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    In: Journal of Perinatal Medicine, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Vol. 46, No. 6 ( 2018-08-28), p. 649-656
    Abstract: To evaluate the success rate and protocol of the Bakri balloon for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) in the course of a prospective observational multicenter cohort study in South China. Methods: At 20 hospitals in South China, women with postpartum bleeding who failed to respond to the first-line conservative management and received the Bakri balloon were recruited for the study. Maternal characteristics, PPH characteristics, PPH management and outcomes in regard to the Bakri balloon use were recorded. Results: A total of 472 women had a Bakri balloon tamponade and 407 (86.23%) women were enrolled (67 after vaginal delivery and 340 either during or after cesarean delivery). The success rate of the Bakri balloon in this study was 91.65% (373/407 women). During vaginal deliveries, the group with a hemorrhage 〉 2000 mL before balloon insertion had significantly more blood loss (551.67±635.17 mL vs. 242.06±313.69 mL, P=0.039) and lower maternal hemoglobin (73±21.77 g/L vs. 92.06±19.60 g/L, P=0.029) after using Bakri balloon than the group with a hemorrhage 〈 1000 mL. Similar data were found during cesarean deliveries. The blood loss before and after balloon insertion were significantly higher in the Bakri balloon failure group (1700±1429.88 mL before and 1209.58±1139.72 mL after using the balloon) than those in the success group [918±493.92 mL before (P=0.002) and 266.57±361.60 mL after using the balloon (P=0.001)]. Conclusion: Rapid diagnosis or prognosis of PPH, in combination with early usage of the Bakri postpartum balloon is more effective for the management of PPH.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1619-3997 , 0300-5577
    Language: Unknown
    Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH
    Publication Date: 2018
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 1467968-1
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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