transition - Germany, Vol. 6, No. 9, Copenhagen: European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. -- Cockerham, William C. (2006), Medical Sociology, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. -- Conley, D. and K. Springer (2001), 'Welfare State and Infant Mortality', American Journal of Sociology, 107 (3), 768-807. -- , Döhler, Marian, (1991), 'Policy Networks, Opportunity Structures and Neo-Conservative Reform Strategies in Health Policy', in Bernd Marin and Renate Mayntz (eds), Policy Networks. Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Considerations, Frankfurt/New York: Campus, pp. 235-96. -- Döhler, Marian and Philip Manow (1995), 'Staatliche Reformpolitik und die Rolle der Verbände im Gesundheitssektor', in Renate Mayntz (ed.), Gesellschaftliche Selbstregelung und Politische Steuerung, Frankfurt a. M.: Campus, pp. 140-68. -- Doorslaer, E. van and C. Masseria (2004), 'Income-Related Inequality in the Use of Medical Care in 21 Countries', OECD Health Working Paper, 14. -- Doorslaer, E. van, C. Masseria and X. Koolman (2006), 'Inequalities in Access to Medical Care by Income in Developed Countries', Canadian Medical Association Journal, 174 (2), 177-83. -- , Dubois, Carl-Ardy and Martin McKee (2004), 'Health and Health Care in the Candidate Countries to the European Union: Common Challenges, Different Circumstances, Diverse Policies', in Martin McKee, Laura MacLehose and Ellen Nolte (eds), Health Policy and European Union Enlargement, Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 43-63. -- Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2005), 'Can Path Dependence Explain Institutional Change? Two Approaches Applied to Welfare State Reform', MPIfG Discussion Paper 05. -- Eikemo, T.A., C. Bambra, K. Judge and K. Ringdal (2008), 'Welfare State Regimes and Differences in Self-perceived Health in Europe: A Multilevel Analysis', Social Science & Medicine, 66 (11), 2281-95. -- Enthoven, A.C. (1985), 'Reflections on the Management of the NHS. London', Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, Occasional Papers 5. -- Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1985), Politics Against Markets: The Social Democratic Road to Power, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press , Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1990), The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Cambridge: Polity Press. -- Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1996), 'Welfare States without Work: The Impasse of Labour Shedding and Familialism in Continental European Social Policy', in Welfare States in Transition. National Adaptations in Global Economies, London: SAGE Publications, pp. 66-87. -- Freeman, Richard (2000), The Politics of Health in Europe, Manchester: Manchester University Press. -- Frenk, J. and A. Donabedian (1987), 'State Intervention in Medical Care: Types, Trends and Variables', Health Policy and Planning, 2 (1), 17-31. -- Gauld, Robin (2009), The New Health Policy, Maidenhead: Open University Press. -- Gelissen, John (2002), Worlds of Welfare, Worlds of Consent? Public Opinion on the Welfare State, Leiden: Brill. -- , Gevers, J., J. Gelissen, W. Arts and R. Muffels (2000), 'Public Health Care in the Balance: Exploring Popular Support for Health Care Systems in the European Union', International Journal of Social Welfare, 9 (4), 301-21. -- Grielen, S.J., W.G.W. Boerma and P.P. Groenewegen (2000), 'Science in Practice: Can Health Care Reform Projects in Central and Eastern Europe be Evaluated Systematically?', Health Policy, 53 (2), 73-89. -- Hacker, J.S. and T. Skocpol (1997), 'The New Politics of U.S. Health Policy', Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 22 (2), 315-38. -- Hall, P.A. (1993), 'Policy Paradigms, Social Learning, and the State. The Case of Economic Policymaking in Britain', Comparative Politics, 25 (3), 275-96. -- Hall, P.A. and R.C.R. 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Reinhardt (1996), 'Spending More Through "Cost Control " Our Obsessive Quest to Gut the Hospital', Health Affairs, 15 (2), Summer, 145-54 , Healthcare is one of modern society's most crucial arenas - costly, important and controversial. This comprehensive research review brings together more than fifty scholarly articles on both healthcare systems in general and health reform in particular. The editors have carefully selected papers by leading academics which will enhance our understanding of the central feature of social and political life. The articles are distinguished by their clear prose and wide disciplinary range. This book is an essential reference resource for students, and practitioners interested in this topical field
    Sprache: Englisch
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    Mehr zum Autor: Wendt, Claus 1968-
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    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
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    ISBN: 9781784714369
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Gregory Gause III (2000), 'The Persistence of Monarchy in the Arabian Peninsula: A Comparative Analysis', in Joseph Kostiner (ed.), Middle East Monarchies: The Challenge of Transition, Chapter 11, London, UK: Lynne Rienner, 167-86 -- James Onley and Sulayman Khalaf (2006), 'Shaikhly Authority in the Pre-oil Gulf: An Historical-Anthropological Study', History and Anthropology, 17 (3), September, 189-208 -- Hazem Beblawi (1990), 'The Rentier State in the Arab World', in Giacomo Luciani (ed.), The Arab State, Chapter 4, London, UK: Routledge, 85-98, references -- Kiren Aziz Chaudhry (1994), 'Economic Liberalization and the Lineages of the Rentier State', Comparative Politics, 27 (1), October, 1-25 -- , Gwenn Okruhlik (1999), 'Rentier Wealth, Unruly Law, and the Rise of Opposition: The Political Economy of Oil States', Comparative Politics, 31 (3), April, 295-315 -- Steffen Hertog (2007), 'Shaping the Saudi State: Human Agency's Shifting Role in Rentier-State Formation', International Journal of Middle East Studies, 39 (4), 539-63 -- Gerd Nonneman (2008), 'Political Reform in the Gulf Monarchies: From Liberalization to Democratization? A Comparative Perspective', in Anoushiravan Ehteshami and Steven Wright (eds), Reform in the Middle East Oil Monarchies, Chapter 1, Reading, UK: Ithaca Press, 3-45 -- Michael Herb (2009), 'A Nation of Bureaucrats: Political Participation and Economic Diversification in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates', International Journal of Middle East Studies, 41 (3), 375-95 -- Katherine Meyer, Helen Rizzo and Yousef Ali (2007), 'Changed Political Attitudes in the Middle East: The Case of Kuwait', International Sociology, 22 (3), May, 289-324 -- , Jeremy Jones and Nicholas Ridout (2005), 'Democratic Development in Oman', Middle East Journal, 59 (3), Summer, 376-92 -- Stéphane Lacroix (2004), 'Between Islamists and Liberals: Saudi Arabia's New "Islamo-Liberal" Reformists', Middle East Journal, 58 (3), Summer, 345-65 -- Abdulkhaleq Abdulla (2006), 'The Impact of Globalization on Arab Gulf States', in John W. Fox, Nada Mourtada-Sabbah and Mohammed al-Mutawa (eds), Globalization and the Gulf, Chapter 10, London, UK: Routledge, 180-88 -- Jill Crystal (2009), 'Economic and Political Liberalization: Views from the Business Community', in Joshua Teitelbaum (ed.), Political Liberalization in the Persian Gulf, Chapter 2, London, UK: C. Hurst & Co., 37-57 -- Giacomo Luciani (2005), 'From Private Sector to National Bourgeoisie: Saudi Arabian Business', in Paul Aarts and Gerd Nonneman (eds), Saudi Arabia in the Balance: Political Economy, Society, Foreign Affairs, Part II, London, UK: C. Hurst & Co., 144-81 -- , Christopher Davidson (2007), 'The Emirates of Abu Dhabi and Dubai: Contrasting Roles in the International System', Asian Affairs, XXXVIII (1), March, 33-48 -- Martin Hvidt (2009), 'The Dubai Model: An Outline of Key Development-Process Elements in Dubai', International Journal of Middle East Studies, 41 (3), 397-418 -- Dilip K. Das (2008), 'Sovereign-wealth Funds: A New Role for the Emerging Market Economies in the World of Global Finance', International Journal of Development Issues, 7 (2), 80-96 -- Gawdat Bahgat (1999), 'Education in the Gulf Monarchies: Retrospect and Prospect', International Review of Education, 45 (2), 127-36 , Mohammed Bosbait and Rodney Wilson (2005), 'Education, School to Work Transitions and Unemployment in Saudi Arabia', Middle Eastern Studies, 41 (4), July, 533-45 -- Caroline Montagu (2010), 'Civil Society and the Voluntary Sector in Saudi Arabia', Middle East Journal, 64 (1), Winter, 67-83 -- Onn Winckler (2009), 'Labor and Liberalization: The Decline of the GCC Rentier System', in Joshua Teitelbaum (ed.), Political Liberalization in the Persian Gulf, Chapter 3, London, UK: C. Hurst & Co., 59-85 -- Andy Spiess (2008), 'Developing Adaptive Capacity for Responding to Environmental Change in the Arab Gulf States: Uncertainties to Linking Ecosystem Conservation, Sustainable Development and Society in Authoritarian Rentier Economies', Global and Planetary Change, 64 (3-4), December, 244-52 -- Joanna Depledge (2008), 'Striving for No: Saudi Arabia in the Climate Change Regime', Global Environmental Politics, 8 (4), November, 9-35 -- , Henner Fürtig (2007), 'Conflict and Cooperation in the Persian Gulf: The Interregional Order and US Policy', Middle East Journal, 61 (4), Fall, 627-40 -- Kristian Coates Ulrichsen (2009), 'Internal and External Security in the Arab Gulf States', Middle East Policy, XVI (2), Summer, 39-58 -- Toby Craig Jones (2006), 'Rebellion on the Saudi Periphery: Modernity, Marginalization, and the Shi'a Uprising of 1979', International Journal of Middle East Studies, 38 (2), May, 213-33 -- Bruce Riedel and Bilal Y. Saab (2008), 'Al Qaeda's Third Front: Saudi Arabia', Washington Quarterly, 31 (2), Spring, 33-46 -- Dalia Dassa Kaye and Frederic M. Wehrey (2007), 'A Nuclear Iran: The Reactions of Neighbours', Survival, 49 (2), 111-28 -- Toby Matthiesen (2010), 'Hizbullah al-Hijaz: A History of the Most Radical Saudi Shi'a Opposition Group', Middle East Journal, 64 (2), Spring, 179-97 -- , Fred Halliday (2002), 'The Middle East and the Politics of Differential Integration', in Toby Dodge and Richard Higgot (eds), Globalization and the Middle East: Islam, Economy, Society and Politics, Chapter 2, London, UK: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 36-56 -- Gerd Nonneman (2005), 'Determinants and Patterns of Saudi Foreign Policy: "Omnibalancing" and "Relative Autonomy" in Multiple Environments', in Paul Aarts and Gerd Nonneman (eds), Saudi Arabia in the Balance: Political Economy, Society, Foreign Affairs, Part IV, London, UK: C. Hurst & Co., 315-51 -- Abdulla Baabood and Geoffrey Edwards (2007), 'Reinforcing Ambivalence: The Interaction of Gulf States and the European Union', European Foreign Affairs Review, 12 (4), 537-54 -- J.E. Peterson (2006), 'Qatar and the World: Branding for a Micro- State', Middle East Journal, 60 (4), Autumn, 732-48 -- , Madawi Al-Rasheed (2008), 'The Minaret and the Palace: Obedience at Home and Rebellion Abroad', in Kingdom without Borders: Saudi Arabia's Political, Religious and Media Frontiers, Chapter 9, London, UK: C. Hurst & Co., 199-217 -- Steve A. Yetiv and Chunlong Lu (2007), 'China, Global Energy, and the Middle East', Middle East Journal, 61 (2), Spring, 199-218 , This insightful research review examines the internal and external transformation of the Arab Gulf states and their repositioning within the global order. It explores the interlocking challenges of transition toward post-rentier structures of governance and assesses the domestic, regional and global implications. A multi-level approach begins with sections on domestic political and economic reform and the reformulation of domestic agendas to reflect new issues such as climate-change. Subsequent sections cover the evolution of regional security agendas, new trends in foreign policy and the Arab Gulf states' rapid emergence as global actors and provide a frank portrayal of this dynamic region
    Sprache: Englisch
    Schlagwort(e): Rezension
    URL: Volltext  (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
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