Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Vol. 31, No. 15_suppl ( 2013-05-20), p. 4053-4053
4053 Background: There is insufficient information regarding the prognostic significance of baseline Quality of life (QoL) scores on overall survival (OS) and adverse events (AEs) in advanced pancreatic cancer. Methods: QoL was assessed prospectively using the EORTC QLQ-C30 and AEs were graded using the NCI Common Toxicity Criteria version 2.0 as part of the PA.3 trial of gemcitabine + erlotinib (G+E) vs. gemcitabine + placebo (G+P). Relevant clinical variables, ECOG performance status (PS), and QoL scores at baseline were analyzed by Cox stepwise regression to determine predictors of OS and AEs. QoL scores were transformed by square root. Results: 222 of 285 patients (pts) (78%) treated with G+E and 220 of 284 pts (77%) treated with G+P completed baseline QoL assessments. In a multivariate Cox analysis (MVA) combining all pts, better QoL physical function (PF) score independently and incrementally predicted longer OS (HR 0.91; CI: 0.83-1.00), as did non-white race (HR 0.62; CI: 0.42-0.91), PS 0-1 (vs. PS 2 - HR 0.64; CI: 0.49-0.84), locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC) (vs. metastatic - HR 0.54; CI: 0.42-0.69) and G+E (vs. G+P - HR 0.79; CI: 0.64-0.98). More financial difficulty (HR 0.92; CI: 0.87-0.98) and PS 0-1 (HR: 0.36; CI: 0.17-0.77) predicted a lower risk of grade 3 or higher AEs. In a MVA of pts treated with G+E, pain intensity 〈 20 (vs. ≥ 20 - HR 0.68; CI:0.52-0.88) and LAPC (HR 0.67; CI: 0.48-0.91) were associated with longer OS, while better QoL cognitive (HR 0.71; CI: 0.50-1.00), worse constipation (HR 0.89; CI: 0.81-0.98) and worse financial scores (HR 0.86; CI: 0.78-0.94), better dyspnea score (HR 0.82; CI: 0.71-0.93) and PS 0-1 (HR 0.21; CI: 0.05-0.78) predicted for lower risk of AEs. In a MVA of pts treated with G+P, better global QoL score (HR 0.91; CI:0.85-0.98) and LAPC (HR 0.57; CI: 0.40-0.82) were predictors of longer OS while no variables predicted grade 3 or higher AEs. Conclusions: In addition to clinical variables (including physician assessed PS), patient reported QoL scores added incremental predictive information regarding survival and adverse events for advanced pancreatic cancer patients treated with systemic chemotherapy.
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American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
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