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  • 1
    Format: 436 p. , online resource.
    Edition: 1st ed. 1985.
    ISBN: 9789400953666
    Note: Clustering phenomena in the nuclear many-body system -- Clustering phenomena in the nuclear many-body system -- Microscopic Potentials -- Microscopic study of local nucleus-nucleus potentials -- Microscopic theory of the imaginary part of the nucleus-nucleus potential -- Clustering Aspects of Light, Medium and Heavy Nuclei -- Cluster structure of light nuclei -- On microscopical calculations with light nuclei -- New method for studying clustering in nuclei -- Fusion - QM Resonances -- Interactions between 'light' heavy ions -- Recent progress in the study of heavy-ion resonances -- Polarization Studies -- Clustering aspects of polarized beam studies -- Break-Up, Fragmentation and Fission -- Elastic and inelastic scattering and breakup of cluster-like nuclei -- Direct and sequential breakup of cluster-like nuclei -- Breakup phenomena in nuclear collision processes with 3He and 4He projectiles -- Cluster Transfer in Heavy Ion Reactions -- Microscopic form factors for cluster transfer reactions -- Structure information and reaction mechanism studies in the alpha transfer -- The study of cluster states in light nuclei via heavy-ion-alpha correlation measurements -- Cluster production in medium-high energy reactions using hadrons and electromagnetic probes -- Clustering aspects of medium and high energy reactions with light ions -- From nucleons to quarks in nuclei -- Quark Structure of Hadrons, Nuclei -- The short range part of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the quark model -- Is QCD relevant to nuclear physics? -- Quark configurations in the lightest nuclei. Connection with the NN-interaction -- Astrophysics and Anomalons -- Clustering aspects in astrophysics and relativistic heavy-ion reactions -- Concluding Remarks -- Concluding remarks -- List of Participants.
    In: Springer Nature eBook
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9789401088688
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9789027720023
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9789400953673
    Language: English
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