1 online resource (x, 399 pages) :
Semiconductor electrochemistry deals with many aspects, ranging from fundamental semiconductor physics to complex effects, such as charge transfer processes at semiconductor-liquid surfaces or photoreactions at semiconductor particles. Its applications cover important fields of present and future technology including solar energy conversion or semiconductor device technology, micromachining, and nanotechnology. Providing both an introduction and an up-to-date survey to the whole field, this text captivates by its clear style and inspiring, yet solid presentation. Rüdger Memming, an acknowledge.
Semiconductor Electrochemistry; Contents; 1 Principles of Semiconductor Physics; 1.1 Crystal Structure; 1.2 Energy Levels in Solids; 1.3 Optical Properties; 1.4 Density of States and Carrier Concentrations; 1.4.1 Intrinsic Semiconductors; 1.4.2 Doped Semiconductors; 1.5 Carrier Transport Phenomena; 1.6 Excitation and Recombination of Charge Carriers; 1.7 Fermi Levels under Non-Equilibrium Conditions; 2 Semiconductor Surfaces and Solid-Solid Junctions; 2.1 Metal and Semiconductor Surfaces in a Vacuum; 2.2 Metal-Semiconductor Contacts (Schottky Junctions); 2.2.1 Barrier Heights
2.2.2 Majority Carrier Transfer Processes2.2.3 Minority Carrier Transfer Processes; 2.3 p-n Junctions; 2.4 Ohmic Contacts; 2.5 Photovoltages and Photocurrents; 2.6 Surface Recombination; 3 Electrochemical Systems; 3.1 Electrolytes; 3.1.1 Ion Transport in Solutions; 3.1.2 Interaction between Ions and Solvent; 3.2 Potentials and Thermodynamics of Electrochemical Cells; 3.2.1 Chemical and Electrochemical Potentials; 3.2.2 Cell Voltages; 3.2.3 Reference Potentials; 3.2.4 Standard Potential and Fermi Level of Redox Systems; 4 Experimental Techniques; 4.1 Electrode Preparation
4.2 Current-Voltage Measurements4.2.1 Voltametry; 4.2.2 Photocurrent Measurements; 4.2.3 Rotating Ring Disc Electrodes; 4.2.4 Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM); 4.3 Measurements of Surface Recombination and Minority Carrier Injection; 4.4 Impedance Measurements; 4.4.1 Basic Rules and Techniques; 4.4.2 Evaluation of Impedance Spectra; 4.5 Intensity-Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy (IMPS); 4.6 Flash Photolysis Investigations; 4.7 Surface Science Techniques; 4.7.1 Spectroscopic Methods; 4.7.2 In Situ Surface Microscopy (STM and AFM); 5 Solid-Liquid lnterface
5.1 Structure of the Interface and Adsorption5.2 Charge and Potential Distribution at the Interface; 5.2.1 The Helmholtz Double Layer; 5.2.2 The Gouy Layer in the Electrolyte; 5.2.3 The Space Charge Layer in the Semiconductor; 5.2.4 Charge Distribution in Surface States; 5.3 Analysis of the Potential Distribution; 5.3.1 Germanium Electrodes; 5.3.2 Silicon Electrodes; 5.3.3 Compound Semiconductor Electrodes; 5.3.4 Flatband Potential and Position of Energy Bands at the Interface; 5.3.5 Unpinning of Energy Bands during Illumination; 6 Electron Transfer Theories; 6.1 The Theory of Marcus
6.1.1 Electron Transfer in Homogeneous Solutions6.1.2 The Reorganization Energy; 6.1.3 Adiabatic and Non-adiabatic Reactions; 6.1.4 Electron Transfer Processes at Electrodes; 6.2 The Gerischer Model; 6.2.1 Energy States in Solution; 6.2.2 Electron Transfer; 6.3 Quantum Mechanical Treatments of Electron Transfer Processes; 6.3.1 Introductory Comments; 6.3.2 Non-adiabatic Reactions; 6.3.3 Adiabatic Reactions; 6.4 The Problem of Deriving Rate Constants; 6.5 Comparison of Theories; 7 Charge Transfer Processes at the Semiconductor-Liquid Interface; 7.1 Charge Transfer Processes at Metal Electrodes
Additional Edition:
Print version: Memming, Rüdiger, 1931- Semiconductor electrochemistry. Weinheim ; New York : Wiley-VCH, ©2001 ISBN 352730147X
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783527301478
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