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    In: Disease Markers, Hindawi Limited, Vol. 2018 ( 2018), p. 1-7
    Abstract: Objective . We conducted an update meta-analysis aiming to verify the association between p27 -V109G polymorphism and cancer risk, particular for prostate cancer (PCa). Then, we conducted a case-control study of Han Chinese in central China to verify the evidence-based results. Methods . Relevant studies were collected from diverse databases up to March 2017. In addition, a hospital-based (H-B) case-control study enrolling 90 PCa patients and 140 healthy controls was included to verify these evidence-based findings. Genetic risk was calculated by odds ratio (OR) with its corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI). The p27 -V109G polymorphism was determined by MassARRAY genotyping method. Results . Finally, twenty-four published studies comprising 9627 cases and 12,102 controls were enrolled for the current meta-analysis. Overall analysis suggested that p27 -V109G polymorphism decreased overall cancer risk in allelic contrast, heterozygote, and dominant models. When stratified analysis was conducted by ethnicity, data revealed that p27 -V109G polymorphism was associated with a decreased cancer risk in Caucasians. Highlighted in the subgroup analysis by cancer type, we uncovered a significantly decreased risk of PCa in allelic contrast, dominant, homogeneous, and recessive models. However, in the validation case-control study, we failed to uncover a positive association between p27 -V109G polymorphism and PCa risk. In addition, negative results were also identified when subgroup analyses were stratified by age, tumor grade, tumor stage, PSA levels, and other measurements. Conclusion . Although evidence-based results suggest that p27 -V109G polymorphism plays a protective role in overall cancer risk, particularly for PCa, our case-control study failed to validate any association between this particular polymorphism and PCa risk.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0278-0240 , 1875-8630
    Language: English
    Publisher: Hindawi Limited
    Publication Date: 2018
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2033253-1
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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