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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Copernicus GmbH ; 2018
    In:  Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems Vol. 7, No. 1 ( 2018-03-05), p. 123-130
    In: Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, Copernicus GmbH, Vol. 7, No. 1 ( 2018-03-05), p. 123-130
    Abstract: Abstract. Although glaucoma is currently the world's most common cause of irreversible blindness, there is no curative therapy available to date. The major risk factor that can be influenced in order to stop disease progression is the eye pressure (IOP). Therefore early diagnosis of an altered IOP is essential for the goal of preserving vision. A novel IOP measurement principle for a handheld noncontact self-tonometer shall be validated. The measurement principle uses a pressure pulse generated by a loudspeaker to cause vibrations of the eye. In order to reach the required sound pressure, a closed pressure chamber is placed on the human orbit. With a microphone and a displacement sensor the dynamic behavior of the entire system is detected. In this article the abovementioned principle is being analyzed on porcine eyes under laboratory conditions. The combination of the loudspeaker, the pressure chamber, and the eye to be measured can be described as a coupled spring–mass–damper system. It is demonstrated for enucleated porcine eyes that a defined IOP variation leads to a change in the system's damping ratio. Considering only stochastic deviations, the derived standard uncertainty for the determination of the IOP amounts to 〈 1 mmHg in the physiological range. The in vitro measurements on porcine eyes help the understanding of the underlying physics and demand for further research on the influence of biometric parameters on eye vibrations. However, the laboratory results provide the basis for a gentle noncontact tonometry method with great applicational prospects. Data is currently being collected on human subjects in a clinical trial, to corroborate the measurement principle in vivo.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 2194-878X
    Language: English
    Publisher: Copernicus GmbH
    Publication Date: 2018
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2733700-5
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