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  • 1
    Lexington, Kentucky : The University Press of Kentucky
    Format: ix, 289 Seiten , 24 cm
    ISBN: 0813125448 , 9780813125442
    Note: Literaturverzeichnis: Seiten 253-260 , Extreme makeover and the classical logic of transformation , Smart, funny and romantic? : femininity and feminist gestures in chick flicks , From Madonna to Lilith and back again : women, feminists, and pop music in the United States , The reformer and her work : transgression, alienation, and feminine identity in the police procedural , The city, the suburbs, and stars hollow : the return of the evening soap opera , Why are all the presidents men? : televisual presidents and patriarchy , Baby lit : feminist response to the cult of true motherhood , Supermom : the age of the pregnant assassin , The mommy track versus having it all : the reality of the modern workplace , It was chick lit all along : the gendering of a genre , The personal is political : women's magazines for the "I'm-not-a-feminist-but" generation , The money, honey : the rise of the female anchor, the female reporter and women in the news business
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9780813173405
    Language: English
    Subjects: Ethnology , Sociology
    Keywords: USA ; Frau ; Frauenbild ; Feminismus ; Frauenemanzipation ; USA ; Frauenbild ; Feminismus ; Politik ; Aufsatzsammlung
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