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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. ; 2006
    In:  Advanced Materials Research Vol. 15-17 ( 2006-2), p. 35-40
    In: Advanced Materials Research, Trans Tech Publications, Ltd., Vol. 15-17 ( 2006-2), p. 35-40
    Abstract: This study was investigated about that behavior of α phase during recrystallization process and the influence of the amount of strain on semi-solid structure of AC4C aluminum alloy which was processed by one way torsion working. AC4C aluminum alloy billets having a diameter of 35mm and a length of 400mm were torsioned by a single side torsion machine. The maximum strain (γmax) of the specimens in this experiment was 0.88. The specimens were etched for the microstructure observation by optical microscope. The casting material (γ=0) and the torsion material (γ=0.73) were remained dendrite structure from room temperature to 565°C. The casting materials had grain-shaped structure when they reached to 585°C which is an eutectic temperature in this alloy. However the torsion working material had it when they reached to 577°C from eutectic temperature on down. In semi-solid region, the structure of the torsion working material was finer than that of casting material and became a more grain-shaped structure. The casting material which was heated to the eutectic temperature was changed to dendrite structure again. However the torsion working material was remained grain-shaped structure.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1662-8985
    URL: Issue
    Language: Unknown
    Publisher: Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
    Publication Date: 2006
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2265002-7
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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