Online-Ressource (XVI, 414 S.)
Series Statement:
Supplements Volume 19
The Pulitzer Prize for the most significant book on American history has been awarded each year since 1917, and is thus among the most traditional of the honours. Chronicle of the Pulitzer Prizes for History, the first supplement volume, documents the complete history of the development of the awards in this category from 1917 to 2005. The presentation is mainly based on primary sources from the Pulitzer Prize Office at the New York Columbia University. The most important sources are the confidential jury protocols, reproduced completely as facsimiles for the first time in this volume, and providing detailed information about each year's evaluation process.
Der Pulitzer-Preis für das jeweils bedeutendste Buch zur amerikanischen Geschichte wird seit 1917 verliehen und zählt damit zu den traditionsreichsten dieser Auszeichnungen. Chronicle of the Pulitzer Prizes for History, der erste Supplement-Band, dokumentiert die komplette Entwicklungsgeschichte der Preisverleihungen in dieser Kategorie von 1917 bis 2005. Die Darstellung basiert auf Primärquellen aus dem Pulitzer-Preis-Büro an der New Yorker Columbia-Universität. Die wichtigste Quelle sind die vertraulichen Jury-Protokolle, die im vorliegenden Band zum ersten Mal komplett als Faksimiles reproduziert werden und detailliert Auskunft über das jeweilige jährliche Bewertungsverfahren geben.. - The Pulitzer Prize for the most significant book on American history has been awarded each year since 1917, and is thus among the most traditional of the honours. Chronicle of the Pulitzer Prizes for History, the first supplement volume, documents the complete history of the development of the awards in this category from 1917 to 2005. The presentation is mainly based on primary sources from the Pulitzer Prize Office at the New York Columbia University. The most important sources are the confidential jury protocols, reproduced completely as facsimiles for the first time in this volume, and providing detailed information about each year's evaluation process.
In English
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783598301896
Additional Edition:
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe The Pulitzer Prize archive ; 19 : Pt. G, Supplements: Chronicle of the Pulitzer Prizes for History München : Saur, 2005 ISBN 3598301898
Additional Edition:
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe Chronicle of the Pulitzer Prizes for History