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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Kassel, Germany :kassel university press,
    Format: 1 online resource (233 p.)
    ISBN: 3-86219-437-X
    Series Statement: Schriftenreihe Fachgebiet Baumechanik/Baudynamik ; 3
    Note: Description based upon print version of record. , ""Front cover ""; ""Reihentitel ""; ""Titelseite ""; ""Impressum ""; ""Contents""; ""List of Figures""; ""List of Tables""; ""Nomenclature""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Chapter 1 Introduction ""; ""1.1 Motivation""; ""1.2 State of the Art""; ""1.3 Aim of the Work""; ""1.4 Outline""; ""Chapter 2 Basic Concepts of Static Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics ""; ""2.1 Reference Problem ""; ""2.2 Asymptotic Solution""; ""2.3 SIFs for a Kinked Crack""; ""2.4 SIFs for a Symmetrically Branched Crack""; ""2.5 GRIFFITH�s Energy BalanceIn""; ""2.6 Relationship Between the SIFs and the Energy Release Rate "" , ""3.3 Stationary Cracks""""3.3.1 Asymptotic Solution""; ""3.3.2 Some Basic Solutions""; ""3.4 Moving Cracks""; ""3.4.1 Steady Dynamic Crack Growth""; ""3.4.2 Nonsteady Crack Growth""; ""3.4.3 Dynamic Stress Intensity Factors for Moving Cracks""; ""3.5 Energy Balance""; ""3.6 Extraction of the Dynamic SIFs""; ""3.7 Dynamic Fracture Criteria""; ""3.7.1 Crack Initiation""; ""3.7.2 Crack Growth""; ""3.7.3 Crack Arrest""; ""3.8 Maximum Circumferential Stress Criterion""; ""3.9 Minimum Strain Energy Density Criterion""; ""3.10 GRIFFITH Energy Criterion and Principle of Local Symmetry "" , ""3.10.1 Crack Kinking""""3.10.2 Crack Branching""; ""Chapter 4 XFEM for Crack Modelling ""; ""4.1 Weak Form""; ""4.2 Finite Element Method""; ""4.2.1 Partition of Unity""; ""4.2.2 Finite Element Approximation""; ""4.2.3 Standard Error Estimator""; ""4.2.4 Error Estimator in the Presence of Singularities""; ""4.2.5 Shape Functions""; ""4.3 Extended Finite Element Method XFEM""; ""4.3.1 Discontinuous Enrichment""; ""4.3.2 HANSBO & HANSBO Approach""; ""4.3.3 Near-Tip Enrichment""; ""4.3.4 Intersection Enrichment""; ""4.3.5 Branching Enrichment""; ""4.3.6 High Order Elements"" , ""4.3.7 Near-Tip Enrichment on a Fixed Area""""4.3.8 DOF Gathering""; ""4.3.9 Cut-off Function""; ""4.4 Numerical Aspects""; ""4.4.1 Numerical Integration""; ""4.4.2 Node Selection for Enrichment in Order to Avoid Linear Dependency ""; ""4.4.3 Transformation for a kinked crack""; ""4.4.4 Determination of the q-field""; ""4.5 Examples""; ""4.5.1 Plate Under Uniaxial Tension""; ""4.5.2 Crack Propagation in a T-Beam""; ""4.5.3 Convergence Analysis""; ""4.5.4 Kinked Crack""; ""Chapter 5 Dynamic Fracture ""; ""5.1 Weak Form of the Initial Boundary Value Problem"" , ""5.2 Semi-discrete equation of motion"" , English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 3-86219-436-1
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books.
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