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    In: Revista CEFAC, FapUNIFESP (SciELO), Vol. 17, No. 6 ( 2015-12), p. 1838-1847
    Abstract: ABSTRACT: Purpose: to describe the findings of electrophysiological examinations of individuals who stutter and compare with typically developing individuals. Methods: 34 subjects participated in this study, both genders, aged between 7 and 31 years. The research group consisted of 13 children (G1a) and 4 adults (G1b) diagnosed with stuttering and the control group of 13 children (G2a) with good academic performance and 4 fluent adults (G2b). The auditory potentials assessment was performed on frequency and duration discrimination tests. Result: when compared groups of stuttering children and control group, it was observed that the stuttering children had the scan frequency, increased latencies of P2, N2 components at Cz in the right ear and N2 and P3 at Fz in the left ear, and the difference amplitude P2 and P3 in the right ear Cz. In the scan duration, decreased the amplitude of the N2 and P3 components in Cz Fz in the right ear. In the group of adult stutterers was observed in the frequency sweep, increased latency P3 component at Cz and Fz in the right ear and reduced P3 amplitude at Cz in the left ear, and scan duration, increased latency of N2 Cz and P3 in the right ear and N2 at Cz in the left ear, when compared to the control group. Conclusion: there are differences between the electrophysiological examinations of individuals who stutter compared with those with typical development. However, further studies in this area are still needed for the findings presented here can be confirmed.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1516-1846
    Language: Unknown
    Publisher: FapUNIFESP (SciELO)
    Publication Date: 2015
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2432165-5
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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