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1st ed
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- About the Editors and Contributors -- Abbreviations -- OVERVIEW -- Introduction -- Latin America and the Caribbean's poor international integration and limited participation in GVCs have contributed to its low economic growth over the past decade -- Although Latin American and Caribbean countries increasingly participate in PTAs, the content and depth of these agreements are uneven -- DTAs present an avenue for promoting trade and boosting GVC integration and upgrading, thus contributing to improved economic performance -- Four areas of deep integration-trade facilitation, regulatory cooperation, services, and state support-are priorities to improve Latin American and Caribbean countries' GVC participation and upgrading -- Notes -- References -- 1 TRADE AND GVC INTEGRATION IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN -- Key messages -- Introduction -- Trade integration in Latin America and the Caribbean -- GVC integration in Latin America and the Caribbean -- The main source and destination regions for Latin American and Caribbean trade -- What determines GVC participation? -- Annex 1A: Supplementary figures and tables -- Notes -- References -- 2 DEEP TRADE AGREEMENTS: PROMOTING TRADE AND GVC INTEGRATION -- Key messages -- Introduction -- The rising trend in preferential trade agreements -- Patterns of deep integration in Latin America and the Caribbean -- Economic impact of deep trade agreements in Latin America and the Caribbean -- DTA content and GVC integration in Latin America and the Caribbean -- Annex 2A: Supplementary tables and figures -- Notes -- References -- 3 TRADE FACILITATION: SIMPLIFYING AND HARMONIZING PROCEDURES -- Key messages -- Introduction -- The benefits of trade facilitation -- Regional context
Trade facilitation through DTAs -- Impact of trade facilitation provisions on GVCs: An econometric analysis -- Implementation challenges and case study -- Conclusion and policy recommendations -- Annex 3A: Supplementary tables -- Annex 3B: Task facilitation provisions in deep trade agreements: Detailed questions -- Notes -- References -- 4 REGULATORY COOPERATION: REDUCING THE TRADE COSTS OF NONTARIFF MEASURES -- Key messages -- Introduction -- SPS and TBT measures: The role of PTAs in promoting regulatory convergence -- Nontariff measures in Latin America and the Caribbean -- SPS and TBT measures in PTAs: Integration patterns in Latin America and the Caribbean -- The impacts on trade and GVCs of integrating SPS and TBT provisions -- Implementing deep regulatory cooperation in selected Latin American and Caribbean PTAs -- Conclusion -- Annex 4A: A classification of nontariff measures -- Annex 4B: SPS and TBT notifications to the World Trade Organization -- Annex 4C: SPS and TBT provisions in PTAs -- Annex 4D: Aggregate impacts on bilateral trade of SPS and TBT provisions in PTAs -- Annex 4E: Impacts of SPS and TBT provisions in PTAs on firm-level bilateral exports -- Notes -- References -- 5 SERVICES TRADE: REDUCING SKILL AND TECHNOLOGY CONSTRAINTS -- Key messages -- Introduction -- The complexity of services trade agreements -- Services in the evolving global economy -- Services in Latin American and Caribbean GVCs -- Latin American and Caribbean deep trade agreements and services in GVCs -- Conclusion and policy implications -- Notes -- References -- 6 STATE SUPPORT: IMPROVING ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE -- Key messages -- Introduction -- Understanding the impact of state support -- Subsidies, SOEs, and competition in Latin America and the Caribbean -- Subsidy, SOE, and competition policy regulations in trade agreements
Leveraging PTAs to improve policy transparency -- Cooperation on behind-the-border regulation in PTAs -- Private sector engagement: GVC partnerships as inputs and complements to PTA regulations -- Conclusion -- Annex 6A: Supplementary figures -- Notes -- References -- 7 LEVERAGING DEEP TRADE AGREEMENTS TO PROMOTE GVC INTEGRATION -- Introduction -- An agenda of priorities for reform -- Boxes -- 1.1 Export growth in relation to GVC participation during the COVID-19 pandemic -- 2.1 Preferential tariff liberalization in Latin America and the Caribbean -- 3.1 The Costa Rica-El Salvador ferry project -- 3.2 Empirical specification for the impact of PTA trade facilitation provisions on trade -- 3.3 The single-document FYDUCA process -- 4.1 Nontariff measures in Colombia -- 4.2 The impact on aggregate trade of SPS measures and TBT provisions in PTAs -- 4.3 Eliminating technical obstacles to trade for cosmetic products in the Pacific Alliance -- 4.4 Factors that can help effectively advance regulatory cooperation in PTAs -- 5.1 Digital services in PTAs -- 5.2 Specific commitments and the "water": Evidence from Brazil -- Figures -- O.1 Trade and GDP growth, Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, 2000-18 -- O.2 Latin American and Caribbean countries typically sign deeper agreements with extraregional partners and shallower agreements with intraregional partners, selected years -- O.3 GVC-related trade is higher for countries with deeper agreements -- 1.1 Latin American and Caribbean trade and GDP growth-below that of comparator regions, 2000-18 -- 1.2 Trade in goods and services as a percentage of GDP in Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, 2018 -- 1.3 Export activity in relation to economic and demographic measures, in selected countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, annual averages
1.4 Density of exporters in selected countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions -- 1.5 Commodities, food, and manufactures as a share of goods exports in Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, 2018 -- 1.6 Commodities versus manufactures as a share of goods exports and product concentration in selected countries, Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, 2018 -- 1.7 Shares of selected sectors in total goods exports, Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, 2018 -- 1.8 Shares of high-tech goods and nontravel services in exports, by selected comparator regions and GVC group -- 1.9 Forward and backward GVC participation, by region and GVC taxonomy group, 2000 versus 2015 -- 1.10 Backward and forward GVC participation in Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, by country, 2015 -- 1.11 Backward and forward GVC participation in Latin America and the Caribbean and selected comparator regions, by sector, 2015 -- 1.12 Decomposition of sectoral contributions to backward and forward GVC participation in Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, 2015 -- 1.13 Share of exporters and average size of GVC participating firms in selected Latin America and Caribbean and comparator countries -- 1.14 Average number of products and destinations of GVC participating firms relative to exporter-only firms in selected Latin American and Caribbean and comparator countries -- B1.1.1 Growth of exports to selected major markets in January-June 2020 in relation to forward and backward GVC participation of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions -- 1.15 Distribution of total imported inputs in exports, by source region, 2005 versus 2015
1.16 Sources of imported inputs for GVC participating firms in Latin American and Caribbean countries and selected European and Central Asian countries -- 1.17 Distribution of total domestic value added in exports, by partner region, 2000 versus 2015 -- 1A.1 Exports and imports of goods and services as a share of GDP in Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, by country, 2018 -- 1A.2 Share of top exporters versus GDP per capita in Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, by country -- 1A.3 Export share of high-tech goods versus export sophistication in Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, by country, 2018 -- 1A.4 Decomposition of sectoral contributions to GVC participation in Latin America and the Caribbean, by country, 2015 -- 1A.5 Backward and forward GVC participation in Latin America and the Caribbean and comparator regions, by sector, 2000 -- 2.1 Globally, PTAs accelerated in the 1990s, reaching more than 300 by 2019 -- B2.1.1 Trade-weighted average tariffs in Latin America and the Caribbean, by country, 2018 -- B2.1.2 Trade-weighted average tariffs in Latin America and the Caribbean, by partner location, 2018 -- 2.2 Number and coverage ratios of PTAs in Latin America and the Caribbean, selected years -- 2.3 Intraregional PTAs of Latin American and Caribbean countries tend to be shallower in both essential and complementary provisions than the extraregional PTAs, 2017 -- 2.4 Of all Latin American and Caribbean exports under a PTA in 2017-19, less than a fifth went to a regional partner -- 2.5 Percentage of exported domestic value added going from Latin American and Caribbean countries to PTA partners and nonpartners, 2000 to 2015 -- 2.6 Share of domestic value added exported to PTA partners, by agreement and by member country, 2015
2.7 Percentage of GVC firms' imported inputs from PTA partners or nonpartners, by Latin American and Caribbean importing country
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Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe Rocha, Nadia Deep Trade Agreements Washington, D. C. : World Bank Publications,c2022 ISBN 9781464818240