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  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Hoboken, NJ :Wiley,
    Format: 1 online resource (xv, 311 pages) : , illustrations
    ISBN: 9780470377901 , 0470377909 , 9780470377895 , 0470377895 , 9781118210321 , 1118210328
    Content: The first cutting-edge guide to using the SAS® system for the analysis of econometric data. Applied Econometrics Using the SAS® System is the first book of its kind to treat the analysis of basic econometric data using SAS®, one of the most commonly used software tools among today's statisticians in business and industry. This book thoroughly examines econometric methods and discusses how data collected in economic studies can easily be analyzed using the SAS® system. In addition to addressing the computational aspects of econometric data analysis, the author provides a statistical foundation.
    Note: Introduction to regression analysis -- Regression analysis using Proc IML and Proc Reg -- Hypothesis testing -- Instrumental variables -- Nonspherical disturbances and heteroscedasticity -- Autocorrelation -- Panel data analysis -- Systems of regression equations -- Simultaneous equations -- Discrete choice models -- Duration analysis -- Special topics.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Ajmani, Vivek B. Applied econometrics using the SAS system. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2008
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books.
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