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    Format: online resource.
    ISBN: 9783540355502
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Physics, 92
    Note: Fission phenomena in deep inelastic collisions -- Heavy ion transfer reactions -- Direct heavy ion transfer reactions -- Nuclear structure inferred from heavy ion coulomb excitation -- Lifetime measurements of excited nuclear states -- Magnetic moments of nuclear excited states -- Measurement of quadrupole moments through Coulomb excitation -- The nucleus as a laboratory for fundamental interactions -- Isospin mixing in light nuclei -- Very high-spin states -- High-spin selectivity of heavy-ion compound reactions -- Macroscopic description of heavy-ion reactions -- Deep-inelastic processes: A workbench for large scale motion in nuclear matter -- Nuclei far from ?-stability: Are they really exotic? -- High spin states in rare earth nuclei studied by (heavy ion,xn) reactions -- Fusion of ‘Light’ heavy' ions -- Theory of electron scattering -- Photonuclear reactions -- Electromagnettc sum rules -- Inelastic electron scattering -- The strange behaviour of nuclei at high spin states -- Collective motions and band structures in A = 60 – 80, even-even nuclei -- Excitation and decay of giant resonances -- Photofission and electrofission -- The equation of state of nuclear matter and properties of finite nuclei in a relativistic Quantum field theory -- Positrons from heavy ion collisions -- Heavy ion elastic and inelastic scattering -- Resonance effects in fusion and transfer reactions -- The role of quarks in nuclei -- Conference summary -- Closing remarks -- On spectroscopic information from elastic electron-nuclear scattering -- 180° electron scattering from 12C -- The nuclear current -- The magnetization distributions of 25Mg and 93Nb as determined using 180° electron scattering -- Mass of 48K -- Isoscalar character of the J? = 6+, Ex = 5.125 MeV state in 58Ni -- Determination of the mass excess of 73,75Ga, 69Cu and 79,81, as with the (d, 3He) reaction -- Mass and nuclear structure of the neutron deficient nuclide 121I. -- Centre-of-mass corrections to energy weighted electronuclear sum rules -- Application of energy weighted sum rules to Quadrupole moments of excited states of nuclei -- The quadrupole moment of the 2 1 + state of 24Mg -- Collective states in 116Sn -- Coulomb excitation of even Nd nuclei -- g-Factor measurements of high spin isomeric states in 152Dy -- New information on K? = O? and K? = 3? bands in 24Mg -- Termination of 24Mg rotational bands -- Yrast and high spin states in 24Mg up to 24 MeV excitation energy -- Multiple band structure in 68Ge and the g9/2 orbital -- E2-transition probabilities in 77Br+ -- Band structures in 74,76Kr -- Band structures in 76,78,80Kr -- In-beam ? rays from 78Kr -- Band structure of 78Kr + -- Positive parity levels in 83Rb+ -- In-beam study of 116Xe -- Odd-parity levels in odd-A Xe nuclei -- High-spin level structure in 152Dy -- Evidence for three high-spin isomers in 152Dy -- Yrast traps and oblate deformation at high angular momenta in 152Dy -- On the nature of intrinsic spin I o eff in aligned Stockholm bands -- High spin states in 156Dy -- Bandcrossing in K ? 0 bands -- A 360 ns yrast trap in 68 153 Er85 -- Yrast transitions in 154Er -- Collective bands and the absence of yrast traps in 154Er and neighboring nuclei -- High spin yrast states in 160Er, 164Yb and 166Yb -- Analysis of aligned positive parity bands in 164Er and 156Er -- Selfconsistent calculation of high spin states in 162Yb with the Skyrme-interaction -- Two and three quasiparticle isomers in 170Hf, 171Hf, 172Hf and 173Hf -- On the influence of i/132 neutrons on backbending in the light tungsten isotopes -- Hindered electric-dipole transitions in the N = 101 region -- Multi-quasiparticle states in 175Hf -- Coupling of the angular momenta of the ground and K = 2? octupole bands in 180W -- Study of rotation-aligned bands in 190,192,194 Au -- Multipolarity studies for continuum ? rays via polarization experiments -- Studies of the ? continuum from 20Ne on 150Nd -- Further study of the dipole component in the yrast cascade -- Model calculations of the nuclear inertia for excited states -- A symptotic quantum numbers of Nilsson states -- Relation of volume and surface vibrations -- High-spin particle-hole states in 16O -- Natural boundary condition methods for the microscopic treatment of composite particle scattering -- The critical radius for alpha-particle elastic scattering -- Inelastic scattering of 4He from the even-mass isotopes of mercury and lead -- Effect of the coulomb field in 16O-16O elastic scattering -- Optical-potential deformation in inelastic heavy-ion scattering -- Regge poles and the collective model of nuclear giant multipole resonances -- Structure of the isoscalar giant quadrupole resonances (GQR) IN 12C, 160, 28Si, fragmentation of the E2-strength ian light nuclei and the importance of a blocking mechanism for the GQR in 13C. -- Structure in the isoscalar giant quadrupole resonance in 28Si as revealed by its charged particle decay -- Particle decay from the isoscalar giant resonance region in 58Ni -- 153 MeV 6Li scattering to isoscalar giant quadrupole resonances -- Investigation of the nuclear continuum by inelastic scattering of 13C ions -- Isospin splitting of the M1-strength in 58Ni -- Charged particle emission in photoreaction of 9Be -- The photoneutron cross section of 20Ne -- Photoprotons from 27Al and 24Mg -- Photonuclear reactions in 40Ar -- Systematics of photonuclear cross section in the 1f 7/2 Shell. -- Isospin splitting in the giant dipole resonance at 50Ti -- Isospin conservation in the decay of the giant dipole resonance -- Photoneutron angular distributions from 208Pb below the giant resonance -- Photodeuteron reaction on odd-Z light nuclei -- Quasi-deuteron contribution to (?,n) reactions -- The photodeuteron yield from 32S below 30 MeV -- E1 and E2 cross section for 18O(?,?O)14C -- Photoalpha reaction in 90Zr -- Resonance neutron capture spectroscopy in 28Si -- Intermediate structure studies of the giant dipole resonance near the threshold region -- The 7Li(p,? o)8Be Reaction and l?,1+ Levels of 8Be -- Excitation function of the 160 (3?) Inelastic channel from the 12C + 160 reaction -- Investigation of low spin resonances in the 16O + 12C system -- The unique l=1 Reaction 28Si(10B,9Be)29Pg.s. , -- The fine structure of the hole-analog states in 49Cr -- The 208Pb(7Li,6He)209Bi reaction at 52 MeV -- Excitation of bound and continuum states in heavy ion reactions -- A search for 6p-4h states in 180 -- Non equilibrium aspects of strongly damped collisions -- 12B Spin Polarization in the deep-inelastic heavy-ion reaction 100Mo(14N,12B) -- 12B spin polarization in the heavy-ion reaction 232Th(14N,12B) -- Particle-particle correlations in the reaction of 14N+93Nb AT Elab.=210 MeV -- Angular distributions of fast ?-particles emitted from the 159Tb + 95 MeV 14N reaction -- Angular-momentum distributions of residual nuclei after fast ?-particle emission in heavy ion reactions -- 86Kr + 144,154Sm transfer reactions and associated gamma-ray multiplicity moments -- Circular polarization of ?-rays following the 612 MeV 86Kr on 197Au reaction -- Study of heavy ion - alpha correlation from reactions with 11B and 14N beams -- Fusion of heavy ions below the barrier -- A new possibility of identifying high-spin-states at high excitation energies -- Effects of the critical angular momentum on the high spin selectivity of heavy-ion compound reactions -- TDHFB calculation for 20Ne(132 MeV) + 20Ne IN three dimensions -- The 40Ca + 16O fusion cross sections -- Complete fusion process for (particle, xny) reactions on rare earth nuclei -- Quantum numbers in the fission process -- I2 (I+1)2 correction to rotational spectra of fission isomers -- Nuclear pressure and the mass distribution of fission fragments -- Fission barriers for the thorium isotopes -- Transfer induced fission at energies near the coulomb barrier -- An investigation of the shape isomeric ?-decay of 236U -- Investigation of the two 237Pu fission isomers populated in the photonuclear reaction 239Pu(?,2n) -- Measurement of kinetic energies of 239Pu fission fragments in the resonance region -- Theory of pion photoproduction in 12C and 16O -- Pion production near threshold in heavy ion collisions -- Operation of the Heidelberg postaccelerator for heavy ions -- The giant monopole resonance in 208Pb strongly excited in 172 MeV ? scattering.
    In: Springer eBooks
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783540091028
    Language: English
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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