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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer Berlin Heidelberg :
    Format: XV, 319 p. , online resource.
    Edition: 1st ed. 2001.
    ISBN: 9783662044162
    Series Statement: Scientific Computation,
    Content: The book is unique in that it is the only one of its kind devoted entirely to the subject of (large-eddy simulation). It presents a comprehensive account of the available knowledge in this field, and also the first unified view of the various existing approaches. Large-eddy simulation is the only efficient technique for approaching high Reynolds numbers when simulating industrial, natural or experimental configurations. The author concentrates on incompressible fluids. The book gives a complete account of this young but very rich discipline. The topics are well chosen and both the mathematical ideas and the applicatons are presented with care. The book addresses researchers as well as graduate students and engineers.
    Note: 1. Introduction -- 2. Formal Introduction to Scale Separation: Band-Pass Filtering -- 3. Application to Navier-Stokes Equations -- 4. Functional Modeling (Isotropic Case) -- 5. Functional Modeling: Extension to Anisotropic Cases -- 6. Structural Modeling -- 7. Numerical Solution: Interpretation and Problems -- 8. Analysis and Validation of Large-Eddy Simulation Data -- 9. Boundary Conditions -- 10. Implementation -- 11. Examples of Applications -- A. Statistical and Spectral Analysis of Turbulence -- A.1 Turbulence Properties -- A.2 Foundations of the Statistical Analysis of Turbulence -- A.2.1 Motivations -- A.2.2 Statistical Average: Definition and Properties -- A.2.3 Ergodicity Principle -- A.2.4 Decomposition of a Turbulent Field -- A.2.5 Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence -- A.3 Introduction to Spectral Analysis of the Isotropic Turbulent Fields -- A.3.1 Definitions -- A.3.2 Modal Interactions -- A.3.3 Spectral Equations -- A.4 Characteristic Scales of Turbulence -- A.5 Spectral Dynamics of Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence -- A.5.1 Energy Cascade and Local Isotropy -- A.5.2 Equilibrium Spectrum -- B. EDQNM Modeling -- B.1 Isotropic EDQNM Model -- B.2 Cambon's Anisotropic EDQNM Model.
    In: Springer Nature eBook
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783662044186
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783662044179
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9783540678908
    Language: English
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