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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York :Academic Press,
    Format: 1 online resource (491 p.)
    ISBN: 1-281-76846-4 , 9786611768461 , 0-08-086003-6
    Series Statement: Methods of experimental physics ; v. 18B
    Content: Fluid Dynamics
    Note: Description based upon print version of record. , Front Cover; Fluid Dynamics; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors; Contents of Volume 18, Part A; Contributors to Volume 18, Part A; List of Volumes in Treatise; Chapter 3. Measurement of Density by Beam Absorption and Scattering; 3.0. Introduction; 3.1. Beam Attenuation Densitometry; 3.2. Analysis of Raman and Rayleigh Scattered Radiation; 3.3. Measurement of Density by Analysis of Electron Beam Excited Radiation; Chapter 4. Measurement of Temperature; 4.1. Probe Methods; 4.2. Measurement of Temperature by Radiation Analysis; Chapter 5. Measurement of Pressure; 5.1. Introduction , 5.2. Gages for Measuring Constant and Slowly Varying Pressures5.3. Pressure Measurement in Moving Fluid; 5.4. Time-Dependent Pressure Measurements: Preview; 5.5. Gage Characterization; 5.6. Sensors; 5.7. Pressure-Time Recording; 5.8. Dynamic Calibration; 5.9. Diaphragm Gages: Strain by Bending and Stretching; 5.10. Fast Response Gages: Compressional Strain; Chapter 6. Measurement of Composition; 6.1. Introduction; 6.2. Analysis of Sampled Fluids; 6.3. Analysis of Radiation Absorbed by in Situ Fluid; 6.4. Analysis of Radiation Emitted by in Situ Fluid; 6.5. Mass Spectrometry , Chapter 7. Heat Transfer Gages7.1. Introduction; 7.2. One-Dimensional Heat Conduction Relations; 7.3. Instrumented Models; 7.4. Thin Membrane Calorimeters; 7.5. Thick Calorimeters; 7.6. Thin Film Gages; 7.7. Radiation Heat Transfer Gages; Chapter 8. Light Sources and Recording Methods; 8.1. Light Sources; 8.2. Recording Methods; Chapter 9. Apparatus; 9.0. Introduction; 9.1. Wind Tunnels and Free Flight Facilities; 9.2. Shock Tubes and Tunnels; 9.3. Low Reynolds Number Flows; 9.4. Apparatus for Rotating Geophysical Fluid Dynamic Studies , Chapter 10. Dimensional Analysis and Model Testing Principles10.1. Mathematical Foundations of Dimensional Analysis; 10.2. Geometrical and Dynamical Similarity; 10.3. Applications in Fluid Dynamics; 10.4. Model Testing Principles; Author Index; Subject Index , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 0-12-475956-4
    Language: English
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