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  • 1
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Vol. 10, No. 35 ( 2022), p. 18185-18194
    Abstract: Core–shell structures with gradient components are considered as promising active materials for energy storage systems because of their prominent synergistic effects and enhanced reaction kinetics. In this work, gradient-structured VSe 1.6 /C@N–C⊂MoSe 2 nanotubes, with VSe 1.6 /C inner cores, and double shells of protecting N–C layers and an activated MoSe 2 outer shell, are prepared through a high-temperature selenization process of a tailored template, which are obtained from an organic–inorganic assembly process. As for the storage of the large-sized Na + /K + ions, this ingenious structure of VSe 1.6 /C@N–C⊂MoSe 2 nanotubes can markedly enhance the reaction kinetics and well balance the reaction activity and cycling stability, due to increased ion/electron diffusion channels from the MoSe 2 and N–C shells, abundant internal interfaces and gradient-component distribution. As a result, a capacity of 232.4 mA h g −1 over 10 000 cycles can be retained at a current of 5.0 A g −1 , with a capacity retention of 86.8%. As for potassium ion batteries (PIBs), VSe 1.6 /C@N–C⊂MoSe 2 nanotubes deliver a high and stable capacity of 180 mA h g −1 at 1.0 A g −1 for 5000 cycles with a capacity retention of 71.3%. Based on d Q /d V analysis and ex situ XRD results, the VSe 1.6 /C@N–C⊂MoSe 2 anode has a hybrid mechanism of MoSe 2 (intercalation and conversion reactions) and VSe 1.6 (only intercalation reaction) and high reversibility for K + storage. And combined with the component and structural superiorities, high cycling stability can be achieved for the VSe 1.6 /C@N–C⊂MoSe 2 nanotubes in PIBs.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 2050-7488 , 2050-7496
    Language: English
    Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
    Publication Date: 2022
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2702232-8
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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