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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Optica Publishing Group ; 2021
    In:  Applied Optics Vol. 60, No. 7 ( 2021-03-01), p. 1871-
    In: Applied Optics, Optica Publishing Group, Vol. 60, No. 7 ( 2021-03-01), p. 1871-
    Abstract: To measure surface displacement on micro samples, a non-invasive method with both a low displacement measurement uncertainty below 100 nm and high spatial resolution of around 20 µm is required. In digital image speckle correlation, both requirements can be fulfilled individually but not simultaneously. To lower the displacement measurement uncertainty without deteriorating the spatial resolution, an ensemble averaging technique over multiple uncorrelated speckle patterns is presented. To generate and reproduce different speckle patterns, two concepts for the respective modulation of laser light illumination are investigated: a low-cost concept with a rotating glass diffuser, as well as a faster concept using a digital micromirror device combined with a stationary diffuser with a maximum pattern rate of 17.9 kHz. Both setups lead to a measurement uncertainty reduction by one order of magnitude over a wide range of spatial resolutions. As a result, displacements in the micrometer range are measured with a measurement uncertainty of 40 nm and spatial resolution of 20 µm.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1559-128X , 2155-3165
    Language: English
    Publisher: Optica Publishing Group
    Publication Date: 2021
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 207387-0
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