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    In: The Planetary Science Journal, American Astronomical Society, Vol. 3, No. 12 ( 2022-12-01), p. 271-
    Abstract: The solar wind continuously impacts on rocky bodies in space, eroding their surface, thereby contributing significantly to the exosphere formations. The BepiColombo mission to Mercury will investigate the Hermean exosphere, which makes an understanding of the precise formation processes crucial for evaluation of the acquired data. We therefore developed an experimental setup with two microbalances that allows us to compare the sputter behavior of deposited thin solid layers with that of real mineral samples in the form of pressed powder. In addition, this technique is used to study the angular distribution of the sputtered particles. Using 4 keV He + and 2 keV Ar + ions, the sputter behavior of pellets of the minerals enstatite (MgSiO 3 ) and wollastonite (CaSiO 3 ) is studied, because these minerals represent analogs for the surface of the planet Mercury or the Moon. Pellets of powdered enstatite show significantly lower sputter yields than thin amorphous enstatite films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. 3D simulations of sputtering based on surface topography data from atomic force microscopy show that the observed reduction can be explained by the much rougher pellet surface alone. We therefore conclude that sputter yields from amorphous thin films can be applied to surfaces of celestial bodies exposed to ion irradiation, provided the effects of surface roughness, as encountered in realistic materials in space, are adequately accounted for. This also implies that taking surface roughness into account is important for modeling of the interaction of the solar wind with the surface of Mercury.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 2632-3338
    Language: Unknown
    Publisher: American Astronomical Society
    Publication Date: 2022
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 3021068-9
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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