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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham :Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd.,
    Format: 1 online resource (1 v.) ; , cm.
    ISBN: 9781784710408 (e-book)
    Series Statement: Elgar research reviews in economics
    Content: 'The digital economy has spurred a burgeoning literature in economics, marketing and strategy. Recent innovations led to the design of new markets with unparalleled data availability and targeted customization. This collection offers an outstanding reference for scholars and data-driven practitioners who wish to understand the subtleties of this new economy.'--Steve Tadelis, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, US. 'Computers and held held devices are having a profound economic impact, whether in corporate suites or the home. The papers collected in this volume include some of the most important works assessing the consequences of these changes for both businesses and public policy.'--Josh Lerner, Harvard Business School, US. The increasing creation, support, use and consumption of digital representation of information touches a wide breadth of economic activities. This digitization has transformed social interactions, facilitated entirely new industries and undermined others and reshaped the ability of people - consumers, job seekers, managers, government officials and citizens - to access and leverage information. This important book includes seminal papers addressing topics such as the causes and consequences of digitization, factors shaping the structure of products and services and creating an enormous range of new applications and how market participants make their choices over strategic organization, market conduct, and public policies. This authoritative collection, with an original introduction by the editors, will be an invaluable source of reference for students, academics and practitioners with an interest in the economics of digitisation and the digital economy.
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Acquisti, A. and H. R. Varian (2005). Conditioning prices on purchase history. Marketing Science, 24 (3), 367-81. -- Anderson, C. (2006).The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More. New York: Hyperion. -- Ansari, A. and C. Mela (2003). E-customization. Journal of Marketing Research, 40 (2), 131-45. -- Bajari, P. and A. Hortaçsu (2003). The winner's curse, reserve prices, and endogenous entry: empirical insights from eBay auctions. RAND Journal of Economics, 34 (2, Summer), 329-55. -- Bajari, P. and A. Hortaçsu (2004). Economic insights from Internet auctions. Journal of Economic Literature, 42 (2), 457-86. -- Bakos, J. (1997). Reducing buyer search costs: implications for electronic marketplaces. Management Science, 43 (12), 1676-92. -- Bakos, Y. and Brynjolfsson, E. (2000). Bundling and competition on the Internet: aggregation strategies for information goods. Marketing Science, 19 (1), January, 63-82. -- Balasubramanian, S. (1998). Mail versus mall: a strategic analysis of competition between direct marketers and conventional retailers. Marketing Science, 17 (3), 181-95. -- Bar Isaac, H., G. Caruana and V. Cunat (2012). Search, design, and market structure. American Economic Review, 102 (2), 1140-60. -- Brown, J. and A. Goolsbee (2002). Does the Internet make markets more competitive? Evidence from the life insurance industry. Journal of Political Economy, 110 (3, June), 481-507. -- Cairncross, F. (1997). The Death of Distance. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. -- Castells, M. (2003). The Internet galaxy: reflections on the Internet, business, and society. Abingdon, UK: Taylor and Francis. -- Chen, P.-Y. and L. Hitt (2002). Measuring switching costs and the determinants of customer retention in Internet-enabled businesses: a study of the online brokerage industry. Information Systems Research, 13 (3, September), 255-74. -- Chen, Y. and S. Savage (2011). The effects of competition on the price for cable modem Internet access. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 93 (1), 201-17. -- Chevalier, J. and D. Mayzlin (2006). The effect of word of mouth on sales: online book reviews. Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (3), 345-54. -- Crandall, R. (2005). 'Broadband Communications,' in M. Cave, S. Majumdar and I. Vogelsang (eds), Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 156-87. -- Cusumano, M. and D. Yoffie (1998). Competing on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape and Its Battle with Microsoft. New York: Free Press. -- Diamond, P. (1971). A simple model of price adjustment. Journal of Economic Theory, 3, 156-68. -- Downes, T. and S. Greenstein (2002), Universal access and local Internet markets in the U.S. Research Policy, 31, 1035-52. -- Einav, L., D. Knoepe, J. D. Levin and N. Sundaresan (2012), Sales taxes and internet commerce. Working Paper 18018, National Bureau of Economic Research. , Elberse, A. and F. Oberholzer-Gee (2006). Superstars and underdogs: an examination of the long tail phenomenon in video sales. Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 07-015, September. -- Fleder, D. and K. Hosanagar (2009). Blockbuster culture's next rise or fall: the impact of recommender systems on sales diversity. Management Science, 55 (5), 697-712. -- Forman, C., A. Ghose and B. Wiesenfeld (2008). Examining the relationship between reviews and sales: the role of reviewer identity disclosure in electronic markets. Information Systems Research, 19 (3), 291-313. -- Fudenburg, D. and J. M. Villas-Boas (2006). 'Behavior Based Price Discrimination and Customer Recognition,' in T. Hendershott (ed.), Economics and Information Systems, Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 377-435. -- Gandal, N. (2006). The effect of native language on Internet usage. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 182, 25-40. -- Gaspar, J. and Glaeser, E. (1998). Information technology and the future of cities. Journal of Urban Economics, 43 (1), 136-56. -- Gawer, A. and M. Cusumano (2002). Platform Leadership: How Intel, Microsoft and Cisco Drive Innovation. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. -- Godes, D. and D. Mayzlin (2004). Using online conversations to study word-of-mouth communication. Marketing Science, 23 (4), 545-60. -- Goldfarb, A. (2006). State dependence at Internet portals. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 15 (2), 317-52. -- Goldfarb, A. and C. Tucker (2012). 'Privacy and Innovation,' in J. Lerner and S. Stern (eds), Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 12, Chicago, IL: NBER (University of Chicago Press), pp. 65-89. -- Goldfarb, B., D. Kirsch and M. Pfarrer (2005). Searching for Ghosts: Business Survival, Unmeasured Entrepreneurial Activity and Private Equity Investment in the Dot-Com Era. Robert H. Smith School Research Paper, No. RHS 06-027. Available at: Accessed 1 June 2013. -- Goldmanis, M., A. Hortaçsu, C. Syverson and O. Emre (2010). E-Commerce and the Market Structure of Retail Industries. Economic Journal, 120 (545), 651-82. -- Goolsbee, A., M. Lovenheim and J. Slemrod (2010). Playing with fire: cigarettes, taxes, and competition from the Internet. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2 (1), 131-54. -- Greenstein, S. (2012). 'Internet Infrastructure,' in M. Peitz and J. Waldfogel (eds), Handbook of Digital Economics, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-33. -- Greenstein, S. and R. McDevitt (2011). The broadband bonus: estimating broadband Internet's economic value. Telecommunications Policy, 35, 617-32. -- Jin, G. Z. and A. Kato (2007). Dividing online and offline: a case study. Review of Economic Studies, 74 (3), 981-1004. -- Kenney, M. (2000). Understanding Silicon Valley: The Anatomy of an Entrepreneurial Region. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. -- Lucking-Reiley, D. (2000). Auctions on the Internet: what's being auctioned, and how? Journal of Industrial Economics, 48 (3), 227-52. -- Miller, A. and C. Tucker (2009). Privacy protection and technology diffusion: the case of electronic medical records. Management Science, 55 (7), 1077-93. , Miller, A. and C. Tucker (2011). Encryption and the loss of patient data. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30 (3), 534-56. -- Mowery, D. and Simcoe, T. (2002). The Origins and Evolution of the Internet, in R. Nelson, B. Steil and D. Victor (eds), Technological Innovation and Economic Performance. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 229-64. -- Murthi, B. and S. Sarkar (2003). The role of the management sciences in research on personalization. Management Science, 49 (10), 1344-132. -- Oestreicher-Singer, G. and A. Sundararajan (2012). Recommendation networks and the long tail of electronic commerce. MIS Quarterly, 36 (2), 65-83. -- Ou, G. (2008). A Policy Maker's Guide to Network Management. Available at: Accessed 1 June 2013. -- Romanosky, S., R. Telang and A. Acquisti (2011). Do data breach disclosure laws reduce identity theft? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30 (2), 256-86. -- Rosston, G. (2009). The rise and fall of third party high speed access. Information, Economics and Policy, 21, 21-33. -- Sinai, T. and J. Waldfogel (2004). Geography and the Internet: Is the Internet a substitute or a complement for cities? Journal of Urban Economics, 56 (1), 1-24. -- Stigler, George J., (1961). The Economics of Information. Journal of Political Economy, 69(3), 213-225. -- Sunstein, C. (2001). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. -- Varian, H. (1980). A model of sales. American Economic Review, 70 (September), 651-9. -- Waldfogel, J. and Lu Chen, (2006). Does information undermine brand? Information intermediary use and preference for branded web retailers. Journal of Industrial Economics, 54(4), December, 425-449. -- Shane Greenstein (2000), 'Building and Delivering the Virtual World: Commercializing Services for Internet Access', Journal of Industrial Economics, XLVIII (4), December, 391-411 -- Timothy Simcoe (2012), 'Standard Setting Committees: Consensus Governance for Shared Technology Platforms', American Economic Review, 102 (1), February, 305-36 -- Timothy F. Bresnahan and Shane Greenstein (1999), 'Technological Competition and the Structure of the Computer Industry', Journal of Industrial Economics, XLVII (1), March, 1-40 -- Gregory L. Rosston, Scott J. Savage and Donald M. Waldman (2010), 'Household Demand for Broadband Internet in 2010', B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 10 (1), i, ii, 1-43 -- Erik Brynjolfsson, Yu (Jeffrey) Hu and Michael D. Smith (2003), 'Consumer Surplus in the Digital Economy: Estimating the Value of Increased Product Variety at Online Booksellers', Management Science, 49 (11), November, 1580-96 -- Scott Wallsten and Colleen Mallahan (2010), 'Residential Broadband Competition in the United States', March, 1-36. Available at SSRN: or -- Michael R. Baye, John Morgan and Patrick Scholten (2004), 'Price Dispersion in the Small and in the Large: Evidence from an Internet Price Comparison Site', Journal of Industrial Economics, LII (4), December, 463-96 , Fiona Scott Morton, Florian Zettelmeyer and Jorge Silva-Risso (2001), 'Internet Car Retailing', Journal of Industrial Economics, XLIX (4), December, 501-19 -- Glenn Ellison and Sara Fisher Ellison (2009), 'Search, Obfuscation, and Price Elasticities on the Internet', Econometrica, 77 (2), March, 427-52 -- Erik Brynjolfsson and Michael D. Smith (2000), 'Frictionless Commerce? A Comparison of Internet and Conventional Retailers', Management Science, 46 (4), April, 563-85 -- Chris Forman, Anindya Ghose and Avi Goldfarb (2009), 'Competition Between Local and Electronic Markets: How the Benefit of Buying Online Depends on Where You Live', Management Science, 55 (1), January, 47-57 -- Luís Cabral and Ali Hortaçsu (2010), 'The Dynamics of Seller Reputation: Evidence from eBay', Journal of Industrial Economics, LVIII (1), March, 54-78 -- Ajay Agrawal and Avi Goldfarb (2008), 'Restructuring Research: Communication Costs and the Democratization of University Innovation', American Economic Review, 98 (4), September, 1578-90 -- Bernardo S. Blum and Avi Goldfarb (2006), 'Does the Internet Defy the Law of Gravity?', Journal of International Economics, 70 (2), December, 384-405 -- Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro (2011), 'Ideological Segregation Online and Offline', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126 (4), 1799-839 -- Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang and Feng Zhu (2011), 'Group Size and Incentives to Contribute: A Natural Experiment at Chinese Wikipedia', American Economic Review, 101 (4), June, 1601-15 -- Austan Goolsbee (2000), 'In a World without Borders: The Impact of Taxes on Internet Commerce', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115 (2), May, 561-76 -- Eric T. Anderson, Nathan M. Fong, Duncan I. Simester and Catherine E. Tucker (2010), 'How Sales Taxes Affect Customer and Firm Behavior: The Role of Search on the Internet', Journal of Marketing Research, XLVII (2), April, 229-39 -- Avi Goldfarb and Catherine Tucker (2011), 'Advertising Bans and the Substitutability of Online and Offline Advertising', Journal of Marketing Research, XLVIII (2), April, 207-27 -- Amalia R. Miller and Catherine E. Tucker (2011), 'Can Health Care Information Technology Save Babies?', Journal of Political Economy, 119 (2), April, 289-324 -- Avi Goldfarb and Catherine E. Tucker (2011), 'Privacy Regulation and Online Advertising', Management Science, 57 (1), January, 57-71 -- Ashish Arora, Chris Forman, Anand Nandkumar and Rahul Telang (2010), 'Competition and Patching of Security Vulnerabilities: An Empirical Analysis', Information Economics and Policy, 22 (2), May, 164-77 -- Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf (2007), 'The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales: An Empirical Analysis', Journal of Political Economy, 115 (1), February, 1-42 -- Rafael Rob and Joel Waldfogel (2006), 'Piracy on the High C's: Music Downloading, Sales Displacement, and Social Welfare in a Sample of College Students', Journal of Law and Economics, XLIX (1), April, 29-62 -- Hal R. Varian (2005), 'Copying and Copyright', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19 (2), Spring, 121-38 , -- Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf (2007), 'The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales: An Empirical Analysis', Journal of Political Economy, 115 (1), February, 1-42 -- Rafael Rob and Joel Waldfogel (2006), 'Piracy on the High C's: Music Downloading, Sales Displacement, and Social Welfare in a Sample of College Students', Journal of Law and Economics, XLIX (1), April, 29-62 -- Hal R. Varian (2005), 'Copying and Copyright', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19 (2), Spring, 121-38
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Electronic books
    URL: FULL  ((Currently Only Available on Campus))
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  • 2
    Format: 176 Seiten , Illustrationen, Pläne , 24 cm x 17 cm, 570 g
    ISBN: 9783731907862 , 3731907860
    Content: "Der sogenannten Esellegende zufolge hat das Kloster Lüne, das 1372 durch einen Großbrand vernichtet wurde, nicht an heutiger Stelle gestanden. Der Vorgängerbau wurde immer wieder ca. einen Kilometer nördlich nahe der untergegangen Ortschaft Rade vermutet; jedoch fand man dort nie auch nur den kleinsten Anhaltspunkt. 2013 brachte eine archäologische Grabung im Kapitelsaal einen verkohlten Holzfußboden zum Vorschein, der dendrochronologisch auf ca. 1280 datiert werden konnte. Damit war bewiesen, dass der Vorgängerbau doch an heutiger Stelle errichtet worden war. Im Zuge der sich nun anschließenden Bauforschungen konnte der Verfasser allerdings feststellen, dass die archivalisch überlieferte Gründungsanlage von 1172 an anderer Stelle entstanden war. Diese ließ sich ebenso lokalisieren wie die erste Einsiedelei von 1140 und die ihr nachfolgenden beiden Kapellen von 1157 und 1168. Somit enthält die Esellegende durchaus ein Stück Wahrheit. Mit diesem Wissen war es dem Verfasser zudem möglich, in der vorliegenden Publikation den baulichen Werdegang der heutigen Vierflügelanlage und angrenzender Gebäude seit 1280 bis zur lutherischen Reformation, also sowohl den Neubau vor dem Brand als auch den Wiederaufbau danach, darzustellen. Ergänzend dazu sind im Anhang des Buches zwölf Pläne mit den wesentlichen Bauphasen seit 1140 bis ca. 1520 und drei weitere bis ins 19. Jahrhundert als Übersicht zusammengestellt." (Verlagsinformation)
    Note: Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 172-176
    Language: German
    Subjects: Art History
    Keywords: Klosteranlage des Klosters Lüne ; Geschichte 1140-1570 ; Lüneburg ; Kloster Lüne ; Architektur
    Author information: Hemmerich, Volker 1948-
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  • 3
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource
    ISBN: 9781786430816
    Series Statement: Elgar Research Reviews in Economics
    Content: Recommended readings (Machine generated): 1. Jan A. van der Linden and Jan Oosterhaven (1995), 'European Community Intercountry Input-Output Relations: Construction Method and Main Results for 1965-85', Economic Systems Research, 7 (3), 249-69 2 -- 2. Bo Meng, Yaxiong Zhang and Satoshi Inomata (2013), 'Compilation and Applications of IDE-JETRO's International Input-Output Tables', Economic Systems Research, 25 (1), March, 122-42 23 -- 3. Erik Dietzenbacher, Bart Los, Robert Stehrer, Marcel Timmer and Gaaitzen de Vries (2013), 'The Construction of World Input-Output Tables in the WIOD Project', Economic Systems Research, 25 (1), March, 71-98 44 -- 4. Arnold Tukker, Evgueni Poliakov, Reinout Heijungs, Troy Hawkins, Frederik Neuwahl, José M. Rueda-Cantuche, Stefan Giljum, Stephan Moll, Jan Oosterhaven and Maaike Bouwmeester (2009), 'Towards a Global Multi-Regional Environmentally Extended Input-Output Database', Ecological Economics, 68 (7), May, 1928-37 72 -- 5. Manfred Lenzen, Keiichiro Kanemoto, Daniel Moran and Arne Geschke (2012), 'Mapping the Structure of the World Economy', Environmental Science and Technology, 46 (15), 8374-81 82 -- 6. Martin Bruckner, Stefan Giljum, Christian Lutz and Kirsten Svenja Wiebe (2012), 'Materials Embodied in International Trade - Global Material Extraction and Consumption between 1995 and 2005', Global Environmental Change, 22 (3), August, 568-76 90 -- 7. Glen P. Peters, Robbie Andrew and James Lennox (2011), 'Constructing an Environmentally-Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output Table Using the GTAP Database', Economic Systems Research, 23 (2), June, 131-52 99 -- 8. Faye Duchin (2005), 'A World Trade Model Based on Comparative Advantage with m Regions, n Goods, and k Factors', Economic Systems Research, 17 (2), June, 141-62 122 -- 9. David Hummels, Jun Ishii and Kei-Mu Yi (2001), 'The Nature and Growth of Vertical Specialization in World Trade', Journal of International Economics, 54 (1), June, 75-96 144 -- 10. Robert Koopman, Zhi Wang and Shang-Jin Wei (2014), 'Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports', American Economic Review, 104 (2), February, 459-94 166 -- 11. Robert C. Johnson and Guillermo Noguera (2012), 'Accounting for Intermediates: Production Sharing and Trade in Value Added', Journal of International Economics, 86 (2), March, 224-36 202 -- 12. Bart Los, Marcel P. Timmer and Gaaitzen J. de Vries (2015), 'How Global are Global Value Chains? A New Approach to Measure International Fragmentation', Journal of Regional Science, Special Issue: Local Consequences of Global Production Processes, 55 (1), January, 66-92 215 -- 13. Jeffrey J. Reimer (2006), 'Global Production Sharing and Trade in the Services of Factors', Journal of International Economics, 68 (2), March, 384-408 242 -- 14. Daniel Trefler and Susan Chun Zhu (2010), 'The Structure of Factor Content Predictions', Journal of International Economics, 82 (2), November, 195-207 267 -- 15. Erik Dietzenbacher and Isidoro Romero (2007), 'Production Chains in an Interregional Framework: Identification by Means of Average Propagation Lengths', International Regional Science Review, 30 (4), October, 362-83 280 -- 16. Pol Antràs, Davin Chor, Thibault Fally and Russell Hillberry (2012), 'Measuring the Upstreamness of Production and Trade Flows', American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 102 (3), May, 412-16 302 -- 17. Erik Dietzenbacher and Bart Los (1998), 'Structural Decomposition Techniques: Sense and Sensitivity', Economic Systems Research, 10 (4), December, 307-23 308 -- 18. Mark De Haan (2001), 'A Structural Decomposition Analysis of Pollution in the Netherlands', Economic Systems Research, 13 (2), June, 181-96 325 -- 19. Jan Oosterhaven and Alex R. Hoen (1998), 'Preferences, Technology, Trade and Real Income Changes in the European Union: An Intercountry Decomposition Analysis for 1975-1985', Annals of Regional Science, 32 (4), November, 505-24 341
    Content: 20. Yan Xia, Ying Fan and Cuihong Yang (2015), 'Assessing the Impact of Foreign Content in China's Exports on the Carbon Outsourcing Hypothesis', Applied Energy, 150, July, 296-307 -- 21. Xuemei Jiang, Erik Dietzenbacher and Bart Los (2014), 'A Dissection of the Growth of Regional Disparities in Chinese Labor Productivity between 1997 and 2002', Annals of Regional Science, 52 (2), March, 513-36 373 -- 22. Thijs ten Raa and Edward N. Wolff (2001), 'Outsourcing of Services and the Productivity Recovery in U.S. Manufacturing in the 1980s and 1990s', Journal of Productivity Analysis, 16 (2), September, 149-65 398 -- 23. Antonio F. Amores and Thijs ten Raa (2014), 'Firm Efficiency, Industry Performance and the Economy: Three-Way Decomposition with an Application to Andalusia', Journal of Productivity Analysis, 42 (1), August, 25-34 415 -- 24. Masahiro Kuroda and Koji Nomura (2004), 'Technological Change and Accumulated Capital: A Dynamic Decomposition of Japan's Growth', in Erik Dietzenbacher and Michael L. Lahr (eds), Wassily Leontief and Input-Output Economics, Chapter 15, Cambridge, UK: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 256-93 425 -- 25. Yasuhide Okuyama, Michael Sonis and Geoffrey J.D. Hewings (2006), 'Typology of Structural Change in a Regional Economy: A Temporal Inverse Analysis', Economic Systems Research, 18 (2), June, 133-53 463 -- 26. Philip R. Israilevich, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Michael Sonis and Graham R. Schindler (1997), 'Forecasting Structural Change with a Regional Econometric Input-Output Model', Journal of Regional Science, 37 (4), November, 565-90 484 -- 27. Ronald E. Miller and Michael L. Lahr (2001), 'A Taxonomy of Extractions', in Regional Science Perspectives in Economic Analysis: A Festschrift in Memory of Benjamin H. Stevens, Chapter 21, Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 407-41 511 -- 28. Yu Song, Chunlu Liu and Craig Langston (2006), 'Linkage Measures of the Construction Sector Using the Hypothetical Extraction Method', Construction Management and Economics, 24 (6), 579-89 546 -- 29. Carsten A. Holz (2011), 'The Unbalanced Growth Hypothesis and the Role of the State: The Case of China's State-Owned Enterprises', Journal of Development Economics, 96 (2), November, 220-38 557 -- 30. Erik Dietzenbacher and Michael L. Lahr (2013), 'Expanding Extractions', Economic Systems Research, 25 (3), September, 341-60 576 -- 31. Wenfeng Huang, Shintaro Kobayashi and Hajime Tanji (2008), 'Updating an Input-Output Matrix with Sign-Preservation: Some Improved Objective Functions and their Solutions', Economic Systems Research, 20 (1), March, 111-23 597 -- 32. Umed Temurshoev and Marcel P. Timmer (2011), 'Joint Estimation of Supply and Use Tables', Papers in Regional Science, 90 (4), November, 863-82 610 -- 33. Sherman Robinson, Andrea Cattaneo and Moataz El-Said (2001), 'Updating and Estimating a Social Accounting Matrix Using Cross Entropy Methods', Economic Systems Research, 13 (1), March, 47-64 630 -- 34. Manfred Lenzen, Maria Cecilia Pinto de Moura, Arne Geschke, Keiichiro Kanemoto and Daniel Dean Moran (2012), 'A Cycling Method for Constructing Input-Output Table Time Series from Incomplete Data', Economic Systems Research, 24 (4), December, 413-32 648 -- 35. Adam Rose, Juan Benavides, Stephanie E. Chang, Philip Szczesniak and Dongsoon Lim (1997), 'The Regional Economic Impact of an Earthquake: Direct and Indirect Effects of Electricity Lifeline Disruptions', Journal of Regional Science, 37 (3), August, 437-58 669 -- 36. Joost R. Santos and Yacov Y. Haimes (2004), 'Modeling the Demand Reduction Input-Output (I-O) Inoperability Due to Terrorism of Interconnected Infrastructures', Risk Analysis, 24 (6), December, 1437-51 691 -- 37. Sungbin Cho, Peter Gordon, James E. Moore II, Harry W. Richardson, Masanobu Shinozuka and Stephanie Chang (2001), 'Integrating Transportation Network and Regional Economic Models to Estimate the Costs of a Large Urban Earthquake', Journal of Regional Science, 41 (1), February, 39-65 706 -- 38. Yasuhide Okuyama (2004), 'Modeling Spatial Economic Impacts of an Earthquake: Input-Output Approaches', Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 13 (4), 297-306 733
    Content: 39. Tomohiro Okadera, Masataka Watanabe and Kaiqin Xu (2006), 'Analysis of Water Demand and Water Pollutant Discharge Using a Regional Input-Output Table: An Application to the City of Chongqing, Upstream of the Three Gorges Dam in China', Ecological Economics, 58 (2), June, 221-37 -- 40. Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Yasuhide Okuyama and Michael Sonis (2001), 'Economic Interdependence within the Chicago Metropolitan Area: A Miyazawa Analysis', Journal of Regional Science, 41 (2), May, 195-217 761 -- 41. Xiannuan Lin and Karen R. Polenske (1998), 'Input-Output Modeling of Production Processes for Business Management', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 9 (2), June, 205-26 784 -- 42. Vito Albino, Carmen Izzo and Silvana Kühtz (2002), 'Input-Output Models for the Analysis of a Local/Global Supply Chain', International Journal of Production Economics, 78 (2), July, 119-31 806 -- 43. Xikang Chen, Leonard K. Cheng, K. C. Fung, Lawrence J. Lau, Yun-Wing Sung, K. Zhu, C. Yang, J. Pei and Y. Duan (2012), 'Domestic Value Added and Employment Generated by Chinese Exports: A Quantitative Estimation', China Economic Review, 23 (4), December, 850-64 819 -- 44. Robert Koopman, Zhi Wang and Shang-Jin Wei (2012), 'Estimating Domestic Content in Exports when Processing Trade is Pervasive', Journal of Development Economics, 99 (1), September, 178-89 834 -- 45. Chris Bachmann, Matthew J. Roorda and Chris Kennedy (2015), 'Developing a Multi-Scale Multi-Region Input-Output Model', Economic Systems Research, 27 (2), June, 172-93 846 -- 46. Manfred Lenzen, Arne Geschke, Thomas Wiedmann, Joe Lane, Neal Anderson, Timothy Baynes, John Boland, Peter Daniels, Christopher Dey, Jacob Fry, Michalis Hadjikakou, Steven Kenway, Arunima Malik, Daniel Moran, Joy Murray, Stuart Nettleton, Lavinia Poruschi, Christian Reynolds, Hazel Rowley, Julien Ugon, Dean Webb and James West (2014), 'Compiling and Using Input-Output Frameworks through Collaborative Virtual Laboratories', Science of the Total Environment, 485-486, July, 241-51 868 -- 47. G. Papaconstantinou, N. Sakurai and A. Wyckoff (1998), 'Domestic and International Product-Embodied R&D Diffusion', Research Policy, 27 (3), July, 301-14 879 -- 1. Faye Duchin (1992), 'Industrial Input-Output Analysis: Implications for Industrial Ecology', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 89 (3), February, 851-55 2 -- 2. Sangwon Suh and Shigemi Kagawa (2005), 'Industrial Ecology and Input-Output Economics: An Introduction', Economic Systems Research, 17 (4), December, 349-64 7 -- 3. Edgar G. Hertwich (2005), 'Consumption and Industrial Ecology', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 9 (1-2), January, 1-6 23 -- 4. Rutger Hoekstra and Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh (2006), 'Constructing Physical Input-Output Tables for Environmental Modeling and Accounting: Framework and Illustrations', Ecological Economics, 59 (3), September, 375-93 29 -- 5. Walter Isard, Kenneth Bassett, Charles Choguill, John Furtado, Ronald Izumita, John Kissin, Eliahu Romanoff, Richard Seyfarth and Richard Tatlock (1968), 'On the Linkage of Socio-Economic and Ecologic Systems', Papers of the Regional Science Association, 21 (1), December, 79-99 49 -- 6. Herman E. Daly (1968), 'On Economics as a Life Science', Journal of Political Economy, 76 (3), May-June, 392-406 70 -- 7. Robert U. Ayres and Allen V. Kneese (1969), 'Production, Consumption, and Externalities', American Economic Review, 59 (3), June, 282-97 85 -- 8. Wassily Leontief and Daniel Ford (1972), 'Air Pollution and the Economic Structure: Empirical Results of Input-Output Computations', in A. Brody and A.P. Carter (eds), Input-Output Techniques, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: North-Holland Publishing Co./American Elsevier, 9-30 101 -- 9. Bruce Hannon (1973), 'The Structure of Ecosystems', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 41 (3), October, 535-46 123 -- 10. Werner Antweiler (1996), 'The Pollution Terms of Trade', Economic Systems Research, 8 (4), December, 361-65 135
    Content: 11. Steven J. Keuning, Jan van Dalen and Mark de Haan (1999), 'The Netherlands' NAMEA: Presentation, Usage and Future Extensions', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 10 (1), January, 15-37 140 -- 12. Mònica Serrano and Erik Dietzenbacher (2010), 'Responsibility and Trade Emission Balances: An Evaluation of Approaches', Ecological Economics, 69 (11), September, 2224-32 163 -- 13. Graham J. Treloar (1997), 'Extracting Embodied Energy Paths from Input-Output Tables: Towards an Input-Output-Based Hybrid Energy Analysis Method', Economic Systems Research, 9 (4), December, 375-91 173 -- 14. Klaus Hubacek and Stefan Giljum (2003), 'Applying Physical Input-Output Analysis to Estimate Land Appropriation (Ecological Footprints) of International Trade Activities', Ecological Economics, 44 (1), February, 137-51 190 -- 15. Kuishuang Feng, Ashok Chapagain, Sangwon Suh, Stephan Pfister and Klaus Hubacek (2011), 'Comparison of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches to Calculating the Water Footprints of Nations', Economic Systems Research: Input-Output and Water, 23 (4), December, 371-85 205 -- 16. Thomas O. Wiedmann, Heinz Schandl, Manfred Lenzen, Daniel Moran, Sangwon Suh, James West and Keiichiro Kanemoto (2015), 'The Material Footprint of Nations', PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 112 (20), 19th May, 6271-76 220 -- 17. Manfred Lenzen, Daniel Moran, Anik Bhaduri, Keiichiro Kanemoto, Maksud Bekchanov, Arne Geschke, Barney Foran (2013), 'International Trade of Scarce Water', Ecological Economics, 94, October, 78-85 226 -- 18. Jun Lan, Arunima Malik, Manfred Lenzen, Darian McBain and Keiichiro Kanemoto (2016), 'A Structural Decomposition Analysis of Global Energy Footprints', Applied Energy, 163 (1), February, 436-51 234 -- 19. Jesper Munksgaard and Klaus Alsted Pedersen (2001), 'CO2 Accounts for Open Economies: Producer or Consumer Responsibility?', Energy Policy, 29 (4), March, 327-34 -- 20. J.C. Minx, T. Wiedmann, R. Wood, G.P. Peters, M. Lenzen, A. Owen, K. Scott, J. Barrett, K. Hubacek, G. Baiocchi, A. Paul, E. Dawkins, J. Briggs, D. Guan, S. Suh and F. Ackerman (2009), 'Input-Output Analysis and Carbon Footprinting: An Overview of Applications', Economic Systems Research: Carbon Footprint and Input-Output Analysis, 21 (3), September, 187-216 259 -- 21. Thomas Wiedmann, Richard Wood, Jan C. Minx, Manfred Lenzen, Dabo Guan and Rocky Harris (2010), 'A Carbon Footprint Time Series of the UK - Results from a Multi-Region Input-Output Model', Economic Systems Research, 22 (1), March, 19-42 289 -- 22. Steven J. Davis and Ken Caldeira (2010), 'Consumption-Based Accounting of CO2 Emissions', PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 107 (12), 23rd March, 5687-92 313 -- 23. Glen P. Peters, Jan C. Minx, Christopher L. Weber and Ottmar Edenhofer (2011), 'Growth in Emission Transfers via International Trade from 1990 to 2008', PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 108 (21), 24th May, 8903-8 319 -- 24. Kuishuang Feng, Steven J. Davis, Laixiang Sun, Xin Li, Dabo Guan, Weidong Liu, Zhu Liu and Klaus Hubacek (2013), 'Outsourcing CO2 within China', PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 110 (28), 9th July, 1654-59 325 -- 25. Shinichiro Nakamura and Yasushi Kondo (2002), 'Input-Output Analysis of Waste Management', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 6 (1), January, 39-63 332 -- 26. Sangwon Suh (2005), 'Theory of Materials and Energy Flow Analysis in Ecology and Economics', Ecological Modelling, 189 (3-4), December, 251-69 357 -- 27. Azusa Oita, Arunima Malik, Keiichiro Kanemoto, Arne Geschke, Shota Nishijima and Manfred Lenzen (2016), 'Substantial Nitrogen Pollution Embedded in International Trade', Nature Geoscience, 9 (2), February, 111-15 376 -- 28. Mulin Hui, Qingru Wu, Shuxiao Wang, Sai Liang, Lei Zhang, Fengyang Wang, Manfred Lenzen, Yafei Wang, Lixiao Xu, Zhongtian Lin, Hai Yang, Yan Lin, Thorjorn Larssen, Ming Xu and Jiming Hao (2017), 'Mercury Flows in China and Global Drivers', Environmental Science and Technology, 51 (1), January, 222-31 381 -- 29. Dabo Guan and Klaus Hubacek (2007), 'Assessment of Regional Trade and Virtual Water Flows in China', Ecological Economics, 61 (1), February, 159-70 392
    Content: 30. Erik Dietzenbacher and Esther Velázquez (2007), 'Analysing Andalusian Virtual Water Trade in an Input-Output Framework', Regional Studies, 41 (2), 185-96 404 -- 31. Yang Yu, Klaus Hubacek, Kuishuang Feng and Dabo Guan (2010), 'Assessing Regional and Global Water Footprints for the UK', Ecological Economics, 69 (5), March, 1140-47 416 -- 32. Manfred Lenzen and Greg M. Peters (2010), 'How City Dwellers Affect Their Resource Hinterland: A Spatial Impact Study of Australian Households', Journal of Industrial Ecology, Special Issue: Sustainable Consumption and Production, 14 (1), January-February, 73-90 424 -- 33. Jan Minx, Giovanni Baiocchi, Thomas Wiedmann, John Barrett, Felix Creutzig, Kuishuang Feng, Michael Förster, Peter-Paul Pichler, Helga Weisz and Klaus Hubacek (2013), 'Carbon Footprints of Cities and Other Human Settlements in the UK', Environmental Research Letters, 8 (035039), September, 1-10 442 -- 34. Ryoji Hasegawa, Shigemi Kagawa and Makiko Tsukui (2015), 'Carbon Footprint Analysis through Constructing a Multi-Region Input-Output Table: A Case Study of Japan', Journal of Economic Structures, 4 (5), December, 1-20 452 -- 35. Makiko Tsukui, Shigemi Kagawa and Yasushi Kondo (2015), 'Measuring the Waste Footprint of Cities in Japan: A Interregional Waste Input-Output Analysis', Journal of Economic Structures, 4 (18), December, 1-24 472 -- 36. Satish Joshi (1999), 'Product Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment Using Input-Output Techniques', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 3 (2-3), April, 95-120 497 -- 37. H. Scott Matthews and Mitchell J. Small (2000), 'Extending the Boundaries of Life-Cycle Assessment through Environmental Economic Input-Output Models', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 4 (3), July, 7-10 523 -- 38. Sangwon Suh, Manfred Lenzen, Graham J. Treloar, Hiroki Hondo, Arpad Horvath, Gjalt Huppes, Olivier Jolliet, Uwe Klann, Wolfram Krewitt, Yuichi Moriguchi, Jesper Munksgaard and Gregory Norris (2004), 'System Boundary Selection in Life-Cycle Inventories Using Hybrid Approaches', Environmental Science and Technology, 38 (3), February, 657-64 527 -- 39. Sangwon Suh and Shinichiro Nakamura (2007), 'Five Years in the Area of Input-Output and Hybrid LCA', International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 12 (6), September, 351-52 535 -- 40. Edgar G. Hertwich (2011), 'The Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Consumption', Economic Systems Research, 23 (1), March, 27-47 537 -- 41. Shigemi Kagawa, Klaus Hubacek, Keisuke Nansai, Minori Kataoka, Shunsuke Managi, Sangwon Suh and Yuki Kudoh (2013), 'Better Cars or Older Cars?: Assessing CO2 Emission Reduction Potential of Passenger Vehicle Replacement Programs', Global Environmental Change, 23 (6), December, 1807-18 558 -- 42. Iñaki Arto and Erik Dietzenbacher (2014), 'Drivers of the Growth in Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions', Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (10), May, 5388-94 571 -- 43. Dabo Guan, Glen P. Peters, Christopher L. Weber and Klaus Hubacek (2009), 'Journey to World Top Emitter: An Analysis of the Driving Forces of China's Recent CO2 Emissions Surge', Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (4), February, 1-5 578 -- 44. Haiyan Zhang and Michael L. Lahr (2014), 'China's Energy Consumption Change from 1987 to 2007: A Multi-Regional Structural Decomposition Analysis', Energy Policy, 67, April, 682-93 583 -- 45. Jan Weinzettel and Jan Kovanda (2011), 'Structural Decomposition Analysis of Raw Material Consumption: The Case of the Czech Republic', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 15 (6), December, 893-907 595 -- 46. Arnold Tukker, Tanya Bulavskaya, Stefan Giljum, Arjan de Koning, Stephan Lutter, Moana Simas, Konstantin Stadler and Richard Wood (2016), 'Environmental and Resource Footprints in a Global Context: Europe's Structural Deficit in Resource Endowments', Global Environmental Change, 40, September, 171-81 610 -- 47. Manfred Lenzen (2007), 'Structural Path Analysis of Ecosystem Networks', Ecological Modelling, 200 (3-4), January, 334-42 621 -- 48. Richard Wood and Manfred Lenzen (2009), 'Structural Path Decomposition', Energy Economics, 31 (3), May, 335-41 630
    Content: 49. Erik Dietzenbacher and Kakali Mukhopadhyay (2007), 'An Empirical Examination of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis for India: Towards a Green Leontief Paradox?', Environmental and Resource Economics, 36 (4), April, 427-49 638 -- 50. Glen P. Peters and Edgar G. Hertwich (2008), 'Post-Kyoto Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Production versus Consumption', Climatic Change, 86 (1-2), January, 51-66 661 -- 51. Michael Jakob, Jan Christoph Steckel and Ottmar Edenhofer (2014), 'Consumption- Versus Production-Based Emission Policies', Annual Review of Resource Economics, 6, November, 297-318 677 -- 52. John Barrett, Glen Peters, Thomas Wiedmann, Kate Scott, Manfred Lenzen, Katy Roelich and Corinne Le Quéré (2013), 'Consumption-Based GHG Emission Accounting: A UK Case Study', Climate Policy, 13 (4), 451-70 699 -- 53. Haiyan Zhang, Michael L. Lahr and Jun Bi (2016), 'Challenges of Green Consumption in China: A Household Energy Use Perspective', Economic Systems Research, 28 (2), June, 183-201 719 -- 54. Faye Duchin, Stephen H. Levine and Anders Hammer Strømman (2016), 'Combining Multiregional Input-Output Analysis with a World Trade Model for Evaluating Scenarios for Sustainable Use of Global Resources, Part I: Conceptual Framework', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 20 (4), August, 775-82 738 -- 55. Arjan de Koning, Gjalt Huppes, Sebastiaan Deetman and Arnold Tukker (2016), 'Scenarios for a 2 °C World: A Trade-Linked Input-Output Model with High Sector Detail', Climate Policy, 16 (3), 301-17 746 -- 56. Albert E. Steenge (1999), 'Input-Output Theory and Institutional Aspects of Environmental Policy', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 10 (1), January, 161-76 764 -- 57. Roxana Juliá and Faye Duchin (2007), 'World Trade as the Adjustment Mechanism of Agriculture to Climate Change', Climatic Change, 82 (3-4), June, 393-409 780 -- 58. Darian McBain and Ali Alsamawi (2014), 'Quantitative Accounting for Social Economic Indicators', Natural Resources Forum: Special Section on Oceans and Seas, 38 (3), August, 193-202 797 -- 59. Ali Alsamawi, Joy Murray and Manfred Lenzen (2014), 'The Employment Footprints of Nations: Uncovering Master-Servant Relationships', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 18 (1), February, 59-70 807 -- 60. Moana S. Simas, Laura Golsteijn, Mark A.J. Huijbregts, Richard Wood and Edgar G. Hertwich (2014), 'The "Bad Labor" Footprint: Quantifying the Social Impacts of Globalization', Sustainability, 6 (11), October, 7514-40 819 -- 61. Daniel Moran, Darian McBain, Keiichiro Kanemoto, Manfred Lenzen and Arne Geschke (2015), 'Global Supply Chains of Coltan: A Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment Study Using a Social Indicator', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19 (3), June, 357-65 846 -- 62. Alexandre Tisserant and Stefan Pauliuk (2016), 'Matching Global Cobalt Demand under Different Scenarios for Co-Production and Mining Attractiveness', Journal of Economic Structures, 5 (4), December, 1-19 855 -- 63. Jorge Gómez-Paredes, Ali Alsamawi, Eiji Yamasue, Hideyuki Okumura, Keiichi N. Ishihara, Arne Geschke and Manfred Lenzen (2016), 'Consuming Childhoods: An Assessment of Child Labor's Role in Indian Production and Global Consumption', Journal of Industrial Ecology, Special Issue: Linking Local Consumption to Global Impacts, 20 (3), June, 611-22 874
    Content: "The international fragmentation of current production processes has led to an explosion of trade in intermediate products, indirectly impacting jobs, income, resources, energy, and emissions. Much of what is consumed is produced via global value chains contributing to climate change via carbon dioxide emissions. The editors analyse the complex interdependent international production structures and their links to social inequality and the environment, which has led to a demand for international input-output tables. Including an original introduction the new volumes comprehensively present research that has advanced the state of the art in input-output analysis over the past two decades"--
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9781786430809
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe Recent developments in input-output analysis Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2020 ISBN 9781786430809
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books ; Übersichtsarbeit ; Aufsatzsammlung
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    Format: 1 online resource (1,832 pages).
    ISBN: 9781786430816 (e-book)
    Series Statement: The international library of critical writings in economics series
    Content: "The international fragmentation of current production processes has led to an explosion of trade in intermediate products, indirectly impacting jobs, income, resources, energy, and emissions. Much of what is consumed is produced via global value chains contributing to climate change via carbon dioxide emissions. The editors analyse the complex interdependent international production structures and their links to social inequality and the environment, which has led to a demand for international input-output tables. Including an original introduction the new volumes comprehensively present research that has advanced the state of the art in input-output analysis over the past two decades"--
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings. , Recommended readings (Machine generated): 1. Jan A. van der Linden and Jan Oosterhaven (1995), 'European Community Intercountry Input-Output Relations: Construction Method and Main Results for 1965-85', Economic Systems Research, 7 (3), 249-69 2 -- 2. Bo Meng, Yaxiong Zhang and Satoshi Inomata (2013), 'Compilation and Applications of IDE-JETRO's International Input-Output Tables', Economic Systems Research, 25 (1), March, 122-42 23 -- 3. Erik Dietzenbacher, Bart Los, Robert Stehrer, Marcel Timmer and Gaaitzen de Vries (2013), 'The Construction of World Input-Output Tables in the WIOD Project', Economic Systems Research, 25 (1), March, 71-98 44 -- 4. Arnold Tukker, Evgueni Poliakov, Reinout Heijungs, Troy Hawkins, Frederik Neuwahl, José M. Rueda-Cantuche, Stefan Giljum, Stephan Moll, Jan Oosterhaven and Maaike Bouwmeester (2009), 'Towards a Global Multi-Regional Environmentally Extended Input-Output Database', Ecological Economics, 68 (7), May, 1928-37 72 -- 5. Manfred Lenzen, Keiichiro Kanemoto, Daniel Moran and Arne Geschke (2012), 'Mapping the Structure of the World Economy', Environmental Science and Technology, 46 (15), 8374-81 82 -- 6. Martin Bruckner, Stefan Giljum, Christian Lutz and Kirsten Svenja Wiebe (2012), 'Materials Embodied in International Trade - Global Material Extraction and Consumption between 1995 and 2005', Global Environmental Change, 22 (3), August, 568-76 90 -- 7. Glen P. Peters, Robbie Andrew and James Lennox (2011), 'Constructing an Environmentally-Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output Table Using the GTAP Database', Economic Systems Research, 23 (2), June, 131-52 99 -- 8. Faye Duchin (2005), 'A World Trade Model Based on Comparative Advantage with m Regions, n Goods, and k Factors', Economic Systems Research, 17 (2), June, 141-62 122 -- 9. David Hummels, Jun Ishii and Kei-Mu Yi (2001), 'The Nature and Growth of Vertical Specialization in World Trade', Journal of International Economics, 54 (1), June, 75-96 144 -- 10. Robert Koopman, Zhi Wang and Shang-Jin Wei (2014), 'Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports', American Economic Review, 104 (2), February, 459-94 166 -- 11. Robert C. Johnson and Guillermo Noguera (2012), 'Accounting for Intermediates: Production Sharing and Trade in Value Added', Journal of International Economics, 86 (2), March, 224-36 202 -- 12. Bart Los, Marcel P. Timmer and Gaaitzen J. de Vries (2015), 'How Global are Global Value Chains? A New Approach to Measure International Fragmentation', Journal of Regional Science, Special Issue: Local Consequences of Global Production Processes, 55 (1), January, 66-92 215 -- 13. Jeffrey J. Reimer (2006), 'Global Production Sharing and Trade in the Services of Factors', Journal of International Economics, 68 (2), March, 384-408 242 -- 14. Daniel Trefler and Susan Chun Zhu (2010), 'The Structure of Factor Content Predictions', Journal of International Economics, 82 (2), November, 195-207 267 -- 15. Erik Dietzenbacher and Isidoro Romero (2007), 'Production Chains in an Interregional Framework: Identification by Means of Average Propagation Lengths', International Regional Science Review, 30 (4), October, 362-83 280 -- 16. Pol Antràs, Davin Chor, Thibault Fally and Russell Hillberry (2012), 'Measuring the Upstreamness of Production and Trade Flows', American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 102 (3), May, 412-16 302 -- 17. Erik Dietzenbacher and Bart Los (1998), 'Structural Decomposition Techniques: Sense and Sensitivity', Economic Systems Research, 10 (4), December, 307-23 308 -- 18. Mark De Haan (2001), 'A Structural Decomposition Analysis of Pollution in the Netherlands', Economic Systems Research, 13 (2), June, 181-96 325 -- 19. Jan Oosterhaven and Alex R. Hoen (1998), 'Preferences, Technology, Trade and Real Income Changes in the European Union: An Intercountry Decomposition Analysis for 1975-1985', Annals of Regional Science, 32 (4), November, 505-24 341 , 20. Yan Xia, Ying Fan and Cuihong Yang (2015), 'Assessing the Impact of Foreign Content in China's Exports on the Carbon Outsourcing Hypothesis', Applied Energy, 150, July, 296-307 -- 21. Xuemei Jiang, Erik Dietzenbacher and Bart Los (2014), 'A Dissection of the Growth of Regional Disparities in Chinese Labor Productivity between 1997 and 2002', Annals of Regional Science, 52 (2), March, 513-36 373 -- 22. Thijs ten Raa and Edward N. Wolff (2001), 'Outsourcing of Services and the Productivity Recovery in U.S. Manufacturing in the 1980s and 1990s', Journal of Productivity Analysis, 16 (2), September, 149-65 398 -- 23. Antonio F. Amores and Thijs ten Raa (2014), 'Firm Efficiency, Industry Performance and the Economy: Three-Way Decomposition with an Application to Andalusia', Journal of Productivity Analysis, 42 (1), August, 25-34 415 -- 24. Masahiro Kuroda and Koji Nomura (2004), 'Technological Change and Accumulated Capital: A Dynamic Decomposition of Japan's Growth', in Erik Dietzenbacher and Michael L. Lahr (eds), Wassily Leontief and Input-Output Economics, Chapter 15, Cambridge, UK: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 256-93 425 -- 25. Yasuhide Okuyama, Michael Sonis and Geoffrey J.D. Hewings (2006), 'Typology of Structural Change in a Regional Economy: A Temporal Inverse Analysis', Economic Systems Research, 18 (2), June, 133-53 463 -- 26. Philip R. Israilevich, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Michael Sonis and Graham R. Schindler (1997), 'Forecasting Structural Change with a Regional Econometric Input-Output Model', Journal of Regional Science, 37 (4), November, 565-90 484 -- 27. Ronald E. Miller and Michael L. Lahr (2001), 'A Taxonomy of Extractions', in Regional Science Perspectives in Economic Analysis: A Festschrift in Memory of Benjamin H. Stevens, Chapter 21, Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 407-41 511 -- 28. Yu Song, Chunlu Liu and Craig Langston (2006), 'Linkage Measures of the Construction Sector Using the Hypothetical Extraction Method', Construction Management and Economics, 24 (6), 579-89 546 -- 29. Carsten A. Holz (2011), 'The Unbalanced Growth Hypothesis and the Role of the State: The Case of China's State-Owned Enterprises', Journal of Development Economics, 96 (2), November, 220-38 557 -- 30. Erik Dietzenbacher and Michael L. Lahr (2013), 'Expanding Extractions', Economic Systems Research, 25 (3), September, 341-60 576 -- 31. Wenfeng Huang, Shintaro Kobayashi and Hajime Tanji (2008), 'Updating an Input-Output Matrix with Sign-Preservation: Some Improved Objective Functions and their Solutions', Economic Systems Research, 20 (1), March, 111-23 597 -- 32. Umed Temurshoev and Marcel P. Timmer (2011), 'Joint Estimation of Supply and Use Tables', Papers in Regional Science, 90 (4), November, 863-82 610 -- 33. Sherman Robinson, Andrea Cattaneo and Moataz El-Said (2001), 'Updating and Estimating a Social Accounting Matrix Using Cross Entropy Methods', Economic Systems Research, 13 (1), March, 47-64 630 -- 34. Manfred Lenzen, Maria Cecilia Pinto de Moura, Arne Geschke, Keiichiro Kanemoto and Daniel Dean Moran (2012), 'A Cycling Method for Constructing Input-Output Table Time Series from Incomplete Data', Economic Systems Research, 24 (4), December, 413-32 648 -- 35. Adam Rose, Juan Benavides, Stephanie E. Chang, Philip Szczesniak and Dongsoon Lim (1997), 'The Regional Economic Impact of an Earthquake: Direct and Indirect Effects of Electricity Lifeline Disruptions', Journal of Regional Science, 37 (3), August, 437-58 669 -- 36. Joost R. Santos and Yacov Y. Haimes (2004), 'Modeling the Demand Reduction Input-Output (I-O) Inoperability Due to Terrorism of Interconnected Infrastructures', Risk Analysis, 24 (6), December, 1437-51 691 -- 37. Sungbin Cho, Peter Gordon, James E. Moore II, Harry W. Richardson, Masanobu Shinozuka and Stephanie Chang (2001), 'Integrating Transportation Network and Regional Economic Models to Estimate the Costs of a Large Urban Earthquake', Journal of Regional Science, 41 (1), February, 39-65 706 -- 38. Yasuhide Okuyama (2004), 'Modeling Spatial Economic Impacts of an Earthquake: Input-Output Approaches', Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 13 (4), 297-306 733 , 39. 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Manfred Lenzen (2007), 'Structural Path Analysis of Ecosystem Networks', Ecological Modelling, 200 (3-4), January, 334-42 621 -- 48. Richard Wood and Manfred Lenzen (2009), 'Structural Path Decomposition', Energy Economics, 31 (3), May, 335-41 630 , 49. Erik Dietzenbacher and Kakali Mukhopadhyay (2007), 'An Empirical Examination of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis for India: Towards a Green Leontief Paradox?', Environmental and Resource Economics, 36 (4), April, 427-49 638 -- 50. Glen P. Peters and Edgar G. Hertwich (2008), 'Post-Kyoto Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Production versus Consumption', Climatic Change, 86 (1-2), January, 51-66 661 -- 51. Michael Jakob, Jan Christoph Steckel and Ottmar Edenhofer (2014), 'Consumption- Versus Production-Based Emission Policies', Annual Review of Resource Economics, 6, November, 297-318 677 -- 52. 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Daniel Moran, Darian McBain, Keiichiro Kanemoto, Manfred Lenzen and Arne Geschke (2015), 'Global Supply Chains of Coltan: A Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment Study Using a Social Indicator', Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19 (3), June, 357-65 846 -- 62. Alexandre Tisserant and Stefan Pauliuk (2016), 'Matching Global Cobalt Demand under Different Scenarios for Co-Production and Mining Attractiveness', Journal of Economic Structures, 5 (4), December, 1-19 855 -- 63. Jorge Gómez-Paredes, Ali Alsamawi, Eiji Yamasue, Hideyuki Okumura, Keiichi N. Ishihara, Arne Geschke and Manfred Lenzen (2016), 'Consuming Childhoods: An Assessment of Child Labor's Role in Indian Production and Global Consumption', Journal of Industrial Ecology, Special Issue: Linking Local Consumption to Global Impacts, 20 (3), June, 611-22 874
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