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    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (1 v)
    ISBN: 9781784710569
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Recommended readings (Machine generated): Alleyne, D. (2006), 'Can seasonal unit root testing improve the forecasting accuracy of tourist arrivals?' Tourism Economics, 12 (1), 45-64. -- Briguglio, L. (1995), 'Small island developing states and their economic vulnerabilities', World Development, 23 (9), 1615-32. -- Cang, S. and N. Seetaram (2012), 'Time series analysis', in L. Dwyer, A. Gill and N. Seetaram (eds), Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar. -- Coshall, J.T. and R. Charlesworth (2011), 'A management orientated approach to combination forecasting of tourism demand', Tourism Management, 32, 759-69. -- De Mello, M.,A. Pack and M.T. Sinclair (2002), 'A system of equations model of UK tourism demand in neighbouring countries', Applied Economics, 34 (4), 509-13. -- Divisekera, S. (2003), 'A model of demand for international tourism', Annals of Tourism Research, 30, 31-49. -- , Durbarry, R. and M.T. Sinclair (2003), 'Market shares analysis - the case of French tourism demand', Annals of Tourism Research, 30 (4), 927-41. -- Dwyer, L.,P. Forsyth and W. Dwyer (2010), Tourism Economics and Policy, Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications. -- Dwyer, L.,P. Forsyth and A. Papatheodorou (2011), Economics of Tourism, Contemporary Tourism Reviews Series, Woodeaton, Oxford, UK: Goodfellow Publishers Limited. -- Dwyer, L.,P. Forsyth and R. Spurr (2003), 'Inter-industry effects of tourism growth: some implications for destination managers', Tourism Economics, 9 (2), 117-32. -- Easterly, W. and A. Kraay (2000), 'Small states, small problems? Income, growth and volatility in small states', World Development, 28, 2013-27. -- Emerson, M.,D. Gros,A. Italanier,J. Pisani-Ferry and H. Reichenbach (1992), One Market, One Money: An Evaluation of the Potential Benefits and Costs of Forming an Economic and Monetary Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press. -- , Fuji, E.T.,M. Khaled and J. Mak (1985), 'The Exportability of Hotel Occupancy and Other Tourist Taxes', National Tax Journal, 38, 169-77. -- Garín-Muños, T. (2006), 'Inbound international tourism to Canary Island: a dynamic panel data model', Tourism Management, 27, 281-91. -- Garín-Muños, T. and L.F. Montero-Martín (2007), 'Tourism in the Balearic Island: a dynamic model for international demand using panel data', Tourism Management, 27, 1224-35. -- González, P. and P. Moralez (1995), 'An analysis of the international tourism demand in Spain', International Journal of Forecasting, 11, 233-51. -- Harding, D. and A. Pagan (2003), 'A comparison of two business cycle dating methods', Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 27 (9), 1681-90. -- Hazari, B.R. and P.M. Sgro (2004), Tourism, Trade and National Welfare, Amsterdam: Elsevier. -- , Kulendran, N. and M.L. King (1997), 'Forecasting international quarterly tourist flows using error correction and time series models', International Journal of Forecasting, 13, 319-27. -- Kulendran, N. and K. Wilson (2000), 'Modelling business tourism', Tourism Economics, 6 (1), 47-59 , Kulendran, N. and S.F. Witt (2001), 'Cointegration versus least squares regression', Annals of Tourism Research, 28, 291-311. -- Lee, C.C. and M.S. Chien (2008), 'Structural breaks, tourism development, and economic growth: Evidence from Taiwan', Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 77 (4), 358-68. -- Lim, C. and M. McAleer (2000), 'A seasonal analysis of Asian tourist arrivals to Australia', Applied Economics, 32, 499-509. -- Morley, C.L. (1990), 'What is tourism? Definitions, concepts and characteristics', Journal of Tourism Studies, 1, 3-8. -- Naudé, W.A. and A. Saayman (2005), 'Determinants of tourist arrivals in Africa: A panel data regression analysis', Tourism Economics, 11, 365-91. -- Njegovan, N. (2006), 'Are shocks to air passenger traffic transitory or permanent?', Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 40 (2), 315-28. -- Seetaram, N. (2012a), 'Immigration and tourism demand: empirical evidence from Australia', Tourism Management, 33 (6), 1535-43. -- , Seetaram, N. (2012b), 'Estimating demand elasticities for Australia's international outbound tourism', Tourism Economics, 18 (5), 999-1015. -- Seetaram, N. and S. Petit (2012), 'Panel data analysis', in L. Dwyer,A. Gill and N. Seetaram (eds), Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar. -- Sen, A. (1999), Development as Freedom, New York: Alfred A. Knopf. -- Singh, D.R. (2006), 'Import content of tourism: explaining differences among island states', Tourism Analysis, 11, 33-44. -- Song, H.,L. Dwyer,G. Li and Z. Cao (2012), 'Tourism economics research: a review and assessment', Annals of Tourism Research, 39 (3), 1653-82. -- Stabler, M.,A. Papatheodorou and T. Sinclair (2010), The Economics of Tourism, 2nd Edition, London: Routledge. -- United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (1992), About SIDS, accessed at -- , HaiyanSong and GangLi (2008), 'Tourism Demand Modelling and Forecasting - A Review of Recent Research', Tourism Management, 29 (2), April, 203-20 -- Lindsay W.Turner and Stephen F.Witt (2001), 'Factors Influencing Demand for International Tourism: Tourism Demand Analysis Using Structural Equation Modelling, Revisited', Tourism Economics, 7 (1), 21-38 -- ChristineLim and MichaelMcAleer (2001), 'Cointegration Analysis of Quarterly Tourism Demand by Hong Kong and Singapore for Australia', Applied Economics, 33 (12), 1599-619 -- NadaKulendran and Kevin K.F.Wong (2005), 'Modeling Seasonality in Tourism Forecasting', Journal of Travel Research, 44 (2), November, 163-70 -- HaiyanSong and Kevin K.F.Wong (2003), 'Tourism Demand Modeling: A Time-Varying Parameter Approach', Journal of Travel Research, 42 (1), August, 57-64 , Isabel Cortés-Jiménez, Ramesh Durbarry and ManuelaPulina (2009), 'Estimation of Outbound Italian Tourism Demand: A Monthly Dynamic EC-LAIDS Model', Tourism Economics, 15 (3), September, 547-65 -- NeeluSeetaram (2010), 'Use of Dynamic Panel Cointegration Approach to Model International Arrivals to Australia', Journal of Travel Research, 49 (4), November, 414-22 -- JoaquıńAlegre and LlorençPou (2006), 'The Length of Stay in the Demand for Tourism', Tourism Management, 27 (6), December, 1343-55 -- J.M.Espinet, M.Saez, G.Coenders and M.Fluvià (2003), 'Effect on Prices of the Attributes of Holiday Hotels: A Hedonic Prices Approach', Tourism Economics, 9 (2), June, 165-77 -- Yoav Wachsman (2006), 'Strategic Interactions Among Firms in Tourist Destinations', Tourism Economics, 12 (4), December, 531-41 -- Stephen Wanhill (2006), 'Some Economics of Staging Festivals: The Case of Opera Festivals', Tourism Culture & Communication, 6 (2), 137-49 -- , Serguei Kaniovski, Michael Peneder and Egon Smeral (2008), 'Determinants of Firm Survival in the Austrian Accommodation Sector', Tourism Economics, 14 (3), September, 527-43 -- Haiyan Song, Shu Yang and George Q.Huang (2009), 'Price Interactions Between Theme Park and Tour Operator', Tourism Economics, 15 (4), December, 813-24 -- Jenny Cave, Kartick Gupta and Stuart Locke (2009), 'Supply-Side Investments: An International Analysis of the Return and Risk Relationship in the Travel & Leisure Sector', Tourism Management, 30 (5), October, 665-73 -- Peter Forsyth (2006), 'Martin Kunz Memorial Lecture: Tourism Benefits and Aviation Policy', Journal of Air Transport Management, 12 (1), January, 3-13 -- Clive L.Morley (2007), 'Research Note: Implications for Regional Destinations of New Airline Strategies', Tourism Economics, 13 (3), September, 475-80 -- , Andreas Papatheodorou and Zheng Lei (2006), 'Leisure Travel in Europe and Airline Business Models: A Study of Regional Airports in Great Britain', Journal of Air Transport Management, 12 (1), January, 47-52 -- Belén Rey, Rafael L.Myro and Asun Galera (2011), 'Effect of Low-Cost Airlines on Tourism in Spain. A Dynamic Panel Data Model', Journal of Air Transport Management, 17 (3), May, 163-67 -- Daniel Albalate and Germà Bel (2010), 'Tourism and Urban Public Transport: Holding Demand Pressure Under Supply Constraints', Tourism Management, 31 (3), June, 425-33 -- Neelu Seetaram (2010), 'Computing Airfare Elasticities or Opening Pandora's Box', Research in Transportation Economics, 26 (1), 27-36 -- Nishaal Gooroochurn and M. TheaSinclair (2005), 'Economics of Tourism Taxation: Evidence from Mauritius', Annals of Tourism Research, 32 (2), April, 478-98 -- , Li Sheng and Yanming Tsui (2009), 'Taxing Tourism: Enhancing or Reducing Welfare?', Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17 (5), September, 627-35 -- Nishaal Gooroochurn and Thea Sinclair (2008), 'Commodity Taxation in the Presence of Tourists', Tourism Economics, 14 (4), December, 839-56 -- Peter Forsyth and Larry Dwyer (2002) 'Market Power and the Taxation of Domestic and International Tourism', Tourism Economics, 8 (4), December, 377-99 , Ramesh Durbarry (2008), 'Tourism Taxes: Implications for Tourism Demand in the UK', Review of Development Economics, 12 (1), 21-36 -- Claudio A.G.Piga (2003), 'Pigouvian Taxation in Tourism', Environmental and Resource Economics, 26 (3), 343-59 -- Richard S.J.Tol (2007), 'The Impact of a Carbon Tax on International Tourism', Transportation Research Part D: Transport and the Environment, 12 (2), March, 129-42 -- Pedro Pintassilgo and João Albino Silva (2007), '"Tragedy of the Commons" in the Tourism Accommodation Industry', Tourism Economics, 13 (2), June, 209-24 -- Robert J.Johnston and Timothy J.Tyrrell (2005), 'A Dynamic Model of Sustainable Tourism', Journal of Travel Research, 44 (2), November, 124-34 -- Ester Blanco, Javier Rey-Maquieira and Javier Lozano (2009), 'Economic Incentives for Tourism Firms to Undertake Voluntary Environmental Management', Tourism Management, 30 (1), February, 112-22 -- , Patrizia Riganti and Peter Nijkamp (2008), 'Congestion in Popular Tourist Areas: A Multi-Attribute Experimental Choice Analysis of Willingness-to-Wait in Amsterdam', Tourism Economics, 14 (1), March, 25-44 -- Carmelo J. León, Juan M.Hernández and Matías González (2007), 'Economic Welfare, the Environment and the Tourist Product Life Cycle', Tourism Economics, 13 (4), December, 583-601 -- Javier Lozano, Carlos M. Gómez and Javier Rey-Maquieira (2008), 'The TALC Hypothesis and Economic Growth Theory', Tourism Economics, 14 (4), December, 727-49 -- Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth, Ray Spurr and Serajul Hoque (2010), 'Estimating the Carbon Footprint of Australian Tourism', Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18 (3), April, 355-76 -- Christer Thrane (2008), 'Earnings Differentiation in the Tourism Industry: Gender, Human Capital and Socio-Demographic Effects', Tourism Management, 29 (3), June, 514-24 -- , Adelaida Lillo-Bañuls and José M. Casado-Díaz (2010), 'Rewards to Education in the Tourism Sector: One Step Ahead', Tourism Economics, 16 (1), March, 11-23 -- Juan Antonio Campos-Soria, Bienvenido Ortega-Aguaza and Miguel Angel Ropero-García (2009), 'Gender Segregation and Wage Difference in the Hospitality Industry', Tourism Economics, 15 (4), December, 847-66 -- Chi-Chur Chao, Bharat R. Hazari, Jean-Pierre Laffargue and Eden S.H. Yu (2009), 'A Dynamic Model of Tourism, Employment and Welfare: The Case of Hong Kong', Pacific Economic Review, 14 (2), May, 232-45 -- Jacint Balaguer and Manuel Cantavella-Jordá (2002), 'Tourism as a Long-Run Economic Growth Factor: The Spanish Case', Applied Economics, 34 (7), 877-84 -- Paolo Figini and Laura Vici (2010), 'Tourism and Growth in a Cross Section of Countries', Tourism Economics, 16(4), December, 789-805 -- , Chien-Chiang Lee and Chun-Ping Chang (2008), 'Tourism Development and Economic Growth: A Closer Look at Panels', Tourism Management, 29 (1), February, 180-92 -- Sara Proença and Elias Soukiazis (2008), 'Tourism as an Economic Growth Factor: A Case Study for Southern European Countries', Tourism Economics, 14 (4), December, 791-806 -- Pedro M.D.C.B. Gouveia and Paulo M.M. Rodrigues (2005), 'Dating and Synchronizing Tourism Growth Cycles', Tourism Economics, 11 (4), December, 501-15 , Jean-Jacques Nowak, Sylvain Petit and Mondher Sahli (2010), 'Tourism and Globalization: The International Division of Tourism Production', Journal of Travel Research, 49 (2), May, 228-45 -- Salvador Gil-Pareja, Rafael Llorca-Vivero and José Antonio Martínez-Serrano (2007), 'The Effect of EMU on Tourism', Review of International Economics, 15 (2), May, 302-12 -- Chi-Chur Chao, Bharat R. Hazari and Eden S.H. Yu (2010), 'Quotas, Spillovers, and the Transfer Paradox in an Economy with Tourism', Review of International Economics, 18 (2), May, 243-49 -- Chi-Chur Chao, Bharat R. Hazari, Jean-Pierre Laffargue, Pasquale M. Sgro and Eden S.H. Yu (2006), 'Tourism, Dutch Disease and Welfare in an Open Dynamic Economy', Japanese Economic Review, 57 (4), December, 501-15 -- Jean-Jacques Nowak, Mondher Sahli and Isabel Cortés-Jiménez (2007), 'Tourism, Capital Good Imports and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence for Spain', Tourism Economics, 13 (4), December, 515-36 -- , Mondher Sahli and Jean-Jacques Nowak (2007), 'Does Inbound Tourism Benefit Developing Countries? A Trade Theoretic Approach', Journal of Travel Research, 45 (4), May, 426-34 -- Adam Blake, Jorge Saba Arbache, M. Thea Sinclair and Vladimir Teles (2008), 'Tourism and Poverty Relief', Annals of Tourism Research, 35 (1), January, 107-26 -- Anan Wattanakuljarus and Ian Coxhead (2008), 'Is Tourism-Based Development Good for the Poor? A General Equilibrium Analysis for Thailand', Journal of Policy Modeling, 30 (6), November-December, 929-55 -- Robertico Croes and Manuel Vanegas, Sr. (2008), 'Cointegration and Causality between Tourism and Poverty Reduction', Journal of Travel Research, 47 (1), August, 94-103 -- Rinaldo Brau, Alessandro Lanza and Francesco Pigliaru (2007), 'How Fast are Small Tourism Countries Growing? Evidence from the Data for 1980-2003', Tourism Economics, 13 (4), December, 603-13 -- , Diaram Ramjee Singh (2009), 'Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Tourism and Economic Development', Tourism Analysis, 13 (5-6), 629-36 -- Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth, John Madden and Ray Spurr (2000), 'Economic Impacts of Inbound Tourism under Different Assumptions Regarding the Macroeconomy', Current Issues in Tourism, 3 (4), 325-63 -- Adam Blake (2009), 'The Dynamics of Tourism's Economic Impact', Tourism Economics, 15 (3), September, 615-28 -- Stefan F. Schubert and Juan Gabriel Brida (2009), 'Macroeconomic Effects of Changes in Tourism Demand: A Simple Dynamic Model', Tourism Economics, 15 (3), September, 591-613 -- Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Ray Spurr (2004), 'Evaluating Tourism's Economic Effects: New and Old Approaches', Tourism Management, 25 (3), June, 307-17 -- Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Ray Spurr (2005), 'Estimating the Impacts of Special Events on an Economy', Journal of Travel Research, 43 (4), May, 351-59 -- , John R. Madden (2006), 'Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Mega Sporting Events: A General Equilibrium Assessment', Public Finance and Management, 6 (3), 346-94 -- Nenad Njegovan (2006), 'Are Shocks to Air Passenger Traffic Permanent or Transitory? Implications for Long-Term Air Passenger Forecasts for the UK', Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 40 (Part 2), May, 315-28 -- Adam Blake and M. Thea Sinclair (2003), 'Tourism Crisis Management: US Response to September 11', Annals of Tourism Research, 30 (4), October, 813-32 , Xianming Meng, Mahinda Siriwardana, Brian Dollery and Stuart Mounter (2010), 'The Impact of the 2008 World Financial Crisis on Tourism and the Singapore Economy and Policy Responses: A CGE Analysis', International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 1 (1), June, 46-53 -- Haiyan Song and Shanshan Lin (2010), 'Impacts of the Financial and Economic Crisis on Tourism in Asia', Journal of Travel Research, 49 (1), February, 16-30 -- Djauhari Pambudi, Nathalie McCaughey and Russell Smyth (2009), 'Computable General Equilibrium Estimates of the Impact of the Bali Bombing on the Indonesian Economy', Tourism Management, 30 (2), April, 232-39 -- Paresh Kumar Narayan and Biman Chand Prasad (2007), 'The Long-Run Impact of Coups on Fiji's Economy: Evidence From a Computable General Equilibrium Model', Journal of International Development, 19 (2), 149-60 -- , Adam Blake, M. Thea Sinclair and Guntur Sugiyarto (2003), 'Quantifying the Impact of Foot and Mouth Disease on Tourism and the UK Economy', Tourism Economics, 9 (4), December, 449-65 -- Maria Francesca Cracolici, Peter Nijkamp and Piet Rietveld (2008), 'Assessment of Tourism Competitiveness by Analysing Destination Efficiency', Tourism Economics, 14 (2), June, 325-42 -- Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2002), 'Destination Price Competitiveness: Exchange Rate Changes versus Domestic Inflation', Journal of Travel Research, 40 (3), February, 328-36 -- Nicolas Peypoch (2007), 'On Measuring Tourism Productivity', Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 12 (3), September, 237-44 -- Adam Blake, M. Thea Sinclair and Juan Antonio Campos Soria (2006), 'Tourism Productivity: Evidence from the United Kingdom', Annals of Tourism Research, 33 (4), October, 1099-120 -- , Carlos P. Barros and Fernando P. Alves (2004), 'Productivity in the Tourism Industry', International Advances in Economic Research, 10 (3), August, 215-25 -- Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2000), 'The Price Competitiveness of Travel and Tourism: A Comparison of 19 Destinations', Tourism Management, 21 (1), February, 9-22 -- Larry Dwyer and Peter Forsyth (2008), 'Economic Measures of Tourism Yield: What Markets to Target?', International Journal of Tourism Research, 10 (2), March-April, 155-68 , This two-volume work comprises a selection of seminal articles published over the past decade that have significantly advanced the study of tourism economics. The papers have been selected for their theoretical contributions as well as their contribution to informed policy making. Volume I comprises articles representing advances in the areas of demand modelling, forecasting, supply, pricing, taxation and the environment. Volume II comprises articles which make advances in the areas of tourism and economic growth, trade, development, impacts and destination competitiveness. This authoritative collection, along with an original introduction by the editors, will have particular appeal to university instructors, researchers, graduate students and tourism economists in private sector and policy-making organisations
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