T-Comm, Media-Publisher, Vol. 15, No. 12 ( 2021), p. 31-43
The article discusses ways to improve the quality and economic efficiency of the development and production of complex innovative electronic devices, which include laser gyroscopes (LG). The problems that arise when ensuring reliable operation of the LG in a wide temperature range, associated with the dense layout of the device, are described. The theoretical principles and mathematical apparatus that are used in the construction of thermal models of triaxial LG with electronics are considered in detail. The developed algorithm for constructing a thermal model of the LG is presented, which provides for a step-by-step unbundling (zooming) procedure. The process of modeling LG using the ASONIKA system is described, the constructed thermal model of LG is presented, as well as the thermal field of one of the printed nodes of LG. The detected heat-loaded electronic components are indicated. The results of experimental verification of the simulation accuracy by means of real measurement of temperatures in the model nodes by thermal sensors are presented, which confirmed the reliability of thermal modeling using the ASONIKA system. It is emphasized that the cost of manufacturing and testing of LG is quite high. Therefore, the task of finding ways to reduce the cost at the stages of development and production of LG while ensuring the improvement of the quality and reliability of manufactured devices is extremely relevant. Accurate thermal modeling at the early stages of development is an effective way to solve this problem due to cost savings on testing and redesign, as well as due to the use of an inexpensive domestic computer modeling system ASONIKA.
Type of Medium:
Online Resource
Uniform Title:
Осoбенности применения средств компьютерного моделирования для совершенствования процессов изготовления лазерных гироскопов
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