1 DVD-Video (86 Min.)
Series Statement:
Filmedition Werner Herzog
Uniform Title:
Echos aus einem düsteren Reich
"Echoes from a Somber Empire" follows journalist Michael Goldsmith, who was imprisoned and tortured by mad dictator Jean Bedel Bokassa of Central Africa, as he tries to make sense of his experiences from the perspective of more than a decade. Goldsmith interviews Bokassa's wives (he is estimated to have had as many as 54), his children, his political enemies and others who knew him but he is compelled, like the Ancient Mariner, to tell them his story almost as if he cannot believe it himself. Interspersed with Goldsmith's interviews is archival footage of Bokassa's reign. Eerily, these scenes are silent save for the beautiful, contemplative music Herzog uses in the background. []
enthält außerdem:
Maßnahmen gegen Fanatiker [Precautions Against Fanatics] (1969)
〈〈Die〉〉 beispiellose Verteidigung der Festung Deutschkreutz [The Unprecedented Defence of the Fortress Deutschkreutz] (1966)
franz. / UT: dt. ; engl. ; franz. ; ital. ; span. ; portug. ; russ. ; türk. ; arab. ; chines.