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    Format: XXXVI, 846 S. , Ill., graph. Darst.
    ISBN: 9061910471
    Note: Contents: THEME I RHEOLOGIC BEHAVIOUR OF ROCK MASSES = COMPORTEMENT RHEOLOGIQUE DES ROCHES ET DES MASSIFS ROCHEUX = RHEOLOGISCHES VERHALTEN DES FELSENS UND DES GEBIRGES. - Geotechnical properites of the carboniferous limestone of the Bristol area : the influence of petrography and chemistry = Propriétés géotechniques des calcaires du carbonifère de la région de Bristol : Influence de la composition chimique et minéralogique = Geotechnische Eigenschaften des Karbonkalks im Gebiet von Bristol : Einfluss von Petrographie und Chemismus / S.H. Al-Jassar ; A. B. Hawkins. - Evolution des properietes mechaniques d'une roche stratifiee sous pression de confinement = Evolution of mechanical properties of a stratified rock under confining pressure = Änderungen der mechanischen Eigenschaften eines geschichteten Felsen unter Seitendruck / D. Allirot ; J. P. Boehler. - Le renforement des massifs rocheux par armatures passives / Rock Mass Reinforcement by Passive Rebars = Gebirgsverstärkung durch passive Armierung / Azuar ; Debreuille ; Habib ; Londe ; Panet ; Rochet ; Salembier. - Effets thermiques dans les cavites en couche salifere = Thermic Effects in Cavities in Salt Rock = Wärmeeffekte in Salzkavernen / P. Berest ; E. Ledoux ; B. Legait ; G. de Marsily. - An inference of crustal rheology from stress observations = L'inférence des caractéristiques rhéologiques des roches d'écorce, déterminé des mesures in situ des contraintes = Folgerungen für das Fliessverhalten der Erdkruste aufgrund von Kraft/Dehnungsmessungen / R. L. Blackwood. - Experimental determination of the residual stress field in a basaltic column = Détermination expérimentale du champ des contraintes résiduelles d'une colonne de basalte = Experimentelle Bestimmung des Restspannungszustandes einer Basaltsäule / H. Bock. - Berechnungen von Verformungen und Spannungen in Salzkavernen unter Berücksichtigung eines visko-plastischen Materialverhaltens = Evaluation of Deformations and Stresses in Salt Caverns with Account of Visco-Plastic Material Behaviour = Calcul des contraintes et des déformations autour des excavations dans le sel gemme en tenant compte du comportement visco-plastique du matériau / K.-M. Borchert ; H. Klapperich ; T. Richter ; B. Walz. - L'appareil triaxal F. P. Ms - Modele 700/40-1 = The triaxial cell F.P.Ms - model 700/40-1 = Das Triaxialdruckgerät F.P.Ms - Modell 700/40-1 / J. Brych ; C. Schröder. - Mechanical behaviour of rocks under fatigue = Réaction mécanique des roches soumises à la fatigue = Mechanisches Verhalten der Felsen unter Beanspruchung / G. Brighenti. - Changes in rock strength caused by water = Variation de résistance de roche avec la saturation d'eau = Änderungen in Felsfestigkeiten verursacht von Wasser / E. Broch. - Contribution a l'etude des parametres physico-mechaniques fondamentaux des roches = Contribution to the Study of the Fundamental Physical Mechanical Rock Parameters = Beitrag zum Studium der fundamentalen physikalisch-mechanischen Gesteinsparameter / J . Brych. - Change in residual stresses due to rheology = Variation des contraintes résiduelles à cause de la rhéologie = Änderung der Restspannungen durch rheologische Prozesse / B. Buen. - A Pilot heater test for the swedish nuclear fuel safety program = Une expérience pilote de réchauffement pour le programme suédois de sécurité contre les déchets radioactifs = Erwärmungsversuch fur das schwedische Kerbrennstoffsicherheits-Programm / H. Carlsson ; O. Stephansson ; B. Leijon. - Path dependency of rough joints in bi-directional shearing = Effets du cheminement des forces de cisaillement sur des diaclases rugueuses soumises à un cisaillement bi-directionnel = Abhängigkeit des Schervorganges in zwei Richtungen von rauhen Trennflachen um Fels infolge veränderlicher Lasten / T. B. Celestino ; R. E. Goodman. - Foundations on expansive rocks in Brazil = Fondations sur des roches expansives au Brésil = Gründungen auf expansiven Böden in Brasilien / A. J. Da Costa Nunes. - Rheologic behaviour of heterogeneous salt rocks = Comportement rhéologique des roches salines hétérogènes = Rheologisches Verhalten inhomogener Salzgesteinen / C. Dinis da Gama. - Les vides, principal facteur du comportement mechanique =The Voids, Main Factor for the Mechanical Behaviour of Rocks = Die Hohlräume, Hauptfaktor fur das mechanische Gebirgsverhalten / P. Duffaut ; F. Wojtkowiak ; J. P. Josien ; J. L. Pineau. - Das Dreiphasensystem Ton, Anhydrit, Gips und dessen zeitabhängiges Verhalten bei Zugabe von wässrigen Lösungen = The three-phase-system clay-anhydrit-gypsum and its time-dependent behaviour on saturation with water-based solutions = Le système en trois phases argile-anhydrite-gypse et son comportement relatif au temps à l'ajoutage de solutions aqueuses / H.-C. Einfalt ; E. Fecker ; H.-P. Götz. - Rock mechanics studies of proposed underground mining of potash in Sergipe, Brazil = Etude de la mécanique des roches d' une future mine de potasse à Sergipe, Brésil = Untersuchungen nach Untertagbau von Kali in Sergipe, Brasilien / C. Fairhurst ; C. M. St. John ; N. F. Midea ; S. M. de Eston ; A. C. Fernandes ; L. A. Bongiovanni. - Determination experimentale de quelques parameters elasto-viscoplastiques des roches = Experimental Determination of Some Elasto-Visco-Plastic Rock Parameters = Versuchsmässige Bestimmung einiger elasto-visko-plastischer Felsparameter / J. Fine ; S. M. Tijani ; G. Vouille ; P. Boucly. - Gesteinsphysikalisches Modell für Gesteine mit Zementationstextur = Rock-physical model for rocks with cemented texture = Modèle pétrophysique des roches à texture cimentée / M. Gálos ; P. Kertesz ; I. Kürti. - Time-dependent behaviour of granitic rocks related to their alteration grade = Comportement dans le temps des granites en fonction de leur degré d'altération = Zeitabhängiges Verhalten von Granitsteinen in Abhängikeit vom Verwitterungsgrad / R. Genevois ; A. Prestininzi. - Numerical modeling of the geochemical response of a rock mass to a radioactive waste repository = Modèles numériques pour la réponse géomécanique du massif rocheux au stockage de déchets radioactifs = Numerisches Modellieren des geomechanischen Gebirgsverhaltens bei Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle / M. P. Hardy ; C. M. St. John ; G. Hocking. - Dilatan effects of rock joints = Effets de la dilatance des joints dans la roche = Dilatanzeffekte von Felsklüften / F. E. Heuze. - Influence de la temperature sur le comportement mechanique des roches = Influence of temperature on the mechanical behaviour of rocks = Einfluss der Temperatur auf das mechanische Verhalten der Gesteine / R. Houpert ; F. Homand-Etienne. - Effects formerly acted stress on stress-strain behaviour of rock and its anisotropical property = Recherches sur l'anisotropie de la roche et contrainte jadis agi à la roche stratifiée = Untersuchungen über die Anisotropie und den frühen aufwirkenden Lasten des Lagerschitengebirges / T. Isobe ; Y. Tominaga. - Coal behaviour in the rocky mountain belt of Canada = Comportement mécanique de charbon à la ceinture des Montagnes Rocheuses du Canada = Verhalten der Kohle in der Rocky Mountain von Kanada / M. L. Jeremic. - Time-dependent deformation of jointed rock near failure = Déformation en fonction du temps d'une roche fissurée lors de sa rupture = Zeitabhängiges Deformationsverhalten von geklüftetem Fels in der Nähe des Bruches / P. K. Kaiser ; N. R. Morgenstern. - Control of fracturing in mine rock passes = Contrôle des fracturations de gisements dans lea puits de mines = Bruchkontrolle in Grubengesteinstunnel / H. A . D. Kirsten ; J. W. Klokow. - Effect of geological compaction on the deformation of sedimentary rocks = Effet de la compaction géologique sur la déformation des roches sédimentaires = Die Wirkung der geologischen Verdichtung auf der Verformung der Sedimentgesteine / H. Koide ; K. Hoshino ; G. Endo ; M. Kitaoka. - Certain laws of creep in fissured rock and semirock = Quelques lois du glissement des semi-roches et des roches fissu , Contents: THEME III DESIGN OF UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES WITH RESPECT TO MODERN CONSTRUCTION METHODS = PROJET D'OUVRAGES SOUTERRAINS EN LIAISON AVEC LES MÈTHODES MODERNES DE CONSTRUCTION = ENTWURF VON FELSHOHLRAUMBAUTEN IM HINBLICK AUF MODERNE BAUVERFAHREN. - Criteres adoptes pour l'execution de deux tunnels routiers dans les argiles pliocenes des Apennins du Sud et pour le projet d'une galerie de derivation dans les memes formations = Criteria for the Execution of two Road Tunnels in Pliocene Clays of Southern Appenins and a Derivation Tunnel in the same Ground Types = Kriterien fur die Herstellung zweier Strassentunnel in den pliozänen Tonen des Südappenins und für einen Wasserumleitungsstollen in denselben Formationen / M. Beomonte ; A. Lupo ; F. Perretta. - Verankerte Spritzbetonschale als endgültige Auskleidung von Felshohlräumen = Anchored shotcrete used as permanent lining of underground openings' in rock = Béton projeté et ancrages utilisés comme revêtement définitif pour ouvrages souterrains en rocher / N. Bischoff ; J. Kellenberger ; A. J. Hagmann. - Criteria for the selection of fullface tunnel boring or conventional tunnelling = Critères de sélection du forage des tunnels par machine ou par construction conventionnelle des tunnels = Kriterien zur Auswahl von vollschnitt Tunnel Bohren oder konventionell Tunnel Vortrieb / O. T. Blindheim ; E. Dahl Johansen ; O. Johannessen. - Design of underground openings for oil storage = Projet de cavités souterraines pour stockage d'hydrocarbures = Entwurf von untertägigen Hohlräumen für Ölspeicherung / E. Dahl Johansen. - Determination of material parameters in cemented fill = Détermination des paramètres des matériaux dans les remblais cimentés = Bestimmung von Materialparameter in zementierten Bergversatz / P. M. Dight ; R. Cowling. - Dinorwic power station rock support of the underground caverns = Centrale de Dinorwic - Soutènement des cavités = Kraftwerk Dinorwic - Felssicherung in den Kavernen / T. H. Douglas ; L. R. Richards ; L. J. Arthur. - The role of geotechnical factors in the cutting performance of tunnelling machines in rocks = Le rôle des propriétés géotechniques à l'action de coupe des machines à percement de tunnels aux roches = Die Rolle geotechnischer Faktoren in der Schneiderate von Tunnelsmaschinen in Gesteinen / I. W. Farmer ; H. J. Hignett ; J. A. Hudson. - Preliminary underground excavations at Sayago Nuclear Power Plant = Préexcavations pour l'usine nucléaire de Sayago = Baugrund-Voraushubsarbeiten für das Kernkraftwerk Sayago / J. Feijoo ; P. Llamas. - Using data of full-scale measurement in lining desing for underground structures = Utilisation des résultats de mesures obtenus in situ pour le calcul des soutènements des ouvrages souterrains = Verwendung der Ergebnisse von den Naturmessungen für die Berechnung des Ausbaus der unterirdischen Anlagen / N. N. Fotieva ; N. S. Bulychev. - Complicated portal blasting: principles and methods based on experience = Minage compliqué dans zone de portail: Principes et méthodes basées sur expérience = Schwierige Portalsprengungen: Prinzipien und Methoden gestützt auf Erfahrungen / K. Garshol. - Anpassung von Teilschnitvortriebsmaschinen an durch von Gebirge und Bauwerk vorgegebene Bedingungen = Adaption of Partial Cutting Road Headers on Conditions given by Rock and Construction = Adaption des machines de forage à section partielle sur les conditions en cas de roes et de bâtiments / K. Gehring. - Prediction des taux de penetration d'une foreuse pleine section utilisee dans l'ile de Montreal = Prediction of penetration rates of a full face boring machine on Montreal Island = Voraussage der Vortriebsgeschwindigkeiten von Vollquerschnittsbohrmaschinen im Gebirge der Insel von Montreal / D.E. Gill ; C. Lafrance. - Stabilization systems for excavations in rock masses: results obtained in railway tunnels under construction in Brazil = Systèmes de stabilisation des excavations des massifs rocheux: les résultats obtenus en tunnels ferroviaires en construction = Sicherheits Systeme der Ausschachtung in felsigem Gestein: Tunnels in Brasilien / M. Gitelman ; A. R. Martins. - Provisional support, primary and permanent lining at the construction of the stations of the Budapest Underground = Soutènement provisoire, revêtement permanent des stations de Métro de Budapest = Sicherung und Ausbau der Stationen der Budapester U-Bahn / G. K. Greschik. - Adhesion of shotcrete to various types of rock surfaces = L'adhésion du béton projeté à des types différents de surfaces de roches = Adhäsion von Spritzbeton an verschiedenen Typen von Felsflächen / T. Hahn ; J. Holmgren. - Felsankerungen im Hohlraumbau und deren Dauerbeständigkeit = Rock anchors in underground excavations and their durability = Ancrages au rocher dans les excavations souterraines et leur durabilité / T. F. Herbst ; G. Kern. - Application of a finite element model to mining desgin at the Stekenjokk Mine, Northern Sweden = Utilisation de la méthode des éléments finis pour l'établissement d'un modèle d'exploitation de la mine de Stekenjokk, dans le nord de la Suède = Verwendung von Finite-Element Modellen auf die Abbauauslegung der Grube Stekenjokk, Nordschweden / N. Krauland. - Influence of tectonic stresses on the caving process - mining by block caving methods = Influence des efforts tectoniques dans le processus d'éboulement - Travail des mines par éboulement = Einfluss der tektonischen Spannungen auf den Erzabbauerz - Abbauverfahren nach Kammerbruchbaumethode / G. Krstulovic. - Abteufen und Sicherung eines 80 M tiefen Kraftwerksschachtes von 30 M Durchmesser = Sinking and Supporting of an 80 m deep Power Situation Shaft of 30 M Diameter = Fonçage et mesures de sécurité pour un puits d'usine électrique de 80 m de profondeur et de 30 m de diamètre / H. Lauffer ; W. Pircher. - L'influence de la methode de construction sur l'equilibre final d'un tunnel = Influence of the Constructional Method on the Final Equilibrium of a Tunnel = Einfluss der Baumethode auf das Endgleichgewicht eines Tunnels / G. Lombardi ; W. Amberg. - Weiterentwicklung der Tunnelbauverfahren durch Stahlfaserbeton = Development of New Tunnelling Methods using Steel Fibre Shotcrete = Développement d'une nouvelle méthode d e soutènement: le béton projeté armé de fibres d'acier / B. Maidl ; R. Rapp. - Excavation mechanique, soutenement et impermeabilisation des tunnels de turumo au Venezuela = Mechanized excavation supporting and sealing of Turumo Tunnels in Venezuela = Maschinelle Aushebung, Unterhaltung und Wasserdichtmachen der Turumo Tunnel in Venezuela / F. Mendana ; R. Fernandez-Gonzalez. - Untersuchung unterirdischer wassertechischer Bauwerke an Modellen aus aequivalenten Stoffen = Investigations of Underground Hydraulic Structures on Models of Equivalent Materials = Etudes des ouvrages hydrauliques souterrains sur modèles en materiaux équivalents / W. M. Mostkow ; N. S. Chatschaturjan ; P. D. Stefanow ; M. N. Belkin. - Die Bedeutung der Ringschlusslänge und Ringschlusszeit im Tunnelbau = The Importance of the Length and Time of Closing the Ring in Tunnelling = L'importance de la longueur et du temps de fermeture de l'anneau dans la construction de tunnels / L. Müller. - Die Beherrschung grosser Querschnitte in schwierigen Gebirgsarten = The control of large cross sections in difficult grounds = Le contrôle des grandes sections tranversales dans les roches difficiles / F. Pacher ; N. Ayaydin. - Stresses and strains at the contact of rigid tunnel lining and soft rock = Contraintes et déformations au contact du revêtement raide du tunnel et des roches tendres = Spannung und Verformungen am Kontakt der steifen Tunnelauskleidung mit weichem Fels / B. Popović ; O. Marković ; M. Manojlović. - Die Schäden im Hattelberg-Druckstollen als Folge eines aussergewöhnlichen Primärspannungszustandes = Damages at Hattelberg Pressure Tunnel Caused by Extraordinary Natural Stresses = Les dégâts causés à la galerie en charge de Hattelber g par , Contents: THEME IV SURFACE DISPLACEMENTS AS A CONSEQUENCE OF EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES = MOUVEMENTS EN SURFACE PROVOQUÉS PAR DES TRAVAUX D'EXCAVATION = OBERFLÄCHENBEWEGUNGEN INFOLGE VON AUSBRUCHSARBEITEN. - Model studies of very large underground openings at shallow depth = Etude sur modèle de très grandes ouvertures souterraines à faible profondeur = Modellstudien über Felskavernen mit sehr grossen Spannweiten in geringer Tiefe / N. Barton. - A case history of pit slope design = Fouille à ciel ouvert: étude d'un cas particulier = Fallstudie eines Böschungsentwurfes für einen Tagbau / D. F. Coates, M. Gyenge. - Affaissements miniers et deformation du sol influence de la lithologie du recouvrement = Mining Subsidence and Ground Deformations. Influence of the Lithology of the Overburden = Senkungen und Baugrundverformungen infolge Bergbaus. Einfluss der Lithologie des Deckgebirges / M. Dejean, J. Arcamone. - Prediction of rock mass deformability = Méthode pour déterminer la déformabilité des massifs rocheux = Methode zur Bestimmung der Gebirgsverformbarkeit / W. Dershowitz, G. Baecher, H. Einstein. - Rupture progressive en versant rocheux stratifie et fissure = Progressive failure in a stratified and fissurated rock slope = Progressiver Bruch in einer geschichteten und geklüfteten Felsböschung / F . Descoeudres, M. Gencer. - Bestimmung der Oberflächendeformation und der Aussenbelastung der Auskleidung an physikalischen Modellen = Determination of surface Deformation and Outside Load of Lining on Physical Models = Détermination de la déformation de la surface du terrain et de la charge extérieure de revêtement sur les modèles physiques / v. Dolezel. - Underground driving below a speedway = Tunnel du métro creusé sous une autoroute = U-Bahn Ausbruch unter einer Autobahn / A. Dvorák. - Surface movements due to grouting pressure = Soulèvement en surface à cause de pression d'injection = Oberflächenbewegung wegen des Injektionsdruckes / L. Fingerhut. - Method of probabilistic analysis of rock slopes stability (slopes of quarries and foundation pits, natural rock slopes) = Evaluation probabiliste de la stabilité des talus rocheux (talus de carrières, de fouilles et versants rocheux naturels) = Wahrscheinlichkeitsberechnungsverfahren der Standsicherheit von Felsböschungen (Tagebaurändern, Baugruben und natürlichen Böschungen) / E. G. Gaziev, V. I. Rechitski. - Cave-in and subsidence at the Rodsand Mine, Western Norway = Contrôle d'éboulement à la mine de Rodsand, Norvège occidentale = Kontrolle von Verbrüchen bei der Grube Rodsand, Westnorwegen / H.-P. Geis. - Slope failure in expansive marls = Rupture de talus dans des marnes expansives = Böschungsbruch in quellfähigen Mergeln / L. Gonzalez de Vallejo, J. A. Campos de Orellana, J. L. Berzal, A. Linares-Rivas. - Designing primary blasts for increased slope stability = Contrôle du tir des mines pour augmenter la stabilité des parements = Entwurf von Primärsprengungen zur Erhöhung der Böschungssicherheit / T. N. Hagan. - Surface subsidence and horizontal displacement caused by mining inclined coal seams = L'affaissement du sol et le déplacement horizontal causés par l'extraction des couches houillères inclinées = Bodensenkung und horizontale Verschiebung, die der Abbau des geneigten Kohlenflözes verursacht / Y. Hiramatsu, H. Okamura, K. Sugawara. - Der Abbau von Braunkohle aus einem Bergrutsch in Tagebau "Kosovo"-Belacevac = The exploitation of lignite from a landslide in the opencast mine "Kosovo"-Belacevac = Exploitation de lignite en terrain instable dans la mine à ciel ouvert "Kosovo''-Belacevac / L. J. Ilić, N. Spasić. - Surface displacements caused by tunnel driving in anisotropic viscoelastic ground = Tassements superficiels induits par le creusement d'un tunnel dans un sol visco-élastique anisotropique = Die oberflächlichen Verschiebungen verursacht durch den Graben des Tunnels in einem anisotropen viskoelastischen Grund / T. Ito, M. Hisatake. - Neuere Erkenntnisse zur Reduzierung der Oberflächensetzungen bei der Auffahrung von seichtliegenden Tunnelröhren = Progress in Reducing Surface Settlements Due to Tunnels at Small Depth = Mesures tendant à diminuer les tassements en surface causés par l'excavation des tunnels à faible profondeur / O. Jagsch, L. Müller, A. Hereth. - The observed results of displacements during the excavation of slope and the numerical analysis of its stability = Les résultats observés des déplacements pendant l'excavation de talus et l'analyse numérique des stabilités = Die Beobachtungsresultate der Verschiebungen bei Böschungseinschnitten und die numerische Analyse ihrer Standsicherheit / Y. Kitahara, T. Tokue, H. Ito, M. Motojima, M. Akashi. - The stability study of unstable wedges caused by large excavations at Itaparica Dam = Etude de la stabilité de coins potentiellement instables créés par les grandes fouilles du barrage Itaparica = Standsicherheitsuntersuchungen von Keilen bei Grossaushubsarbeiten am Itaparica-Damm / F. A. S. Nazario, S. Shayani, M. Lucas. - Stresses amd displacements around an advancing face of a tunnel = Tension et déplacements autour de la taille d'un tunnel = Spannungen und Verschiebungen um einen nach vorne bewegten Tunnel / Y. Niwa, S. Kobayashi, T. Fukui. - Slope stability in deep open pit mine with tension cracks = Stabilité des talus et fissures de traction dans une mine à ciel ouvert = Böschungssicherheit in einem tiefen Tagbau mit Zugrissen / M. Osmanagić, M. Redzepagić. - Settlements induced by a tunnel in miocenic soft rocks of Madrid = Tassements produits par la construction d'un tunnel dans des roches molles = Unterführungsabsenkungen auf weichen miozanischen Felsen in Madrid / C. S. Oteo, J. F. Moya. - Analysis of the stability of slopes in weathered rocks = Analyse de stabilité des pentes en roches décomposées = Die Analyse der Abhang-Stabilität in gewittertem Gestein / R. T. Sancio, R. E. Goodman. - Some investigations into the surface movement due to underground mining by bord and pillar method = Mesures des tassements en surface causés par les exploitations minières en "chambre et pilier" = Einige Untersuchungen der Oberflächenbewegungen infolge Bergbaus nach der Pfeilermethode / R. D. Singh. - Downhill movements of the slopes at the Idrija Ore Deposit = Mouvements descendants des pentes des dépôts minerais d'Idrija = Talseitige Hangbewegungen im Idrija Bergbau Gebiet / I. Sovinc. - Arching in hanging walls over leached deposits of rock salt = Les effets d'arc dans le toit du sel gemme exploité par solution = Bogenwirkung im mergligen Hangenden eines durch Lösung exploitierten Steinsalzlagers / M. Stević, I. Jasarević, F. Ramiz. - Ancrages "Cabra Corral" = Anchoring at "Cabra Corral" = Verankerungen in "Cabra Corral" / S. Vallespir, F. Barrionuevo, J. M. Sanz Saracho, V. Cid, F. Suva. , Contents: GROUP PAPERS = COMMUNICATIONS DE GROUPE = GRUPPENBERICHTE. - Rock mechanics in Sweden - a survey = La mécanique des roches en Suède - vues générales = Gebirgsmechanik in Schweden - eine Übersicht / S. G. A. Bergmann, S. Bjurström. - Role de l'auscultation dans la conception et l'excution d'ouvrages souterrains = Role of monitoring in the design and execution of underground works = Rolle der Kontrollmessungen beim Entwurf und bei der Herstellung von Untertagarbeiten / Comité Français de Mécanique des Roches. - Recents developments dans l'approche geotechnique de l'abattage mecanise en France = Recent geotechnical works in the field of mechanical rock cutting in France = Neue geotechnische Entwicklung des mechanischen Abbaus in Frankreich / Pechalat, Vienne, Chambon, Lebrun, Tincelin, Comes, Cordel, Marin, Fourmaintreaux, Louis, Raffoux. - Rock mechanics for engineering problems in India = Mécanique des roches appliquée à différents problèmes en Inde = Felsmechanik für Ingenieuraufgaben in Indien / Indian National Group. - Recent tunneling experiences in Italy = Récentes expériences dans l'excavation de galeries en Italie = Letzte italienische Erfahrungen in Tunnelbauten / AGI. - Some Italian experiences on the mechanical characterization of structurally complex formations = Expériences italiennes sur la caractérisation mécanique de formations structurellement complexes = Einige italienische Erfahrungen über Felsen mit complexer Struktur / AGI.
    In: Proceedings / Fourth International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Vol. 1
    Language: English
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    Format: 1 online resource (404 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9783319516646
    Note: Intro -- Foreword -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- Research on and Deployment of Chemical Weapons in World War I -- 2 The Scientist as Expert: Fritz Haber and German Chemical Warfare During the First World War and Beyond -- Abstract -- References -- 3 From Berlin-Dahlem to the Fronts of World War I: The Role of Fritz Haber and His Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in German Chemical Warfare -- Abstract -- 1 The Run-up to Ypres -- 2 Ypres, 22 April, 1915, 1700 GMT -- 3 The Indispensable Fritz Haber -- 4 Haber's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute Under Military Command -- 5 Haber's Views on Chemical Warfare -- 6 The Legacy of Ypres -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Additional Open Access Information -- 4 Clara Immerwahr: A Life in the Shadow of Fritz Haber -- Abstract -- 1 Prolog -- 2 Clara Immerwahr's Background -- 3 The Scientific Work of Clara Immerwahr -- 4 Clara's Husband: Fritz Haber -- 5 Clara Haber's Suicide -- 6 The "Myth of Clara Immerwahr" -- 7 Epilog -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Addition to Open Access Information -- 5 France's Political and Military Reaction in the Aftermath of the First German Chemical Offensive in April 1915: The Road to Retaliation in Kind -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Retaliation in Kind: A Purely Military Decision -- 3 Between Eagerness and Constraints: Organizing the Chemical Response -- 4 Chemical War: Scientific War, Industrial War -- 5 Retaliation in Kind: Towards Total War -- References -- 6 Preparing for Poison Warfare: The Ethics and Politics of Britain's Chemical Weapons Program, 1915-1945 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ypres 1915 -- 3 Porton Down -- 4 Servants of the Realm -- 5 Crisis of Legitimacy -- 6 Collaboration -- 7 The Geneva Protocol -- 8 Foreboding -- 9 Ethical Relativism -- References. , 7 Challenging the Laws of War by Technology, Blazing Nationalism and Militarism: Debating Chemical Warfare Before and After Ypres, 1899-1925 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction: Chemical Weapons as the Subject of Juridification, Politicization, and Circumvention of Law -- 2 Codifying War Technologies in International Law Around 1900 -- 2.1 Restrictions on the Means and Methods of Warfare: The Regulations in International Law of 1868, 1899, and 1907 -- 2.1.1 The Principle of Humanity: The Saint Petersburg Declaration of 1868 -- 2.1.2 The Impotent Model: The Brussels Declaration on Land Warfare of 1874 -- 2.1.3 The First Poison Prohibition in International Treaty Law: The Declaration on the Use of Projectiles with Asphyxiating or Deleterious Gases and the Hague Convention on Land Warfare of 1899 -- 2.2 No Notion of What Lay Ahead: The Intense Legal Discourse on the Hague Convention and Uncontroversial Interpretations of the Prohibition of Poison Prior to 1915 -- 3 Militarization and Circumvention of Law: Debates on International Law During the Continental War with Gas, 1915-1918 -- 3.1 International Law: Alive, but not Kicking -- 3.1.1 Scholarly Publications on International Law During World War I -- 3.1.2 Unclear Motives for and Few Scruples About the Use of Poison: Ex Post Justifications -- 3.1.3 Was the German Employment of Poison Gas a Symptom of General Disdain for International Law? -- 3.2 The Law Comes Later: The Weak Normative Discourse on Gas Warfare After the German Attack -- 3.2.1 The Lack of Protest: Political Voices and Official Reports -- 3.2.2 The Daily Press: Restraint, Disinformation, and Loud Silence -- 3.3 Possible Interpretations: Raison de Guerre as Its Own Form of Normativity? -- 3.3.1 Older Traditions of Disregard for International Law -- 3.3.2 Normative Plurality and Renouncing International Law: The Nature of the Laws of War. , 3.3.3 Cruel, Unmanly, and Unchivalrous: The Military's Aversion to the Use of Poison -- 4 The Continuing Politicization of International Law: The Legal Assessment of War Crimes, 1918-1925 -- 4.1 Crime and Argument: The Intense Discourse After the End of World War I -- 4.2 Self-justifications: The Nationalist Polarization of International Law -- 4.3 Politicized Scholarship: No Mediation Possible -- 4.4 Reforms as Affirmation of the Prohibition of Poison in International Law -- 4.4.1 Asymmetric New Paths: The Prohibitions of the Production and Possession of Weapons in the Paris Peace Treaties of 1919 -- 4.4.2 Pacifist Efforts: Initiatives by the League of Nations -- 4.4.3 An Expression of the General Opinion of the Civilized World: The Washington Treaty of 1922 -- 4.4.4 Reassuring One's Principles: The Geneva Protocol on Poison Gas of 1925 -- 5 Summary: Expectations Regarding International Law -- References -- 8 Military-Industrial Interactions in the Development of Chemical Warfare, 1914-1918: Comparing National Cases Within the Technological System of the Great War -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Western Front as a Technological Meta-System -- 3 Chemical Weapons as an Illustrative Case -- 4 Industrial Mobilization for Chemical Warfare: The Experimental Phase, 1914-15 -- 5 Scaling up, Innovation and Integration, 1915-17 -- 6 Culmination of the Chemical War, 1917-1918 -- 7 Concluding Reflections -- References -- Contexts and Consequences of Chemical Weapons -- 9 The Gas War, 1915-1918: If not a War Winner, Hardly a Failure -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Debate -- 3 Gas: Not a War Winner -- 4 The Challenge of Chemical Warfare -- 5 Effectiveness of the Gas War -- References -- 10 "Gas, Gas, Gaas!" The Poison Gas War in the Literature and Visual Arts of Interwar Europe -- Abstract -- Part I -- Part II -- References. , 11 The Genie and the Bottle: Reflections on the Fate of the Geneva Protocol in the United States, 1918-1928 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Science and the Great War -- 3 The Coming of Geneva -- 4 A Protocol Post-mortem -- 5 Summing up the Senate -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- 12 The Soldier's Body in Gas Warfare: Trauma, Illness, Rentennot, 1915-1933 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Perceptions in the Field -- 3 Gas and Psyche -- 4 Weimar to the Nazi Period-the Need of the Traumatized -- 5 Summary -- References -- 13 Chemical Weapons Research on Soldiers and Concentration Camp Inmates in Nazi Germany -- Abstract -- 1 Organizational Structures of Chemical Warfare Research in Germany -- 2 Chemical Weapons Research on Humans in Military and Academic Institutions -- 3 Experiments in Concentration Camps -- 3.1 Sachsenhausen -- 3.2 Natzweiler -- 3.2.1 The Sulphur Mustard Experiments of August Hirt -- 3.2.2 The Phosgene Experiments of Otto Bickenbach -- 3.2.3 New Series of Phosgene Experiments in June and August 1944 -- 3.3 Neuengamme -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- 14 No Retaliation in Kind: Japanese Chemical Warfare Policy in World War II -- Abstract -- References -- 15 The 1925 Geneva Protocol: China's CBW Charges Against Japan at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 World War II and the Post-war IMTFE -- 3 Retrieving CBW Evidence from China, 1946 -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Dual Use, Storage and Disposal of Chemical Weapons Today -- 16 The Reconstruction of Production and Storage Sites for Chemical Warfare Agents and Weapons from Both World Wars in the Context of Assessing Former Munitions Sites -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Ammendorf Factory of Orgacid GmbH -- 3 The History of Falkenhagen Factory of Monturon GmbH, Development, the Structure of the Buildings, and Production. , 4 Production at the Falkenhagen Factory -- 4.1 Brief Description of the Facilities at the Factory -- 5 The Development of N-Stoff Production -- 5.1 The Buildings of the N-Stoff Plant at the "Seewerk" Falkenhagen -- 6 The Development of the Nerve Gases Tabun and Sarin -- 7 The Manufacturing Processes for Sarin -- 8 Vereinigte Flussspatgruben GmbH in Stulln -- 9 The Dyhernfurth Factory of Anorgana GmbH -- 10 The Filling and Storage of Chemical Weapons in the Munitions Facilities of the Army and Air Force -- 11 The Chemical Weapons Complex in Munster -- 12 Other Munitions Sites with Filling Plants for Chemical Weapons -- 13 Dismantling Work After the First World War -- 14 Summary and Prospects -- References and Source Materials -- 17 From Charles and Francis Darwin to Richard Nixon: The Origin and Termination of Anti-plant Chemical Warfare in Vietnam -- Abstract -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 18 The Indelible Smell of Apples: Poison Gas Survivors in Halabja, Kurdistan-Iraq, and Their Struggle for Recognition -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction: The Indelible Smell of Apples -- 2 Background -- 3 The Anfal Campaign and the Poison Gas Attack Against Halabja in 1988 -- 4 The Situation of Survivors of the Poison Gas Attacks -- 4.1 Haunting Memories, Enduring Grief -- 4.2 Survivors' Life Conditions Between 1988 and 2003 -- 4.3 Changes After 2003 -- 5 New Threats, New Fear, and Joint Initiatives of Poison Gas Survivors -- References -- Films -- 19 The Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria: Implications and Consequences -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Early Reports of Chemical Weapons Use in the Syrian Civil War -- 3 The Secretary-General's Investigation -- 4 The Elimination of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Program -- 5 Chemical Weapons Destruction at Sea -- 6 New Incidents of Chemical Weapons Uses -- 7 Attribution and Accountability -- 8 Conclusions -- References. , Commemoration Ceremony.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Friedrich, Bretislav One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2017 ISBN 9783319516639
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books.
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 3
    Format: 1 online resource (XI, 408 p. 43 illus., 11 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2017.
    ISBN: 3-319-51664-7
    Content: This book is open access under a CC BY-NC 2.5 license. On April 22, 1915, the German military released 150 tons of chlorine gas at Ypres, Belgium. Carried by a long-awaited wind, the chlorine cloud passed within a few minutes through the British and French trenches, leaving behind at least 1,000 dead and 4,000 injured. This chemical attack, which amounted to the first use of a weapon of mass destruction, marks a turning point in world history. The preparation as well as the execution of the gas attack was orchestrated by Fritz Haber, the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in Berlin-Dahlem. During World War I, Haber transformed his research institute into a center for the development of chemical weapons (and of the means of protection against them). Bretislav Friedrich and Martin Wolf (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, the successor institution of Haber’s institute) together with Dieter Hoffmann, Jürgen Renn, and Florian Schmaltz (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) organized an international symposium to commemorate the centenary of the infamous chemical attack. The symposium examined crucial facets of chemical warfare from the first research on and deployment of chemical weapons in WWI to the development and use of chemical warfare during the century hence. The focus was on scientific, ethical, legal, and political issues of chemical weapons research and deployment — including the issue of dual use — as well as the ongoing effort to control the possession of chemical weapons and to ultimately achieve their elimination. The volume consists of papers presented at the symposium and supplemented by additional articles that together cover key aspects of chemical warfare from 22 April 1915 until the summer of 2015.
    Note: Intro -- Foreword -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- Research on and Deployment of Chemical Weapons in World War I -- 2 The Scientist as Expert: Fritz Haber and German Chemical Warfare During the First World War and Beyond -- Abstract -- References -- 3 From Berlin-Dahlem to the Fronts of World War I: The Role of Fritz Haber and His Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in German Chemical Warfare -- Abstract -- 1 The Run-up to Ypres -- 2 Ypres, 22 April, 1915, 1700 GMT -- 3 The Indispensable Fritz Haber -- 4 Haber's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute Under Military Command -- 5 Haber's Views on Chemical Warfare -- 6 The Legacy of Ypres -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Additional Open Access Information -- 4 Clara Immerwahr: A Life in the Shadow of Fritz Haber -- Abstract -- 1 Prolog -- 2 Clara Immerwahr's Background -- 3 The Scientific Work of Clara Immerwahr -- 4 Clara's Husband: Fritz Haber -- 5 Clara Haber's Suicide -- 6 The "Myth of Clara Immerwahr" -- 7 Epilog -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Addition to Open Access Information -- 5 France's Political and Military Reaction in the Aftermath of the First German Chemical Offensive in April 1915: The Road to Retaliation in Kind -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Retaliation in Kind: A Purely Military Decision -- 3 Between Eagerness and Constraints: Organizing the Chemical Response -- 4 Chemical War: Scientific War, Industrial War -- 5 Retaliation in Kind: Towards Total War -- References -- 6 Preparing for Poison Warfare: The Ethics and Politics of Britain's Chemical Weapons Program, 1915-1945 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ypres 1915 -- 3 Porton Down -- 4 Servants of the Realm -- 5 Crisis of Legitimacy -- 6 Collaboration -- 7 The Geneva Protocol -- 8 Foreboding -- 9 Ethical Relativism -- References. , 7 Challenging the Laws of War by Technology, Blazing Nationalism and Militarism: Debating Chemical Warfare Before and After Ypres, 1899-1925 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction: Chemical Weapons as the Subject of Juridification, Politicization, and Circumvention of Law -- 2 Codifying War Technologies in International Law Around 1900 -- 2.1 Restrictions on the Means and Methods of Warfare: The Regulations in International Law of 1868, 1899, and 1907 -- 2.1.1 The Principle of Humanity: The Saint Petersburg Declaration of 1868 -- 2.1.2 The Impotent Model: The Brussels Declaration on Land Warfare of 1874 -- 2.1.3 The First Poison Prohibition in International Treaty Law: The Declaration on the Use of Projectiles with Asphyxiating or Deleterious Gases and the Hague Convention on Land Warfare of 1899 -- 2.2 No Notion of What Lay Ahead: The Intense Legal Discourse on the Hague Convention and Uncontroversial Interpretations of the Prohibition of Poison Prior to 1915 -- 3 Militarization and Circumvention of Law: Debates on International Law During the Continental War with Gas, 1915-1918 -- 3.1 International Law: Alive, but not Kicking -- 3.1.1 Scholarly Publications on International Law During World War I -- 3.1.2 Unclear Motives for and Few Scruples About the Use of Poison: Ex Post Justifications -- 3.1.3 Was the German Employment of Poison Gas a Symptom of General Disdain for International Law? -- 3.2 The Law Comes Later: The Weak Normative Discourse on Gas Warfare After the German Attack -- 3.2.1 The Lack of Protest: Political Voices and Official Reports -- 3.2.2 The Daily Press: Restraint, Disinformation, and Loud Silence -- 3.3 Possible Interpretations: Raison de Guerre as Its Own Form of Normativity? -- 3.3.1 Older Traditions of Disregard for International Law -- 3.3.2 Normative Plurality and Renouncing International Law: The Nature of the Laws of War. , 3.3.3 Cruel, Unmanly, and Unchivalrous: The Military's Aversion to the Use of Poison -- 4 The Continuing Politicization of International Law: The Legal Assessment of War Crimes, 1918-1925 -- 4.1 Crime and Argument: The Intense Discourse After the End of World War I -- 4.2 Self-justifications: The Nationalist Polarization of International Law -- 4.3 Politicized Scholarship: No Mediation Possible -- 4.4 Reforms as Affirmation of the Prohibition of Poison in International Law -- 4.4.1 Asymmetric New Paths: The Prohibitions of the Production and Possession of Weapons in the Paris Peace Treaties of 1919 -- 4.4.2 Pacifist Efforts: Initiatives by the League of Nations -- 4.4.3 An Expression of the General Opinion of the Civilized World: The Washington Treaty of 1922 -- 4.4.4 Reassuring One's Principles: The Geneva Protocol on Poison Gas of 1925 -- 5 Summary: Expectations Regarding International Law -- References -- 8 Military-Industrial Interactions in the Development of Chemical Warfare, 1914-1918: Comparing National Cases Within the Technological System of the Great War -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Western Front as a Technological Meta-System -- 3 Chemical Weapons as an Illustrative Case -- 4 Industrial Mobilization for Chemical Warfare: The Experimental Phase, 1914-15 -- 5 Scaling up, Innovation and Integration, 1915-17 -- 6 Culmination of the Chemical War, 1917-1918 -- 7 Concluding Reflections -- References -- Contexts and Consequences of Chemical Weapons -- 9 The Gas War, 1915-1918: If not a War Winner, Hardly a Failure -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Debate -- 3 Gas: Not a War Winner -- 4 The Challenge of Chemical Warfare -- 5 Effectiveness of the Gas War -- References -- 10 "Gas, Gas, Gaas!" The Poison Gas War in the Literature and Visual Arts of Interwar Europe -- Abstract -- Part I -- Part II -- References. , 11 The Genie and the Bottle: Reflections on the Fate of the Geneva Protocol in the United States, 1918-1928 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Science and the Great War -- 3 The Coming of Geneva -- 4 A Protocol Post-mortem -- 5 Summing up the Senate -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- 12 The Soldier's Body in Gas Warfare: Trauma, Illness, Rentennot, 1915-1933 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Perceptions in the Field -- 3 Gas and Psyche -- 4 Weimar to the Nazi Period-the Need of the Traumatized -- 5 Summary -- References -- 13 Chemical Weapons Research on Soldiers and Concentration Camp Inmates in Nazi Germany -- Abstract -- 1 Organizational Structures of Chemical Warfare Research in Germany -- 2 Chemical Weapons Research on Humans in Military and Academic Institutions -- 3 Experiments in Concentration Camps -- 3.1 Sachsenhausen -- 3.2 Natzweiler -- 3.2.1 The Sulphur Mustard Experiments of August Hirt -- 3.2.2 The Phosgene Experiments of Otto Bickenbach -- 3.2.3 New Series of Phosgene Experiments in June and August 1944 -- 3.3 Neuengamme -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- 14 No Retaliation in Kind: Japanese Chemical Warfare Policy in World War II -- Abstract -- References -- 15 The 1925 Geneva Protocol: China's CBW Charges Against Japan at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 World War II and the Post-war IMTFE -- 3 Retrieving CBW Evidence from China, 1946 -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Dual Use, Storage and Disposal of Chemical Weapons Today -- 16 The Reconstruction of Production and Storage Sites for Chemical Warfare Agents and Weapons from Both World Wars in the Context of Assessing Former Munitions Sites -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Ammendorf Factory of Orgacid GmbH -- 3 The History of Falkenhagen Factory of Monturon GmbH, Development, the Structure of the Buildings, and Production. , 4 Production at the Falkenhagen Factory -- 4.1 Brief Description of the Facilities at the Factory -- 5 The Development of N-Stoff Production -- 5.1 The Buildings of the N-Stoff Plant at the "Seewerk" Falkenhagen -- 6 The Development of the Nerve Gases Tabun and Sarin -- 7 The Manufacturing Processes for Sarin -- 8 Vereinigte Flussspatgruben GmbH in Stulln -- 9 The Dyhernfurth Factory of Anorgana GmbH -- 10 The Filling and Storage of Chemical Weapons in the Munitions Facilities of the Army and Air Force -- 11 The Chemical Weapons Complex in Munster -- 12 Other Munitions Sites with Filling Plants for Chemical Weapons -- 13 Dismantling Work After the First World War -- 14 Summary and Prospects -- References and Source Materials -- 17 From Charles and Francis Darwin to Richard Nixon: The Origin and Termination of Anti-plant Chemical Warfare in Vietnam -- Abstract -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 18 The Indelible Smell of Apples: Poison Gas Survivors in Halabja, Kurdistan-Iraq, and Their Struggle for Recognition -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction: The Indelible Smell of Apples -- 2 Background -- 3 The Anfal Campaign and the Poison Gas Attack Against Halabja in 1988 -- 4 The Situation of Survivors of the Poison Gas Attacks -- 4.1 Haunting Memories, Enduring Grief -- 4.2 Survivors' Life Conditions Between 1988 and 2003 -- 4.3 Changes After 2003 -- 5 New Threats, New Fear, and Joint Initiatives of Poison Gas Survivors -- References -- Films -- 19 The Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria: Implications and Consequences -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Early Reports of Chemical Weapons Use in the Syrian Civil War -- 3 The Secretary-General's Investigation -- 4 The Elimination of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Program -- 5 Chemical Weapons Destruction at Sea -- 6 New Incidents of Chemical Weapons Uses -- 7 Attribution and Accountability -- 8 Conclusions -- References. , Commemoration Ceremony. , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 3-319-51663-9
    Language: English
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
    BibTip Others were also interested in ...
  • 4
    Format: 1 online resource (XI, 408 p. 43 illus., 11 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2017.
    ISBN: 3-319-51664-7
    Content: This book is open access under a CC BY-NC 2.5 license. On April 22, 1915, the German military released 150 tons of chlorine gas at Ypres, Belgium. Carried by a long-awaited wind, the chlorine cloud passed within a few minutes through the British and French trenches, leaving behind at least 1,000 dead and 4,000 injured. This chemical attack, which amounted to the first use of a weapon of mass destruction, marks a turning point in world history. The preparation as well as the execution of the gas attack was orchestrated by Fritz Haber, the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in Berlin-Dahlem. During World War I, Haber transformed his research institute into a center for the development of chemical weapons (and of the means of protection against them). Bretislav Friedrich and Martin Wolf (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, the successor institution of Haber’s institute) together with Dieter Hoffmann, Jürgen Renn, and Florian Schmaltz (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) organized an international symposium to commemorate the centenary of the infamous chemical attack. The symposium examined crucial facets of chemical warfare from the first research on and deployment of chemical weapons in WWI to the development and use of chemical warfare during the century hence. The focus was on scientific, ethical, legal, and political issues of chemical weapons research and deployment — including the issue of dual use — as well as the ongoing effort to control the possession of chemical weapons and to ultimately achieve their elimination. The volume consists of papers presented at the symposium and supplemented by additional articles that together cover key aspects of chemical warfare from 22 April 1915 until the summer of 2015.
    Note: Intro -- Foreword -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- Research on and Deployment of Chemical Weapons in World War I -- 2 The Scientist as Expert: Fritz Haber and German Chemical Warfare During the First World War and Beyond -- Abstract -- References -- 3 From Berlin-Dahlem to the Fronts of World War I: The Role of Fritz Haber and His Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in German Chemical Warfare -- Abstract -- 1 The Run-up to Ypres -- 2 Ypres, 22 April, 1915, 1700 GMT -- 3 The Indispensable Fritz Haber -- 4 Haber's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute Under Military Command -- 5 Haber's Views on Chemical Warfare -- 6 The Legacy of Ypres -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Additional Open Access Information -- 4 Clara Immerwahr: A Life in the Shadow of Fritz Haber -- Abstract -- 1 Prolog -- 2 Clara Immerwahr's Background -- 3 The Scientific Work of Clara Immerwahr -- 4 Clara's Husband: Fritz Haber -- 5 Clara Haber's Suicide -- 6 The "Myth of Clara Immerwahr" -- 7 Epilog -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Addition to Open Access Information -- 5 France's Political and Military Reaction in the Aftermath of the First German Chemical Offensive in April 1915: The Road to Retaliation in Kind -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Retaliation in Kind: A Purely Military Decision -- 3 Between Eagerness and Constraints: Organizing the Chemical Response -- 4 Chemical War: Scientific War, Industrial War -- 5 Retaliation in Kind: Towards Total War -- References -- 6 Preparing for Poison Warfare: The Ethics and Politics of Britain's Chemical Weapons Program, 1915-1945 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ypres 1915 -- 3 Porton Down -- 4 Servants of the Realm -- 5 Crisis of Legitimacy -- 6 Collaboration -- 7 The Geneva Protocol -- 8 Foreboding -- 9 Ethical Relativism -- References. , 7 Challenging the Laws of War by Technology, Blazing Nationalism and Militarism: Debating Chemical Warfare Before and After Ypres, 1899-1925 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction: Chemical Weapons as the Subject of Juridification, Politicization, and Circumvention of Law -- 2 Codifying War Technologies in International Law Around 1900 -- 2.1 Restrictions on the Means and Methods of Warfare: The Regulations in International Law of 1868, 1899, and 1907 -- 2.1.1 The Principle of Humanity: The Saint Petersburg Declaration of 1868 -- 2.1.2 The Impotent Model: The Brussels Declaration on Land Warfare of 1874 -- 2.1.3 The First Poison Prohibition in International Treaty Law: The Declaration on the Use of Projectiles with Asphyxiating or Deleterious Gases and the Hague Convention on Land Warfare of 1899 -- 2.2 No Notion of What Lay Ahead: The Intense Legal Discourse on the Hague Convention and Uncontroversial Interpretations of the Prohibition of Poison Prior to 1915 -- 3 Militarization and Circumvention of Law: Debates on International Law During the Continental War with Gas, 1915-1918 -- 3.1 International Law: Alive, but not Kicking -- 3.1.1 Scholarly Publications on International Law During World War I -- 3.1.2 Unclear Motives for and Few Scruples About the Use of Poison: Ex Post Justifications -- 3.1.3 Was the German Employment of Poison Gas a Symptom of General Disdain for International Law? -- 3.2 The Law Comes Later: The Weak Normative Discourse on Gas Warfare After the German Attack -- 3.2.1 The Lack of Protest: Political Voices and Official Reports -- 3.2.2 The Daily Press: Restraint, Disinformation, and Loud Silence -- 3.3 Possible Interpretations: Raison de Guerre as Its Own Form of Normativity? -- 3.3.1 Older Traditions of Disregard for International Law -- 3.3.2 Normative Plurality and Renouncing International Law: The Nature of the Laws of War. , 3.3.3 Cruel, Unmanly, and Unchivalrous: The Military's Aversion to the Use of Poison -- 4 The Continuing Politicization of International Law: The Legal Assessment of War Crimes, 1918-1925 -- 4.1 Crime and Argument: The Intense Discourse After the End of World War I -- 4.2 Self-justifications: The Nationalist Polarization of International Law -- 4.3 Politicized Scholarship: No Mediation Possible -- 4.4 Reforms as Affirmation of the Prohibition of Poison in International Law -- 4.4.1 Asymmetric New Paths: The Prohibitions of the Production and Possession of Weapons in the Paris Peace Treaties of 1919 -- 4.4.2 Pacifist Efforts: Initiatives by the League of Nations -- 4.4.3 An Expression of the General Opinion of the Civilized World: The Washington Treaty of 1922 -- 4.4.4 Reassuring One's Principles: The Geneva Protocol on Poison Gas of 1925 -- 5 Summary: Expectations Regarding International Law -- References -- 8 Military-Industrial Interactions in the Development of Chemical Warfare, 1914-1918: Comparing National Cases Within the Technological System of the Great War -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Western Front as a Technological Meta-System -- 3 Chemical Weapons as an Illustrative Case -- 4 Industrial Mobilization for Chemical Warfare: The Experimental Phase, 1914-15 -- 5 Scaling up, Innovation and Integration, 1915-17 -- 6 Culmination of the Chemical War, 1917-1918 -- 7 Concluding Reflections -- References -- Contexts and Consequences of Chemical Weapons -- 9 The Gas War, 1915-1918: If not a War Winner, Hardly a Failure -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Debate -- 3 Gas: Not a War Winner -- 4 The Challenge of Chemical Warfare -- 5 Effectiveness of the Gas War -- References -- 10 "Gas, Gas, Gaas!" The Poison Gas War in the Literature and Visual Arts of Interwar Europe -- Abstract -- Part I -- Part II -- References. , 11 The Genie and the Bottle: Reflections on the Fate of the Geneva Protocol in the United States, 1918-1928 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Science and the Great War -- 3 The Coming of Geneva -- 4 A Protocol Post-mortem -- 5 Summing up the Senate -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- 12 The Soldier's Body in Gas Warfare: Trauma, Illness, Rentennot, 1915-1933 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Perceptions in the Field -- 3 Gas and Psyche -- 4 Weimar to the Nazi Period-the Need of the Traumatized -- 5 Summary -- References -- 13 Chemical Weapons Research on Soldiers and Concentration Camp Inmates in Nazi Germany -- Abstract -- 1 Organizational Structures of Chemical Warfare Research in Germany -- 2 Chemical Weapons Research on Humans in Military and Academic Institutions -- 3 Experiments in Concentration Camps -- 3.1 Sachsenhausen -- 3.2 Natzweiler -- 3.2.1 The Sulphur Mustard Experiments of August Hirt -- 3.2.2 The Phosgene Experiments of Otto Bickenbach -- 3.2.3 New Series of Phosgene Experiments in June and August 1944 -- 3.3 Neuengamme -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- 14 No Retaliation in Kind: Japanese Chemical Warfare Policy in World War II -- Abstract -- References -- 15 The 1925 Geneva Protocol: China's CBW Charges Against Japan at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 World War II and the Post-war IMTFE -- 3 Retrieving CBW Evidence from China, 1946 -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Dual Use, Storage and Disposal of Chemical Weapons Today -- 16 The Reconstruction of Production and Storage Sites for Chemical Warfare Agents and Weapons from Both World Wars in the Context of Assessing Former Munitions Sites -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Ammendorf Factory of Orgacid GmbH -- 3 The History of Falkenhagen Factory of Monturon GmbH, Development, the Structure of the Buildings, and Production. , 4 Production at the Falkenhagen Factory -- 4.1 Brief Description of the Facilities at the Factory -- 5 The Development of N-Stoff Production -- 5.1 The Buildings of the N-Stoff Plant at the "Seewerk" Falkenhagen -- 6 The Development of the Nerve Gases Tabun and Sarin -- 7 The Manufacturing Processes for Sarin -- 8 Vereinigte Flussspatgruben GmbH in Stulln -- 9 The Dyhernfurth Factory of Anorgana GmbH -- 10 The Filling and Storage of Chemical Weapons in the Munitions Facilities of the Army and Air Force -- 11 The Chemical Weapons Complex in Munster -- 12 Other Munitions Sites with Filling Plants for Chemical Weapons -- 13 Dismantling Work After the First World War -- 14 Summary and Prospects -- References and Source Materials -- 17 From Charles and Francis Darwin to Richard Nixon: The Origin and Termination of Anti-plant Chemical Warfare in Vietnam -- Abstract -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 18 The Indelible Smell of Apples: Poison Gas Survivors in Halabja, Kurdistan-Iraq, and Their Struggle for Recognition -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction: The Indelible Smell of Apples -- 2 Background -- 3 The Anfal Campaign and the Poison Gas Attack Against Halabja in 1988 -- 4 The Situation of Survivors of the Poison Gas Attacks -- 4.1 Haunting Memories, Enduring Grief -- 4.2 Survivors' Life Conditions Between 1988 and 2003 -- 4.3 Changes After 2003 -- 5 New Threats, New Fear, and Joint Initiatives of Poison Gas Survivors -- References -- Films -- 19 The Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria: Implications and Consequences -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Early Reports of Chemical Weapons Use in the Syrian Civil War -- 3 The Secretary-General's Investigation -- 4 The Elimination of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Program -- 5 Chemical Weapons Destruction at Sea -- 6 New Incidents of Chemical Weapons Uses -- 7 Attribution and Accountability -- 8 Conclusions -- References. , Commemoration Ceremony. , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 3-319-51663-9
    Language: English
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
    BibTip Others were also interested in ...
  • 5
    Format: 1 online resource (XI, 408 p. 43 illus., 11 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2017.
    ISBN: 3-319-51664-7
    Content: This book is open access under a CC BY-NC 2.5 license. On April 22, 1915, the German military released 150 tons of chlorine gas at Ypres, Belgium. Carried by a long-awaited wind, the chlorine cloud passed within a few minutes through the British and French trenches, leaving behind at least 1,000 dead and 4,000 injured. This chemical attack, which amounted to the first use of a weapon of mass destruction, marks a turning point in world history. The preparation as well as the execution of the gas attack was orchestrated by Fritz Haber, the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in Berlin-Dahlem. During World War I, Haber transformed his research institute into a center for the development of chemical weapons (and of the means of protection against them). Bretislav Friedrich and Martin Wolf (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, the successor institution of Haber’s institute) together with Dieter Hoffmann, Jürgen Renn, and Florian Schmaltz (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) organized an international symposium to commemorate the centenary of the infamous chemical attack. The symposium examined crucial facets of chemical warfare from the first research on and deployment of chemical weapons in WWI to the development and use of chemical warfare during the century hence. The focus was on scientific, ethical, legal, and political issues of chemical weapons research and deployment — including the issue of dual use — as well as the ongoing effort to control the possession of chemical weapons and to ultimately achieve their elimination. The volume consists of papers presented at the symposium and supplemented by additional articles that together cover key aspects of chemical warfare from 22 April 1915 until the summer of 2015.
    Note: Intro -- Foreword -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- Research on and Deployment of Chemical Weapons in World War I -- 2 The Scientist as Expert: Fritz Haber and German Chemical Warfare During the First World War and Beyond -- Abstract -- References -- 3 From Berlin-Dahlem to the Fronts of World War I: The Role of Fritz Haber and His Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in German Chemical Warfare -- Abstract -- 1 The Run-up to Ypres -- 2 Ypres, 22 April, 1915, 1700 GMT -- 3 The Indispensable Fritz Haber -- 4 Haber's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute Under Military Command -- 5 Haber's Views on Chemical Warfare -- 6 The Legacy of Ypres -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Additional Open Access Information -- 4 Clara Immerwahr: A Life in the Shadow of Fritz Haber -- Abstract -- 1 Prolog -- 2 Clara Immerwahr's Background -- 3 The Scientific Work of Clara Immerwahr -- 4 Clara's Husband: Fritz Haber -- 5 Clara Haber's Suicide -- 6 The "Myth of Clara Immerwahr" -- 7 Epilog -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Addition to Open Access Information -- 5 France's Political and Military Reaction in the Aftermath of the First German Chemical Offensive in April 1915: The Road to Retaliation in Kind -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Retaliation in Kind: A Purely Military Decision -- 3 Between Eagerness and Constraints: Organizing the Chemical Response -- 4 Chemical War: Scientific War, Industrial War -- 5 Retaliation in Kind: Towards Total War -- References -- 6 Preparing for Poison Warfare: The Ethics and Politics of Britain's Chemical Weapons Program, 1915-1945 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ypres 1915 -- 3 Porton Down -- 4 Servants of the Realm -- 5 Crisis of Legitimacy -- 6 Collaboration -- 7 The Geneva Protocol -- 8 Foreboding -- 9 Ethical Relativism -- References. , 7 Challenging the Laws of War by Technology, Blazing Nationalism and Militarism: Debating Chemical Warfare Before and After Ypres, 1899-1925 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction: Chemical Weapons as the Subject of Juridification, Politicization, and Circumvention of Law -- 2 Codifying War Technologies in International Law Around 1900 -- 2.1 Restrictions on the Means and Methods of Warfare: The Regulations in International Law of 1868, 1899, and 1907 -- 2.1.1 The Principle of Humanity: The Saint Petersburg Declaration of 1868 -- 2.1.2 The Impotent Model: The Brussels Declaration on Land Warfare of 1874 -- 2.1.3 The First Poison Prohibition in International Treaty Law: The Declaration on the Use of Projectiles with Asphyxiating or Deleterious Gases and the Hague Convention on Land Warfare of 1899 -- 2.2 No Notion of What Lay Ahead: The Intense Legal Discourse on the Hague Convention and Uncontroversial Interpretations of the Prohibition of Poison Prior to 1915 -- 3 Militarization and Circumvention of Law: Debates on International Law During the Continental War with Gas, 1915-1918 -- 3.1 International Law: Alive, but not Kicking -- 3.1.1 Scholarly Publications on International Law During World War I -- 3.1.2 Unclear Motives for and Few Scruples About the Use of Poison: Ex Post Justifications -- 3.1.3 Was the German Employment of Poison Gas a Symptom of General Disdain for International Law? -- 3.2 The Law Comes Later: The Weak Normative Discourse on Gas Warfare After the German Attack -- 3.2.1 The Lack of Protest: Political Voices and Official Reports -- 3.2.2 The Daily Press: Restraint, Disinformation, and Loud Silence -- 3.3 Possible Interpretations: Raison de Guerre as Its Own Form of Normativity? -- 3.3.1 Older Traditions of Disregard for International Law -- 3.3.2 Normative Plurality and Renouncing International Law: The Nature of the Laws of War. , 3.3.3 Cruel, Unmanly, and Unchivalrous: The Military's Aversion to the Use of Poison -- 4 The Continuing Politicization of International Law: The Legal Assessment of War Crimes, 1918-1925 -- 4.1 Crime and Argument: The Intense Discourse After the End of World War I -- 4.2 Self-justifications: The Nationalist Polarization of International Law -- 4.3 Politicized Scholarship: No Mediation Possible -- 4.4 Reforms as Affirmation of the Prohibition of Poison in International Law -- 4.4.1 Asymmetric New Paths: The Prohibitions of the Production and Possession of Weapons in the Paris Peace Treaties of 1919 -- 4.4.2 Pacifist Efforts: Initiatives by the League of Nations -- 4.4.3 An Expression of the General Opinion of the Civilized World: The Washington Treaty of 1922 -- 4.4.4 Reassuring One's Principles: The Geneva Protocol on Poison Gas of 1925 -- 5 Summary: Expectations Regarding International Law -- References -- 8 Military-Industrial Interactions in the Development of Chemical Warfare, 1914-1918: Comparing National Cases Within the Technological System of the Great War -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Western Front as a Technological Meta-System -- 3 Chemical Weapons as an Illustrative Case -- 4 Industrial Mobilization for Chemical Warfare: The Experimental Phase, 1914-15 -- 5 Scaling up, Innovation and Integration, 1915-17 -- 6 Culmination of the Chemical War, 1917-1918 -- 7 Concluding Reflections -- References -- Contexts and Consequences of Chemical Weapons -- 9 The Gas War, 1915-1918: If not a War Winner, Hardly a Failure -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Debate -- 3 Gas: Not a War Winner -- 4 The Challenge of Chemical Warfare -- 5 Effectiveness of the Gas War -- References -- 10 "Gas, Gas, Gaas!" The Poison Gas War in the Literature and Visual Arts of Interwar Europe -- Abstract -- Part I -- Part II -- References. , 11 The Genie and the Bottle: Reflections on the Fate of the Geneva Protocol in the United States, 1918-1928 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Science and the Great War -- 3 The Coming of Geneva -- 4 A Protocol Post-mortem -- 5 Summing up the Senate -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- 12 The Soldier's Body in Gas Warfare: Trauma, Illness, Rentennot, 1915-1933 -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Perceptions in the Field -- 3 Gas and Psyche -- 4 Weimar to the Nazi Period-the Need of the Traumatized -- 5 Summary -- References -- 13 Chemical Weapons Research on Soldiers and Concentration Camp Inmates in Nazi Germany -- Abstract -- 1 Organizational Structures of Chemical Warfare Research in Germany -- 2 Chemical Weapons Research on Humans in Military and Academic Institutions -- 3 Experiments in Concentration Camps -- 3.1 Sachsenhausen -- 3.2 Natzweiler -- 3.2.1 The Sulphur Mustard Experiments of August Hirt -- 3.2.2 The Phosgene Experiments of Otto Bickenbach -- 3.2.3 New Series of Phosgene Experiments in June and August 1944 -- 3.3 Neuengamme -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- 14 No Retaliation in Kind: Japanese Chemical Warfare Policy in World War II -- Abstract -- References -- 15 The 1925 Geneva Protocol: China's CBW Charges Against Japan at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 World War II and the Post-war IMTFE -- 3 Retrieving CBW Evidence from China, 1946 -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Dual Use, Storage and Disposal of Chemical Weapons Today -- 16 The Reconstruction of Production and Storage Sites for Chemical Warfare Agents and Weapons from Both World Wars in the Context of Assessing Former Munitions Sites -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Ammendorf Factory of Orgacid GmbH -- 3 The History of Falkenhagen Factory of Monturon GmbH, Development, the Structure of the Buildings, and Production. , 4 Production at the Falkenhagen Factory -- 4.1 Brief Description of the Facilities at the Factory -- 5 The Development of N-Stoff Production -- 5.1 The Buildings of the N-Stoff Plant at the "Seewerk" Falkenhagen -- 6 The Development of the Nerve Gases Tabun and Sarin -- 7 The Manufacturing Processes for Sarin -- 8 Vereinigte Flussspatgruben GmbH in Stulln -- 9 The Dyhernfurth Factory of Anorgana GmbH -- 10 The Filling and Storage of Chemical Weapons in the Munitions Facilities of the Army and Air Force -- 11 The Chemical Weapons Complex in Munster -- 12 Other Munitions Sites with Filling Plants for Chemical Weapons -- 13 Dismantling Work After the First World War -- 14 Summary and Prospects -- References and Source Materials -- 17 From Charles and Francis Darwin to Richard Nixon: The Origin and Termination of Anti-plant Chemical Warfare in Vietnam -- Abstract -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 18 The Indelible Smell of Apples: Poison Gas Survivors in Halabja, Kurdistan-Iraq, and Their Struggle for Recognition -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction: The Indelible Smell of Apples -- 2 Background -- 3 The Anfal Campaign and the Poison Gas Attack Against Halabja in 1988 -- 4 The Situation of Survivors of the Poison Gas Attacks -- 4.1 Haunting Memories, Enduring Grief -- 4.2 Survivors' Life Conditions Between 1988 and 2003 -- 4.3 Changes After 2003 -- 5 New Threats, New Fear, and Joint Initiatives of Poison Gas Survivors -- References -- Films -- 19 The Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria: Implications and Consequences -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Early Reports of Chemical Weapons Use in the Syrian Civil War -- 3 The Secretary-General's Investigation -- 4 The Elimination of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Program -- 5 Chemical Weapons Destruction at Sea -- 6 New Incidents of Chemical Weapons Uses -- 7 Attribution and Accountability -- 8 Conclusions -- References. , Commemoration Ceremony. , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 3-319-51663-9
    Language: English
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