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  • 1
    In: ECS Meeting Abstracts, The Electrochemical Society, Vol. MA2022-02, No. 7 ( 2022-10-09), p. 2496-2496
    Abstract: ASSBs (all-solid-state batteries) are promoted as an energy dense and safe alternative to current Li-ion batteries (LIBs) and attract great interest from academia and industry. In contrast to LIBs, which employ a liquid organic electrolyte, they utilize a solid electrolyte. This substitution promises to eliminate the flammability of the battery and to simplify the cell design. While recent research efforts have concentrated on miniaturizing and eventually even removing the anode host material in batteries, the relative portion of the cathode needs to be maximized, as cathodes are the only component that can increase energy density by increasing its fraction. In a simplified view, the cathode kinetics are determined by the cathode microstructure, the volume fractions of the constituents and the properties of electrolyte and cathode active material (CAM). Liquid electrolytes can easily penetrate porous composite cathodes, but rigid SEs can not do the same, resulting in residual porosity in the cathode. This porosity can lower active interface area between CAM and SE, and increase tortuosity of ionic and electronic charge transport pathways. Sufficient ionic and electronic transport pathways in composite cathode structures are, however, essential because cathode active material particles that are either electronically or ionically isolated cannot contribute to the charging or discharging process. We analyse the requirements for SSB cathodes and determine charge transport bottlenecks by impedance spectroscopy of a reference system consisting of a thiophosphate based solid electrolyte and a nickel rich layered CAM. Different cathode microstructures are analysed and their charge transport properties are quantified as partial conductivities. From the obtained partial conductivities, we calculated tortuosity factors and correlated them to cell performance with complementary cycling data of all-solid-state batteries in order to determine charge transport bottlenecks. We find, that ionic charge transport and consequently cathode kinetics are highly dependent on the SE particle size distribution In addition, we analyse the requirements for CAMs for SSBs and develop design principles for different CAM types that aim to further increase cathode performance.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 2151-2043
    Language: Unknown
    Publisher: The Electrochemical Society
    Publication Date: 2022
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2438749-6
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