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    Scientific and Educational Initiative ; 2021
    In:  Perspectives of Science and Education Vol. 54, No. 6 ( 2021-12-31), p. 536-554
    In: Perspectives of Science and Education, Scientific and Educational Initiative, Vol. 54, No. 6 ( 2021-12-31), p. 536-554
    Abstract: Introduction. Monitoring of students' health and physical fitness in general educational institutions is an integral part of the educational process, however, it takes much time on the part of teachers and school authorities responsible for collecting and storing information about health. The research relevance is substantiated by the need to preserve and strengthen students' health due to the dependence of the quality of education on the level of students' health and their performance. The research purpose was to test an electronic health passport in educational institutions for a comprehensive assessment of students' health and physical fitness indicators. Materials and methods. More than 600 schoolchildren of three age groups took part in the study: students aged 8-9 (298 students), 12-13 (244 schoolchildren), 15-16 (119 boys and girls) from general educational institutions in Lipetsk. Methods of assessing the morphofunctional state (measurement of body weight and length, blood pressure, heart rate monitoring, health coefficient calculation), the questionnaire method (assessment of school motivation, the study of self-esteem, diagnostics of learning motivation and emotional attitude to learning, the Ladder test) and methods of assessing physical fitness included in the All-Russian Physical Education and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" were used. Research results. Significant differences (p 〈 0.05) were determined in indicators of the health coefficient among schoolchildren from three general educational institutions in Lipetsk, and a tendency towards a decrease in the level of students' health from the lower grades to the higher ones was revealed. A decrease in indicators of school motivation and interest in the learning process was found in half of the students of primary school age (13-14 points out of 30 possible ones) and the majority of secondary school students (8-13 points out of 60 possible ones) and senior school students (7-12 points out of 60 possible ones). An insignificant difference (p 〉 0.05) was found in the indicators of physical fitness of schoolchildren with different training profiles. The practice of introducing an automated electronic health passport system made it possible to systematize large amounts of information on various parameters characterizing the students' health and physical fitness in the shortest possible time and to optimize the teachers' work. Conclusion. The authors presented an experience of approbation of an electronic health passport, which made it possible to determine the level of physical, mental health and physical fitness of each student or group of students, formulate recommendations for students, parents and heads of educational institutions, as well as conduct a comparative characteristic of the studied indicators of schoolchildren from various educational institutions.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 2307-2334
    URL: Issue
    Language: Unknown
    Publisher: Scientific and Educational Initiative
    Publication Date: 2021
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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