The Korea Association of Yeolin Education, The Korea Association of Yeolin Education, Vol. 30, No. 4 ( 2022-07-30), p. 215-239
This study examines mathematics achievement for freshmen in engineering colleges pre and post COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, we have compared various aspects after converting these 3 results into 100 points which were the diagnostic assessment results that conducted immediately after the admission, the mid-term and final exam results from the 1st semester at the provincial university in 2019 and 2021. The findings are as follow; first of all, we were able to confirm the decline in scholastic ability in mathematics in 2021 as a result of the comparison in the diagnostic assessment before and after COVID-19. However, there was no statistically significant score gap on the midterm exam. On the other hand, a result of the final exam confirmed to have statistically significant higher points of post COVID-19 than pre. Secondly, according to the comparison outcome of the mathematics achievement that classified into the upper and lower-level groups using the diagnostic assessment, the final exam results declined at a statistically significant rate more than mid-term exam results for both upper-level group pre and post COVID-19. For the lower group, the final exam results had statistically significant growth compared to the mid-term in 2019, while there was no statistically significant difference in 2021. Finally, the upper groups’ aggregate results of mid & final exam were also compared, then the mathematics achievement was higher in post COVID-19 than before. And the lower groups comparison was not statistically significant gap. In conclusion, we found that online classes aggravated the gap between the upper and lower level groups in mathematics achievement. Furthermore, this indicate that the teaching methods for mathematics achievement is respectively, the online classes for upper groups, the face-to-face classes for lower groups.
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Online Resource
Uniform Title:
코로나19 이전 대면 수업과 코로나19 이후 온라인 수업의 수학학업성취도 비교분석
The Korea Association of Yeolin Education
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