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    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Linkopings Universitet
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9789175190051
    Content: This dissertation by Pimin Zhang explores the performance of MCrAlX coatings, which are crucial for protecting superalloy components in gas turbines against oxidation and hot corrosion. The research focuses on optimizing the composition of these coatings to improve their resistance under various service conditions. It investigates the oxidation behavior at different stages and examines the effects of minor alloying elements. The study also addresses interdiffusion and hot corrosion, proposing a critical Al-activity criterion to predict coating lifetime. The work is aimed at materials scientists and engineers interested in the development of high-performance coatings for industrial applications.
    Note: Abstract -- Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- List of Papers -- Part I: Background & Theory -- CHAPTER 1: Introduction -- CHAPTER 2: High Temperature Oxidation -- CHAPTER 3: MCrAlX Coatings -- CHAPTER 4: Experimentals and computational methods -- CHAPTER 5: Summary of Appended Papers -- CHAPTER 6: Concluding Remarks -- Bibliography -- Part II: Papers Included -- Papers
    Language: English
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