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    In: The National Medical Journal of India, Scientific Scholar, Vol. 36 ( 2023-07-18), p. 17-21
    Abstract: The World Health Organization’s call for elimination of cervical cancer envisages 70% screening coverage of women aged 35 and 45 years by an effective test. In India, this target seems unrealistic as awareness and access to cancer prevention services are poor. However, the institutional delivery rate is now 〉 80%. We evaluated the acceptability and feasibility of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing and its role in screening during pregnancy. Methods This observational study recruited 275 pregnant women aged 〉 25 years between 12 and 34 weeks of gestation for screening by cytology and HPV testing. Colposcopy was advised if either test was positive. Acceptability and feasibility were assessed by a questionnaire. Results Cytology and HPV reports were available for 269 subjects. The median age was 28 years and median parity was two. Only 98 (36.4%) had heard about carcinoma cervix. Awareness improved with education (p 〈 0.001). On cytology, only 4 (1.5%) were abnormal (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance 3; low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion 1). The prevalence of high-risk HPV infection was 8.2% (22/269). On colposcopy, all had the Swede score 〈 5. No high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or carcinoma was detected. Pre-procedure, 183 (68.0%) subjects expressed apprehension, post-procedure 114 (42.4%) of them had realized that their apprehensions were unfounded. Women found screening to be more uncomfortable after 28 weeks of gestation ( n =26/68; 38.2%; p 〈 0.001). Physicians found the cervix more difficult to visualize after 20 weeks of gestation (p 〈 0.001). Conclusions HPV screening at 16–20 weeks of pregnancy is acceptable, feasible, and can greatly improve screening coverage in resource-limited settings. Pregnancy is a good opportunity to improve awareness of the screening programmes.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 2583-150X , 0970-258X
    Language: English
    Publisher: Scientific Scholar
    Publication Date: 2023
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2744231-7
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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