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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Hindawi Limited ; 2021
    In:  Advances in Civil Engineering Vol. 2021 ( 2021-7-26), p. 1-5
    In: Advances in Civil Engineering, Hindawi Limited, Vol. 2021 ( 2021-7-26), p. 1-5
    Abstract: Surface elasticity and residual stress strongly influence the flexural properties of nanowire due to the excessively large ratio of surface area to volume. In this work, we adopt linearized surface elasticity theory, which was proposed by Chhapadia et al., to capture the influence of surface curvature on the flexural rigidity of nanowire with rectangular cross section. Additionally, we have tried to study the bending deformation of circular nanowire. All stresses and strains are measured relative to the relaxed state in which the difference in surface residual stress between the upper and lower faces of rectangular nanowire with no external load induces additional bending. The bending curvature of nanowire in the reference and relaxed states is obtained. We find that flexural rigidity is composed of three parts. The first term is defined by the precept of continuum mechanics, and the last two terms are defined by surface elasticity. The normalized curvature increases with the decrease in height, thereby stiffening the nanowire. We also find that not only sizes but also surface curvature induced by surface residual stress influence the bending rigidity of nanowire.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1687-8094 , 1687-8086
    Language: English
    Publisher: Hindawi Limited
    Publication Date: 2021
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2449760-5
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