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  • 1
    Format: VIII, 220 p. , online resource.
    ISBN: 9783540391333
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 307
    Content: This volume contains the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applicable Algebra, Error-Correcting Codes, Combinatorics and Computer Algebra (AAECC-4), held in Karlsruhe, 23-26 September, 1986. Selected papers which were given at the conference have been reviewed a second time and are presented here.
    Note: Applicable algebra, error-correcting codes, combinatorics and computer algebra -- From T(m) triangular graphs to single-error-correcting codes -- Integration of graphical tools in a computer algebra system -- Type inference using unification in computer algebra -- The weight distribution of double-error-correcting goppa codes -- A simple analysis of the blokh-Zyablov decoding algorithm -- Design of a viterbi decoder with microprocessor-based serial implementation -- On s-sum-sets (s odd) and three-weight projective codes -- On the integration of numeric and algebraic computations -- A symbolic manipulation system for combinatorial problems -- Standard bases and non-noetherianity: Non-commutative polynomial rings -- Embedding self-dual codes into projective space -- The finite fourier-transform as a modular substitution -- On computers and modular representations of SL n (K) -- Construction of SDMC codes over GF (2) or GF (3) -- FAST16 : A software program for factorising polynomials over large GF(p) -- Characterization of completely regular codes through p-polynomial association schemes -- Codes on hermitian curves -- Symmetries of cyclic extended goppa codes over Fq -- Some bounds for the construction of Gröbner bases -- Analysis of a class of algorithms for problems on trace languages.
    In: Springer eBooks
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783540192008
    Language: English
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