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    In: Alzheimer's & Dementia, Wiley, Vol. 17, No. S4 ( 2021-12)
    Abstract: Elevated systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) are risk factors for white matter (WM) injury associated with cognitive decline and dementia. White matter hyperintensities (WMH) on MRI, markers of WM injury, increase with aging and are more common in women than in men after the age of 60. We examined SBP and DBP in relation to WMH volume and diffusion MRI measures of WM integrity in postmenopausal women. Method Women (n=144) with median age of 67 (range 58‐72) and of good cardiovascular health who were previously enrolled in the multi‐site randomized clinical trial, Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS), participated in the present observational KEEPS Continuation Study. SBP, DBP, and MRI data were collected approximately 9 years after the end of KEEPS menopausal hormones versus placebo 4‐year interventions. WM integrity was assessed with WMH volume measurements (log transformed) on structural MRI and with measures of WM microstructure on diffusion MRI. Multiple linear regression analyses, adjusted for age, were used to test for associations of SBP and DBP with MRI measures. Result The median SBP was 128 (range 86‐180) and DBP was 77 (range 47‐106). Higher SBP (r=0.332;p=0.015) and DBP (r=0.346;p=0.007) were associated with higher WMH volumes. Among the WM tracts, higher SBP was associated with lower fractional anisotropy (FA) in lateral orbitofrontal gyrus WM (r=0.198;p=0.039) and sagittal stratum (r=0.226;p=0.043), and higher DBP was associated with lower FA in the superior occipital gyrus WM (r=0.370;p=0.045). Higher SBP and DBP were associated with higher mean diffusivity (MD) in the external capsule [(r=0.311;p=0.007);(r=375;p 〈 0.001)] and the fronto‐occipital fasciculus [(r=0.286;p=0.016); (r=0.303;p=0.008)] . Furthermore, higher DBP was associated with higher MD in the anterior corona radiata (r=0.233;p=0.039), internal capsule (r=0.303;p=0.042), and the middle (r=0.275; p=0.03) and superior frontal gyrus (r=0.269;p=0.03) WM. Conclusion Elevated SBP and DBP measurements are associated with greater WM injury in postmenopausal women. In particular, the frontal lobe WM and its connecting tracts may be more vulnerable to elevation in SBP and DBP. Whether BP control reduces the risk for WM injury, a risk factor for dementia, in post‐menopausal women warrants study.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1552-5260 , 1552-5279
    URL: Issue
    Language: English
    Publisher: Wiley
    Publication Date: 2021
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2201940-6
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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