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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Frontiers Media SA ; 2022
    In:  Frontiers in Neuroscience Vol. 16 ( 2022-7-22)
    In: Frontiers in Neuroscience, Frontiers Media SA, Vol. 16 ( 2022-7-22)
    Abstract: Offline perceptions are self-generated sensations that do not involve physical stimulus. These perceptions can be induced by external hallucinated objects or internal imagined objects. However, how the brain dissociates these visual sensations remains unclear. We aimed to map the brain areas involved in internal and external visual sensations induced by intracranial electrical stimulation and further investigate their neural differences. In this study, we collected subjective reports of internal and external visual sensations elicited by electrical stimulation in 40 drug-refractory epilepsy during presurgical evaluation. The response rate was calculated and compared to quantify the dissociated distribution of visual responses. We found that internal and external visual sensations could be elicited when different brain areas were stimulated, although there were more overlapping brain areas. Specifically, stimulation of the hippocampus and inferior temporal cortex primarily induces internal visual sensations. In contrast, stimulation of the occipital visual cortex mainly triggers external visual sensations. Furthermore, compared to that of the dorsal visual areas, the ventral visual areas show more overlap between the two visual sensations. Our findings show that internal and external visual sensations may rely on distinct neural representations of the visual pathway. This study indicated that implantation of electrodes in ventral visual areas should be considered during the evaluation of visual sensation aura epileptic seizures.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1662-453X
    Language: Unknown
    Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
    Publication Date: 2022
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2411902-7
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