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  • 1
    Format: VII, 313 p. , online resource.
    ISBN: 9783540390312
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Physics, 154
    Note: Electromagnetic propagation in mixed media -- Resonances in the bulk properties of composite media — theory and applications -- Elastic waves in fluid-saturated porous media -- Biot's poroelasticity equations by homogenization -- Approximations of Brinkman type -- Topology, geometry, and physical properties of porous rocks -- Wave propagation in bubbly liquids -- Elastodynamics of porous media -- Bounds for the effective conductivity of random media -- Structural design optimization, homogenization and relaxation of variational problems -- Coherent medium approach to hopping conduction -- Nonlinear evolution equations with rapidly oscillating initial data -- A comparison of two methods for deriving bounds on the effective conductivity of composites -- Fluctuation corrections to the mean field description of a nonuniform fluid -- Fingering in porous media -- On the effective thermal conductivity and permeability of regular arrays of spheres -- Dielectric and acoustic response of rocks -- Effective dielectric function of composite media -- Macroscopic and microscopic fields in electron and atom transport -- Propagation and attenuation in composite media -- Frequency dependent dielectric constants of discrete random media -- A variational method to find effective coefficients for periodic media. A comparison with standard homogenization -- Effective medium approximation for diffusion on random networks.
    In: Springer eBooks
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783540112020
    Language: English
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