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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York :John Wiley & Sons,
    Format: 1 online resource (xiv, 614 pages) : , illustrations
    ISBN: 0470859253 , 9780470859254 , 0470848251 , 9780470848258 , 047086186X , 9780470861868
    Content: Adaptive WCDMA covers the latest theoretical principals and practice of wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA), which is the basis for the physical layer of the third generation mobile communications systems. The focus of this volume is on implementation losses characterising the system degradation due to imperfect implementation and in turn how much of the performance promised by theory should be expected in practical solutions based on a given technology, which is not perfect but has finite cost and power consumption. It also provides a significant amount of material related to the.
    Note: Adaptive WCDMA; Contents; Preface; 1 Fundamentals; 1.1 Adaptive Communications and the Book Layout; 1.2 Spread Spectrum Fundamentals; 1.3 Theory versus Practice; References; 2 Pseudorandom sequences; 2.1 Properties of Binary Shift Register Sequences; 2.2 Properties of Binary Maximal-Length Sequence; 2.3 Sets of Binary Sequences with Small Cross-Correlation Maximal Connected Sets of m-Sequences; 2.4 Gold Sequences; 2.5 Goldlike and Dual-BCH Sequences; 2.6 Kasami Sequences; 2.7 JPL Sequences; 2.8 Kroncker Sequences; 2.9 Walsh Functions; 2.10 Optimum PN Sequences. , 2.11 Theory and Practice of PN Codes2.12 PN Matched Filter; Symbols; References; 3 Code acquisition; 3.1 Optimum Solution; 3.2 Practical Solutions; 3.3 Code Acquisition Analysis; 3.4 Code Acquisition in CDMA Network; 3.5 Modeling of the Serial Code Acquisition Process for RAKE Receivers in CDMA Wireless Networks with Multipath and Transmitter Diversity; 3.6 Two-Dimensional Code Acquisition in Spatially and Temporarily White Noise; 3.7 Two-Dimensional Code Acquisition in Environments with Spatially Nonuniform Distribution of Interference; 3.8 Cell Search in W-CDMA; References; 4 Code tracking. , 4.1 Code-Tracking Loops4.2 Code Tracking in Fading Channels; 4.3 Signal Subspace-Based Channel Estimation for CDMA Systems; 4.4 Turbo Processor Aided RAKE Receiver Synchronization for UMTS W-CDMA; Appendix: Linear and Matrix Algebra; References; 5 Modulation and demodulation; 5.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation; 5.2 Frequency-Error Detection; 5.3 Carrier Phase Measurement: Nonoffset Signals; 5.4 Performance of the Frequency and Phase Synchronizers; Symbols; References; 6 Power control; 6.1 Algorithms; 6.2 Closed-Loop Power Control in DS-CDMA Cellular System: Problem Definition. , 6.3 Reference Power Level6.4 Feedback Control Loop Analysis; 6.5 Nonlinear Power Control; 6.6 Fuzzy Logic Power Control; 6.7 Imperfect Power Control in CDMA Systems; 6.8 Adaptive Communications; Symbols; References; 7 Interference suppression and CDMA overlay; 7.1 Narrowband Interference Suppression; 7.2 Generalization of Narrowband Interference Suppression; 7.3 Recursive Solutions for the Filter Coefficients; 7.4 The Learning Curve and its Time Constant; 7.5 Practical Applications: CDMA Network Overlay; References; 8 CDMA network; 8.1 CDMA Network Capacity; 8.2 Cellular CDMA Network. , 8.3 Impact of Imperfect Power Control8.4 Channel Modeling in CDMA Networks; 8.5 RAKE Receiver; 8.6 CDMA Cellular System with Adaptive Interference Cancellation; 8.7 Diversity Handover in DS-CDMA Cellular Systems; Symbols; References; 9 CDMA network design; 9.1 Basic System Design Philosophy; 9.2 CDMA Network Planning; 9.3 Spectral Efficiency of WCDMA; Symbols; References; 10 Resource management and access control; 10.1 Power Control and Resource Management for a Multimedia CDMA Wireless System; 10.2 Access Control of Data in Integrated Voice/Data in CDMA Systems.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Glisic, Savo G. Adaptive WCDMA. New York : John Wiley & Sons, ©2003 ISBN 0470848251
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books. ; Electronic books. ; Electronic books.
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