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  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Amsterdam, Netherlands :Elsevier,
    Format: 1 online resource (300 p.)
    ISBN: 0-08-100424-9 , 0-08-100405-2
    Note: Description based upon print version of record. , Front Cover; VOLCANIC ASH; VOLCANIC ASH; Copyright; Contents; List of Contributors; 1 - Introduction; 1. VOLCANIC ASH: HAZARD OBSERVATION; 2 - Volcanic Ash: Generation and Spatial Variations; 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. AN OVERVIEW OF ASH FORMATION AND ERUPTION STYLES; 2.1 Ash Formation; 2.2 Eruptions and Tephra Deposits; 3. TEPHRA COMPONENTS AND COMPOSITION; 3.1 Composition; 3.2 Ash Components; 4. SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIATIONS IN THE GRAIN SIZE OF VOLCANIC DEPOSITS; 4.1 Deposit Thickness and Grain Size; 4.2 Ultra-Distal Ash; 4.3 Airborne Ash Measurements , 5. ASH SHAPE, DENSITY, AND SETTLING VELOCITY5.1 Ash Shape; 5.2 Particle Density; 5.3 Settling Velocities; 6. IMPLICATIONS FOR ASH TRACKING AND FORECASTING; 3 - Observations of Ash on the Ground; 1 - Field Observations of Tephra Fallout Deposits; 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. FALLOUT DEPOSITS; 3. PIECING TOGETHER THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD OF PAST ERUPTIONS; 4. MEASURING THE SCALE OF ERUPTIONS; 5. MAPPING FALLOUT DEPOSITS; 6. VOLCANO METRICS: ERUPTION SIZE; 7. VOLCANO METRICS: ERUPTION INTENSITY; 8. QUANTIFYING ERUPTED VOLUMES FROM SPARSE FIELD OBSERVATIONS , 9. OBSERVATIONS OF HISTORICAL AND ANCIENT FALLOUT DEPOSITS10. ERRORS AND UNCERTAINTIES; 11. PRESERVATION POTENTIAL AND CRYPTOTEPHRA; 12. CONCLUSIONS; Acknowledgments; 2 - Aerodynamics of Volcanic Particles: Characterization of Size, Shape, and Settling Velocity; 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. PARTICLE SIZE CHARACTERIZATION; 2.1 Volume; 2.2 Surface Area; 3. PARTICLE SHAPE CHARACTERIZATION; 3.1 Form; 3.2 Sphericity; 4. TERMINAL VELOCITY AND DRAG COEFFICIENT OF VOLCANIC PARTICLES; 4.1 Evaluation of Drag Coefficient Models; 4.2 Variation of Drag Coefficient and Terminal Velocity With Particle Size , 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUDING REMARKSAcknowledgments; 3 - Ash Aggregation in Volcanic Clouds; 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. ASH AGGREGATE TYPES; 2.1 Particle Clusters; 2.2 Accretionary Pellets; 2.3 Liquid Ash Pellets; 3. OBSERVATIONS OF ASH AGGREGATES FALLING FROM RECENT VOLCANIC CLOUDS; 3.1 May 18, 1980, Eruption of Mount St. Helens, USA; 3.2 1995-99 Eruptions at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat; 3.3 Icelandic Eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010 and Grímsvötn in 2011; 3.4 March 2009 Eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, USA; 4. TEXTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AGGREGATED ASH DEPOSITS , 4.1 Characteristics of Aggregates in Ash Fall Deposits4.2 Characteristics of Aggregates in Pyroclastic Density Current Deposits; 5. OVERVIEW OF AGGREGATE FORMATION IN VOLCANIC ASH CLOUDS; 5.1 Binding Mechanisms; 5.2 Cloud Microphysical Processes; 6. SUMMARY; 4 - Contribution of Fine Ash to the Atmosphere From Plumes Associated With Pyroclastic Density Currents; 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. OVERVIEW; 2.1 Ignimbrite-Forming Eruptions; 2.2 Plinian Eruptions; 2.3 Intermediate Size Eruptions; 2.4 Dome Collapse Events; 2.5 Summary; 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF CO-PYROCLASTIC DENSITY CURRENT DEPOSITS , 3.1 Stratigraphy
    Language: English
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