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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cambridge University Press (CUP) ; 1992
    In:  Quaternary Research Vol. 38, No. 1 ( 1992-07), p. 46-59
    In: Quaternary Research, Cambridge University Press (CUP), Vol. 38, No. 1 ( 1992-07), p. 46-59
    Abstract: Paleomagnetic records are used to correlate sedimentary sequences from pluvial Lakes Chewaucan and Russell in the western Great Basin. This correlation is the basis for age control in the relatively poorly dated sequence from Lake Chewaucan. The resulting chronology supports a lack of sedimentation in Lake Chewaucan during the interval 27,400 to 23,200 yr B.P., an assertion supported by the presence of a lag deposit at the corresponding stratigraphic horizon. Because the Lake Chewaucan outcrop (near Summer Lake, Oregon) is near the bottom of the lake basin, we conclude that Lake Chewaucan was at a lowstand during this time interval. The Chewaucan lowstand is coeval with the lowstand accompanying the Wizard's Beach Recession (isotope stage 3) previously seen in the geologic record from nearby pluvial Lake Lahontan. The ages of six tephra layers, including the Trego Hot Springs tephra, were also estimated using the paleomagnetic correlation. Together, the new age of the Trego Hot Springs tephra (21,800 yr B.P.) and the lake surface level prehistory of Lake Chewaucan imply a revised model for the lake surface level prehistory of Lake Lahontan. The revised model includes a longer duration for the Wizard's Beach Recession and the occurrence of a younger lowstand of short duration soon after the lowstand corresponding to the Wizard's Beach Recession.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0033-5894 , 1096-0287
    Language: English
    Publisher: Cambridge University Press (CUP)
    Publication Date: 1992
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 1471589-2
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 205711-6
    SSG: 13
    SSG: 14
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