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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet ; 2022
    In:  Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet Vol. 33, No. 4 ( 2022-10-30), p. 1103-1120
    In: Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, Vol. 33, No. 4 ( 2022-10-30), p. 1103-1120
    Abstract: This study was carried out to examine the work-family conflict in the relationship between the gender perception, maternal employment guilt and turnover intention. In the study, 223 working mothers were reached through an online questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed with SPSS26 and AMOS25 using structural equation model. Results, show that the increase in the egalitarian attitude in gender perception was negatively related to maternal employment guilt, work-family conflict, and turnover intention. Maternal employment guilt and work-family conflict are positively related to turnover intention. Work-family conflict and maternal employment guilt were found to be positively and significantly related. Work-family conflict also indirectly predicts the relationship between gender perception and maternal employment guilt and better explains maternal employment guilt by acting as a mediator in this relationship. This study shows that gender perception is a significant predictor of employment guilt and work-family conflict.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 2147-3374
    Language: Unknown
    Publisher: Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet
    Publication Date: 2022
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